Magic: The Gathering Modern General
(competitive discussion)
FULL Kaladesh spoiler
Magic: The Gathering Modern General
(competitive discussion)
FULL Kaladesh spoiler
Just curious, why are there no Standard threads on Veeky Forums? Do people really hate standard that much? And if so... why?
There are always standard threads on Veeky Forums. just not currently.
There is standard threads every now and then. They usually show up more around when a new set is released or game day or some standard event.
Right now it's so close to Kaladesh and rotation that there's not much point to play standard or talk about it.
Alright guys ive pitched this idea before, but lets give it another whirl.
Sultai deck.
Birds of paradise->burning tree-> eldritch evolution-> phyrexian obliterator or thrun.
Thought scour-> delve for tasigur or hooting->eldritch evolution->something big?
Help me make this dream a reality!
I mean, only Dragons is rotating out? I just started playing MTG so I'm really only playing standard right now. It seemed like a lot of people preferred modern saying standern cost too much, which doesn't make sense to me cause I see all these modern decks costing hundreds of dollars, when you can buy singles to make a standard deck for like less than a dollar a piece, unless you buy planeswalkers.
Dragons AND origins
When Kaladesh drops I was thinking about making a deck that revolves around dropping 4 Aetherflux Reservoirs as quick as possible, then dropping a Alhammarret's Archive, and having the rest of my deck filled with one drop creatures.
How many ghost quarters do you guys run in your Nahiri control deck? I'm planning on 25 lands and I got two slots left, currently trying to decide 2 quarters, 1 + another basic for a total of four basics
Dragons and Origins are rotating out
Also people say standard costs too much because when you buy a good modern deck you can play modern forever and you only might need to change a few cards every now and then. Then if you want to just ditch your deck for whatever reason almost all those cards still have good value.
Standard on the other hand you have to drop a couple hundred on a good standard deck. Then another hundred every set or two. Plus you have no guarantee your cards still have value later.
Keeping up with standard at a high level costs quite a bit. While Modern might be more expensive initially you get a lot more long term value for your buck.
Standard Tier 1 decks cost $200+ and a rotation will eventually kill the deck, while Modern decks only die to bans, which happen a lot less and are usually quite predictable.
>It seemed like a lot of people preferred modern saying standern cost too much
Standard has more players in general.
>which doesn't make sense to me cause I see all these modern decks costing hundreds of dollars
Modern is cheaper in that you can player a deck for years with really investing more money into the format because cards don't rotate outside of the banlist. For instance, Affinity was like idk, 200-300 dollars 2 years ago, and the deck has barely changed outside of recent sideboard additions which cost pennies. Jund and some other decks are the same way. In standard, cards rotate so you have to constantly spend money to update your deck. It eventually costs more money to keep playing standard than modern.
Want to buy into Lantern Control but redditfags are scaring me into thinking Mox Opal might get banned
Mox wont get banned. Affinity is eternal.
Mox opal won't get banned. That's not the biggest problem right now.
Trust me, I'm an expert on the subject.
If it got banned it would be due to Affinity, which despite still being an incredibly powerful deck, isn't even the best aggro deck in the format right now
I would bet against it, but then again I'm just some random shmuck on Veeky Forums what do I know?
Is there a name for the RUB deck that uses snapcaster mage and young pyromancer plus a bunch of 0 and 1 mana spells or was this some guy's homebrew?
Grixis Delver?
It's either Grixis Control or Grixis Delver. It's not new.
So, I've got $70 dollar in store credit for a cards singles shop and I'm sort of thinking into buying into modern, I would obviously add more money but I want to go for a sort of cheap deck with good options to upgrade it later to a meta deck.
I would say Merfolk
Just buy all the good fish and then later when you have money buy the Aether Vials
Monowhite goats. You'll lose games, but never your opponent's respect
So you've got $70. Are you prepared to throw in the other $930?
There are too many to list. What are you looking for in a deck?
You should run 23 lands, unless your meta is incredibly slow and you get to run a cryptic or two. How do you not have 4 basics and 2 utility lands in your 23 already? Again, unless you're in a slow meta, 3 colonnades is probably correct, and you should fit a desolate lighthouse in if you can. I'm on 8 fetches, 4 shocks, 4 basics, 3 colonnades, 2 checklands, 1 quarter, and 1 loothouse.
>Low tier
Mono u tron
>Médium tier
>Top tier
Those are the less expensive decks imo
>Mid tier
>Top tier
Should i buy UG fastland for infect? Or will the maná base remain the same after kaladesh?
Archive is rotating
Fastlands would be played if Become Immense hadn't been printed.
I sometimes played with my friends decks (back in splinter twin/amulet bloom meta) and more or less my preferences are like this:
Amulet Bloom was fun the first few games, but after a while winning usually didn't feel good.
Legacy Death and taxes was kind of fun I guess.
Mono U tron is okay.
Merfolk seems kind of cool to me, didnt play it that much.
Scapeshift wasn't a good experience.
>I don't like mtg
Ok, I'm still new to high-level magic play and rules are still tricky to me. I want to brew a fun budget +1/+1 counter deck with the new Armorcraft Judge. Can I get a ruling that this works or why it doesn't.
