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>How to Jumpchain
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>How to Jumpchain
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During this thread you could have:
-Tuna sandwich
-Glass of milk
For a mid-thread snack, try:
-Glass of milk
What kind of milk? Cheese? Grapes? What bread,'s the tuna on?
Is it goat milk?
Be honest with me /jc/.
After getting the Metavore perk how much horrible crap did you eat?
I just ate the cheapest/bare minimum amount needed.
Is that an actual image? What is that, a convenience store dumpster?
Is that thing in the right-top-middle a muffin or something else?
Stock photo, most likely. They don't need context and most likely just appear out of nowhere. Just ask Cyber Woman With Corn.
I subsist almost entirely off of junk food, booze, warehouse food stores, and goat products.
The one good thing I got out of Infinicon is the ability to summon snack foods to my side on the hour, and I fucking USSSSE it.
I also collect different types of soda, replicate them, and then occasionally just start chugging.
If I weren't powered by supernatural fiat, my kidneys and liver would have all shut down by now and exploded.
Probably leaving behind some kind of black tar.
As it stands, I just have a lot of nebulously stored calories and protein energy.
Looks like fried chicken to me.
I don't think you'll ever convince me you're not a bitch.
Out-of-context stock photos are the best.
>Status quo is maintained by the SCP organization,
Unfortunately for user, that status quo is sometimes maintained by reseting reality entirely, finding a new planet and pretending it's Earth, or just letting everyone die, cloning them, and pretending nothing happened.
All three could be fatal to him.
Anything fast food. Most of those places are open late so it's great an unsleeping Jumper with the munchies.
I'm working on this idea of combining curly fries, cheddar peppers, and mozzarella sticks with an onion ring base.
I will call it the SUPERSIDE. Only 12 000 calories per ounce!
pic related
>Unfortunately for user, that status quo is sometimes maintained by reseting reality entirely, finding a new planet and pretending it's Earth, or just letting everyone die, cloning them, and pretending nothing happened.
'tis a silly place.
Does your chain end if you teleport?
It helps to visit Metalocalypse, Axe Cop, and Terminator beforehand. Also to have a force-field for your Warehouse.
Depends on the setting.
Depends on the method and what the setting has said about it. In most cases where the setting has definitely stated that it kills the user, the jump will give you a fiat waver to survive.
If you purchased it with CP, then absolutely not, ever.
That isnt even the worst of it. At least once the scp foundation destroys the universe and resets everyones memory so nobody remembers.
Hell in one they destroyed the universe and put earth in a bubble and use satelites with lightbulbs on to pretend there are still stars. Nobody notices.
Not that user, but think of the grimdarkiest grimdark setting you can imagine. Then multiply that by about 10.
SCP Foundation is grimmer and darker than that.
...Yare Yare Daze.
Welp, looks like I'm never getting Anomalous Physiology, or the -2 byte file, or SCP-914 Manual, or the Hyperbolic Time Chamber SCP, or anything else from that jump.
SCP isn't really a "setting", partly because the people in charge of the site adamantly refuse to allow anyone to make it into one.
Instead, it's just a collection of creepypasta stories, events, and dangerous objects that are only linked together by being nebulously held in check by the titular Foundation.
There are at least fifteen world ending events ready to destroy the world at any time, and everything is held in check by fiat, and not even particularly stable fiat.
The Foundation keeps things in check by callously murdering their own guys in droves, black barring all documents, locking everything up as tightly as possible, and the power of duct tape and wishes.
Occasionally the world ends, so they just reboot everything, because wow wouldn't it be scary if the world was in danger of ending and in fact already had?!
There's stuff that will eat you, kill you, turn you into a mindless drone with complete ego death, make you sing J-Pop endlessly, and sometimes just stare at you all creepy through a window for all eternity. The only reason the world continues is because, if it ended, they wouldn't be able to make more creepy stories.
It's kindof dumb and silly.
Like, there comes a point where you just stop giving a shit, and SCP crossed that on page four.
Personally, I wouldn't recommend visiting until you've got a couple hundred jumps under your belt and can fuck off from world ending threats like they're a particularly annoying yappy dog.
A lot of the crazier shit that happens is so grimdark that it breaks the meter and becomes comedy.
