Who was most right? Who was most wrong?
Who was most right? Who was most wrong?
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>not joining glorious spess slav in galactic-sized squat
In terms of AI performance:
God Tier:
Good Tier:
Meh Tier:
Shit Tier:
Miriam was most objectively wrong. Clinging to religion in an age when science has relegated God to gaps so tiny that she has to threaten scientists not to seek knowledge of the beginning and end of things (thus showing that her faith was placed in nothing) while simultaneously praising science as "miracles" is the ultimate hypocrisy. She was blinded wholly by her devotion to a figment of the imagination of illiterate, ignorant Bronze Age goat herders.
Call me a fedora-wearing edgelord, but I'm 100% right. There's no reason to believe this shit now in 2016, and for her to use it as an excuse for authoritarianism in the far future is a crime against the human intellect and sense of dignity.
You're a fedora-wearing edgelord.
This is the most inspiring thing I've ever read.
If they were illiterate, then how did they write the Bible.
Fuck Christianity
So many cultures lost so many people killed over this bullshit religion
>inb4 lol ur a neckbeard atheist
Fuck you
Free Drones were right. Everyone else is shit.
>Mom didn't get me the chicken tendies I wanted, maybe tipping my new fedora will make me feel better
If people were worthy enough, then Santiago would have been the ideal human leader and thus led our species to greatness. As it stands, though, humanity probably deserves fucks like Morgan.
Nice crippling insecurity you got there.
Lal was the most right. He had the correct claim to the U.N. mission that started this whole mess.
Worst has to be either Yang or no, Yang.
Right? Wrong? Why would an enlightened society have need of such obsolete binary concepts of ethics and morality?
Humanity must transcend such primitive dualism, and pursue the ascetic virtues of unity. Unity in mind and unity of body; the grand singular harmonious truth. Not falsehood, not conflict and antagonism that serves only to splinter our society and jeopardize our prosperity and posterity needlessly and uselessly on an alien planet that dreams of our extinction.
In such a enlightened society, individuality cannot exist as it is the antithesis of such tautological, totalitarian and beautiful unity.
But morgan is such a magnificent bastard I'd fucking follow him in a heartbeat.
You'd do the same in his position.
That's why you'll never be a Spartan, kid.
Its better be prosperous and fat then mind worm food, Spartan scum.
Man does not live on bread alone. Yang's ideology only seeks to create a body for his inflated head.
>and fat
Working out like 90 minutes a few days a week surely is easier and more productive than self delusion user
Better to fall before an enemy than be defeated by yourself.
Progress is not measured by daily gain but hacking away at the daily nonessential.
Man will not only live on bread but will live on far less, for it is within man's nature to break his own limitations.
Or you could put that time and energy into labor to build a better world for your children and their children. Why not sweat over the anvil instead of bleeding for a meaningless cause?
Santiago would have been right if she hadn't overlooked the fact that the planet had a magical synapse-fungus that rendered her methods inadequate. deirdre was therefore the most correct in a pure utilitarian sense, because she's the only leader who really wrapped her head around the implications of chiron's ecology. however, that doesnt change the fact that she was a creepy kook and deserved to live out her days in a pain booth for weaponizing mind worms.
Because the best world is that which holds the best people, and the best people will always be ready to bleed.
>he doesn't have over the counter pills and gene mods available on demand to get that 10/10 sexy bod without any effort at all. All at competitive prices that any middle class citizen can afford.
When will those Spartans learn?
But aren't defeated by an worthy enemy you get raped by planet itself. Toppest kek.
>Human intellect
Yes, remind me how much Lal elevated human dignity when they created genejack slaves.
Regale me how the Intellect of Man as a species was freed when Zarkarov installed AI overlords in his colonies and crafted fucking liquid metal terminators just because it satiated his curiosity and ego mommentarily.
Do tell how Dedrie's obsession with worshiping a mouldering hivemind and plans to reduce humans to the symbiotic herdsmen of psychic maggots elevates the future of the species.
Even Morgan's lust for the ever increasing 'profits' leads him to nerve staple his own workers if they should raise objection to his 'medical experiements'
Yang does not seek to break man's fetters but to make them. He argues it is all for a way for all men, but this way already exists.
