so now that the dust has settled what does Veeky Forums thing about myfarog
If I wanted to play a white supremacist game I'd just play RaHoWa. The setting is funnier.
>it's a thing
Abradolf Lincler wants a word with you. Pic related.
>Papyrus font
That is probably the game's greatest moral sin.
No, that would be its edginess, including your post.
The consensus is that it's a mediocre-to-bad game that only ever gets mentioned because of /pol/-tards trying to force a meme.
It's not worth playing, not even worth discussing, a failure in every aspect.
jeez user was your grandma in the church
it's certainly a terrible game but "every aspect"?
We meet again, for the last time.
Never heard of it before. Sounds kinda shitty, can I get a synopsis?
-or /pol/: the RPG.
(MY)thic (FA)ntasy (RO)leplaying (G)ame is a pen and paper game created in 2015 by racist lunatic and actual convicted murderer Varg Vikernes, aka the Burzum guy.
It turns out he is also a fan of old school tabletop RPG's. So I guess that's one point for all the religious nuts shrieking about the evils of DnD back in the 80's.
The game is what you would expect from Varg - A viking-age pastiche setting in which the evil Sicarri are trying to exterminate the aryan race by flooding ThulĂȘ with Koparmann. Also, thinly veiled Christians and Muslims are working to take over the world and kill one of the aryan gods and stick their guy on the throne instead. Women are much weaker than men and prone to dying in childbirth - just like in FATAL. Unlike FATAL, this game lacks spells that allow you to cum acid - which you will want to use on your own eyes because the entire core rulebook is printed in Papyrus and horrifically organized.
While a Modern Day Mythender-style romp where you smack down Yaweh, Jesus, and his angels could be a funtastic fedora-fest, Varg's warped understanding of history, the english language, and humanity in general severely limit his ability to make a playable game. At least FATAL has the advantage of being free.
The thing that everyone in this thread is missing is that Varg created this game mostly for himself. Yeah he sells and promotes it but it was mostly just a hobby for him and something he wanted to play with his kids.
Yeah it's poorly organized, ugly and perhaps even politically incorrect but it's just for fun.
I guess I'm biased because I watch every video/blog post that Varg makes and I really like him as a guy. I think his analysis of many topics is often misleading or blatantly wrong but he also hits the nail on the head with a lot of shit too. He's a human being who's made mistakes in the past but he's really the product of being a traditionalist and imaginative soul in a dreary, ugly and materialistic modern world.
And to that end I empathize with him. Every day I stare out at this concrete hellhole full of mindless, degenerate drones and I just wonder why.
How is the game edgy? Additionally, what exactly is wrong with an "edgy" game? Not every game has to appeal to your liberal and postmodernist sensibilities.
Please kill yourself.
Upvoted :^) I guess I shouldn't expect anything less from Veeky Forums. I mean without the comforts of the modern world, how could you live in your moms basement?
Fuck off.
How about you actually attempt to argue against what I was saying (not that you really can, it's just my personal feelings)?
>Complains about modernity
>On the internet
Dude, go live in the woods if you hate it that much. What's stopping you?
I'm not saying I'm a perfect upholder of my own ideals. I think the internet can be useful, it can also be very bad. (I.e. easy access to stimuli)
But, I do plan to move out in the middle of bumfuck nowhere someday but I hope to become more financially stable/find a wife so that I can pursue that goal.
The point is I never should have been trapped here in the first place. I should have be born among the wilderness with my own people, culture, and traditions that actually mean something to me.
I don't expect anyone here to understand and at this point I'm just blogposting, but modern life is just exceptionally hollow and painful to me. That's just how I feel, I understand you may enjoy our societal progressions. I just don't, but it gets harder and harder to stay away from them.
Also I'm tired as fuck and a little bit buzzed so excuse my shitty grammar.
Not the guy you were replying to, but why do you care about your people, culture, and traditions?
Why do they mean something to you, as opposed to why do other things not?
Modernity-v-Traditionalism has to do with value systems, not technology.
Truthfully, I'm not sure I can answer that without resorting to "muh feelings".The best answer I can give is that it gives a semblance of structure and meaning to life even if it's not actually a real or objective concept. It's more of a metaphysical bind between people (like religion) that just makes me feel secure and happy. I mean the only thing that gives me joy anymore and reading about culture/history and meditating while focusing on various "spritual" attributes and figures. A big one for me is the Sun. (A la Sol Invictus, Apollo, Sunna, etc..) Perhaps I'm just a freak, and no one else can identify with this but that's my explanation.
Also this.
