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Post and run Edition
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>40k 7th edition quick reference sheet(s).
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My local game store has an escalation league starting soon, mostly for new players. I haven't played since 5th edition. These are the point values:
Week 1-2 - 500 points
Week 3-4 - 750 points
Week 5-6 - 1000 points
Week 7-8 - 1500 points
Week 9 - 1850 points
I used to play IG. This is roughly the models I have from back then.
>1 lemon rust
>3 hellhounds
>3 chimeras
>2 basilisk
>18 HWT
>60ish mans
>5 rough riders
>3 commissars
>psycher dude
>bunch of even more useless shit
As far as whats broken at these point levels I'm only thinking week one right now and I dont know what the meta or possible foes would be. I've been trying to figure out the best use of 500 points.
>leman russ with max bodies platoons
>2 melta vet chimeras w/ 1 ccs melta chimera
>2 melta vet chimeras w/ commissar and hellhound or basilisk
>just bodies and heavy weapons
I'm just not sure, I haven't played in years. I know leafblower isn't really a thing anymore. Anyone have experience with a league like this? All the new players will just be running Start Collecting! boxes, it's the other players I'm worried about.
>Be Just and Fear Not
What are the missions like?
Choose what you like and have fun®!
Step 1: buy 20 more rough riders.
Step 2: buy "Imperial Armor Siege of Vraks"
Step 3: field 25 death riders as your base army.
Step 3: lose in style.
So for someone whose just getting into tabletop how good are AA weapons against land units? I'm starting off Skitarii and I just put my dunecrawler together yesterday and I put the neutron laser on it because it seems like a derp gun. I still kinda feel like the Icarus Array would have been a more versatile choice.
How are Ogryns/Bullgryns?
Helping tanks get a 2+ cover save sounds amusing
how good are you at rolling 6s?
Large volumes of twin-linked shots means even snap-shotting, SOMETHING'S going to get through
And don't forget skyfire is good against skimmers as well
If my DnD luck carries over to 40k then not very good. Get em more than 1s though.
I modeled my roughriders to be on snow boars. from some ork fantasy set.
Does siege of Vraks make RR's any more interesting, or do they just make them a troop choice?
let's see, the last time i faced a dunecrawler i mostly ignored it due to how little it hurt my ground guys. i didn't dare fly my bloodthrister but that was more because he has the D though i'm pretty sure he'd be shot to death in the air
Tau Orca recast. Any Chinamen out there, this is your next cash cow. Cash cow meaning "get a lot of money", I don't know if Google Translate will get that point across well.
>i didn't dare fly my bloodthrister
the dunecrawler can still hit him normally while he's not swooping
orcas look like trash though
just a gigantic, featureless brick
Yea I know, but I felt like the laser was a bit more reliable, least as far as I can tell.
So would you say that thats a common attitude towards AA dunecrawlers? I know they're supposed to be one of the better AA units but I don't want to give it up to that role with my army being so small at the moment.
bad example, one shot johnny died to a knight shooting him to death and failed a charge. maybe the dunecrawler shot him a few times as well
magnets user
Quick question, do/can I ask GW's customer service if I have a modelling/basing/painting question?
Hell I don't even need magnets, the weapon just kinda twists into a slot on the side. The problem is there was only one of those parts that twists in so I could only even build one of the weapons.
To the user who asked if it was Steel Legion, yes, but that particular model is a Krieger Commissar.
He misled you. Death Riders are specific to the Death Korps of Krieg army list in the siege of vraks book. You can't take them outside of a DKoK army (unless your opponents and league organizer are pretty lenient).
If only there was a female inquisitor model that looked like this.
>No armour
>Shitty loose belt
>probably wearing high heels
>tiny, useless cloak
0/10 would not Inquest with.
Looks like armour to me.
>literally just her stomach protected.
Is a Divination psyker a must-have for Guard?
>Twin-linking a mob of 50 guardsmen, granting them full-BS overwatch or Ignores Cover
>Give a squadron of tanks (or a super-heavy?) 4++
>Stick Misfortune on the enemy deathstar before rapid-firing several dozen lasguns at it
>probably wearing high heels
Don't forget high heels in the future probably lock down onto surfaces like spess muhreen boots and have active anti-slip technology built in.
