>roll a fighter >backstory: palace guard >2 + Int skill points per level >2 + Int >put everything in knowledge (nobility) >try to scale a wall >"roll your climb skill" >no skill ranks >sweatingintensifies.gif >roll a 1 >fall and break neck >reroll a druid
When did you realize d20 was shit?
Evan Thompson
try 5e
Ian Moore
>try the edition where all fluff and roleplaying elements have been completely scoured away along with everything else that doesn't support paid module based hack and slash
Luke Gray
Thats 4e, he said 5e
Christopher Ross
Yes, 5e.
Ryan Baker
Still haven't.
I will never understand Fa/tg/uys hatred for D&D... Of course I understand 4E which was a steaming pile of hot garbage, but D&D is sorta what started modern TTRPG's period. No it ain't perfect.
Each edition has its issues, but what is so inherently bad about the system? Unless your group are a bunch of asshole power gamers who abuse rules and shit or have a shit DM its a good system in the end
May not be the most popular opinion, but I still enjoy and play 3.5, Pathfinder, AD&D, and 5E
Sure there are dumb rules like natty fails and succesess, but just don't use them
Connor Phillips
What happened today, troll?
Job hunt not going so well? Mother cut your allowance?
What's made you feel the need to start shitposting this time?
Gabriel Barnes
>I will never understand Fa/tg/uys hatred for D&D.
There's nothing to understand. It's only a handful of guys, and they don't hate D&D so much as they love trolling, so they troll about what's popular.
Just stop paying attention to them, and let them have their silly circlejerk thread.
Gavin Thomas
>Of course I understand 4E which was a steaming pile of hot garbage Did everyone really just fall for a meme really hard?
Owen Gonzalez
No, it's the truth faggot. 4e was a shitty game. It was all COMBAT COMBAT COMBAT and made you track a shitton of status effects because the game had to make every attack oh-so-unique and interesting, even though most of them were similar shit. No one wants to track a fuckton of ongoing damage and be forced to use fighting "powers" that escalate in damage and have different names that sound a shitty 12 year old's karate anime.
At least 4e did AC scaling and spellcasting right. Of course 5e threw that all out the window to go back to slobbering 3.5's knob. What a shitshow. (((Mearls))) wanted to pull in Pathfinder players and as a result made a system that Pathfinder players AND 4th edition D&D players hated equally.
Jason Roberts
Not that user, but nah, it pioneered some good stuff, but it tossed too much desired material to the wayside in my opinion. Felt very mechanically-focused, though that may have been my DM more than anything talking about "Striker Rogue is better than Support Rogue" when I told him I was playing a tough-guy Enforcer kind of Rogue.
Christopher Brown
Some people just feel that people get pigeon held to DnD since its the most popular and well known roll playing tabletop game and wish they'd branch out
Xavier Martin
No, that's a shitty attempt to try and justify trolling. There are plenty of other games being discussed here. It's no secret that there's more than just D&D. So why pretend they're dropping revelations when they're really just shitposting about something they don't like and happens to be popular?
Luke Hall
I'm not defending trolls just saying why some anons are distasteful of dnd I always try to see merit in both sides of an argument if I particularly like dnd
Logan Bell
>try a system where your barbarian can't even lift a cart let alone a castle No
Julian Green
Everything you just described about 4e combat is vastly profferable compared to "Okay you do that? Okay enemy failed saving throw. Okay battle's over guys. Good job wizard."
Eli Richardson
>Unless your group are a bunch of asshole power gamers who abuse rules and shit or have a shit DM its a good system in the end Literally the exact same phrase in ever thread user, you're so easy to spot, put the 3.PF defense squad trip so we can easily recognize you
And again, no, this has nothing to do with power gamers or *shit* GMs, the mechanics create the problems, people just make them obvious
Oliver Hall
When that one lovely user decided to make it his personal mission to intrude on every conversation about D&D with his unsolicited opinion. Being told only that D&D is shit really opened my eyes!
Oh wait, no it didn't. Because that's not, and will literally never be, how it works.
Daniel Cruz
>be monk >other user picks druid, chooses bear, when he gets wildshape he turns into bear Yeah, the druid is an asshole, system is perfectly balanced
Jackson Reed
Taking into account he created the thread, it's you the one who's intruding in the conversation.
Parker Richardson
>Low level >Druid gets the Ape, might be Gorilla, animal companion >Ape is objectively better than the Fighter