Fandex edition
continuation of
Sisters of Battle thread
The 1d4chan page:
I would keep the penitent as 4 wounds. And the extra attacks permanent.
Part of me is assuming a MC, give it fleet so it can charge after running. Unless MC already allows that
I've updated the pdf to include the new Penitent Engine rules. The link can be found on the 1d4chan page. I'll start playtesting them asap, but so far, the only potential concern see is how high their toughness is. If anyone else has ideas, thoughts, or critiques of the fandex, let me know.
>4 wounds
It's pretty tough as it stands, and I don't want to stray too far from the glass cannon that a penitent engine is supposed to be. We want it to be tough, but not unkillable.
>permanent extra attacks
I'm not entirely opposed to this, but it would probably mean a substantial increase in points.
Fleet no longer allows units to charge and run in the same turn. In 7th edition, it allows them to re-roll run and charge distances.
I'm going to bed, but I'll check back tomorrow.
Yah, I usually run 6 at 1000 points. Their main problem is they have a really hard time getting to melee. Once there since everyone and their mothers have something that can glance them. They die fast without doing much.
They need a way to get to combat fast or survive long enough to get there. Getting destroy in combat is not something I'm consernd.
Why? Because Penitent work as a control unit. Meaning that if the enemy ignores them something is going to get hit by them.
I would make them T(7)4 like bikes in older editions. Harder to wound but still suceptible to instant death.
Q2 next year.
Pick up your kits while you can.
Are her legs okay?!
>GW does publicity for 'something cool from an unannounced book!'
>Everyone hyped for something new, possibly even a Sisters/Ecclesiarchy Codex
>It's the fucking Space Corgis again
Didn't the Grey Knights already burn the hairball that is Fenris? How are the Corgis even still a thing?
Forgot my pic.
Are those the things from the second Riddick movie
We don't need to make it a fucking general every time a topic has a successful thread.
Move on, nigga.
I'd give Penitent Engine special rule that grants you 1 Faith Point if heretic piloting Engine takes a lot of hits in her last round of life and manages to redeem herself. Maybe additional rule that makes engine faster the more damage it takes.
As they currently stand, the best counters to them would be krak missiles (or equivalents) and plasma, both of which are things an army facing SoB will most likely be bringing. Making them T4 for the purposes of instant death would mean that one krak missile hit would probably kill the model in a single shot, which means they'd be even easier to kill than they used to be.
I doubt it.
Because people like space-werewolf-vikings. Last thread, there was some speculation about a BT-SoB Warzone book, given that GW has a Sisters army on campaign at the moment and around the same time, mentioned that they're working on something for black templars. Probably baseless speculation, but it sounds awesome.
The fandex uses the way faith works from 6th edition (leadership tests, once per game), so faith points aren't a thing.
>so faith points aren't a thing
Which is a shame and should be fixed.
What up with the living saint holding a piece of tiberium?
user that is clearly crystalized Fel.
I agree. Honestly, the people who said that faith points were complicated didn't care to actually read them.
Start with one FP for each faithful unit. When you use a faith power, spend a point. When a faithful unit dies, get a faith point back.
>but using a power was complicated!
You literally either rolled higher or lower than the squad size. Wow, so complicated.
Honestly, T5 4 wounds, 4+/6++/FNP would be fine because it would likely still die to everything in the meta except Grav. Auto Canons, Scats, Plasma, ect. If it cost more points, it still wouldn't be worth running.
I'm looking through it and I already have some issues - Ideal Mission Commander is a generic terms, change it to something like Paragon of Faith so that it matches their theme. Chorus of Faithful is just more shit to keep track off - not only you have to mark who used their Act of Faith but also who used CoF to recover it. Just change it to not using up their AoF on a 6+ without a limit until they fail to roll a 6.
Dominions are 20 points each and get a 2+ for 10 points each ? Holy shit what ?
Immolator can currently carry 10 models like the Rhino, instead of the supposed 5-6.
There is a typo on p.63, "condmemor boltgun".
Only the dialogus can take relics in the Sororitas Command squad, aside from the banner, which is less than ideal since the profile is a downgrade compared to the honor guard. I suggest making it so the dialogus grants access to relics to the whole squad.
And put the sacred banner of the order in the special issue wargear list instead of the ecclesiarchy relics list, since it's available only to the standard bearer.