There's enough shit flying around in 40k that turns you into ash, goo, etc. that it doesn't really matter all that much.
Nah she's probably in some sort of bulletproof nanoweave bodysuit and the carapace armour is ceremonial.
They don't have SWs but have 4+ saves, WS4 and 2 wounds.
There's a formation where you can take them as Troops and HQs.
Buut, add a priest and they become a lot hardier. The moving cover wall is nice in theory, but they just don't earn their investment back.
What is the best Warhammer 40k game on Steam?
Battlefleet gothic,
Probably Dawn of War.
Dawn of war if you have a taste for rts
Space Marine if you're a pleb like me and dont have the patience for strategy
They're bloody handy, for sure! Don't forget though you can always get ignores cover through orders, so twinlink with prescience then tell the lads to blow those jinking or hiding fucks away!
None of the above, best 40K game you can buy is on GOG.
Dawn of War mate
Play the original and Winter Assault for story, then Dark Crusade for RISK fun
I really like Dawn of War 2, the campaign is really good, don't let people tell you the game is shit just because it doesn't have base building. It's truer to TT than the original.
Then it's not the best on Steam is it?
Can someone post the rules for the Shadowsword?
Dawn of War Soulstorm/Dark Crusade
Battlefleet Gothic
Space Marine
Whenever the Shadowsword fires, enemy player automatically loses.
You can take it naked apart from the Problem Solver if you like
You're a good user, you know that?
Now to take it as The Tormentor!
Am I allowed to bring kitbashed Renegade and Heretics models to a Games-Workshop and use them for a game?
Depends. Are they 3rd party kitbashes, or no?
Does anyone have the codexes, rules, and supplements in a pdf form, or am I stuck with the .epub in the link above?
Just download a reader senpai or use them on your phone/tablet
Only the oudated 6th. edition material is in the outdated PDF format.
I keep seeing this shit. Google "Epub to PDF online converter" and you'll find one instantly. Rule of thumb that applies everything in the world: You'll get it done faster if you just do it yourself.
No user, not the other poster, but I myself have tried 4 online ePub to PDF converters and two pieces of software.
They all time out or have errors converting GW ePub3 filed to PDFs.
It's not that simple I am afraid.
ePub3 conversion is more complicated and there is no easy solution software out there that is readily available currently.
>Large Blast
>Single shot
Look buddy, when you scale up to that level, you want to either have multiple d shots to eliminate big fuckers, or a lower strength apocalpytic blast to clear hordes.
Making it d but single shot large blast lowers the number of optimal targets almost to nil. It's good at a bunch of stuff, but optimal at nothing for that kinda cost.
Is raven guard's detachment playable? What are the tips playing it?
Recently watched a CSM vs IG battle report; the IW took three Sicarans and the IG had a Shadowsword that basically peeled open a Sicaran each turn. Vendettas arrived from reserves to two dead Sicarans and helped finish off the last one instead of being blown out of the sky by St8 autocannons.
Which of 40k armies is the cheapest in real money?
Hey guys, which army is the most RIGHTEOUS and JUST?
Most likely Orks because their models are old and have not been updated to the current pricing structure.
That said, overall they're not that much cheaper than other armies, unless you're going for the especially expensive ones like harlequins it's not going to matter much.
the base building was what made the 1st one shit honestly. the tech trees were awkward and felt crammed in. usually they didnt actually dictate your strat cause the game was so slow youd build everything eventually
also the controls fucking suck i could go on and on about how dawn of war controls like garbage
Someone post the Warhound for comparison, please. And then post the Wraithknight for despair
>I saw this perform well, so it isn't surrounded by superior options even amongst baneblade frame tanks.
In a maxed out Psykana Division, the Primaris Psyker has mastery level 8.
Isn't that technically enough to crush Fateweaver into a little cube?
Hell, the Emperor probably wasn't ML8.
he's just throwing it out there? making conversation?
you guys are insufferable sometimes
I hope lots of people make interesting non-human genecults for that sweet double-Xenos action.
Why can't woofs take the Russ?
Russ invented the Russ, and no Russ?
>No haunted Leman Russ tank haunted by the ghost of Leman Russ
Why even live?
>Russ invented the Russ
having something posthumously named after you and inventing something named after you.
Strike from the shadows brother.
