Tzeentch Daemonkin edition
>General's Handbook pdf is up
>OP image album
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Tzeentch Daemonkin edition
>General's Handbook pdf is up
>OP image album
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Bringing this question from the shunned thread
>So what's the point of getting two Paladin primes in the starter and start collecting boxes, can I make 5 regular ones with the normal paladin box to even the numbers out?
You could lower it to 1-2 but 500 points is limited as fuck all by itself. No behemoths would be a good rule though.
Yeah that's the idea, you can make 5 retributors out of those two boxes
And no you wouldn't have to buy a whole extra paladin box to fix up the 5, I would definitely recommend it so you get 10 retributors though. You'll have to convert two extra star soul maces but that's easy
Yeah already working on it
This is the mace heads I came up with and thinking of just popping them on the hammer handles, cutting the hammer part and leaving the decoration
Yeah looks good. Get ten retributors and 4 of those bad boys and you'll be putting the hurt on most enemies
>Tzeench daemonkin
a thing?
pls ?
Tzeentch arcanites are getting a lot of mention in fluff. It's possible they'll get an update of some kind.
Considering I'm currently building my Slave to Darkness Army around a Gaunt Summoner and giving the majority of my warriors and knights marks of Tzeentch, I damn well hope so!
>be me
>start AoS 3 months ago
>get 2000 pts of Chaos (bloodbound, nugle daemons, khorne daemons, slaves to darkness)
>paint all my shit
>lose all my matches accept for one team match
>leave AoS and go back to 40gay because at least there i win one out of every 4
Winning every match isnt important-- but LOSING EVERYONE IS!
Tbh chaos will get shit stomped less in AoS compared to the thrashing you'll get in 40k
WHat is the most fun faction?
Well this looks violent af
I was browsing the shop now, the age of sigmar part.
Chaos no longer uses daemon princes???
I took my ironjawz agains some sylvaneth in a casual battle at 1000pts yesterday.
Is it me or those things have way better rules then most of the other factions? My orcs could not do shit and sylvaneth have plenty of mortal wounds and magic
>He wants to win
Play marines then. That stays true in both systems.
as the saying goes..
>Git Gud
I can't find him under Slaves to Darkness or Chaos Daemons, but he still appears when you select "All Forces of Chaos"
I like that colour scheme for stormcast, probably going to steal it for mine
>tfw going to break up with my girlfriend so I'll have time to full paint at a good standard my 1500p Skryre army just in time for a regional tournament
it's like sitting in a pool of piss?
Yes. Both feel good
These were my inspiration
And more of mine
Hmmm not really sold on the capes, and paint looks a little thick, but not too much.
Have you tried achieving black by priming the model gray, painting golden trims and then washing the primer with Nuln oil?
Gives you an effect similar to their base color on the reference pic you posted.
I like the colour scheme of black armor with gold trim but I think your implementation is... lacking
>not sold on the capes
That's because those two aren't wearing any capes.
Ya, loincloths, whatever. You know what I mean
Anyone have How To Paint Stormcast pdf? It's not in the OP
Yeah I reworked the leather and I'm fine with the quality for table top and hopefully will get better while I perfect the formula.
What do you guys think it would be better arm bullgors with?
2 axes: 3/4+/3+/-1/2 reroll 1s to hit
Bigaxe: 2/4+/3+/-2/3
-2 rend and 3 dmg consumes units and monsters alike. I'd go with that
Maybe its because your lord looks like a dank meme?
What do you think of this SE army? I think the collegiate arcane units boost the survival of the already tacky liberators, allowing me to get more mileage with less units and fielding more costly powerful units. I was debating on swapping the vexillor with a venator/axyros or another group of paladins, however I do want to utilize the model.
1980/2000 points
Leader (600pts)
Battlemage (100pts) [Jade]
Battlemage (100pts) [Amber]
Knight-Vexillor (200pts)
Lord-Castellant (100pts)
Lord-Celestant (100pts)
Behemoth (320pts)
Celestial Hurricanum (320pts)
Battleline (520pts)
5 Judicators (160pts)
5 Judicators (160pts)
5 Liberators (100pts)
5 Liberators (100pts
Other (400pts)
5 Decimators (200pts)
5 Protectors (200pts)
Battalion (140pts)
Battalion: The Skyborne Slayers (140pts)
Can a hit and run playing style with Wanderers a viable playing style?