>I have Aquastrand Spider and Renegade Krasis.
>I cast the Armorcraft Judge.
>Graft, Evolve and Judge each trigger. I can pick the order of all three.
>Evolve resolves first. Krasis gets a +1/+1 counter.
>Krasis ability triggers. Put it on the bottom of the stack.
>Now Graft resolves, +1/+1 counter moves from Spider to Judge.
>Judge resolves, draw three cards.
>Krasis ability resolves. Spider and Judge get a +1/+1 counter each.
>I now have a 2/2 spider, a 4/3 Krasis, 5/5 Judge, and I drew three cards.
>Opponent casts Supreme Verdict.
That works, right?
You cannot choose to put a trigger on the bottom of the stack. Once they're triggered, they go on top, and if multiple things trigger simultaneously, you choose the order but they all go on top. The krasis trigger would have to go on top of all the other things and resolve first
Ah ok. That makes sense. Thank you.
So just Spider would get a counter at that point to a 3/3, it Grafts to Judge, Judge is a 4/4 and draw 3 cards. Still not bad but not great enough.
I must know. Are goblins worth a damn in modern or is my only tribal options merfolk and elves.
Artifact tribal is superior
From modern??
Why the fuck would I want to play artifacts?
it's not getting banned
reddit sucks, don't go there for magic
because it's tier 1 and goblins is tier 9
It hurts me that this is the best place to have some honest Magic discussion. Because this is the only place where you can say negative-honest shit without getting moderated to shit.
Reddit is only good for the latest news in product. It is useless for anything related to the actual game.
Wew modern sucks ass then, back to legacy with me.
Goblins aren't that bad
It's a fast deck just a little inconsistent
Goblins are shit in legacy and you know it.
shit idea, Satan. It should be one drop cantrips
What's with the meme names on some of these?
>Goblins are shit in legacy and you know it.
Name when and where you want me to kick your ass.
will they ever ban cranial plating or mox opal? I'm considering building affinity
Wait until Monday, then if it dodges a ban go for it.
Honestly I don't think we're going to see any bans on the next list, I think the format's figured itself out, it's diverse, and it can be slowed down by Wizards printing better control cards, which they seem like they might be doing
If affinity is going to eat a ban, it won't be now
>gw tron
Affinity doesn't represent any sort of harmful influence to the format, they don't have any reason to hit anything from it. The deck has remained more-or-less unchanged for years now, and the metagame has only gotten stronger around it.
>Disco Inferno
>Not Scapeshift
Is it bad if I like these?
!Anyway, who cares what people call their decks? Its It's all the same crap anyways.
>Jacob Wilson and Shahar Shenhar playing anime delver on CFB
truly the kawaiiest of decks
It doesn't have waste, port, lackey, ringleader, matron, warchief, what could possibly give them an advantage over affinity, fish or coco
why is it called anime delver
what am i missing
A weeaboo invented the deck and went 11-4 with anime sleeves at a recent GP
any video of it?
>I already own every card in there but the playset of Disrupting Shoal
time to meme I guess
IMO UTron and a bunch of the D&T Variants get criminally underrated because they're typically being piloted by newer/more budget players and both decks are difficult to pilot.
Not saying that either deck is Tier 1 outside of really wonky metas but you couldn't go wrong with either and IMO they're 2 of the most fun decks in modern aside from affinity and RUG Delver
It's on CFB's twitch, can't be bothered to find the exact timing but here's a mothership article, you can see the anime
>Anyway, who cares what people call their decks?
It's obviously some kind of joke going on.
What do people mean when they say "fair deck"?
The gist I get is an "unfair deck" tries to kill you fast. But that's the nature of the game. When did this "fair deck" newspeak start?
Mardu babies where u @
Unfair decks kill you with an uninteractive combo over 1 turn, like Scapeshift/Goryo's/Ad Nauseam
There can be fair decks that can kill fast
Usually when I think of fair decks I think of something like Jund. It's a very good deck but it doesn't do anything inherently unfair. It just plays good creatures and good spells.
Generally when people say unfair deck I generally think of decks that are very linear and have some sort of stupid combo element. Like Amulet Bloom most people would say was unfair because it didn't really care what the opponent was playing it was just trying to generate a bunch of mana and win absurdly fast every game.
Fair decks interact and are less linear and unfair decks don't interact and are fairly linear
Jund and Twin are good examples of fair decks
A fair deck is generally one that wins by tapping creatures and interacting with the opponent
See: Jund, Eldrazi, Zoo, Affinity
Tron technically fits here too I guess
Unfair decks will win in one turn and avoid interacting as much as possible
See: Ad Nauseam, Goryo's, I want to put Infect here but that one is iffy since your opponent often interacts but you still OTK
Fair and Unfair have nothing to do with how good the deck is, it's about how the decks wins
Fair decks play by the simpler rules of magic. GBx midrange are your most fair, generally. Burn is probably your least fair, while still being called Fair.
Unfair decks play a different game all together. Storm or Dredge are examples of fair decks.
Pretty much any deck falls along this spectrum or Fair- Unfair.
