Has anyone played Darkest Dungeon? I want to try it, but I just want see what some fa/tg/uys think. (some stories would be fun, too.)
Has anyone played Darkest Dungeon? I want to try it, but I just want see what some fa/tg/uys think...
Oh, yeah. Forgot, Pic quite obviously Unrealeted
It's good shit. Well worth the price, IMO. Art's nice, gameplay's fun, eldritch abominations are appropriately gribbly.
Word of advice: focus upgrading the carriage first to make sure you never run out of meatshields while you're still learning. Don't get super attached to your guys; learn to let them go, broken and raving, rather than drag somebody with five different manias on missions until he finally gets himself (and everybody else) killed.
Hit Enter at the stagecoach screen to bring up the backer heroes input. Type in "Dominic Sullivan" to get a crusader who won't steal half the loot every run. Really helps smooth out the early game
Tried it, it's alright. Still have yet to beat it, but I've got a large pool of level 4's and 3's that I'm challenging some of the harder stuff with. A lot of the negative reviews of it say it's nothing but RNG stuff. Not exactly true. If you learn how to build your pack going in to the different areas, you can minimize a lot of the risk. Learning what to click on/not click on is a necessary evil as well.
As for stories? I feel like everyone's probably had one of these, but, had an immortal crusader once, and it was bad times for me.
>doing medium length smash n grab through ruins
>crusader, bounty hunter, vestral, occultist
>crusader gets wigged out early, resolve tested
>becomes selfish ofc
>well fuck this guy
>all heals on bounty hunter
>crusader wanders through ruins, merrily taking all my shit
>refuse to camp until fucker is dead
>keeps surviving deathblows
>keeps hitting crits, so not to die from stress
>keeps stealing my shit
>finish run without camping, having missed out on tons of trophies because of shitsader
I wound up having the last laugh when I had him flagellate the shit out of himself, but still pissed me off a bit.
No problem bruv. I'd point you to /ddg/ but sadly it's dead as hell. The wiki's solid, though. You'll be fine.
It's good, but has problems obviously.
It is very grindy in later stages, and RNG can either handhold your or fist you with barbed wire.
Then again, I played before the antiquarian was added, so they might have addressed the problems a bit - I remember something about hiring higher level mercenaries...
Can someone explain why Darkest Dungeons is considered Veeky Forums ? Honestly i love the game and i don't mind seeing it discussed here, but I don't really get it.
>doing suicide 0 runs to grind gold
>party falling apart (obvs): dying, going insane
>Plague Doctor character shoulders the party and goes virtuous
>keep her around, and the next run she hits 100 stress on she goes virtuous again, natural chances
Felt good.
Eh, it's not, unless we talked about it as a setting for DnD or something. Add a second HP for stress, death's door rolls to justify throwing high CR encounters out randomly, reward players for acting as a group.
Good RPG games are a grey area, cool settings are a grey area (ex. Dune threads), Lovecraft is a grey area (yog-sothothry threads).
DD happens to fall in an overlap of grey areas that makes it close enough for most of Veeky Forums.
Not really Veeky Forums, it's frankly off-topic. However, DD is the sort of game that would appeal well to Veeky Forums demographic.
A fun game, but way too easy.
>that pic
my fucking sides.
If you enjoy self flagellation, get it.
Beat the game after losing 29 heroes and smashing all bosses. It was fun but do NOT GET ATTACHED to CHARACTERS.
Juiced up phone game, for those people who like to pretend to be hardcore. Perfect for Veeky Forums.
>why Darkest Dungeons is considered Veeky Forums ?
I think it's partly because it bears such close similarity to D&D that it could be construed as "tg-related". Kind of like Planescape in that regard. Also it's relatively uncontroversial here and doesn't take much space.
>juiced up phone game
Literally describes almost all games
It's fucking great, had good fun.
>Kind of like Planescape
Planescape is actually a D&D setting.
I meant to refer to the video-game "Planescape: Torment", which takes place in the D&D universe, and is widely considered to be tg-related for that reason.
I liked it for awhile then I realized what a grindfest it is and dropped it.