Incinerator in the ranged weapons list.
Hurricane Bolter and Inferno Cannon options for the Immolator.
she gained brouzoufs, at least.
Huh? Where did you read that?
wyrdstone? Necron crystals? Plant leaves with unfortunate lighting?
wait... is this the official Codex?
Also order of the blue robe sounds retarded, if its the following order from the picture then it is actually named Order of the Tsundered night.
How do I know this? Because I asked the person that painted such models.
I think that's the Veeky Forums made codex.
alright, I guess they can still fix that.
>Huh? Where did you read that?
Sorry, I meant Celestians. But other than that the question stands.
Also not showing super special canoness Origa?
posting more Olga/Origa.
Friederic Peterquin, the guy who drew her and designed her for the witch hunters mod named her like that.
I pressume its a tribute to origa, the russian woman that sang for the Ghost in the shell Ost by Yokko Kano.
Fuck off frogposter, it is obviously a popular topic.
White hair? Black hair? Another color, or a mix?
I paint my sisters' hair black with the slightest hint of purple showing on the brightest parts.
I pain mine white because incant get the black to look right. It always turns out looking solid.
this paint job is older than the 5th edition WD Codex pls no bully
Thanks for the input everyone, I appreciate it. I'm posting off my phone at work ATM, so I can't respond to anyone until I get off in 4 hours. I'll answer questions and concerns then
1) less cutesy/fanservice pictures if you want it to be taken seriously
2) Sisters already have a flier from Forge World, use that instead of making a new one without a model. Add some rules if you want to make it more Sister-y, just do what GW did with the Valkyries.
>inferno mega canon
>S5 Ap4 Rending Heavy 3 24" Torrent
>Promethium Bombs
>S6 Ap3 Template Bomb
Holy Fire
These models where painted by Kirsten Williams, she used to work for eavy metal team.
I wrote a really cool fluff bible for the sub orders, specially hers.
Also this one its the order of the white Valkyrie a sub order of Tsundered Night.
So I get that Living Saints are the AS analogue of Chaos' Demon Princes, but according to the lore just what can Living Saints do? I haven't been able to find anything concrete about that and it's been bugging me.
>So I get that Living Saints are the AS analogue of Chaos' Demon Princes
How? One is a human supported by the will of the Emperor but still fragile human shell. Other is a former human forever transformed into the being of the warp and bound to its new demonic nature. They both kick much ass in the name of their respective gods but that's about it.
My mate's the cousin of a bloke in Nottingham. Not going to say who for obvious reasons, but he has a lot of dealings with both the designers and suits. They'll still be around in the lore and they'll get a free pdf when 7th hits, but then they join the tomb kings and brets.
They are not DP, but are more like Greater Daemons.
Okay, so I got that part wrong but do either of you have a handle on what Living Saints can do?
In fluff they kick ass and lead armies of awestruck zealots. 40k fluff doesn't care about anything besides killing stuff and dying to other stuff so Living Saints never did anything else in the lore. In short, the lore sucks.
Apparently not even chaos knows whenever a saint pops up Chaos always want to capture her to perform experiments to she just what she is
I used to paint their hair red as it complimented their armour which was gold.
If they ever get rereleased I'm going for a whole new colour scheme for armour so I'd go for a different colour hair as well.
There is no consistant power set.
A living saint is someone that is declared a saint whilst they are still alive, as opposed to decades or centuries post-death.
Which means she is doing something pretty fucking impressive.
Celestine had visions from the Emperor and seemingly could not die.
In one really stupid audio novel there is one girl who can see the true names of demons but if she ever speaks, her power vanishes for ill-explained reasons.
No really, the book is so fucking stupid with its super-duper invunrable chaos dread that's impervious to everything but a thrown thunder hammer.
You could have literallly replaced the saint with a McGuffin, based it on a Space Hulk, removed everyone and everything else except the Marines the the Dread and the story would not only be completely unaffected by this, but actually improved by a vast degree.
In FFG's Dark Heresy you have stuff like faith lasers and incoruptability fields also.
As an example of how powerful they are, even before Celestine found St Katherine's equipment, she would single handedly kill thousands. When she would die, she would get right right back up. Even after a nuke went off and she was more or less gone, she would show up and murder shit before leaving. The biggest example is against a Daemon Prince who unleashed an army of possessed CSM. Sisters and Space Marines were losing, She shows up, pokes through the enemy line, kills the Prince, and vanishes.