Jump #150: Cowboy Bebop
>Five of Wands, reversed (Pointless struggles motivated by the vain pursuit of recognition, financial reward, or base desires.)
How fitting.
>Age: 25
>Location: Ganymede
>Identity: Drop-In
>Drawbacks: Get Everybody And Their Stuff Together (0)
>Survival Of The Fittest (Free, Drop-In)
Fool me once...
>Tell Me Some More (900)
Alcohol and imminent violence are both excellent motivators to get someone talking!
>Like Clear Water (600)
Come to think of it, I don't think I ever learned jeet kun do. Now is a good time to start.
>You Look Ridiculous In That Outfit (300)
"That's the point. I'm the diversion."
>Easy Come, Easy Go (0, Drop-In)
After a hundred lifetimes, this is almost a given.
So, I'm going to end up on the Bebop, eh? Well, they probably need a good mechanic. My intention is largely to stay out of the way and be the competent mechanic with occasional bouts of comic relief by introducing out-of-context technology at times and modifying existing technology at others. And fighting the occasional sapient leftovers in the fridge.
Also, basically full-time babysitting Ed and Ein. And giving Ein something so that speech is possible. Though I may make it so that it only works in some language that Ed understands but everyone else doesn't. German should work.
Because it's funny.
I have absolutely no idea how or why I quoted . Oops.
So what perks do I need to make pacts of power with gullible idiots that eventually fuck them over and/or give me governance over their immortal souls?
Just wait until you're strong enough to nope the fuck out at a moment's notice.
Right? I mean, in the SCP Foundation 'verse, the game of Basketball exists to delay Tim Duncan's ascension to eldritch godhood.
As long as he plays the game, he stays stable as an incognito babby reality warper.
Beezleboss from /co/co/s can do it. There's also disney princess and once upon a star for more dealmaking. You could probably do even more with Dark Contract from Ravenloft.
You might want some more power granting to sweeten the deal though. Boon from Imawabi no Dakini is a good choice since you can be even more of a dick.
The country capstone in the Musician jump lets you make contracts for peoples souls and use them in manners that you've witnessed in other settings.
Most of the really ridiculous shit is all the product of the same dick measuring contests that lead to those self insert scientists that've mostly been purged by now. The world ending threats though, are fairly popular, and so most of those didn't end up dying like they should.
Jump # 89 Rome
Starting location: Roman countryside
Faction: Rome
Class: Plebeian
Age: 21
Gender: Female
*Soles of the Empire (0)
*Sweaty Sustenance (0)
*Fortune’s Pet (100, Discount)
*Craft and Community –Baking (150, Discount)
*Masterful Mentoring (300)
*Sartorial Setting (50)
*Classical Studies – Philosophy (100)
*Villa (300)
*Wardrobe (0)
*Sestertii (0)
It’s kind of funny. Usually when such a conflict arises I am used to being in the thick of it. This time I got to watch an empire tearing at itself from the side lines. I was a humble baker, I was a woman which meant I was not going anywhere near any fighting and I was a peasant so I wasn’t going to be a factor in politics.
Instead I tried to help the poor people that are oft overlooked in such conflicts. I claimed to have some minor medical training. A bit of an understatement there but I was able to treat peasants and slaves that would have otherwise died and later treated soldiers who happened to be injured near my place.
When the grain shortage hit mine was the only bakery that still had enough grain to fulfill everyone’s orders (yay jumper bullshit) so I made money hand over fist. It was unintentional I wasn’t even trying to gouge people I just managed to have bread when it was scarce.
In the end I was kind of content to fight the smaller battles for a bit. I let Rome sort itself out as I fought to keep those who usually were overlooked alive.
Jump #151: Star Fox
>Queen of Wands (A radiantly vital person, cocky and charismatic, who sees what she wants and goes after it.)
I should start pulling cards BEFORE I finalize a jump. This is what I get for going to a jump with a blue chick in it.
>Specialization: Star Fox Adventures
Not exactly space, but hey, close enough.
>3 Gold Rings (600)
The endurance of any vehicle I pilot is doubled? That has... potential.
>Hand To Hand (Free, Adventures)
As though I wasn't already an expert in hand to hand combat.
