Looking to get into 40k. What do I need to get started?
Warhammer 40k
Ideally I'd like a small number of orks and space marines to play with friends.
Assault on Black Reach if they still sell it
Lots of time and disposable income.
The ability to enjoy pulp fiction.
High frustration tolerance.
Most importantly a personality that doesn't lean towards the obsessive or very much self discipline.
That last thing is important because if you manage to dedicate yourself to one army only you'll actually get shit done. And you also won't waste money on miniatures you will never build.
Heed my words, pick your army wisely and stick with it.
>Heed my words, pick your army wisely and stick with it.
Pick an army you like
dont play table top
>don't play tabletop
Meaning you suggest just getting into for the collecting and painting?
Trust me you will like the hobby 1 million times better and you also use ebay for cheap stuff
40K is a terrible game. If you're looking into it for the minis, sure, go for it. If you're looking for a better game, play just about anything else.
What about smaller games such as kill team? Also, in your opinions, what makes it such a terrible game?
An ability to google search. People ask this daily.
The rules are an absolute mess. True line of sight is utterly bizarre and there's an insane amount of bloated special rules that will need to be looked up constantly.
Balance is completely out the window. Some codices are ancient and completely out of date, others are full of overpowered bullshit, and formations designed to sell models by giving free bonuses.
The game's scale is completely inappropriate, every cunt has a ridiculous knight that is half the size of their torso in a 28mm game.
I haven't played Kill Team personally, but it does seem like it would fix the scale issues and some of the balance.
I'd recommend either Infinity for smaller skirmishes, or Dropzone Commander for bigger battles in terms of games with quality rules.
What mini game is the most fun to play?
To start you pretty much need to rape a small country of it's riches, I hear this is not so hard these days...
My personal favourite is Kings of War, but that's just me. There's lots of good ones out there.
Guild Ball
I love 40k but the game has retarded rules where you have to ignore half to have fun love the minis though
Give a few games a try online before you decide to commit to the minis. There's a VASSAL 40k module but that's been mostly sidelined ever since Tabletop Simulator came out.
Time, money, and patience. Start off small and keep to small if you can. I'd recommend Kill Team. Don't buy any codices- they're so goddamn expensive, just find PDFs online.
I was interested in 40k, but after watching some games it seems like every aspect of the game is 100% reliant on dice rolls. It LOOKS like there isn't much strategy involved at all, where even movement is dependent on rolls. Is this the case? I was really excited to try and make it a new hobby, the painting looks fun, but the gameplay just seems...soul-less. Idk if I can justify buying these minis just to paint them.
the game is a lot more fun and interesting when you finally realise it's enjoyable to play with mates on the weekend over a couple of beers where you get to talk about cool shit while playing a pretty cool wargame in a crazy fantasy universe
Im planning to buy dark vengeance for start. I haven't decided yet who would i play. While i cant pick anything but DA for SM cause of special models in that box, i can paint pretty much any chaos legion or warband for models in this set right?
Friends/Gamegroup first.
Motivation second
Minis, paints and rules third
Necromunda or Blood Bowl
rob a bank
The DV set will come with DA shoulder pads, you can buy pads for another chapter at the store but it's much, much cheaper to buy them on eBay.
The CSM models you can paint whatever you like.
Ask your local if they do a starter kit, should include the DV box, a can of chaos black primer and the basic paint kit.
What is DV set?
Dark Vengeance
Oh, right, thanks. Though i doubt there is a starter kit in my local store, they would've told me if they had it.
If you wanted the most direct route, I would suggest picking an army, but a "Start Collecting" box for it, buy only the specific paints you need for that army, and get a couple of the standard brushes of various sizes. Don't let them rope you into buying an artificer brush, they're expensive.
The things you need to play, you can find online. You'll need a codex, blast templates, a bunch of dice and the core rule book.
If you like to have something physical, you can buy the codex at the store, otherwise there's a link for them in the general thread.
Oh and a tape measure, and some clippers for cutting spruces and plastic glue
Regurgitating some basic info I picked up getting into the game a few weeks ago:
-Don't buy the blast templates, just find them online, print them out and trace/glue them onto a tough material, such as cardboard or some sort of dense styrofoam. This is good for making custom explosion art too, if you'd like. Get an enormous fuckton of 6-sided die. 30 will pretty much cover any possible situation but get a couple extra in addition to these, and print out a few scatter die templates, then glue them onto those extra dice.
