The Imperium reclaims a world and discovers it's inhabited by nothing but abhuman beastmen who are still loyal to the Emperor's. What happens?
The Imperium reclaims a world and discovers it's inhabited by nothing but abhuman beastmen who are still loyal to the...
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Ice 'em.
Abhumans? depends on who's liberating it and how genetically close to humans they are.
Probably fucked though.
Well the beastmen are considered close enough genetically to be abhumans. So they would be integrated into the imperium and used as a guard world.
Most likely anyway.
Wait, wait, WAIT!
Hasn't this actually happened multiple times in the 40k-verse and Imperium's already concluded as long as they aren't mixing in heretical practices with their God-Emperor worship, their genepool is stable and without rampant mutations, and they are sincere it's perfectly okay? (Albeit they will be looked down on as second-class citizens in the greater Imperium.)
i.e. Felinids and many other beastmen worlds.
Hell, not sure worshipping the Emperor is entirely needed. As long as the populous can be 'excused' for not knowing of the Big E (having been cut off for ages and incapable of space flight), Imperial Missionaries are just dusted off the shelf and sent to convert?
Begin recruiting, the imperium always needs more manpower.
Official policy: They are inspected by qualified members of the AdMech and Inquisition to check if they're a stable abhuman population, or Chaos mutant scum.
Stable abhumans: they get folded into the greater Imperium and it's mostly okay. A lot of people would consider them second class citizens, so that could be kind of shit. But mostly okay for them.
Chaos scum: They burn.
That being said, how closely things stick to official policy kinds of depends on who finds them.
Extremist Puritan with a fire fetish? Wouldn't go well for them.
Ruthless profiteer? Could easily murder and enslave them, exploiting they underclass status and the fact no one important would care enough to object.
Zootopia has some high sorcery going on, how else do the manage to make a whole quarter of their city, outdoors even, cold, and right besides it, another quarter of the city is scolding hot?
That's magic.
Maybe it was done by the same wizards that awakened all those animals.
On that note, what happens if they find a planet of Xenos who for whatever reason worship the Emperor and want to join the Imperium?
Has anyone actually stated Felinids?
Are they like the Kajiit, have better nightvision etc?
Dark Age of Technology tech could explain how they do it.
forgot pic.
>how else do the manage to make a whole quarter of their city, outdoors even, cold, and right besides it, another quarter of the city is scolding hot
Stand on one side of an AC or Refrigerator, then stand on the other.
When you 'make cold' with technology or science, heat has to be flushed out somewhere.
Sahara Square and Tundra Town being right next to each-other is actually incredibly logical as one's on the 'cold side' of a giant, super-sized Air Conditioner and the other is on the 'heat sink' side.
So it's not the setup itself that's imrpboably, it's just the energy cost, and I'm sure 40k setting has that covered. Translating Zootopia into the setting: they're probably just using a fuckton of Lasgun power packs or something to power it.
I'm pretty sure someone here did, at least for Guardsman. Basically stated them for ambushing and skirmishing. We then joked about what would happen if Creed led a squad of stealthy, felinid Guardsmen.
As for officially, not to my knowledge, I don't think GW has even said what they looked like beyond that they exist.
I've said it before though and I will say it again: it's ironic how 'Kawai-uguu' catgirl-folk probably would make the most sense for how Felinids would look as I just don't imagine the Imperium would be so tolerant of more bestial appearances.
Than again, goat beastmen tend to look like satyrs crossed with depictions of baphomet in official models.
Thats truely horrible.
The refrigerator insulates one side and dumps the heat on the other. Both are open space. The logic would mean the heat from Saara square (which is not a square) would just heat up tundra town without a massive wall between then, or massive fans ensuring the 'heat' dumped flows just one way.
What would be their number 1 enemy.
Dont say tau.
Now user, I'm not saying it would be Tau, it would be Tau
I'll be honest, I'm a disgustingly casual tier-fan of 40k, so I cannot say for certain as I'm not well versed in the crunch.
But probably whoever the fuck is good at basically seeing through stealth or countering ambush tactics. I kind of want to say the 'nids or the Necrons.
pretty sure the wall between the two places were pretty fucking massive.
And in the end, for the purposes of the crossover, it can be even easier to wave the tech behind the wall WITHOUT saying 'lol, warp sorcerery'.
All dead.
They're close enough to be called abhuman and not mutant, they're loyal to the Emperor, but they're beastmen.
2/3, let 'em live and pay the tithe in food, natural resources, and other goods.
Quarantine them on their world, and leave them to do their shit. Send a lower ranked inquisitor ever now and then to make sure they're doing their jobs and if not, they're traitors. If something attacks them, send the guard to retake the planet after it falls and repopulate it with proper imperial citizens.
horseshit, there are full blown aliens (not abhumans) within imperium
Maybe the Emperor would have been willing to dub loyal and (importantly) underdeveloped xenos races as "honorary humans" and let them live as second class citizens provided they prove useful and true, but today's imperium has no tolerance for the life of the alien. They die.