I just don't understand the terminology I guess? I play ad naus and yeah it's kind of boring to play but you can't just say "oh well my deck is more fair because it's only good after turn 5"
I get complaining that those decks are boring or not fun, but unfair? I don't think so. Combo has always been a glass cannon and it's always been stoppable.
Are the modern budget decks listed on mtggoldfish any good for someone starting out in organized magic with no idea of what to buy?
yeah you don't get it
it's not about boring or fun, it's about how you win
just go bogles, most of the cost in that deck comes down to horizon canopy anyway
It's not a derogatory term
Really? I get the impression that a lot of people use it as one, or wish everyone played "fair" decks because they'd like it better. The implication is in the language. Unfair is bad. It's not good to be told your deck is unfair. It is stigmatizing to the combo player.
Tron is not fair
It aims to play go fish until they play their planeswalker that costs 400 mana thats says your opponent loses
Do you feel oppressed?
people love to complain about things. they will never be happy with a format. a format full of fair decks is midrange value beatdown and that would be a nightmare (and is essentially what standard is)
the format would be fine right now if control were just a little bit stronger.
Original eldrazi was unfair. It had too much fast mana thanks to temple+eye+urborg, and affinity can drop all it's hand in t1.
Fair vs unfair is too much subjective. Jund is fair but BBE and DRS were unfair
Affinity wins by a fair method (damage) but the sinergy is literally unfair
But unfair decks will try to brak the rules of the game, or abuse a mechanic(an example would be Storm, dredge) while fair decks try to play normally and generaly rely on disruption (Control) or in pure goodstuff (Midrange) (UWR rely on counters and removal, while Jund isjust VALUE)
That part is true. Players generally prefer Fair magic, and berate or shun unfair magic.
But people who do play unfair decks own it. Embrace the unfairness. Live inside it. You lose to an unfair deck? Boo- freakin- hoo go cry in the corner.
lil bit. a guy i beat with combo got buttblasted and went off about fair decks.
>or abuse a mechanic(an example would be Storm, dredge)
I think this is totally fair though. The same rules and cardpool apply to everyone. Fair is whatever you do with that. Shit that's broken gets banned and what's left is fair play.
Not really. What you should do when you're starting out is buy budget versions of actually good decks that you could later upgrade into the good versions. If you buy a budget deck that's just jank, then when you have more money to spend later, all you'll be able to do is buy another janky budget deck.
Additionally, a good thing to do is to prioritize putting your money into lands. Good lands can be used in a variety of decks, so if you later decide you want to play something different, it'll help get over the initial cost of that deck. Although, a caveat to that, some decks have their own landbase that isn't so interchangeable. Affinity might be a powerful deck, but no other deck in the format is looking for Glimmervoid or Blinkmoth. It's better for your collection to sink a bunch of money into Fetchlands than anything else at the moment.
A common thing to suggest to new players is Burn decks, because pretty much every expensive card besides Goblin Guides are in your lands. You'll either be saving up for Guides, which is a respectable purchase, or for Fetches, which are some of the best things you can be buying.
look into a deck that can be upgraded. something like B/W Tokens or Elves can be built for a relatively cheap price and still be competent but you can also change some slots with better cards over time.
>Spot the combo player
Listen to me, young man, if you are casting 10* rituals and cantrips in your turn, or recurring effects from your graveyard, you are not playing real magic, now go buy some boosters and play the real and fun magic that is standard
See Unfair is not an insult, or a complaint. It's terminology for a category of decks. This isn't about what you think, it's simple categorization.
>mark rosewater did it meme
I don't understand where this comes from
maro is responsible for a majority of the broken shit in mtg, his track record for balance is terrible
and it should be, he's a designer, not a developer
the person you want to criticize is the lead developer in whatever era of magic you're talking about, those are the people who say no, those are the people fucked up shit slips passed accidentally
>Unfair is not an insult, or a complaint.
Yeah it is though. We are playing a game. Games are enjoyable when fair, and not when unfair. Choosing that term to describe a category of decks is inherently derogatory.
Fuck off maro
It comes from the fact that he is the mouthpiece of MTG and thus is the one saying that they (WotC) would like to continue the trend towards Creatures: the Tappening.
He answers a lot of questions on the Development side on his tumblr as well
alright then, continue to be retarded
if you want the game to be different, though, you're aiming your hate boner at the wrong lunatic
It's not, you're choosing to interpret it as insulting, but it's been in place long enough that if it ever was meant to be insulting, most everyone has gotten over it. They're words, context denotes the connotations, and in this context people aren't meaning to use them to denigrate or deride archetypes, but to describe their gameplay process.
Whatever your opinion on the matter, "fair" and "unfair" are the existing terms. You're not going to change them. I'm not going to change them. They are what they are and will continue to be. Get used to it or don't, it honestly doesn't matter.
cry more pussy
it's really the people railing about combo being "unfair" and their special pet decks being "fair" who are crybabies.
>dont call my deck aggressive!
>i-its just fast!
combo decks are fast and aggressive. they're also fair.
no, that's the terminology, nobody's whining about combo
their whining is inherent in their choice of terminology.