>This is how I dump stat STR
This is how I dump stat STR
Other urls found in this thread:
>This is how I dump stat DEX
>This is how I dump stat Charisma.
>This how I dump stat Strength and Constitution and fail a Bluff check all in one.
I have never once been able to dump a stat in any game. I don't have it in me to make something like a super strong retard or a frail genius.
I feel it
This is Zone-tan animation, innit?
This is how I dump CHA
>This is how I dump INT
>This is how I (don't?) dump Charisma.
You know your movie is shit when Hal Jordan's the most amusing and interesting character
As long as it works
Not quite
>this is how I dump Wisdom as a Druid
>this is how I dump cheap wine
>this is how I wizard after wisdom damage
Isn't the real problem here everything but the hat?
Fedoras rarely do anything but make you look more like a tool.
>Bow Hunting.
>This is how I dump stat STR
>not dumping CHA when you're playing anything that isn't a Bard or a pally
Do you enjoy being useless?
Dude, that hat is fucking awful.
Fedora only look real good if you are swearing a suits.
Reminder that Indiana Jones wore a fedora
pic related is, in fact, a trilby
>acthually facktually it's a TRILBY
>this is how i true neutral
Hats have gone out of style as acceptable clothing for inside buildings anyway.
Putting on your nerd cap or attempting to hide your male pattern baldness with a sports hat is now on the same level as wearing flip flops to important event. You can, you will just look like a tool and everyone will be judging you for it.
>this is how I fairy companion
How is exercise lewd?
>teardrop tattoo
>star tattoos
Are there people who think these look cool?
They're gang signs. Teardrops represent murders committed. I don't remember what stars stand for off hand.
>teardrops represent murders committed
I always assumed it was how you marked a prison bitch.
Nope. Tats are a sign of being part of the group, of unity. Bitches don't get any tats, because they aren't people.
Sounds like a bunch of repressed homoeroticism and abandonment issues.
You say repressed I say new boyfriend
If you real take a closer look it will become lewd.
Yup, that's gang culture.
Normally bow hunting is no more stupid than hunting with a gun, just limited to shorter range. But normally bow hunting is for deer, a much larger target than a pheasant.
How much closer do I have to look, all I see is leg stretching.
>the joke
>[wind noises]
>your head
The joke is that generally when hunting with bow and arrow, you hit them with the arrow, not the bow.
What the fuck...?
>I talk shit about something I know nothing about
Americans at their finest.
The twist is that the bear is literally just a bear and doesn't really want to fuck her, she's just insane.
>A Canadian bestseller
>Reminder that Indiana Jones wore a fedora
See, this is what gross nerds think they'll look like. And that's the whole problem. Because you won't look like Harrison Ford. Especially not when you wear it with a ponytail, leather trenchcoat, cargo shorts and death metal t-shirt.
>ackshually it's a trilby
Like fucking clockwork.
Please just stop, you're embarrassing yourself.
>This is how I shadowrun
>Hats have gone out of style as acceptable clothing for inside buildings anyway.
They always were. There were even laws about wearing headgear inside buildings. Now that they are less common, it's become acceptable again to wear headgear indoors. It used to be seen as a lack of respect. Probably because most headgear obscures the face -especially the eyes- when seen from above.
This is you.
Reminder that Indiana Jones matched his hat with his outfit, took it off indoors when he was with respectable company, and wasn't a 900 pound greasy neckbeard autist.
>This is how I dragon
Sometimes you get more than one awful roll.
>teardrop tattoo
Look at these faggots acting like they're in an argument about something.
This is how I Banisher Mage.
Aw, are the other boys being mean to you? Poor dear.
Wow, isn't that working against your own interests?
Reminder that Indiana Jones also frequented areas of the world that required headwear to protect from the sun. Also explains why his face was sweaty a lot, leather does that.
Also the guy in that image was being ironic, like Hank Hill's "Ah look like a Jackass"
Now he's infamous for it which sucks.
There's a lot of people who for whatever reason see him as their last chance to fight off Wahhabi/Salafi encroachment on the rest of Islam, since most others won't even acknowledge there IS a problem, but that's pretty /pol/,
not if they are legal immigrants
Banishers are Mages who hate magic and want to destroy Mages.
