OP's being a Huge Faggot Edition
Filename Thread
About half of those would fit right in in a SR campaign, yeah. A Homeopathic Assassin would be really easy to make as a character, just using the core rules.
Aaaand a last one from me
god fucking damn it
Some one post the original copy pasta
I still need to know where this comes from.
Hahaha. "Do you Catan" popped in my head the minute I saw the thumbnail
i dont get it? whats up
Some people just want to watch the world burn.
Games within games within games.
The sorcery makes you play a mini-magic game using your cards, and the enchantment makes it so that whenever you finish the mini-game whenever anyone casts another instant/sorcery they have to cast the mini-game sorcery.
i was legitimately hoping it wouldnt work like that
so do you drop the enchantment in the sub game and then the main game after that, and then chaos ensues?
im such a faggot i read it left to right.
I-I need to get off the internet for a while
I don't get it.
UA is a game based around a conspiracy theorist-y vibe, so the joke is that these events aren't correlatively linked, but causaly linked.
ahh, thank you.
dunno about that vid, but I'm pretty damn certain it's making fun of the gunplay in the movie Equilibrium
It could get worse, you know.
You could also have cast Hive Mind
Fuck off with your edgelord furfaggotry.
This one got me
Is this what being triggered looks like?
I don't understand why you are upset. Show me on the doll where the skeleton touched you?
I guess it's a furry skeleton too.
I'd let that enchant my dick
It's on youtube. Some asian "Wong" guy. Also made VideoGame High School or something
Every time I see this, the file name gets longer.
i see this reply every time the filename gets longer.
>implying you've seen it more than twice
t. the guy who posted it last thread
>implying that the filename was the same length for a long time, and has only gotten longer recently
>kind of like your dick
> Some asian "Wong" guy.
Did he have black hair and slanty eyes?
Freddie Wong.
No. Most "triggered" people I've seen aren't this obnoxious.
>Fuck off with your edgelord furfaggotry.
it's been "nothing happens if you put your dick in it" for quite some time. It's gone through quite a bit in the last 5 threads or so.
Every time I see this thumbnail it looks like he's screaming.
With the single line for a mouth? Looks more like he's crying to me.
That's why I said thumbnail. Also, he's the same sex as you are, so as far as I'm concerned he's a he.
I love it, have some more.
You obviously don't understand the concept here.
Have you even seen "The Code" by Spoony?
This is a gift for you!
That filename was around months ago as "flaming weapon enchant"
If the paper *whiffs* through the spirit's head and agitates the gaseous form to leave a trail like that, wouldn't that indicate that it in fact corporeal, just not solid?
Actually yes. Good observation. The general idea that they're willing to experiment with whatever I am throwing at them is just awesome.
Dammit, I thought Atomic Robo had good science!
>reread this sentence
>realisation dawns
What would happen if you told that you liked it because it was attached to her? Or because it wasn't in a jar?
Do not leash the awoo.
Eye of the Storm says they may copy the spells, they aren't required to
I don't get it, is it a reference to that one old story where the guy gets bricked inside a room in the sewers?
Maybe when the awoo stops being a dirty dog
I know this is Veeky Forums and half of the shit posted here is faked and comes from the feverish minds of a bunch of neckbears, but motherfucking Christ on a candy bike,man.
>36 caliber
Isn't there like one model of ye olde revolver that uses this and essentially nothing else?
Also was the original writer trying to make this an edgy caricature or did they actually write this thinking it was cool?
>not "ERP done wrong"