>Puzzle Solver (500, Adventures)
Again, something I already have covered. But why not?
>Don't Worry, I Speak Dino (300, Adventures)
Knowing that language and being able to pick up on new languages are both useful things.
>Telepathy (0, Adventures)
Actually, this is an interesting thing - leaving telepathic messages in objects isn't something I've come across anywhere else, with the possible exception of D&D psionics. Useful.
I'm not going to comment too much on how badly I'm throwing everything off the rails, other than to say that I am vastly amused at how bad the plot is. The game's cheesy enough considering how it normally goes, and this should make it much more fun. No, where we're going, we don't need rails.
Get a danger sense tied into your reflexes and the portal entrance to the warehouse. You can reflexively open a nope out door directly beneath you whenever any thing too dangerous is about to happen.
Or if you're fine with getting trapped in the warehouse for the rest of the jump get the Rust 1up perk, you will revive in the warehouse if the world ends.
>the game of Basketball exists to delay Tim Duncan's ascension to eldritch godhood.
The actual fuck. . .
I wonder if there's a Foundation Tale about this SCP, seeing how Tim Duncan retired this year.
SCP used to actually be interesting. Pretty goddamn neat in fact.
Once it got past 1000 it started getting rather silly.
Once it got past 2000 it started getting rather stupid.
I still remember, long long ago, before /x/ was shit, when we first started coming up with the initial ideas and bedrock for what would become the SCPs and SCP Foundation. It was a lot of fun.
Of course, modern SCP has retained zero connection to its roots, and modern SCP is about tulpas and succubus summoning and not anything good, but at least I've got the memories.
>and modern SCP
Modern /x/.
No, that user was also right, you absolute cuck.
>That user
You mean me? I was correcting a typo.
SCP does have a succubus and a tulpa lying around, but they're not literally all about that.
Ah, so you admit you're a shit-poster trying to stir up drama for the new thread? Wow, don't schools start pretty soon in Burgerland?
We got an update, so lets do this
120.Harry Potter
Muggleborn - 50
Middle Class
Wit Beyond Measure
Setup Wizard- 150
Moste Potente Potions - 300
Nullification - 550
Muggle Dueling - 600
Wandless magic - 1100
Companions - 1300
- Oblivious - 1100
- Bully Teacher - 1000
This is now a Little Witch Academia SOL jump, I don't care what you say.
This Quiddich thing is getting revolutionised with the Strike Witch Striker units. They use broom sticks for cripes sakes. BROOM STICKS. If the wizards can get over the fact that it's got some of it's basis in modern mundane tech then I could be raking in the dosh with that venture. My Gen 5s can break the sound barrier after all, who wouldn't want to strap a pair of rockets to their legs. They had better at least let me sell it because I won't tolerate such regulation of the market. Voldermort will be the least of their issues.
There's this Voldemort guy. That death curse he flings around seems a little scary, but there are approaches... certain paths to victory against this menace that the wizarding community hasn't considered. But then again, that dude with the lightning on his forehead seems to be dealing with it okay. I'll just help him along occasionally while focusing on honing my special magical skills.
If you're altering Quidditch, get rid of the seekers.
>who wouldn't want to strap a pair of rockets to their legs.
You know, on one hand, I could see the traditionalists railing against it... But I imagine most wizards would be all for it if given the chance to make Quidditch even more lethal.
Voldemort is insanely easy to deal with if you have out of setting knowledge about him. The only thing I can't see how to deal with by an anonymous letter to Dumbledore is Harry being a Horcrux. Any in setting ways to deal with that other than Harry sacrificing himself?
Every time they try to play Quidditch steal/destroy the snitch after ten minutes in a manner that no one sees it and wait until they give up.
I think there was something in the books about a match that went for days.
Oh. Now I understood the bit about Avenger. You can buy upgrades for it without buying the whole Avenger, just for a better start.
I assume that because we bought the Spark when it's circuits are fully upgraded it not only counts towards companion limit but becomes a companion, without need for pod or such, too
Sorry about not being clear on keeping XCom 1 perks. I meant if we keep them, despite losing everything else, in Gauntlet of X-com 2 because if we took season 2 that kinda makes sense.
