MTG Standard Thread

Frank Karsten wrote a new article with 10 different deck ideas.

Cathartic Reanimator looks sweet

Other urls found in this thread:

>Standard is a money pit
>WOTC are bending the knee and trying to flood in sales like they did with BFZ expeditions
>Fuck Hasbro

Ian Duke discusses R&D's current philosophy on 'planned format staples' vs 'emergent format staples'.

Ian Duke and the rest of R&D don't like it when format staples are unimportant cards to the story. Ian Duke mentions Astral Slide as an example. They've decided to pump up the power level of story cards, like planeswalkers and legendary creatures.

10 deck ideas that are complete trash because these guys don't post real decks that have a shot at the protour.

>Don't like non story cards becoming staples
>Bump up legendarily and planes walkers.
To what end? Do they want to make it some sorta card game Warcraft 3 where everything is canon fodder for the fucking named things?

Yes. That is precisely what they want. Works for Hearthstone, after all.

>Let opponent draw 3 cards or take 3 cards worth of CMC to the face
What the shit, wizards

I guess it's not quite soooo similar depending on how its implemented

making planeswalkers more playable going forward wouldn't necessarily be a bad thing given how many useless ones float about now

They were raving about Liliana, Elder-Deep Fiend, Ishkanah, and Emrakul before the Pro Tour

>people believe mythic rares are gonna kick ass

I know EDF is only a rare but when has a non mythic/rare not gotten pushed into the spotlight?

But do you really want more chase Mythic Rares?

the brewed decks in the article are also based around powerful mythics and rares.
so that doesn't really apply to the argument that those decks can't be good because CFB never understands what cards/decks are powerful.

Off the top of my head:
Lightning Bolt
Monastery Swiftspear
Abzan/Jeskai Charm
Gray Merchant
Delver of Secrets
Treasure Cruise

This is assuming you meant to type 'when has a non-mythic/rare been in the spotlight not 'when has a non mythic/rare not gotten pushed into the spotlight', in which case the answer becomes 'basically all the time'.

Rate my shitbrew, Veeky Forums.

It sorta kinda works but there's something about the curve that doesn't convince me

Bromat courier x4
Lupine Prototype x4
Asylum Visitor x4
Inventor's Apprentice x3
Bloodhall Priest x3

Smuggler's Copter x4
Key to the city x2

Collective Brutality x3
Built to Smash x4
Unlicensed Disintegration x3
Fiery Temper x3

Aether Hub x4
Swamp x7
Mountain x10
Hanweir Battlements x2

Forgot pic realted

Played this at my shop last night. Did really well. My shop runs a lot of BX control and this deck just put greens them so hard. I also outhealed a fevered visions deck after siding the 4th alliance and Gisela. I also Tammy ulted 3 times, and it's insane.

I'm gonna be running this early on in new standard but not sure what goes in. The new glimmer looks good, as well as dovin and nissa. The one issue I ran into is drawing tamiyo early on. I consistently drew back to back very often, which is statistically unlikely but I'll probably cut down 1. Thoughts? (My 2nd seasons past is in the mail and borrowed one for the event).

Looks kinda underpowered

Why did you exclude new Chandra?

Put greens should be out greeds.

Any reason you cut reflector mage?

Tested it and honestly my games go long enough that the tempo isn't worth it. My win con is basically exhausting my opponent and it doesn't help in most matchups. I've sided 2 though. At work so can't post pictures of side unfortunately.

The only thing I can think of is somewhere there must be an EDH draw-denial deck that this belongs in. It's the only explanation.

I'll probably do R/W artifacer with a few twists here and there like Sigarda's Aid.
Though reanimator looks fun, I like my decks cheap, aggro, and efficient.

I tested it but it's tricky. Most of the time you're forced to discard it to power the lupines, wich probably isn't really worth it.

It's not so underpowered, of course it's very reliable to good topdecks but this is what you get. I guess I'll roll with it until I can afford Chandras and a real deck along with them.