If they are truly loyal to the emperor and worship him etc... They will likely be 2nd class citizens with close monitoring although any suspicious activity will get them killed pretty quick. Also if the inquisitor who finds them is an extra dick, he will probably kill them for being too mutant
Inquisitor lackeys/slaves and Eldar sleeper agents hardly count.
There are authorized Xenos within the Imperium though. As long as they have no chaos tendencies or practices and would be willing to be subservient they would be fine.
All Heresy-era material shows that they had a pretty big purge policy when it came to any alien world.
Hell, a human world that underwent some gene splicing therapy was purged of its entire population as well.
The fact that the laer were considered for potential to become a protectorate suggest not
There's a lot of tech the imperium needs that they just can't make - especially stuff reserved for the inquisition and high ups
Most likely quarantine the world and have a trade deal set up - the fact the imperium does have official ambassadors shows they don't kill all the time
In the end the marine chapter you would have sent there is more valuable dealing with an active threat
Well they didn't do that to fenris
On the other hand they were happy to let Davin live yet that custodes wanted to purge the Cadian chaos lot for having violet irises
Ironic since modern day Cadians descended from new settlers after the purge also have violet irises
Fenris is a Primarch and First Founding homeworld. Nobody was gonna fuck with papa wolf's people back then and the Space Wolves/Inquisition certainly aren't on speaking terms to let them do it now.
It was assumed those first Cadians were tainted somehow because of it, thus the purge. Now everybody and more importantly the Inquistion know that's just a side effect of being born there.
sometimes, it feels like there's a huge tug-of-war in GW's writing staff of those who want a more reasonable and semi-realistic grim darkness and those who want to mash the Grim-Dark button to insane levels.
Makes me want to edit this with the Inquisitor labeled as "GW writing staff" and replace "exterminus" with "more grim-dark"
Yes just read Laurie Golding on first expedition
Basically that torture bit from soul hunter would not have been allowed now since BL is part of the GW publications division
But they are going seperate again so in future they might have similar stuff
And yet that didn't stop it from being sold in GW stores
Also there are issues - some countries would force that stuff to be put in special adult only areas
So the easiest thing to do is tone it down
In the other hand I think putting it in there is dumb because you then have evil protaganists being reasonable in the rest of the story so it's like oh yeah we have to remind you they are evil so here's an atrocity
Malus novels were worst for this
Those would be very strange xenos, since the Imperium official stance on other races is purge on sight. It's actually useful since it prevents the agriworld peasant from opening the gates for a dark eldar or ork delegation. That said, since they are already enough ongoing wars, there will probably be a [Exterminatus postponed indefinitely] edict on them, with higher-ups working with them confidentially.
Individual sanctioned aliens are fine as long as they stick near their inquisitor/rogue trader buddy, much like psykers. Also like psykers, everyone is suspicious and many times they will try to kill the poor bastard.
If the discoverer of the world was particularly benevolent he could just say they're abhumans and quarantine them on their own planet like other abhumans.
If they're too far off "true human" appearance they might still get outed.
Some days, I wish they would seriously consider a mass, continuity reboot of 40k... But I know the writing and tone would be just as inconsistent.
Also, I still can't believe one of the few pieces of Zootopia/40k fanart depict Judy and Nick as Space Marines when Judy would clearly be an Imperial Guardswoman and Nick a Rogue Trader (at best).
And, fuck, now I'm imagining Abhuman Judy wanting to prove she CAN be a real guardsman and loyal servant of the Emperor, but her commissar keeps putting her on spaceport meter duty.
>"My chapter master says he hopes you fall to Chaos."
I take it you missed the GIANT, SUPERSIZED FREEZER that makes up the wall between the two towns.
That was actually designed by an engineer who was brought into the movie just to ensure there was a passible reason to have both a frozen biome and desert biome in the same city.
Replace Exterminatus with retcon
>continuity reboot of 40k
According to rumours, Age of Sigmar 40,000 is comming soon.
So you might just get your wish.
Abhuman helot army with splodey necklaces and extra commisars
>According to rumours, Age of Sigmar 40,000 is comming soon.
well, since the core problem is writing yo-yoing on grim-dark-serious/"real", grim-dark-ridiculous, and grim-dark-comedy (which might overlap with the former two) and inconsistency, I'm not so sure it will help.
man, how many retcons has 40k gone through in it's small existence compared to even Superman?
You mean the rumor that is entirely unfounded and is the new Chicken Little?
Apologists answer: they get brought in the fold, tithed, and pretty much left alone.
Grim dark answer: Well they get brought in the fold, and then promptly exploited as slaves and meatshields.
Grim derp answer: exterminatus.