Then bleed for labor and industry, not vainglorious warmongering.
It was Yang who made the Genejacks. What better manifestation exists for the logical end of the Human Hive than a lobotomized simpleton!
It is a father's duties to teach lessons and guide the son on his journey to be a virtuous man.
That path is arduous and turbulent but every step must be taken and every inch crawled and walked.
I havent seen this copy pasta in a while
>competitive prices
Pardon, right, Yang, I visualized the right person, just not his name.
Lal is just a poor bastard who never truely left the Unity, stuck cloning his dead wife, pretending anyone cares about the opinion of United Nations who were never really united in anything.
Labor and industry are unworthy. War is the only thing which makes a man. You would seek prosperity for prosperity's sake; We would seek battle because it defines us, makes us better. No gene-mod, no philosophy, no religion, no technological convenience can raise up a man's character.
>this kills the Spartan.
And yet Planet is the best place for Lal. Each faction is just a different piece of what was to be a united effort. Each is too specialized to thrive, but with jolly cooperation Alpha Centauri would yield easily.
They were all wrong. That was the fucking point. Any ideology taking to it's logical extremity becomes horrific parody.
>jolly cooperation
>rigs the U. N council so he gets double the votes
But who was less wrong?
He doesn't rig the council, he gets more votes because people realize he's not a fucking lunatic like everyone else.
>not the people voting for him in secret despite the risk of nerve stapling
Yes, but it's fun to pretend to subscribe to extreme ideologies on Tibetan sand painting imageboards, ya mook.
Lal was the least wrong, but also a complete failure. If might makes right, Diedre was the most right, as she succeeded in the end.
Lal least wrong, Diedre most right.
Then you are lost.
That part is left ambiguous, they could be supporters to his cause, but Lal could be manipulating the flawed bureaucratic system to get the most votes via gerrymandering.
>implying Lal doesn't nerve stable uppity drones like every other faction.
This man speaks the truth
Why can't we all just go along?
>implying he needs to when he can pay them off in NEETbucks
Remember an idea or belief will always be taken to the extreme
>Only has one base while everyone else has 2-5
>Still fucking around with laser guns and impact rovers when everyone is moving towards particle impactors and plasma shard launchers
>M-muh wife is deaaaad!
That's fine on paper but it runs into problems when you consider that the University is right about everything and does nothing wrong.
Because I'm angry!
>does nothing wrong
if you niggers want to go which STALKER faction is right ill go fight you right now
>fuck the religion that laid down the base for western civilization and the moral code that I follow faithfully in this post
>applying the hell that is grad student life to 90% of society
University is not the worst, that's gotta be Yang, but it's pretty bad.
Could you give an overview of what they're about? Don't worry, we'll filter out your bias.
Loners>Clear Sky>Bandits>Monolith>Duty>>>>>Shit>>>>>Freedom
Say all you want about Yang, but when he's popping out based left right and center, rushed secret project command nexus before everyone else by 10 turns and spends all game making even more bases and planting big fat blobs of infantry units on those fucking +4 morale base, you're in for a bad time.
>the villain is powerful
I wouldn't have it any other way.
Clear Sky
Basically comprised of the guys behind the C-Consciousness most of them felt guilty about what they did and wanted to either destroy or contain the zone.
Though their failure turned most of them into Monolith
Yep. That's why I always hunt his ass down at the start every time, or use the Planet Busters. Fuck letting him build momentum.
The only bad factions were Renegades,Monolith, and Bandits
The others had good reasons and ideals about why they were made.
>tfw even after you manage to take Yang's bases his citizenry are so fucked up that it's almost best to just commit ethnic cleansing on most of his territories.
Except, you know, mercs.
>Its almost best to just commit ethnic cleansing on most of his territories
>tfw yang's territory covers almost 50% of the fucking map because he wiped out 2-3 factions in the early game and has 75+ bases
Or the Army
The Army indirectly created Duty if they didnt fuck over the soldiers they sent in without support then you wouldnt have gotten a faction of soldier STALKERs
>mfw Yang has been expanding on another continent and I'm closest to him.
athenian democracy could more rightly be called the base of western civilisation than one of the youngest religions behind scientology
So we're not counting Islam?