Glade guard, Warhawks, Glade riders?
I'm new to the game and just figuring the game out. I have the following and want to give it a go.
1 Mounted lord
2 Mages
30 Glade guard
30 Dryads
8 Glade riders
4 Warhawk riders
I also have some the stormcast from the starter box but I'm looking at making a 1,000 point list. Something I can take to a random local club and pick up a reasonable game.
Could someone also point me to the spell lists and faction bonuses that would apply to me? I have the pdfs but haven't read the rules yet.
I still think that is a decent amount of damage to be dishing out.
I can't think of many that can beat it. Free Guilder General on Griffin with Sigmarite Greathammer, with Obsidiante Blade?
That makes it -3 Rend. Which is neat.
Well, as somebody kindly worked out last thread, a Spirit of Durthur is 3/3+/3+, give it another +1A with legendary fighter. It's weapon does 6 damage at max health. Then give +1 Damage weapon. So 4 attacks at 7 damage, -2 rend. In the woods he's possibly going to add 3 more attacks. That's a lot of dead things.
Not perfect, obviously.
I've always wanted to make a Gorechosen which is 5 Blood Secrators, 2 Skullgrinders and the Deathbringer. All plant their stands for +5A to the Skullgrinders. The unit gets +1A formation bonus. Deathbringer gets +2A if the general is there as well. That's 8 extra attacks.
But obvioulsy not available in Matched Play. Same as plonking down 5 Astrolith Bearers and casting pretty much constantly. Not that Seraphon are any good now lel.
Is this playable? I haven't played AoS, but I have these from 40k.
+++ AoS Horrors (1000pts) +++
····Tzeentch Daemons
Herald of Tzeentch
The Changeling
Pink Horrors of Tzeentch [10 Pink Horrors]
Pink Horrors of Tzeentch [10 Pink Horrors]
Pink Horrors of Tzeentch [10 Pink Horrors]
Exalted Flamers of Tzeentch [Exalted Flamer]
Flamers of Tzeentch [3 Flamers]
We're you using Rampaging Destroyer and the Ironfist battalion bonus? I wouldn't know how to deal with them without an extra 2d6 movement.
Also did you try the scenery raper command bonus to chop down their woods?
Good playable? I don't want to be a cheese lord or anything, but I don't want to be a wet noodle.
Play test it and come back, let us know. I've seen one other player play a tzeentch list, but i beat it through positioning.
What are all of the gods in the Mortal Realms?
His brother Sigmar
and their best friend for lyfe SIGMAR
>my face when whineseer still dead
>my face when whineseer is dead as Brimstone
Sigmar= Leader of past pantheon of gods, orchestrating Stormcast reclamation of realms
Grungni=Fucked off and holed up in the Irom Karak with some duardin. Have Sigmar technology to hurl Stormcast into mortal realms
Grimnir=BTFO, exploded when he and the mother of all salamanders, Vulcatrix, clashed, she also exploded. He's now spread across the realms in the form of ur-gold, which the Fyreslayers collect.
Nagash=Recently came back after having to recuperate in the underworld from Archaon smashing him and the realm of death to bits. Switches between villain and ally to Sigmar and Stormcast, to make them wary of him. Is currently building the largest Black Pyramid ever, which he'll use to claim the souls of anyone who dies in the realm of death, including chaos worshippers and Stormcast.
Alarielle:Fucked off to the realm of life to protect her bark babies. Failed, wandered Ghyran, until Stormcast showed up. Gets killed and turns into a seed, which then gets planted in a spot where some sick badasses fought against chaos. Gets reborn as her summer aspect, a warrior queen who's leading the push by the few remaining Sylvaneth forces to kick Nurgle out of Ghyran, for good.