So really it just depends on which fan/writer you ask.
You're confusing abhumans, who ate stable strains incorporating no nonhuman traits, with beastmen, who are categorically exterminated as filthy mutants who defile the holy human form.
Felanids are not catgirls; that's just a Veeky Forums meme based on the name. We have absolutely no idea what they actually look like, but their listed subspecies name literally translates to "hairy homo sapiens." It's likely they're just hairy humans, just like how Ratings are simply short humans rather than being rat people.
>Felinids (Homo sapiens hirsutus) - Felinids are endemic to the Imperial world of Carlos McConell. Whether this is due to the particular biological requirements of that planet, prior genetic modifications made to a human population during the Dark Age of Technology or prior Imperial regulation is unknown, but they are virtually unheard of in the Imperium at large. Felinids are humans who have had their genomes spliced with genetic sequences derived from various species of Terran felines, and they possess many felinoid traits, including a light covering of fur over their entire body, extended canine teeth and superhuman agility and grace.
>Terran Felines
>Felinoid traits
I'm not saying the wiki might not be wrong but, this is kind of my source. Still does refute my own "kemonomimi" type catgirls though.
>You're confusing abhumans, who ate stable strains incorporating no nonhuman traits, with beastmen, who are categorically exterminated as filthy mutants who defile the holy human form
Aren't Beastmen abhumans now?
Not who you are replying to but didn't everyone say the same about AoS before it happened?
I thought the only canon about the Felinids was their Scientific name, planet name and some single comment about they were restricted to only their world.
I'm always wary of Fanwikis, the amount of fannon that once littered those places made them worthless as a source. Only recently did they start to get cleaned up but there's still enough fanwank to go around.
They could just pull the old 'non sentient fauna' loophole or just have some high lord or inquisitor lord rubber stamp some crazy exemption to keep them mostly isolated, with xeno inquisitors and rogue traders as liasons for basic coordination.
You know, you're taking it a little too seriously. Think about the movie more.
What's going to happen is that Nick is going to walk up to the Rogue Trader/Inquisitor with a fake, forged document that the Emperor said they were alright.
And what kind of Imperial Citizen is going to go against that when they have a bunch of cameras jammed into their face, broadcasting off into space?
The Imperium is also a vast Bureaucracy that has lost entire solar systems because of paperwork, even the most devout Inquisitor will admit that many trails go cold because they've lost so much.
So you'd end up with funny animals all over the Galaxy because the Rogue Trader took up Nick on some offer, and no Imperial Guard unit willing to return their Tactical Boars and Rhinos.
Heh, Rhinos riding Rhinos.
don't forget the Administratum find out how Zootopia-world staffs their DMVs and promptly fills it's offices with sapient sloths.
>all of imperium's face when
>Judy becomes a PDF or Arbite
>tracks down a Chaos cult within Zootopia and exposes them
>gets recruited into the Inquisition afterwards and gets to make the galaxy a better place
>actually just gets purged because she's seen too much
>Imperial Guard unit willing to return their Tactical Boars and Rhinos
Wouldn't they just be exactly the same as Ogryn?
>Wouldn't they just be exactly the same as Ogryn?
Ogryns don't have effective melee weapons growing out of their heads.
Again, it depends on who discovered them. A particularly zealous member of the ecclesiarchy would thank them for allowing themselves to be purged, while a Rogue Trader would take all the free labor he can and mark the planet "empty".
One downside to 40k lore, there is no middle ground here.
>Thaddeus: Why would the Eldar have any interest in one of our shrines?
>Angelos: Like all the enemies of humanity, the Eldar fear the Emperor's might and seek to stem its conduits.
>Thaddeus: They should try building their own shrines to the Emperor, instead. Perhaps he would forgive them for being xenos.
>Cyrus: Being a xeno is one thing the Emperor does not forgive, Thaddeus.
>Avitus: With good reason.
Thought for the day: The alien fails because it cannot embrace the Emperor.
The Dark Millennium appendix defines Beastmen as abhumans, albeit not for much longer:
>Ratlings (Homo sapiens minimus), Squats (Homo sapiens rotundus), Beastmen (Homo sapiens variatus), Troths (Homo sapiens verdantus), Longshanks (Homo sapiens elongatus), Pelagers (Homo sapiens oceanus), Felinids (Homo sapiens hirsutus) and Neandors (Homo sapiens hyannothus) comprise the remaining classified, and officially recognised, abhuman races. Of these, Beastmen are subject to severe persecution and have been placed on the Register of Proscribed Citizens (Class A-G worlds) by the Adeptus Arbites. This effectively precludes them from settlement on, or transportation to or from, more than three hundred thousand worlds of the Imperium and forbids their conscription as an Imperial Tithe obligation. All of this is a sure sign that they will soon lose abhuman status completely and be reclassified as true mutants.