I'm doing the same. New models, new scheme.
>even before Celestine found St Katherine's equipment,
Is there a book or something about them, Sts. Celestine and Katherine, or is it just pieced together from various places in the lore?
Katherine was one of the original Daughters/Brides who went to see the Emperor. She founded The Order of the Fiery Heart.
Most of what I know is from the various codexes, but you can check the wikis, too.
Sorry to be the bearer of bad news, but I thought you elegan/tg/entlemen would want to know.
They're getting plastics or just a new PDF codex?
>when 7th hits
7th hits what? You do realize that 7th has been out for a while now, right?
He comes from an alternate timeline where 7e wasn't rushed out the door as a cash grab.
There is an actual Order of the Blue Robe, and the Order of the Tsundered Night is not canon.
Typo. Meant 8th. Doesnt really change what the gist of it the though.
Blah. I'm on mobile and my fat fingers keep pressing the wrong keys.
Last chance to buy.
If only there was another way.
A better way...
Be honest, should I stock up on sisters of battle now? I've got like 1500 solid points that can be stretched a few hundred points. Pic related.
In terms of special weapons, I have:
4 Heavy Bolters
2 Heavy Flamers
4 Flamers
6 Meltas
4 Hand Flamers
I've put off getting more because $12/14 each is a travesty. I also want to began at least another exorcist, bringing me to 5 Immolators, and 3 Exorcists.
These are what I really want, but I don't like straying away from official models just in case. Shame, because they're awesome.
In case of what, exactly?
If they drop the model line, just go 3rd party. If they don't drop it keep buying the normal models. If they release an official update, buy the fuck out of it.
You win either way.
The only thing worth buying from GW direct IMO was the Immolator kit. Anything else just get from Ebay/chinaman.
Although I question why you don't have any multimeltas.
This is also a good point.
>no multi-meltas
Why would I have them? I'm being serious. Why would I give anyone on foot a multi-melta? It's a 24" HEAVY weapon in an army meant to roll up in tanks with Multi-meltas already on them. Never in my 12 years of playing have I felt the need for a MM on foot.
In case they get cancelled like Brets/TK. I don't want to use 3rd party models because then in don't feel like I'm playing the army at all. It feels fake. Besides, I wouldn't be able use them anywhere official.
It's autistic, I know, but I can't help it.
I normally agree, but the 1st party models are objectively inferior in this case, and nowhere 'official' exists that won't allow proxies, especially not if the models get discontinued.
I mean, in what way are the 97 not MORE fake? Most the 3rd party stuff looks closer to the photos in the official art than the 'real' models do. And that's not even getting into the issue of derp face the sisters so sorely suffer from.
where is this "order of the blue robe?"
Order of the tsundered lady its basically the "order of the blue robe" but without a retarded name.
*goes to investigate*
Why am I not surprised... looks like Alan Blight wrote it a shitty fluff for it. Which is a complete shame.
I'm assuming we're talking about the 3rd edition faith rules? I didn't start playing SoB in earnest until 7th edition, so I'm not familiar with those rules. I'll go check them out.
The roll to see if they get to re-use their AoF happens right after they attempt to activate it. So if you're using markers to keep track of who's used their AoF, just don't mark the ones that got an additional use.
The reasoning behind 2+ armor being so cheap for units other than Living Saints is that SoB are T3 and already have 3+ armor, so a jump to 2+ isn't as big a thing as it is on something tougher. They're much easier to inflict masses of wounds on, and most AP2 weapons in the game cause Instant Death on them.
Thanks for the in-depth reply, and for noticing those typos, I'll go fix them.
>Dialogus and Sororitas Command Squad
The Dialogus comes with a Laud Hailer, and they need some use outside of just that I think. I agree with making the Sacred Banner special wargear though. As this will add room on the Ecclesiarchy Relics page, maybe we could replace it with the Rod of Grace or Sceptre of Vengeance from 2nd Ed. Or something for Priests.
YES. Only, an incinerator fires psychically-impregnated fuel, so here's what i was thinking:
Template weapon, S6, AP4, Assault 1, gains Fleshbane when targeting Psykers, Daemons, or any unit that has been affected by a psychic power on this or your opponent's last turn.