Also, what exactly stops us from taking the control over from Bradford on grounds of him being a terribru terribru strategist in Stuck with Central? I mean you encourage us to not listen to him in it.
As for keeping a stash hidden from X-Com 1, of whatever's, as long as we do it early enough...
>Okay, this is the secret weapon I hid away, in case a Humanity ever needs a leg up
>Commander, you can't expect us to give our troops this giant purple... Phallic sword!
I just looked at the Quidditch page on wikipedia and this is apparently an ancient wizarding game.
Creaothceann: An exceptionally violent and often fatal game originating in Scotland. A large number of boulders were charmed to hover in the air and each player had a cauldron strapped to the back of his/her head. A horn was sounded, the rocks were released, and the players would fly around on their broomsticks trying to catch as many rocks in their cauldron as possible. The winner was the player who caught the most rocks.
Wizards are retarded.
>I think there was something in the books about a match that went for days.
There was something about a match that went on for three /months/.
Stealing/destroying the snitch only means you're going to break records. Wizards be insane about their sports.
>I assume that because we bought the Spark when it's circuits are fully upgraded it not only counts towards companion limit but becomes a companion, without need for pod or such, too
SPARKs aren't sapient and while they can be made so with in universe tech, the only example of that tech was "evil". You can level up a SPARK to it's top level in game and it still wouldn't be considered sapient.
Here are others
Aingingein: An Irish game which required broomstick-mounted players to fly through a number of burning barrels set in the air, whilst all the time clutching a ball with one hand. At the end of this fiery course was a goal into which the ball had to be hurled. The wizard who completed the course and scored a goal in the shortest time, without catching fire along the way, was the winner.
Shuntbumps: A very simple form of broomstick-jousting where one flyer attempted to knock the other off his broom.
Well... this explains how the death eaters were so successful. And raises worries about potterverse magic making you stupid.
Ah, okay. So it's only if jumper upgrades it that far.
Thank you for making X-Com 2, by the way. That and first X-Com jump really brighten up my day
>Thank you for making X-Com 2, by the way
I don't understand what this arrangement of words mean.
Help, I need an adult!
You're welcome user
>After getting the Metavore perk how much horrible crap did you eat?
A fair amount. Normally, candy and booze are my biggest abuses. I tend to eat reasonably during your average mealtime, especially when I'm cooking for everyone.
However, subsisting mostly on pizza is a bad habit of mine when I'm frantically saving the world, breaking reality over my knee, or trying to put out multiple fires as Rome burns.
Due to my companions and I enjoying the art of cooking, there's always someone willing to prepare a proper meal. When things are sane, I'm often the one taking care of them, but they all rally together and do the same for me when I have to get serious.
They make sure I get a reasonable amount of homecooked food into me during those times. It's kind of cute that they worry, despite my repeated explanations about Metavore.
Pretty sure it's fried chicken.
Hey they have pretty good trauma medicine if bone gro is any indication. And apparently being magical makes you tougher, bouncing babies anyone? But yeah, the plural of these wizards isn't wisdom.
Jump # 90 Dresden Files
Background: Wizard (200)
Age: 28
Starting Location: Winnipeg
Gender: Female
*Magic 101 (0)
*The Sight (0)
*Wizard Tricks (0)
*Clued In (0)
*Soul Source (300, Discount)
*Unwholesome good looks (100)
*Power to Burn (150, Discount)
*Refined Spell caster (150, Discount)
*Best Ale in Chicago (0)
*Enchanted Duster (0)
*Svartalf Apartments (200)
*Wizard Lab (0)
*The Hex (0)
*… and this time it wasn’t my fault (+100)
The only Adults you'd find here are not ones you go to when in need of help.
Well this place turned out to be interesting. What happens when you have a bunch of different supernatural factions all dwelling in what is supposed to be neutral territory but is really a cold war that is beginning to heat up do to the actions of a few warlocks and then you drop a Jumper in to the mix…
Ironically I wasn’t the one who set off the war. I started to work as a supernatural consultant. A few wise mortals had noticed that something was very wrong about the area so I set up wards, I would deal with the various supernatural beings on behalf of my clients I was kind of a negotiator for humanity.