Haven't all the recent muslim terrorists been american-born citizens?
This NY/NJ bomber is an Immigrant, Pulse shooter was the first generation son of immigrants, Cali shooters were an immigrant and spouse of immigrant.
>Pulse shooter was the first generation son of immigrants, Cali shooters were an immigrant and spouse of immigrant.
Thus the Pulse shooter wasn't an immigrant at all and, moreover, his parents were legal. Legals have much lower rates of crime than natives. Moreover, only the wife in San Bernadino's wife was an immigrant; her husband was a citizen born and raised in America.
>This NY/NJ bomber is an Immigrant,
He immigrated at age seven and had been in America since 1995 and became a naturalized citizen in 2011.
And? They were almost all present because they were allowed to come over from MENA nations that should have been quarantined long ago.
I really hope this remains civil.
You can't quarantine a whole nation? What about the people who really do just want to get away from that shit? We can't just fuck over the innocent because some people want to ruin it for everyone
No it's the hat.
And wearing a hat indoors is completely unacceptable.
Why take the risk they've got the Wahhabi meme virus?
But really this is off topic as fuck, (Not that "This is how I X" threads are any good in the first place, but still they're at least tangentially Veeky Forums related.)
That bit with the mirror is basically what changeling the dreaming looks like to normals
>There's a lot of people who for whatever reason see him as their last chance to fight off Wahhabi/Salafi encroachment on the rest of Islam
How the fuck is a game show host/golf course mascot going to accomplish this?
Hopefully by cutting off the flow of Saudi bloodmoney into Mosques, but I personally have my doubts he'll actually do it.
It's okay, user. It means you are the gay!
Only if they're criminals or terrorists. I'm told that most Muslims are neither, so if that's the case they have nothing to worry about.
This is how I feebly pine for our janitor to clean up all the /pol/ that gets tracked here.
this is how I fatal blow
>leather does that.
Indy's hat was felt.
I have an Indy hat made from oilcoth. It part of my rain gear, and I don't wear it otherwise. I'm also 100% aware that I look faintly ridiculous while wearing it even though I have been told I look like Harrison Ford when not wearing it.
This is how I monk.
That's cheating
Sir that is clearly a Pack Lord or Pack Hunter.
I don't need no damn archetypes or pretige classes.
I'll just pick one of the core classes and play it like I want.
I'll make a wizard focused on potions and make people call me and alchemist if I want. I'll make a full fighter and call him an assassin.
I'll make a ranger with a sling, a cane and a herd of sheeps and YOU CAN'T STOP ME.
Here in Canada, we had Aaron Driver who was born here and as white has a ghost.
>I'll make a ranger with a sling, a cane and a herd of sheeps and YOU CAN'T STOP ME.
You had your chance ano, but now you've left me with no choice. Bid farewell to this mortal coil, for this night shall be your last...
you're that gm
*goes on to tell an embellished version of his story where the ranger becomes a god at the end"
I should read this
>People have a right to go to your country if they don't want to live in a shithole
kek. There are literally billions of people who live in shitholes. If you took all the non-violent ones who just wanted to "get away from that shit" in on the same day, your state would collapse overnight.
Sorry for /pol/posting, have a related image:
This is how I summon daemons
I'm not a GM at all though. I was just making a joke. Please do not take what I said so seriously. You can play whatever you want.
>You can play whatever you want.
As an advice from a GM, never say that to a player.
Don't be so dense to think I meant literally anything. He can play whatever he wants provided they're in the confines of whatever system and/or house rules his DM permits.
wtf is that
A fungus.
slaaneshi as fuck
I've got a cowboy hat that I picked up in New Mexico that I only wear during the fall, when it's raining.
With my usual plaid hoodie or heavy winter jacket, it's not terrible.
If I wear my windbreaker, though, I look like a mobster from "Walker, Texas Ranger"
>different significant figures on the required dimensions
Stinkhorn fungus.
This is how I Anima: Beyond Fantasy