>Hurricane Bolter/Inferno Immolator
Not sold on the hurricane bolters (it would look really weird), but we could definitely do the Inferno Cannon for ~15 pts and a Melta Cannon for ~20 pts. I'll put it in and playtest it to see how that is.
The Order of the Blue Robe is canon:
(cont. below)
The ONLY 3rd party models I've seen that I liked have been these ones, which were posted earlier. Almost every other 3rd party sisters have been cheesecake or close to it.
Maybe we could include her as a special character canoness or something. I want to add more characters to this thing, since the only ones available are two priests and a Living Saint; there aren't any actual Sororitas unique characters and all the ones I could use from fluff (Praxedes, Helena the Virtuous, Magda Grace) are all dead. Does Olga actually have any fluff of her own?
>less cutesy/fanservice pictures if you want it to be taken seriously
Could you be more specific?
>Sisters already have a flier from Forge World, use that instead of making a new one without a model. Add some rules if you want to make it more Sister-y, just do what GW did with the Valkyries.
As I stated in the FAQ, the Avenger isn't actually integrated into Sororitas forces like the Repressor is; it's still an Imperial Navy aircraft, through and through. The Dominator gives them a flyer that is actually piloted by Sororitas and a part of multiple formations. And it does have a model, the Ravenwing Dark Talon.
The only thing I've found that is consistent with Living Saints is that they're really fucking hard to kill (hence the eternal warrior). Most have either returned from the dead or regularly take punishment that should kill them. They also seem to share in some of the Emperor's might, giving them insanely powerful abilities. 1d4chan has a pretty good article on the subject:
Not saying I don't believe you, but people have been saying this for as long as they've been saying that a new codex is just around the corner, so I'm just going to keep on going until I have reason not to.
>no multi-meltas
Unless you throw them in a Repressor and make a rolling Melta-deathstar
I'll go update the pdf, brb
As a quick follow-up to the first point about the lack of Sororitas characters, I just finished reading Daemonifuge last week, and I plan on adding Ephrael Stern as a Sororitas unit, but I was going to add her to a standalone dataslate given the fact that she could easily also be used as a Harlequin unit.
Did the one from the books die (not Daemonfuge)? Faith and Fire I think?
>Multimelta Repressor
I don't get it. A Repressor is meant to plow forward and a Multi-Melta has to stand still.
Sister Miriya:
I haven't finished reading her books, so I don't know if she's dead or not. None of the 40k wikis say one way or the other, so I assume she's probably still kicking.
>Multimelta Repressor
Two models can fire from the top hatch, and up to three can fire out of each side. So you can make a Repressor like on of those old WWI tanks, except with multi-meltas instead of machine guns. This would be extra fun if you use Repressors from a Heresy Suppression Force, so they're even harder to kill.
Considering that tsundered isn't even a word, I'm doubtful that their name is less retarded. They're from the Imperial Armor books, true, not some codex, but it's still canon, and they have at least one battle under their belt.
As for the Order of the Sundered Lady, I've never heard of it, and I can't find anything on a google search. Even reverse searching the picture of those models only gets me a few results, none of which are anywhere conclusive.
My bad, its Sundered not tsundered.
>I've never heard of it,
What part of "asked the eavy metal lady about the name of her order" didnt you understand?
Her name is Kirsten Williams.
Just look at her coolmini or not or at her flicker.
I even have a converation with her on FB but I am not going to post that here.
if you want to find the truth then ask her yourself.
However bitching about canon on a Veeky Forums book it's quite silly dont you think? its about making up a book that is not canon, so why not "retcon" the shit fluff away?
Eitherway Blue robe sounds plain either way. Because Alan blight it's a manchild who's writting skills suck, he self projects and writes like a 13 year old boy.
>Could you be more specific?
More like page 4, less like page 33.
>As I stated in the FAQ, the Avenger isn't actually integrated into Sororitas forces like the Repressor is; it's still an Imperial Navy aircraft, through and through. The Dominator gives them a flyer that is actually piloted by Sororitas and a part of multiple formations. And it does have a model, the Ravenwing Dark Talon.