I had remained neutral to the war that raged in the world mostly but that didn’t stop the Red Court from sending some assassins after me.
I was holding a negotiation with some fairies and some Biker Werewolves who were being backed secretly by a couple of Norse gods… suddenly some guys with machine guns show up firing, all hell breaks loose.
I had to escape. Everyone was blaming everyone and most of them are gunning for me accusing me of working for the other sides.
Anyways I managed to catch the Assassins, I barely managed to strike a truce with the Fey and the gods before the all-out war begun and that’s how I prevented Winnipeg from exploding. Also I had to promise never to set loose Snowflame on anyone again. No one knew what he was they just feared and respected him, even the gods. Thankfully he was still free to act on his own which he did when I got drafted in the Wardens for a bit. Seeing him tripping balls and reacting to a Tyrannosaurus rex was funny.
The season 2 and perks from previous X-Com carrying over I meant stuff like a MEC or Gene mods. If we are the same person as from X-Com 1 it would stand to reason we keep em in the gauntlet, just like hidden stashes of stuff.
Because the way I see it if we take For Commander, the aliens just pointed to us and said "No, take this guy, he's the key!" And not the canon plot XCom 1 Commander, who probably died. I might be wrong. Hence why asking if these perks carry over.
I dunno. I think Diablo Jump is going to do same thing with Trilogy thing, whoever is working on it.
>it would stand to reason we keep em in the gauntlet,
Oh, for the gauntlet
Well, no, you don't get those because they would have been developed in the simulation.
I don't see why that the simulation wouldn't be a real world model, so you could use the information to remake it, but no, those modifications don't carry over.
What about non-item perks?
Is there specific date till which we have time to make stashes or such? If I recall the common theory is that this abduction happened during the Base Defense section
Funny thing is? If you rush hard enough you can have some gene mods or MECs in time for base defense
Green Rookies simply has our people in X-Com 1 start as Rookies like in game, along with what their aim is, but I assume that even despite the drawback we can train them up to be decent, it will just be harder and longer.
Stay at 800
Change to 600
Huh, well that's a tie.
Actually one of these is a misquote, the last one on Stay at 800. I'll be changing it over to 600 then.
Shit there was meant to be a question mark there. Or two. Or five.
>the shield must be hit by the attack before it hits you and your shield can only block one attack
So the second clause means the perk is great against one guy shooting at you with a howitzer, but useless against two guys shooting at you with pistols (or one guy shooting two pistols) even if both bullets would hit the shield?
Between metavore and being a Smoke Conduit I was eating and smoking a disproportionate amount of the time.
Calmed down after it got overly expensive and it became a more occasional gorge after the novelty wore off (several decades later).
It was a couple of months into XCom's activation
KOTOR, since you have added a combo supplement for Teen Titans is there any chance you'll add some more combo's to it?
Xenothium + a few other things = Red X suit for example.
Yo just posting my next WIP for review.
Few questions for DevilSurvivorAnon. Sorry for continuing the once-per-thread question thing. Just this once, since I was looking at the Devil Survivor jumps.
First of, Errai's Swords are new things in the same styles as those of Polaris and Arcturus?
Second, how many of them would there be? As many as Polaris had, just 2 or 3 like Arcturus had, or more/less?
Third, could I force the Swords of Polaris and Arcturus into the Court of Bel? How about the administrators themselves?
Fourth, would getting just the Heavenly Throne and the Akashic Record from Sparking later also have them stretch to cover everywhere you've been or is that just if you immediately Spark there?
Right so, after having woken up and seeing all that shit about the universe ending, lets not go to SCP for a very long time.
Two things though - whats this about rust, and does anybody know any perks similar to perception filter?
Hi, see ?
Didn't the 800 side give actual reasons while the only ones the 600 had was that there was no 600 ones anyway?
>after it got overly expensive
Just curious, but as a Jumper, I don't see how this should be a problem, ever?
I figured at the very least you would make your own, duplicate your favorite or magic up your own brand, or be so deep in cash that cost is pretty irrelevant. Figured a smoke conduit Jumper would figure something out.
The novelty thing, I get that. It's one of the reasons why I do all sorts of minor things like make my cigarettes smell like freshly baked cookies or give off multicolored smoke.
