The DM adds some "subtle" commentary on today's politics and society

> The DM adds some "subtle" commentary on today's politics and society.

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> Agree with the dm to make him shut up

Whatever happened, it was white people.

I know this.

>Player can't enjoy the fantasy and sees everything in the game as some sort of allegory for real-world events and politics.

why has she got eyebrows

Don't asari take on traits of other aliens?

Or ut could be makeup

So you more easily think she's humaniod and not the parasite she actually is.

Well I don't know if the game actually states this or not, but different asari do seem to basically wear makeup that makes them look like other races. A shit ton of them had turian warpaint looking stuff on, liara had freckles which I assume was that (but might have just been bioware being lazy and not putting them on other asari)
Either that or an artist fucked up

Nothing wrong with taking inspiration from history or the real world, but making the game about real life sort of defeats the point.

Destruction of Thessia best day of my life.

politics is an instant red flag for me no matter what side of the fence you sit on.

Go back to your gunship, Kai Leng.

Just go off rails and begin to act as historically accurate as possible.

What if it's a cyberpunk campaign?

>making the game about real life sort of defeats the point
Eh, depends on the campaign, system, and party's wants. Sometimes, players want modern day Delta Green. Sometimes, they want a historical campaign. And sometimes, they want a what-if real world scenario.

Start a violent revolution. Decapitate the oppressors and feed their balls to the palace's dogs!

Bonus points if your GM barely understands politics or real life social conflict.

The quotation marks are important, user. Social and political commentary can work well, but not when they're shoved in the players' faces at the expense of the actual plot.

feign ignorance, no matter how "subtle" he goes

>And why should I care about gay things when there's kobolds to kill?

>make a setting where the BBEG is !Catholicism
>the players shit on Christianity constantly
>make !Catholicism the good guy next time

Variety is the spice of life. It's just a setting, my family.


Would you consider harmful putting non-concrete political opinions into game? Like human supremacy themes, or glorifying socialism, WITHOUT actually having real-world relating NPCs?

It's impossible to do anything-punk without politics.

Maybe, maybe not. Depends on how canon this drunken conversation is. Could be a joke. Or it could ultimately not even matter.

This. There are specific places I go when I want this, and there are specific times for it. If you aren't able to shut the fuck up about politics, even if I agree with them wholeheartedly, I will typically assume you won't be able to shut the fuck up about other things like an adult who knows that I don't want to hear something at the moment.

Someone has read too much Dan Brown.

Historically accurate to what, user? Next time you'll tell me my warrior should be teaching heathens the power of Christ in a DnD game...

Off-topic, I used to play DnD with a very religious Christian guy. He refused to play as anything other than an atheist.

>Decapitate the oppressors and feed their balls to the palace's dogs!
That's crazy. My DnD party limits itself to trying to force every king they meet to ratify a constitution.

I dunno. I would dig a silly story about a revolution set in a high fantasy kingdom.

Stempunk. Check ant mate, mate.

Surely there would have been some ancient human politicking around the Agricultural Revolution.

Sorry, I meant STEMpunk.

>The dm is making the royalist the undeniably bad evil guys in his not-french rebellion
I jokingly brought up the "put your feet inside a peasant" law and he tookit to hearth.

Final Fantasy tier, well play/d.

user if you're close enough to STEM to make that joke you know how fucking political shit gets.

Make it about people jockeying for supremacy to get their projects pushed to the front of the not!CERN queue.

Probably because Christianity is absolutely monotheistic and even pretending to worship non-Christian gods is abhorrent to his beliefs.

Shouldn't you be cleaning Cronos Station's toilets. I mean we have three hours until my date with Ari...I.....GET BACK TO WORK!

This is the kind of thing where the GM then reveals that because you removed the king the neighbouring kingdom has now invaded and you're all being killed.

>GM didn't read the system before running a session
>campaign gets dropped at first combat because he doesn't know how initiative works

steampunk is pretty a-political because steampunk is not punk at all

>neighbouring kingdom has now invaded
I dunno, they tried in 1918 and it didn't last.