>works for Hearthstone
>best Legendary in the game, auto include in almost literally every deck in a format that can run it is some random quest giver from a zone no one ever remembers

I believe his point was that CFB would never share what they honestly thought was the best deck in the format publicaly before the Pro Tour.

How is just straight RB aggro looking? Maybe Vamp or madness subtheme or something. How are Zombies looking with no Jace?

That is true.
But these are early brews, not refined decks weighed against a predicted meta.
Brewing is only the first step and they do share those unless they think they stumbled onto something amazing and different right before the pro tour. And they can't even know if it is that for an untested format.

The new vehicle is better then Jace full stop. Best creature in kaladesh.

It works not only in zombies but rb vampires as well. And key to the city makes rb vampires the front runner for best aggro deck early on. (Sorry rw equip memers)

>The new vehicle is better then Jace full stop
I'm not 100 percent sold on that. What made jace great is that he didn't have to be in combat to loot. The new vehicle needs to survive combat and there's a chance your opponent won't attack either and just sit on blockers.

That's a little disappointing, when I started this game randomly around dark ascension admittedly I didn't know anything about its lore. What grabbed me was how I could just pick and choose cards and be a wizard of goblins or werewolves, or build around mechanics. It just feels like the worlds themselves will start feeling a little less memorable in the future when the staples are just the gatewatch and the anti-gatewatch and not what the world itself has to offer.

Count the ammount of rares+mythics, the deck with the most rares+mythics will be the one to win the PT.

How do we save the format from Kaladesh's Kalacancer?

It just needs to attack or block, no need for surviving.

Also zombies get the added benefit of crewing their spirit token off of haunted dead. Decks gonna be sweet. Just debating if splashing red will be worth it, or if there is enough exilable creatures for the scraphead to justify it

But kaladesh has features so little of the gatewatch it's ridiculous. The set is all about the fair and honestly if the world building is decent and the cards are strong or interesting then the sets will be remembered fondly. No one will forget the set that had tezzeret criticize podracing

>reflector mage
>post coco rotation


Thinking of coming back into Standard and with the new set coming out I dont know what to realistically build. To be honest, I've been looking into that UR Thermo deck which apparently isn't losing much at all.

My question is... Is there a way to add to this deck to make it better or? You guys think it be good enough for FNM?

>How do we save the format from Kaladesh's Kalacancer?
Kaladesh is saving the format of CoCancer

It's solid for fnm, loses to white decks, loses nothing but gains nothing.

It's cheap. I say go for it.

>bump up the power of planeswalkers


I would say opt for the Grixis build of it

Got a decklist?

That sounds like severe long term cancer

>year 2020
>alright I'll lead with my Jace's Resort House Island and I'll tap it to cast Jace's Ponder
>I'll counter your Nissa's Ramp Spell with Jace's Chess Master Counterspell

behold the magic of the internet

Well, Jace is REALLY good at chess.

I use a pretty similar build to

Honestly this is better than yugioh.

The fact all the crazy cool shit from the cartoon was jank to play with irl sucked

So basically two cards make the difference?


Looks like their excuse to print more chase mythics

>Want to play Standard
>Jund Superfriends is obviously the best deck
>Can only buy 1-2 walkers a week unless I wanna cut on other hobbies, which isn't gonna happen
>By the time I have it built it'll be Aether Revolt time.
>Ob Nixilis, Ruinous Path, Big Chandra, Glade, Quagmire, Marsh and 2/3 Oaths rotate in 6 months.
I'm starting to resent the new rotation.

>Jund Superfriends
>best deck in standard

When???? Where????
rate my shitbrew please.

Wait and see.

Did you guys remember to get in on Cataclysmic Gearhulk early or are you gonna be the sucker that paid 3-6 times what you needed to?

>shitty tragic arrogance on a shitty body


This is fine by me if it means Standard's powerlevel rises.