Why are you bring up the actual fluff and the Imperial Navy if you are going to ignore it anyway and give the Sisters a flyer when they should not have one ? If you want to alter the fluff then just make it so that a few Avengers were given to them, it will be more believable than giving them a new flyer.
And no, it doesn't have a model. That's like someone decided to add hunting dogs for Dark Angels, wrote that they came from Caliban and just slapped a photo of Fernisian wolves. If you want to make a new unit at least don't give it another's army models, find some third party planes.
Miryia, that's the one.
>MM Repressor
For starters, if you have more than one MM in a squad, you're either taking Retributers in which case you're wasting their AoF that could be used on 4 Heavy Flamers instead, or you're taking a command squad. If you're using a command squad and not taking advantage of the fact that its the only unit in our codex that can get 5 combi-plasmas, then you're doing it wrong.
Second, MM are heavy. That means you have to move within 24" of the enemy, hope you roll a 6, and then hope that he stays within 24" without killing you first so you can stay still the following turn.
Funny enough, the only place I could see MM being useful is on the command squad because you can give them a combi-weapon and a special/heavy weapon. Giving them combi-plas and a MM would be funny, but I think plas and a flamer (heavy flamer if you have the points) covers more ground.
These are, objectively, the best sisters models ever made.
They're not objective in anyway. They're are the best. They look great and look like they're actually supposed to look.
Look, I'm not denying that Kirsten Williams exists. It took a bit of looking because that name is apparently fairly common, but I at least found a few references to her, if not any of her work.
However, it's still not canon, and I don't see what's so bad about the Order of the Blue Robe. There's an Order of the Argent Shroud, that's not so different in name. You can assume that this Blue Robe is somehow integral to their founding, or a sacred relic. They have an official picture, even if it's only of a vehicle, and a blurb of fluff in an official book - far more lore than any other minor order, outside of the ones that are later killed in Grey Knights fluff, have. This Sundered Robe order has none of that - no lore that I know of or can find, only pictures of models. Kirsten is a skilled painter, but so are thousands of hobbyists out there.
And why are you going on about Alan Blight? The person who wrote the volume the Sisters were mentioned in is Warwick Kinrade, with a second edition by Andy Hoare.
>Seraphim art
Agreed. I threw that in because I couldn't find any better seraphim art at the time. I've got some now though (pic related).
I'm trying to stick with established fluff as much as possible. While we've added some non-canon things to the fandex (trinity weapons, for example), we haven't actually made any changes to existing fluff that I'm aware of. Also, pretty much every faction has been getting new flyers that didn't exist before 7e, so this isn't exactly unprecedented. The Dark Talon was picked because "28mm model aircraft with medieval christian aesthetic" doesn't really fit any non-GW models. Simply put, the Dark Talon is the closest approximation I could find to what a SoB flyer would probably look like.
Finally, there's nothing prohibiting you from bring Avengers if you want to, they still count as a HS choice for SoB, as it says in IA:Aeronautica.
My bad, I thought embarked passengers didn't have to snap fire unless the transport went cruising speed. That being said, Retributors in the fandex are Slow and Purposeful, so I think they're exempt from that. That's a good point about their AoF though.
I haven't looked at the fandex because it's pointless for me. Sorry. However, SnP is really out of place for Rets. It's decent if they have Heavy Bolters, wastes their AoF of they have MM, and actively hurts them if they use Heavy Flamers.
Also, if you haven't, think about giving Seraphim the ability to shoot their pistols in CC with bolt pistols being AP2 on a 6. My favorite but of fluff for them was from the witch hunters Codex where they were described as using their pistols in CC to shoot people in the face.
Ok, so hear me out.
I feel the current Living Saint rules are WAY over pointed, and honestly kind of silly when you compare it to the 135 point Saint that currently exists in the GW 6th ed book. This one has way lower stats and even getting it close in build to the old Celestine will run you nearly 200pt+ after upgrades. I also fail to see why a Saint would not start with at least basic sister gear (bolt pistol, power armor) and being a holy incarnation it's unthinkable it would not have an inv save of some kind stock (I put a Ros. but honestly it would probably be more fluffy/cool if it was just a rule saying her shield of faith is increased to 4+, as her faith is rather legendary)
I also think that there is no reason for it be a LoW choice, it's at best a relatively weak SM character equivalent, not something on par with a WraithKnight or Avatar (and again, the existing Saint is just an HQ choice).