You can do "Hot steam, low life kinda game" ,aking players regular mine workers with enourmous workload to mine all that coal so upstairs lords can have a cog-cowered bitches in steampowered flying whorehouses.

If it doesn't affect you and that's what makes him comfortable gaming, then fuck off. The alternative is him feeling uncomfortable and not gaming or worrying about where his soul is going.

Fuck, I swear this board has the hardest time understanding how to interact with other people. And it's a board about interacting with other people.

Don't be a faggot user just talk to him about it

Cool your jets, user. It happened like eight years ago and no one gave him any shit about it. It just seems funny in retrospect, a warrior who doesn't believe in gods in the world where gods constantly meddle in lives of mortals.

That was the goal of the English revolutionaries as well. Charles refused to sign their new constitution and they were forced to kill him lest they'd have to concede defeat despite winning the war.

steampunk as in a game set during the industrial revolution with class war themes would be pretty cool

steampunk as an aesthetic (aka cogfop) is fucking garbage however

>The DM adds some "subtle" political commentary on today's politics and society
>He shares your politics, but his commentary is flawed and is presented in an incredibly ham-fisted, obnoxious and retarded way
>Slowly starting to realize why your political opponents hate your side so much

Russian revolution of 1905 was about getting a constitution. Many people believe we'd be way better off if they stopped after that. Or at least after the next one.

Now I want to run a campaign about a June Revolution analogue with magic.

Also, a bard running around starting crowd songs at random.

>Campaign set in the same world as the previous campaigns
>Due to fuckery from the last campaign, the multiverse is plagued by ghost ships destroying and displacing entire worlds of people
>Massive refugee crisis that the infrastructure of organizations that the PCs are in or care about simply can't handle despite the best
>Life sucks so hard for everyone that it makes the players distraught despite their characters being Evil this time


The real world is pretty fucking dickish to have a refugee crisis about the same time as one happens in game.


You just described browsing /pol/

Is this from one of the comics? God I wish ME hadn't shat the bed

>the gm keeps saying "cuck" and is very clearly alt-right

Interesting interpretation--like how some old sagas had heroic characters who doubted the gods, and then usually converted to christianity if they survived to the end.

>agreeing with /pol/

Depends how subtle it is and how it's handled.
Take a political philosophy or allegory to real life events, present it, and see how pc's react is fine.
I.e. "Here's a bunch of communist revolutionaries spouting communist rhetoric and acting in a similar manner to real life communist revolutionaries. How do you react?"
As opposed to "here's a bunch of communists. They're morally upstanding individuals who believe in equality and justice for all. And here's a bunch of dirty capitalists who are racist, violent, and regularly murder innocent people for profit while bragging about it. What do you do?"

>bought Borderlands the Presequel last week
>finally had time to play it yesterday
>within he first hour of playtime there's like five blatant mentions of real-life sociopolitical issues that do not even hold up in the game's setting
>in this world where murder on hostile alien planets is the order of the day, sexual orientation is people's primary personality trait

holy fucking shit man

>actually paying any attention whatsoever to the story or dialog in those games

People hated on Borderlands 2 because of this shit but either they doubled down on the shitty writing or I'm noticing it more because I liked BL2 a lot

But the very first non-tutorial mission I get is having to kill a guy because he got angry after getting turned down by the lesbian support character

And then she asks me to make motivational meme posters and hang them around the map after making a remark about America being homophobic

And here I was thinking it was a shame they jettisoned most of the story from the first Borderlands.

The addons for 2 were heading that direction too. I remember that "Tiny Tina" D&D knockoff thing having a ton of shit about UR NOT A REAL GAMER and mocking BOOBPLATE and so forth.

That bit's honestly always bugged me.
>bunch of drunk accountants or some shit at a strip club pointing out which features they find hot
>people treating it as 100% canonical biological information

>not knowing /pol/ is always right

He wanted to play an atheist because atheists are more destructive, and only considered heroically destructive in a fantasy setting (just plain destructive in real life). Also, why haven't you tipped your fedora yet?