>A 4/5 body with a keyword for 5 is on curve
>Oh and by the way it also has a boardwipe attached to it
It's so much value that shit's just dumb. Who cares if your opponent gets to keep 1 creature? You cleared their board and got a big body on your board with a single card.

Sour poorfag detected

>Shitty Tragic Arrogance
>On a shitty 4/5 Vigilance body
>That is both Artifact and Creature
>And can be tuttored with Eldritch Evolution
>Being 5cmc means you can do so off a Matter Reshaper
Cataclysmic Gearhulk is going to be a thing in Standard, but its Eldritch Evolution the card that will spike

Not everyone can be a buddhist or a rich bitch

Can I use conspiracy take the crown cards in standard? I was gifted two boosters as a gift


>Can I use conspiracy take the crown cards in standard?


Conspiracy cards are for conspiracy only

Sucks. I got this cool zombie who makes you the monarch, was planning on using with some of the zombie cards I got in innistrad

It is too bad, but it's better this way.

They use Conspiracy to reprint cards that would break Standard clean in half.

They can also be used in eternal formats.

No. What made jace great was that it came down on turn 2, it could loot, and it's - could use the the things in the graveyard so even if you discarded it was almost like never discarding it at all.
Source: Somehow who hates control because of that jace.

>every deck is now 90% Rares or mythics
>rotation is twice as fast
>oh and on top of that it's going to be all story cards, completely removing you from being a spellcaster and now just being a reciter of your pre-prescribed story
Where were you when standard lost all of its creativity

>>oh and on top of that it's going to be all story cards, completely removing you from being a spellcaster and now just being a reciter of your pre-prescribed story

Hey, at least it isn't the Weatherlight Saga

>ultra mythic is now a recurring thing

>that will in no way impact standard
>or any other formats

>An excuse to never give us any actual good reprints in any standard set ever again won't affect standard or any other format.

Aetherworks Marvel is way more violent than Coco. It lands the big Eldrazis on the field faster than Modern Tron.

Standard was terrible with the fetches in it.

>Reprints = fetches

>Aethorworks marvel
I don't see...
>Only 6 energy
>Doesn't sacrifice itself to use the effect

>6 energy to cast anything on the top 6 for free
>meanwhile on a common it's 8 energy just for 6 damage
Of course it's a fucking mythic. Fuck Wizards.

I don't like this. No sir, not one bit. That means every card BUT walkers and legendary creatures is going to be stupidly cheap, while the walkers become even more expensive, and my legendary commanders rise in price, which I'm indifferent about, assuming they're actually good.

I just hate walkers in general. Yes, I have a whole pile, no I don't really use them. I just don`t want to have to buy a playset of $60 dollar walkers every time standard rotates just so I can play jank games at the flgs.

Standard is objectively the worst format, followed closely by modern. Limited and commander masterrace is where it's at.

Thoughtseize and mutavault were cancer too. There's a reason they are working hard to lower standard's power level

>3 cards worth of CMC to the face
you know, chances are it will all be lands and cheap cantrips. and even if you're hit with a bomb: better the CMC to the face than giving the opponent a bomb to cast!
a fixed 6 damage etbf would have been stronger, if not for the utility of self-milling 3 cards.

>There's a reason they are working hard to lower standard's power level
Yes, because idiots keep defending it, and are willing to throw their money at it. I can count on one hand the number of significant EM cards. Even fewer SoI cards to be honest with you. Kaladesh has about... 8 cards I think I want, two of which will be priced out of my range because of arbitrary bullshit, and them being strong cards in a weak format.

>chances are it will all be lands and cheap cantrips

Not really.

In a Temur Emerge shell (The most likely current standard deck for it to see play in) the average is way up there around 7-8. That's a really significant chunk of damage when you get a big creature on top AND you're playing a deck that likes to dump shit in the yard anyway.