Strike first, strike true, strike so hard that there shall be no counterattack.
>Psychic powers being actually any good outside a few narrow examples
Psychic powers vary between "why even bother" and "invisibility and summoning" with no middle ground.
Tell him to buy some rubrics and use them on the TT. That'll change his mind.
guys my opponents keep fielding landraiders with smashfuckers and bloodthirsters against my deathwatch and even though i have 2-shot rending lascannon flamers I can't win
should i ally in flyrants
Making conversation is womans talk.
Ask or answer.
You shoyld drink bleach to clear out the bad tactics.
Certain to improve your local metagame immensely.
For 500 Points I personally play an Exterminator Russ Commander with a Lascannon and bolter sponsons. Wrecks face. The problem is you then need a co-tank and some troops. You can go vinella russ and 2 vet squads, or Eradicator Russ and 3 vet squads.
500 points is the only time you can reasonably expect not to counter mass-grav or mass-D. But be aware you'll be spewing molten cheese out of your mouth every time you speak about your army list.
If you don't want to spend money, try the Exterminator Russ w/ mass bolters in support, 2 vets in chimeras, and a company command squad. Everything else goes into upgrades. This'll give you 2 strength 6 multilasers, a strength 7 twin-linked double autocannon, lots of strength 5 Heavy bolters, and 70 extra points for upgrades or commissars or what have you.
hey would it be bad to use an Apoc list just to field more Sentinels and Infantry squads?
Is taking six flamer sentinels in a renegades kill team too much?
you sir. you are my kind of guy.
Sentinels are good.
We could take one in 3rd.
It was the exterminator so not great, I'd have preffered a battle canon. But being BS4 on a russ was good for the sponson guns.
Should have been the executioner, makes more sense.
>ignores cover lascannon disciple squad
>six sentinels
where is your god now
Unarmored sentinels are fragile as heck, though. Just keep that in mind.
That's what I've been trying to tell him but he doesn't get it. He says he'd take Rubrics 10/10 over Sternguard.. I'm frustrated but I got this idea. Are these changes good?
Rubric Marines 20 ppm
Loses AP3
Sorc goes from 58 to 30
Sorc can purchase spell familiar for 10 points and has access to these 3 powers (can only cast on own squad):
1WC Blessing: Bolt weapons are AP3
1WC Blessing: Bolt weapons are Ignores Cover
1WC Blessing: Bolt weapons are Armourbane
This way basic rubrics are cheaper but not too cheap by losing AP3 standard. The Sorc becomes cheaper to reflect his poorer statline in comparison to the HQ Sorc AND the powers make him useful for something. No guarantee you actually cast them, so they have a small chance to fail and it's fluffy because magic! And the effects make Rubrics able to threaten most targets.
How many Overkill Genestealers do I buy?
Actually scratch that, 2WC for Armourbane. 1/3 chance to glance/Pen AV14 at 24" range is nuts considering bolters.
Just the one box, those are monopose.
Wait for the start collecting if you wanna cheap out on the rest.
Probably not relevant to you anymore, 4 hours later, but Amberly is wearing a device that (usually) automatically teleports her away to a nearby open (safety is irrelevant) space when something threatens her life. It basically plays out: "If you would take a wound, roll for scatter instead."
It has led to some fun hijinks, but she is protected quite well. Far better than most inquisitors/marines.
He basically becomes a psychic conduit through which other psykers funnel their powers. He doesn't know any more psychic abilities than a normal Primaris.
Get your own shit, Chaos get enough of our stuff as is.
I dug up some all my Chaos books and models recently. I've been feeling the pull of the Warp.
Help me.
Doesn't she own solid gold terminator armour with a jump pack or something?
Honestly I'd keep the rubrics themselves the way they are and just make the sorc ML2. Done.
Spoiler alert: I've only read the first 4 books so far, so if she does, that is news to me.
Khayon is awesome, except there better be a good reason he turned himself in to the imperium.
Wait til 1k sons get new models before getting into chaos
I can't agree. the rubrics themselves are one trick ponies and the Sorc is underpowered and overcosted. ML2 sergeants is just not even sensical.
I definitely remember her jumping out of a hole full of Genestealers in solid gold armour and just kinda casually going "Hi Ciaphas, fancy meeting you here."