-"Obtain" the rulebook for the game, and the codex for the army you're interested in then read through them. The codex especially has a vast wealth of specific details relating to special rules, unit statistics, colour schemes, and all other kinds of useful stuff that pertains to that particular army. In this example, I just used IG, but don't actually buy that army if it isn't the one you want, obviously.
-Alternatively, you could just pick up the "Warhammer 40k Starter Bundle" which includes two very respectably-sized armies for a two beginners to play against each other, misc. tools needed to play(ex. a few dice, maybe a ruler, and maybe blast templates) in addition to the same paint kits/spray in the picture as well as a slimline version of the rulebook without all of the "unnecessary" lore fluff in the full rulebook.
Thanks a lot.
Ah, replacing a heroine addiction with something just as expensive and addictive but arguably more healthy, I see.
Nothing can replace a full blown heroine addiction.
Pirate the Second Edition rules and Codices, and play with whatever comes to hand. Warhammer40k has been going down the drain for decades
That's pretty much it. I run Orks, and I usually end up having to sit there and remove half of my models on turn 2 when facing my weaboo faggot friend's triple riptide list. There really isn't that much strategy involved. As was stated there is fun in painting models and converting those little guys, but the game isn't really that fun when you are guaranteed to lose by default depending on your army.
I mean, if you are playing malestorm it is less the case, and if you aren't playing a melee army against a gunline. Not to say 40k isn't a rageing dumpster fire, there are things you can do nake it better.
But it's the most realistic wargame.
The one with the most powerful logistics (IRL cash and point optimisation) win.
This. Also Mordheim.
>Looking to get into 40k
your dads credit card
en ebay account
and a bookshelf big enough to fit your sanity, all the models, and way too many conflicting codexi
get rid of the retarded Chaos spray and just go get some Krylon primer for $3.
buy the templates on ebay, I got mine for a couple €
i recommend having more then one color of die, as you sometimes have different weapons you can roll together. You also need a so called scatter die, which can be found on ebay, or a GW for really cheap.
Buy *only* the basic paints for your chosen color scheme first. And a fitting shade, as most intro-paint bundles have many you do not need together. Videos on painting and brush maintenance are found on youtube.
Buy a sharp knife to cut/scratch the sprue residues from your models. Especially vehicles hardly fit right if you dont.
make a small army first and keep the leftover stuff from the sprues. The hardest part for new players is choosing the right special weapons, but that depends on the army you want.
What is missing here is an measurement tape with inches, as all movement and range are in inches.
there normally is a 40k general, if you want to 'look' at the codex and rulebook.
the rulebook is also found in the killteam box, but the box AFAIK misses the templates.
Oh before I forget, GW is offering cheap boxes with only a handful of simlpe models for most armies. These are good to learn painting with and to choose a color scheme.
40k isn't that expensive for a nerd hobby you know. It's expensive for a wargame sure, but in terms of hobby startups it's pretty reasonable. As a Magic player I can barely get a reasonable deck for what a reasonable 40K army costs.
My problem is with the utter garbage fire that is the latest ruleset and with the profound unsuitability of a lot of models when viewed as game pieces. Cost wise, can't complain.
I agree with the knights ruining the scale. Although I totally understand why people love them. Imperial knights and Riptides are fucking BA looking but it feels like they just don't fit in games of toy soldiers. Now the games at my FLGS always need a knight in every army it's ridiculous.
Has anyone made a "youll need lots of money" joke yet
Krosmaster Quest.
Buy the minis, use the rules of a different game.
That's how Warhammer started anyway. They had minis for other games, made their own simple game for people to use them with along with minis from other companies, when it got popular they overcomplicated the rules and forbade using other company minis while adding a digit to the prices of their own.
not really
not everything depends on dice rolls. Much depends on where you put your units so they are in range or cannot be seen.
It does have balancing issues though
You can easily get the DA miniatures from DV for like 20-30 dollars on ebay. Its a great way to get started.
See Except I'd recommend 4th with the codecies before 4e Dark Angels.