>running a 6 mana do nothing artifact in Temur Emerge


>thoughtseize was cancer in standard

If anything it's presence in Theros to Khans made the format super balanced, diverse and fun

>great for control to live to get to late game
>great for midrange to interact with control and just be value centric
>great for burn/fast decks because your opponent shocked himself and probably played a fetch land or two

Literally fuck off. Every standard block doesn't need to neutered

>Draw 3 or smack your opponent for an average of 8 and get a 6/6 body
>"Do nothing"


Red Gearhulk easily makes it as a 2-of

I'm glad wizards know best and doesn't pander to cancerous folks like you. Would you kindly fuck off to your legacy thread?

Yo, Weatherlight was baller

First of all it dilutes the strategy of go through your deck fast and ramp Emrakul. Now you do the same thing but less effective because you just have a 6 mana big guy hanging around your deck

Second it wouldn't even be that impressive. Sure in your magical christmas timmy land you'll play it and reveal 3 emrakuls on the top and jump out of your chair but realisitically? You'll probably hit a land, maybe a vessel and if you are lucky maybe a spider. I'd guess average to be like 5 damage or something. Big whoop. You almost always kill your opponent with Emrakul so why are you playing a 6 mana giant that zaps someone a bit when it isn't the decks goal.

Finally third the deck would have to go out of it's way to accommodate this trash. Every iteration of the deck is BARELY red currently. The popular red spells it plays are Kozileks Return and...oh wait that's it. And most of the time you barely even cast the thing from your hand.

You aren't gonna fucking warp your deck to play 6 mana timmy bait when you could just be more consistent at doing what the deck was already good at, Turboing out Emrakul faster then every other deck and wining on Emmies back.

> Vintage master race
Fixed it for you.

>Sure in your magical christmas timmy land

8 is the AVERAGE you math illiterate shitter

It's not magical chirstmas land it's literally what you can reasonably expect.

In other news, expecting to draw a copy of a 4-of in the top 15 cards of your deck has now been declared magical christmas land

>You'll probably hit a land, maybe a vessel and if you are lucky maybe a spider.

No, that's exactly what probably WON'T happen.

PROBABLY you'll hit around 8 CMC worth of stuff

>I'd guess average to be like 5 damage or something


You could always have actually done the math, but I guess your tummy feels were just as good, right?

Way to jump on one point super hard and ignore all the other good advice I was giving

Why exactly would you care about doming your opponent for 8 on turn 6? The deck wins through Emrakul not by playing teehee burn giants.

But sure if you wanna butcher your mana AND dilute the decks strategy then go ahead. I'm actually sure no Temur Emerge lists will run this garbage.

>He drives a shitbox and has awful hygiene but brags about his ability to purchase depreciating assets

I've won gamedays with decks that cost half as much as the other finalist's deck. It's all about knowing how to work around the meta rather than just playing a memewalkers deck

>new master pieces means standard will always be cheap and will not have broken cards reprinted in it anymore

Best move wizards has done in a long time. Commons and Uncommons are fine for reprinting but a lot of rare can warp standard too much

I hate this. I hate it because it's them basically admitting that they don't design sets with true balance in mind (true balance = power level is as close to flat as possible). For each iteration of Standard, they have specific decks in mind, with specific interactions, and they feel like something's gone wrong if the players, god forbid it, think outside the little box they built.

Fuck off Maro

this is why so much shit flows through their "cracks" and fucks standard.

they have a little Echo chamber where they design a standard format, and forget about a slew of cards that would defeat their little Meta.

Collected Company went right over their heads, they had no idea it'd be good, and it fucked all their plans for standard for a year.

WoTC's R&D is so fucking rigid its insane, they usually "arent at liberty" to even explain 90% of their insane decisions.

Marketing is a blight upon humanity.
We would be way better off and have higher quality product if that entire department or business didn't exist.

Of all the things to blame MaRo for, you choose the thing that'll make a format cheaper for everybody but the idiots who care about rare shiny cards?

Why isn't it called Temurge

No, it's fucking terrible.

That means eternal players will never see effective reprints