GorkaMorka:Twin headed God of destruction. Girl and Mork combined, except when they split apart to fight or something. Hasn't done much, but created Gordrak, who's leading a fuckhueg WAAAGH made up of anyone who's in for a good time. Factions of destruction see different aspects of him, Spiderfang grots worship the legend of a spider that bit GorkaMorka and gained GorkaMorka powers. Firebellies worship the tale of how he ate a sun and they want to follow in his foot steps.
Malekith (Malerion): God of the realm of shadows, gifted Sigmar the training playground the Stormcast use. Helped Teclis and Tyrion capture Slaanesh. His mom is also around and is still fucking weird demons, although they're now shadow demons
Teclis and Tyrion: Tyrion is now a god, the lord of light specifically, but is blind. He can now only see through Teclis' eyes, who is also a god. Joined and eventually abandoned Sigmar's pantheon. Led the journey to find aelves outside Azyrheim, which led them to capturing Slaanesh. Aelves have been popping up in the other realms since them. Make of that as you will.
Dracthian: Big star drake that helped Sigmar find and conquer the mortal realms. Father/mother of all star drakes and dracoths, rebirths them when they die and their soul returns to him. Has some bitch ass sons, like Ignax and Argentine, but probably more. Could maybe be Sotek, but probably not.
Great Maw: Minor warp entity, only worshipped by Gutbuster tribes, Beastclaw worship GorkaMorka. Butchers can create mawgates that act as temporary realmgates.
Khaine:Is probably dead, but Daughters of Khaine still worship him. Bitches be crazy.
There's also a collection of Godbeasts and demigods that inhabit the realms.
So in the lore, how does Be'lakor rank in power ranking compared to Skarbrand, or any other greater daemon named or generic?
He's only mentioned once, he's now the first everchosen who forsook the Chaos gods' agenda in favor of his own. Skarbrand is really powerful and capable of tearing shit up, but he's basically an attack dog, you point him in a direction and let go of the leash, hoping he doesn't turn around and see you.
Correction: He is both the first everchosen, and gave the finger to the chaos gods.
What size bases do siggy liberator's come with?
I've got a box of bases and I don't remember which bases went with them.
huh. where the fuck did all these 32mm bases come from then? Do Judicator's use 32mm?
Nothing in the stormcast eternal line uses them. do you have the starter set? Because the bloodreavers use 32mm
Great maw's probably an aspect of gorkamorka now
oh yeah that would explain it, cheers.
It is in pastebin.
Look cool, but da weapon haft...
>Factions of destruction see different aspects of GorkaMorka
I fucking hate that. It robs armies and factions of their individuality, and homogenizes fluff that's already dull as dish water.
id love to see that city on fire.
It will most likely happen. When the forces of order start getting in strength enough to match archaon, the rats will have gnawed a hole in azyr big enough to let chaos make a decent size portal, and archaon will perform a raid on sigmaron and destroy a good chunk of it, in order to create that suspenseful 'all is lost' moment before the final push to defeat archaon is made. It's adventure epic storytelling 101.
>implying the plot will advance
Sure in another decade or two when sales are stagnant again.
How plausible is a force of Chaos Warriors devoted to Tzeentch that ally themselves to a lesser clan of Skaven to provide themselves with a horde of weaklings to use as fodder in their schemes.
Extremely likely because that's something tzeentch totally does. Even more tzeentchy would be to make the rats believe it's their idea
>Implying the whole reason for aos isnt to have a constantly advancing plot
Have you been living under a rock? GW's plan is to have a progressing story instead of a stagnant setting. Have you not been reading the big campaign books?
Meanwhile the rats try to outplan the Tzeentchians!
Infinite plotting recursion!
That could actually be pretty fun. Fluff it out right, and you'd have some hilarious levels of betrayal.
There are no generic spell lists yet, so only the two basic ones and whichever your wizard of choice is packing. Faction bonuses for Wanderers would be the generic Order ones. Did you get the GHB from OP to see if what you got can make a legal 1000 pt list?
A boxed game has been announced for Skaven!
Ignax is a girl and she wasn't stated to be related to Dracothian or Star Drakes.
Be'lakor is the Greatest and most powerful daemon prince. He restored much of his power in the End Times so he should be at the level of Exalted Greater Daemons.
Return to Varanspire, Archaon.