I'm talking first couple of jumps really.
Pretty lazy so moneymaking took a backseat until a few jumps in.
By the time money didn't really matter I'd gotten bored.
Corndogs are the best food ever, and the reason I'm so overweight can largely be blamed on them.
Looks good so far, Gaunlet. I've got a couple ideas for items/companions that I think would fit well:
A bunch of those collectible figurines you can buy in town might be a good 50 CP item.
A pilotable Armos statue and an alternate version of Jabber Nuts that let you choose which language they translate might be good discounted items for Minish.
The Cane of Pacci and a set of bottles might be some good items, too.
Companion/Pet versions of some of the monsters might be cool. Like a Darknut or Wizzrobe for Companions and Chuchu or Octorok pets.
Other than that, I don't have much to say, other than good job on the Jump!
Any particular reason you're charging 100cp for Picoris and the non-Drop-In backgrounds?
Why's Vaati prohibited from being taken as a companion unless you redeem him? Sad villain-collecting jumper here.
Personally, I feel it would be cool if there was something like 'ThePrincesses’Friend,anIncarnation' for taking Zelda's place... even if that means you're a statue for a good while. You start before that anyway, right?
I never took Metavore, because I never had the points to spare in Body Mod. Too many Jumps have drawbacks that give you a ton of points for picking up superpowers in it. Is there any good substitute perk?
Non-drop in backgrounds give you skills, memories, and connections. Why wouldn't you charge for them?
What exactly do you mean with a "generic mana bar/pool" in The Next Swiftblade and the notes about Game Mechanic?
I think he's said before the Swords/Arcturus are sufficiently something else to not be attainable through Court.
Because basic mundane skills aren't really all that useful, the memories are arguably a drawback, and the connections only help a little bit in the specific jump you get them?
Personally, I much prefer it when backgrounds have the same cost if they all have the same amount of discounts and other stuff.
Oh, one other thing. Are the 100cp perks free or discounted?
Hm. Okay, too bad then.
Yeah this is why I wouldn't worry much about any sort of canon story and just make your own with either being a member of the organization and dealing with SCPs while hiding the fact you technically count as one yourself. Or write yourself up as a SCP and how you decide to act like for ten years.
You understand that a lot of Jumps offer mundane skills as perks, right? And that not all the skills you know will be mundane? Not to mention all the background knowledge you get on the world itself, which you might not have or remember if you're dropping in? As for the connections, they might be temporary, but they're still useful.
Anyway, it's obviously not a capstone-worthy package, but they're not being priced like capstones. 100 CP for a bundle of skills, knowledge, and connections is honestly pretty generous.
I plan on just lazing about while pretending to be some form of succubus. And I shall use perception filter to walk around naked.
That... Did not answer the question. What I meant is: are your soldiers with Green Rookies meant to be always bad, enforced by drawback, or can they be good if you train them hard enough?
Also, the non item perks such as research or engineer ones?
Errai has 4 swords. They can be in different style considering Errai himself is a head, like SMT IV YHVH
Dunno about fourcing the swords into Court. I don't think you can unless you got them through reward because they are not demons.
What would be some good early jumps for someone who wants to escalate slowly, namely those with lowish level powers in lowish level settings.
Uh, if you get the imports then they have high level stats, like what you'd end up with a colonel
Normal rookies recruited for operations to operate operationally need to upgrade their operational skills.
On another note, I know this isn't a blog but I need to say this
>Statics test results came back
>Class average is 18/80
Engineering is a hell of a drug
Great Detective, Sherlock Holmes, Zootopia, Heist, Generic Western
Well, I was talking about the Green Rookies drawback. I know you based it off horrible X-com stats and luck, but they don't remain that way enforced by fiat what I mean. The countries just gave us those they wouldn't miss or need and it's up to X-Com to turn them into efficient soldiars.
Also congrats on the results. Now join X-Com!
And again:
If I take season 2 AND Gauntlet, do my skill perks from X-Com carry over for purpose of consistent narrative and linking the two jumps?
This is the last you will see of me once you answer and I shall fade back into the choir
To clarify when I say "lowish level powers" I mean like Infamous Conduit and below, street level stuff but still actual "powers".
I need that too!
Also, Sims