Saying something bad is ok becuase it wasn't supposed to be good is a good example on rope not being used
> How about you actually attempt to argue against what I was saying (not that you really can, it's just my personal feelings)?
Says it all, really.
If you ignore the obvious criticisms (which don't deserve to be ignored, but let's do it just for the sake of argument,) what's left is a typical fantasy heartbreaker with too many tables and weird niche rules that are way too hard to look up. The layout is worse than AD&D 1e, which is really saying something. At least Gygax didn't type everything in Papyrus.
I don't know who you think are "your people," but if your life is that far removed from them, they're not your people at all. Your real culture is the one you were raised in, the one you spend every day in, the one you seem to hate so much. You are one of the "mindless drones" you look down on.
Stop posting this, Varg.
Go die in a churchfire, Varg.
So, is it a new part of the Unholy Trinity or a Also-Ran?
The latter. It's too uninteresting to be in league with RaHoWa or FATAL.
>Every day I stare out at this concrete hellhole full of mindless, degenerate drones and I just wonder why.
Don't worry; most people go through their angsty phase at some point.
>I guess I'm biased because I watch every video/blog post that Varg makes and I really like him as a guy.
Go home /pol/, you're drunk.
>Every day I stare out at this concrete hellhole full of mindless, degenerate drones and I just wonder why.
Not big on mirrors, huh?
I personally think the game is great and I'm currently working on a campaign that's a full blown parody Of The Norway 90's black metal scene.
go away varg.
>wannabe nazi
>desk is dirty as fuck
>doesn't use coasters
Seems about right.
>Edgelord manchildren are trying to normalize their behaviour
>"y--you're either an edgelord or a numale cuck!!!"
I guess this isn't surprising as the average age of Veeky Forums is probably dropping.
>trying to paint neo Nazis as filthy, shitty alcohol-swilling trailer trash
Obvious liberal false flag.
>Women are much weaker than men and prone to dying in childbirth - just like in FATAL
And in real life medieval countries. Most decent historical or pseudohistorical games factor in shit like that. Hell in Ars Magica your characters start to get infirm and die after 40
what is with the papyrus font meme?
>Hell in Ars Magica your characters start to get infirm and die after 40
What? That isn't how humans work.
>That isn't how humans work.
On Tudor it is
Even the "obvious criticisms" are pretty tame. He pushes his neopagan white nationalist views at points but it's not over the top like RaHoWa. I was really disappointed with the whole thing. I was promised a new FATAL and instead got a subpar retroclone that's offensive in a totally banal way
>all these pussy faggot Reddit-tier SJW beta nu-males
Veeky Forums is lost
kin selection and tribalism would like to have a word with you
Papyrus is seen as an ugly, amateurish typeface, and one chosen to ham-handedly evoke an air of antiquity. It's use gives the impression that the one who chose it did little research on the use of typefaces other than selecting one they liked the look of from a drop down menu in a word processor, which is not the standard of design that should be applied to published works.
I hope this assessment has been instructive.
>what is with the papyrus font meme?
He fixed it for later versions, but the first edition was printed entirely using the Papyrus typeface. It looks about as shitty as you would imagine.
If you don't know, Google "Papyrus overuse".
The validation of others should mean nothing to you, but know that others feel the same as you do. Seek the Sun, as your spirit desires, and I'll live among the birds, as my spirit desires. And maybe we'll find fulfillment.
lol i dont actually do roleplaying, i visit this board sometimes for worldbuilding ideas but ppl that hate on myfarog are some of the biggest fags ive seen. do you hate on mount and blade warband? its practically the same thing. out of all rpgs that i have looked at from distance varg's game looks the most interesting with its mechanics and the realism concerning kikes
>lol i dont actually do roleplaying,
You'll fit right in on Veeky Forums.
Sometimes I like to imagine a Viking warrior, back in those days--going on raids, worshipping odin, and so on...
And all the while he was thinking
>I wish I could just focus on my runecarving and stay inside by the fire when it's cold out; all these mindless degenerates ever do is raid monasteries and get trashed at the temple festival
Hey dude, any chance you could upload a scan? Ive searched everywhere, and most of these guys would rather sperg than do something useful
Regardless of whether or not it is realistically accurate (I believe men/women are equal in many ways, just not strength-wise), we don't play RPGs to be realistically accurate. If a gnome barbarian hits as hard as a half-orc barbarian it's not realistic, but it's fun. Deliberately putting rules in your game that makes one gender (or race, or class, or whatever) at an inherit mechanical disadvantage for a game that revolves around that specific mechanic is indicative of failing game design.