We always talk about the vanilla factions
Anyone have a love for the Alien Crossfire ones? I mean I only liked the Nautilus Pirates since muh pirates in space but the others were kind of meh
A handsome young Cyborg named Ace
Wooed women at every base,
But once ladies glanced at
His special enhancement
They vanished with nary a trace.
Alien Crossfire was full of snowflakes. None of them had the kind of nuance the original factions had, and they were all imbalanced as well. It's a damn shame since the techs added were really cool.
I always felt like they should have primarily popped up under 'rebellion' circumstances, or to replace a fallen faction. Sub-factions that rarely have true bases but one can interfere and interact with on occasion.
Excepting the alien factions of course... entirely unnecessary they were.
as young, or a contributor to 'western civilisation'
I'm not discounting other contributors, just noting the historical significance of christianity doesn't really qualify it as the 'basis' of either moral codes or global social traditions
Reminder that if your social engineering wasn't Democracy-Green/Planned-Knowledge-Eudaimonic then you were basically governing one kind of dystopia or another.
I honestly wish the Cyborgs were a little more brutal with assimilation instead of being peaceful like that
youngest religion barring Scientology.
>one of the youngest religions behind scientology
I don't think this rules anything out
I always had this hate for the fucking Gaians.
I dont know why but their fucking uptight "MOTHER GAIA" YOU DONT CARE FOR THE PALNNNNET" shit always got on my nerves
It's probably because their the designated hero and the most imbalanced. It's also probably why Santiago's militarism gets such a bad rap.
>Playing as Deidre
>Very poor tech gains
>Try to be neutral in a Santiago vs Yang war, when I realize Santiago is losing I try to make deals for her tech and she refuses
>Yang wipes her out and declares war for no reason
>Have to fend off his super powerful units with a base in a chokepoint staffed by 10+ recon rovers because they're all I've got
>Make deals with him to call off the war only for him to start it again a few turns later multiple times
>In desperation, I build a ship to search for new continents and find someone to trade tech with, I have only a few turns before Yang reaches Gaia's Landing
>He wants all of my peaceful techs in exchange for all of his military shit he made to fight Miriam
>Use it to mercilessly wipe Yang out of existence, ignoring all of his pleas and surrenders
>Now that I have an entire continent, I try for a diplomatic victory
>Zhakarov and Morgan will vote for me, Miriam won't but she at least isn't hostile
>Fucking Lal will not be bribed or agree to a pact under any circumstances
>Realize I have no choice but to attack the peaceful UN if I want to win via diplomacy
This game is driving me insane.
I think the best way for a Gaia victory is get Morgan and Zhakarov and its ez
this shit is why everyone loves it
You're underestimating how terrifying dystopian gaians can be.
Thought control, swarms of mind worms used on their own civilians, continually sacrificing living standards and comfort for the sake of "planet"... they can be every bit as horrifying as Yang or anyone else.
Why does Veeky Forums always have good threads on this fucking game.
I love the threads and game but /v/ with all their bitching about loving older games doesnt seem to care for this that much.
Ya know whats worse then a dystopian gaian?
A dystopian Human Hive running a green economy and going for builder route. Human-mind worm hybrids, technology and infrastructure that is indistinguishable from human flesh, bone and skin. A literal canvas of hybrid human trees and skin and oceans of blood pumping nutrients into the entire system that would put the Worse Gigor-esque nightmares to shame
The big problem with this game is the lack of factions. In Civ you don't know if you'll have to deal with a whole bunch of culture civs or a mix or a bunch of conquest civs or what. In this game, you know you're going to have to deal with Santiago, Yang, and Miriam, and you know that all will be unreasonable assholes.
Or how you can't mix faction ideologies one good thing about beyond earth
Imagine a Goodwin and Santiago highly militaristic religious faction
>Call me a fedora-wearing edgelord, but I'm 100% right.
aaand your post is now certified bait
>tfw you realize chairman yang is your dad
>get in the plasma shard robot to transcend the misery of the individual in the collective triumph
What game?