"Subtle", user, not subtle but "subtle."

Like six months ago when a loudmouthed rich idiot was killing off all the ethnic groups using his power to make walls, and somehow this was making all the ice in the world melt.

I would nope out of that campaign so hard. Might as well call him Dolan "Literally Hitler" Drumpf II


> The campaign maint antagonist is an evil merchant race that rules the world from shadows

I deliberately didn't state my political leaning, but this is something that has actually happened to me.

Holy shit that's asinine. Horrid how game writers are swallowing the SJW Kool-Aid.

>The government is actually a bunch of nice people and just want to make sure the vaccines that don't exist are delivered to the public on time

Hold up, I'm going to have to disagree with you on that one.

The DnD one was good because of the characters they used. It was the two girls submitting the big muscle guy who likes explosions to a quiz to see if he was a true gamer. It comes out really mean, and that's the point. Yeah, he's 'That Guy' in the quest, but that's par for the course by then.

Even the Gender stuff is done properly there since it's such a small thing.
>"What are you going to spend your loot on?"
>"Hire some hookers and dudes."
>Murderhobo'ing proceeds

I think the government made the plague on purpose to get rid of the population growth.

>DM adds some "subtle" commentary on the past's politics and society

I'm actually a bit jealous of the people who manage to get political and social situations that are at least somewhat familiar.

user, that's what we call "realism".

The only difference is that the fantasy race probably has long EARS.

Maybe he just wanted to take a chance at playing pretend at believing the other side's beliefs. I'm an atheist, and I usually play very religious characters in my games.

Thanks for correcting the record my friend!

That's allegedly why Gygax, a Catholic, put polytheism into the game, interestingly enough. He believed that putting the Christian God into his game would be tantamount to blasphemy.

Plus, D&D clerics in general have yuuuge Roman Catholic influence.

Can we have a godwin's law for /pol/?

As soon as someone mentions /pol/ on another board they get banned. Veeky Forums is too autistic to avoid being trolled with politics.

4/pol/ isn't even good anymore, there's constant shilling and trolling going on.

It's ironic that you meant to say that whatever the GM's commentary was blamed white people, but you also didn't rule out the interpretation that the chucklefuck forcing his narrative is also always fucking white too.

I had the idea for an atheist character recently. Instead of not believing in the Gods, he chooses not to worship them, since they're a bunch of pricks.

I know that fucking feeling and I hate it so much.

>implying all fiction isn't innately an allegory for real world events and politics.

Otherwise it's just unconnected and therefore meaningless.

I don't think that's technically atheist, but it's not a bad idea.

That's like saying history isn't applicable to modern issues because it isn't directly allegorical.

>I had the idea for an atheist character recently. Instead of not believing in the Gods, he chooses not to worship them, since they're a bunch of pricks.
Are you familiar with the Planescape setting

That's one of the main political forces.

Why are there so many liberals on this board anyways? I think it's up there with /co/ for having the most. I'm just curious is all. I'm not a /pol/-esque Trumpteer, but the amount of spineless whining and "MUH EQUALITY" I see on this board is sickening.

>Players say they're into politics
That's cool man, who did you vote for in the General election

Havent you heard. traditional games are next in line to be culturally enriched by the danger haired fun police.

Although technically the term "antitheist" is, according to wiktionary
>(religion) An active opponent of the belief in the existence of a god or gods.
I think someone who literally oppose (the) god(s) is an antitheist too.

You could also go down the route of saying that all the gods have different things you should and shouldn't do, so when you add them all up they all cancel each other out, so why bother? You're going to be a sinner in someone's eyes no matter what you do, so you might as well not get involved in the whole thing in the 1st place.

Danger haired?


>Why are there so many liberals on this board anyways?
Harzardous, leftist Internet hate machine, mate.

No, that's when you pick the one with the most interesting afterlife and that argues with other gods to take his followers' souls to his afterlife.

So purple then.

Purple is just example. Any bright unnatural color, really. It's human version of warning coloration (aposematism).

So artificially coloured. its popular among people with outspoken, uninformed political views of all stripes.