That's a bit of a mouthful, I'm impressed you got all the cocks out of your mouth to say it
Varg's not going to give you a scan of his game.
>Deliberately putting rules in your game that makes one gender (or race, or class, or whatever) at an inherit mechanical disadvantage for a game that revolves around that specific mechanic is indicative of failing game design.
Only if your goal is balance. It's perfectly acceptable in a simulationist system.
Fair, in my post I was mostly assuming non-simulationist games. But you said it yourself, simulationist games aren't really balanced for creativity, but if what you want works with the sim-system then I guess it won't matter much to you.
see Reddit is full of edgy fedoras, you'd get along fine there.
It's another Comic Sans. It's kitschy and free and shows a certain lack of respect for your own product. It evokes a sense of antiquity for ignorant normalfags who don't really know what antiquity actually looks like.
i think op will play varg in the inevitable biopic
you're not longing for traditions, you're longing for family and community instead. many people do. maybe start with gaming with people in real life.
>we don't play RPGs to be realistically accurate
Sometimes I do and sometimes I don't, it depends on the game. D&D I don't even track rations but sometimes you want something a little more rigid.
>Deliberately putting rules in your game that makes one gender (or race, or class, or whatever) at an inherit mechanical disadvantage for a game that revolves around that specific mechanic is indicative of failing game design.
I strongly, strongly disagree with that.
Some of the best stories come out of the person who wants to do what the others do but has to try harder or be smarter about it.
Look at Mount & Blade, they let you be a woman, if you want to be a warrior queen or a female bandit kingpin you can be, but as a woman you won't be taken as seriously and the game is up front about that during character gen. You have to work hard to overcome your social standing and I like a game that lets you pick a harder road or makes you face your deficiencies. Likewise you can play a woman in a lol-4strength setting but you need to be aware your odds of hitting someone hard aren't as good and you need to approach fights differently (falling rocks and spears work great)
Then again I like random rolling for stats too. Game balance is a moot point in a no-prizes cooperative game.
it's a decoration font which should never be used for main body text. guess what? in MYFAROG it is being used for main body text, enjoy your eye cancer.
so cool
so cool
so cool
so cool
Creating a life of structure and meaning is not easy. It sounds like you've failed and are searching for an easier, "discount" sources of these feelings.
Stop angsting and start living. At least try to make your existence bearable, instead of complaining that it isn't.
>Comparing Mount & Blade to literal fascism.
Get thine arse over hither this instant, knave! I shalt smite thee mightily for this heresy!
My understanding of it is that it's basically RaHoWa if RaHoWa wasn't hilariously godawful and instead just fairly shit.
>interesting mechanics
You've definitely never opened and read this book if you think that.
What's your email there and I'll have the whole book scanned by Monday
[email protected]
thanks alot dude i seriously appreciate it
Stop shilling your shitty D&D heartbreaker, Varg. Nobody has actually played it.
Enjoy your pornspam.
>lol i dont actually do roleplaying
You also clearly don't understand how grammar works.
Meant as response to
dude im not retarded
You're asking for a copy of myfarog.
Yes, you really are.
Well played
>It's perfectly acceptable in a simulationist system.
There is no way that this is a simulationist system to that level. People are not super computers.
>Implying Veeky Forums isn't a proud anti-right antifa cuckboard
>necroing your shit thread
Just kill yourself already, varg.
If your "tribe" are a bunch of hypothetical cavemen who don't know you and can't back you up when you're in trouble because they're hypothetical, you picked a shitty tribe.
>the dust has settled
This is the clearest way to spot someone who should lurk moar. The dust never settles on Veeky Forums, not even fucking once.
pdf when
Varg makes these threads to shill his shit game. He'll never post the pdf, especially because the few pages he did share were so fucking awful that they shattered any chances of him selling a copy.
Also, quit bumping.
you know it's not
So, you're really just going to keep necromancing this thread every time it gets close to falling off?
>version 2.4
what? how? how do you get .4 of an edition?
As of late I more and more feel like that too. You are definitely not alone.
Holy fuck. Look at what I just found while searching for pics of the papyrus font. pic related
>So, you're really just going to keep necromancing this thread every time it gets close to falling off?
Are you new to the board? OP makes this thread every couple of weeks. It gets a few replies, falls to page 10, gets bumped, falls to page 10, gets bumped, over and over again until it hits 310 posts.
If you really want it to disappear, be sure to comment. Not like it will matter, because OP will just remake it later.
The PDF will never be delivered.
Is the coming good mines in mail
>your people
You sound like a furry looking to get fucked by a deer.
How long are you people gonna fall for this bait? It must be over a year at this point.