The idea behind picking acts of faith and backgrounds is cool, and I think some should cost more but they are not worth the cost of a thunder-hammer or rhino in and of themselves.
At the points I've listed here a base saint with Relic Armor, Jump Pack, Flamer and Powesword cost the same as the one in the GW 6th ed codex and it still has one less WS and BS and two less I and A (and two less S when you consider the weaker sword) and her act of faith is objectively less impressive than the one in that book. So, I feel like this is more than fair.
>This Sundered Robe
Sundered Night
Who wrote that imperial armor book?
Also, I feel 25pt is a lot to pay for a S3 AP3 Melee weapon, even with the +3 I
I feel bumping it to S5 (S6 depending on the 'Backgroud' selected) is more playable.
>we haven't actually made any changes to existing fluff
Ok, I think we have a misunderstanding regarding the status of flyers in the canon. Not counting select organizations within the Imperium like the Marines, Mechanicus, Rogue Traders and Inquisition, the Imperial Navy are the only ones allowed to possess armed (as in beyond basic self-defence weapons) ships and planes, hence why the Sisters and Imperial Guards must depend on them for transport across the galaxy as well as air support.
It's not a matter of Sisters getting some planes from the Mechanicus yet, it's them not being allowed to have any. Think of the Land Raiders - even if the Ecclesiarchy found some super awesome STC for a new pattern the Sisters could still not use them as there is a decree that specify that all Land Raiders go to Marines (with the Inquisition using their influence to bypass it).
As such, giving Sisters a flyer, be it an existing one or a new one, is fluff alteration. If you want to do that that's fine, but you might as well just give them the Avenger instead and say they were granted the privilege instead of creating a new unit.
If they are not objectively the best then they are not actually the best, you just think they are.
It's kinda what the word objective means.
Forgeworld has a flier for sisters (which honestly, should be in the codex here) so your knowledge of fluff may be a bit off.
Sorry, Sundered Night, my bad.
And like I said, Warwick Kinrade and Andy Hoare - Imperial Armor Volume 2, and it's Second Edition respectively.
I think you misread him, or I did, hard to say with all the extra 'are's in the sentence.
We've been hearing 'SistersRsquats' rumours about half as much as 'SistersRnext' rumours. We are kinda numb to it all by now and ignore all with equal measure.
Also, friend of a friend is not a good start to any rumour.
But don't the sisters have special access to certain vehicles, like the Immolator?
I meant to say that they are actually the best. I've yet to see anything come close.
The entire theme of the SoB is a play on the way the Catholic church subverts its own rules for its own gain so if Sisters ever get a real update it's something that's easily worked in to keep them up to date with the modern game IMO. Although I wish that flyers were kept out of regular 40k and only appeared in Epic just as much as I wish Sisters would get an update.
That's what he's talking about (the Avenger), which is specifically operated by the Imperial Navy even when used by Sisters at least in the IA book I've got the pdf for.
This is fluff about why that is, basically involving bribery.
Nice reformats. To answer your queries, the reason LS start with low-tier gear and a lower statline in comparison to Celestine is because
1. They're supposed to be upgraded into something more expensive and badass using backgrounds and wagear and
2. Not all Living Saints are Sisters of Battle. Most, but not all. The current rules mean that, if you want to run a Living Saint who wasn't a Sister of Battle, you can.
The other matter that was discussed when we were hammering out how these units should work is that players should have the option of running a buff-saint; a unit with low-tier combat abilities, but powerful support abilities. While it's initial points cost is low for a LoW, most Living Saints will be much more expensive post-upgrades. Celestine isn't a LoW in the 6th ed. codex because Lords of War weren't even a category back then (and, if you check her current incarnation in the fandex, she's been buffed considerably to make her worthy of that category).
Soulblaze adds to the points cost as well. In the course of playtesting, that weapon has proved to be surprisingly awesome, so I think it's worth the cost.
Oh right, I forgot about it's shitty BS, which sucks because a BS4 version of that gun would kick ass.
Even so, 75 is still way too high for that stat line, and the the AoF and Backgrounds are not worth what they are currently costed at. Even with buffs the Saints will likely be weaker than their 135pt 6th ed Celestine, and cost way more.
It seems silly for a Saint to have lower stats than a Canoness.