So there is a d&d game I might go at a guy's house...

so there is a d&d game I might go at a guy's house. I texted the guy to ask what kind of character I should create for this campaign. I think his replies are full of red flags tg what do you think?

He describes me his fantasy setting. Kind of generic shit with custom races... I wanted to play an elf paladin of elf in the setting but whatever maybe its all right.

when I ask what kind of character I should create that fits the story.
>oh come onnnnn user!! you don't know the story you weren't there.

Okay so maybe the guy really cares about metagaming.

So I ask where is the address exactly. He tells me its at X street. I know there is a big church there. I ask is it near the church.
>What church? I am atheist I don't recognize any churces. he is either an Edge Lord or really ignorant. Let's try again... I ask should I bring anything extra like dice etc.

>Just bring booze we will drink while playing.

I love alcohol but I never drink while playing... And finally he says.

>I know I am a weird guy. But I really care for the people who find me to talk and you are one of them.

What the actual fuck? should I stay or should I go?

Other urls found in this thread:

Go, but have a backup plan for the night

OP this guy may end up murdering you. Proceed with caution.

give benefit of the doubt, but seriously, worse comes to worse? be a dick and cop a few free drinks, then leave.

I mean, that's true of damn near anything, but yeah definitely let someone know where you are, or might happen.
Or he might just be a really weird dude. Who knows?

go, but have an alarm set for like an hour in.
"sorry gotta go" if you need to
next time you can just say it wont work with your schedule - life happens
or if you want to keep going you go

Red flag is not playing True AD&D, consisting of all material and rules printed prior to summer of 2000. Only these encapsulated and protected rules may govern a game, for they are protected by SJWs and are immutable.

Be wary of "house rules", for this is how SJWs attempt to corrupt True AD&D. There are no house rules; all rules necessary are found in rulebooks, modules, magazines, and other material by TSR. All systems are part of True AD&D (2E dropped the 2E in 1995, becoming AD&D -- Encyclopedia Magica printed magic items from all editions ever, meaning that all editions are part of True AD&D).

There are no house rules. There is only adjudication. House rules = SJWs attempting to rape mens' minds. True AD&D abides no such thing. Word of Gygax: house rules mean you are not playing Advanced Dungeons & Dragons but rather an inferior game.

He definitely wants to "play" alright. Wink wink nudge nudge

>"Look, honey, Billy's made a friend!"

Guy's an awkward edgelord but he's trying to be friends, give him a chance. Go once, what's the worst that can happen?

Almost all of these seem pretty reasonable.

First one could just be him wanting you to make something you want to make, than worrying too much if it fits.

Church thing is pretty reasonable. I literally did not realize how many churches there were in my neighborhood until I started playing Pokemon Go.

Drinking beers during games is completely, totally normal. Hell, the only games I've been at where there wasn't drinking were ones being held in public places.

The only one that's weird is the last one. Which is pretty awkward.

If you're genuinely concerned, you can set an alarm on your phone and set the tone to your ringtone.

This is best advice

Remember to bring your own coaster OP.

The chances are no higher than hanging out with anyone other stranger murdering user. You should get out more often.

>statistically, more people are murdered by people they know than by complete strangers
>chances are higher when you're playing Monopoly with the family

You're not the original True AD&D guy. He wasn't from /pol/. You're a Phony True AD&D Guy.


Sorry, your trans-species otherkin ranger is not allowed in True AD&D. Cry more.

GamerGate. GamerGate.


Yes, go. Record findings and report back. Leave a last will and testament before you go just in case.

1e lets you, if you make a few lucky rolls at chargen, reshape your body as you see fit using only your mind as long as you take a few naps beforehand, as well as other incredibly stupid things usually reserved for high level casters.

>engaging Fake True AD&D Guy

Man the original one was dumb enough, quit feeding the stupider /pol/ version.

What, this is a thing? Got a link to the 'real' one's rantings? I could use a laugh.

He used to haunt the OSR general a while back. He was pretty entertaining for a total whackadoo, actually. This is what the real guy was like:

Thanks, mate.