I see those engravings on the armour you little shit.
I was using weirdfist (Im new to the game, I guess its bad at 1000) and no, I didnt use that thing there
At 1000 points vs a highly mobile army like Sylvaneth I'd probably drop the Weirdfist for an Ironfist and save a few points. I doubt it would be game breaking but the None Left Standing command trait seems perfect for fucking with those tree people. And Talisman of Protection really seems like the only good artifact for your Shaman. I hope you get a rematch and have a closer game.
>He can now only see through Teclis' eyes,
>who is also a god.
nope. just the twin of a guy who gained godhood.
What are the other lesser deities?
I remember something about a triple-souled god that was slain by Archaon.
>What are the other lesser deities?
The ones you make yourself for your dudes.
I'm obviously asking for canon ones... not fanfiction.
They game was GOAT as a kid, until you lost a piece
How long till Tzeentch gets love like Khonre and Nurgle got?
After 40K finishes in like two months.
Curse of the Wulfen 2 will feature Tzeentchian releases so it might herald the coming AoS tzeentchian updae.
Is it really two months of nothing but 40k? I thought new dwarfs were coming soon. Kind of a bummer
Archaon killed a god that he trapped in the Slayer of Kings. He can unleash the god to fuck shit up.
I suspect that around Christmas will get the standard boxed set deals and the like. But I could also see a Tzeentch release around the same time, with daemons and 40k and AoS stuff. Probably a deathwatch style release for Tzeenth Arcanites or whatever faction they'll be.
Y'all discussed the rumoured hero box for silver tower already?
>Skaven Grey Seer
>Chaos Sorceror
>Knight Heraldor (the newer one)
>Skink Priest
>Dark Elf Sorceress
Also, a tiny leak from the next WD.
This a real rumor? If so it's a pretty killer deal
>ordered a Astrolith Bearer
>going to make sure I have one for each of my old Slann (so 4)
>get the model today
>Saurus Star Glyph is the sticker on the box
Sounded legit to me, I mean the other silver tower heroes box was a pretty big saving too.
>Skink Priest
I'm wondering how that happens. He's a memory of a Slann. I know the Slann can will anything they can remember into being and the act like the real thing, they just return to the stars when they die. But I'm wondering if the Slann is doing it just so he can look inside the Tower without risking himself.
Tzeentch Arcanites are the next guys. They include the models from Silver Tower, like these guys.
I like it.
So what models are we getting this weekend?
Just 40k stuff sadly.
I want those fucking Steamhead to get announced already.
Really the only reliable rumor we got about them is that they are coming. We never got a reliable rumor saying when.
>Tfw i realized the Wind-mortar deals 6 damage versus 20+ units
Damn son, i wrote it off as being sort of half decent but never read it properly. still only wounds on a 4+ that's kind of shit for a one-shot weapon, but that would hurt my plague monks if it goes off
Ratling Gun is still the king for mere 20 pts more.
I've always had it in my head that they were coming in October-ish, not sure if that was part of the rumours
Agreed, everything has its merits
I play Astra Militarum Infantry Spam and noticed the AoS community is starting to build up in my area. I'm looking to get into it, but not sure which army to play. Using what I play in 40k, can anyone suggest an army in AoS? I figure the closer it is to what I play in 40k, the easier it'll be for me to understand the tactics.
Skaven or Empire men since you like dudes with guns, and lots of them.
But i reccomend Ironjawz to anyone new because of the low model count and easy to paint
I thought Ironjawz were Orcs. Why are they a low model count army?
Although my FLGS has Ironjawz and Skaven as the only two AoS Start Collecting kits in stock at the moment.
Ironjawz are a low model count army because they are the biggest and most elite of the orruks. It would be like doing a 40k army of meganobz and nobz in 'eavy armour.
The other orruks, namely the bonespliiters, are still a high model count.
But as user said, if you want something more in the style of guard, probably go skaven if you want to go chaos. Lots of numerous rats with crazy destructive war machines (a mix of Clan Vermnious and Clan Skryre), or go Free Peoples mixed with Ironweld Arsenal for your normal humans in a high model count backed by war machines.