PDF Share Thread # 38

It's Da Archive! Your Entire Life Has Been Leading Up To This Moment! .

It Will Be The Best 8 Hours Of Your Gaming Career!


STEP 1 Go to the last thread if you haven't looked at it. it has a ton of stuff I don't want to repost. Look through the the posted open source pdfs and pics and stuff..
Files posted directly to Veeky Forums are not added to Da Archive.

STEP 2 Grab your Documents: Da Archive is multiple documents.

Da Archive: Usually Getting Bigger. and hopefully better.

Da Archive Annex is where the newest links go before I scrub them and put them in Da Archive.

Da Wish List is comprised of unfulfilled desires.

Other urls found in this thread:

archive.4plebs.org/tg/search/subject/PDF share/

STEP 4 Get a coffee or other beverage, get comfortable and browse through the blasted thing. It is only about 70 pages long. If you skim over the Personal Collections without really looking you will miss 10,000 pdfs.

STEP 7 If you want MORE, you can go to find more PDFs in storage here: archive.4plebs.org/tg/search/subject/PDF share/ and here: archive.4plebs.org/tg/search/subject/PDFs/

Please give as much information as you can when you make a request. The more information you give (cover, a link to product, name of designer/writer/publisher) - the more chances someone might recognize it and upload it.

If you post a list of requests, Please make them a column, not a sentence.
Zombie Hookerz
Bean Farmer Extreme
Slutty NPCs for Everyone.
Dirty Backstabbers

Step 44 Links that are blacked out will not be added to Da Archive.

STEP 5 Please be patient with the irrepressible urchins who request without looking first. They help bump the thread, and they want to look at something that's not porn. They might even read it. You don't have to answer them, although that also bumps the thread.

STEP 6 Rumors of Da Archivist being an A.I. from the Deep Web are unfounded. It does not have mysterious ulterior motives. He is a real person and a moderately well adjusted Luddite Amish geek who lives in Intercourse, PA; who hides his laptop in the hayloft of the barn with a solar panel. Touching Demonoid would cast his very soul into Hell. On the plus side, he lives in a community with dozens of frustrated teen-aged girls. Well..........somewhat less frustrated....... We WERE instructed to be fruitful and multiply...




P.S. - Remember, We are Better than all of the rest of the horrible internet and Good Manners ALWAYS gets more results. Wise up or get out.

STEP Zillion Please post dead links and I will remove them to keep the archive up to date. Be specific, there are dozens of copies of some Pdfs.

STEP 3.14 If Anons wanted to contribute to this project but have nothing to share, they could be VERY helpful by making a list of folders in some of the Big Collections listed in Da Archive. This will improve ctrl-f searches.
Not fancy, just ; 7th Sea, Amber, Battlecars, Cthulhu, Deadlands, etc. It would help me a lot

Step 33 1/3 Anons could also help by going through the lists and checking .for dead links and notifying the board.

Please ONLY POST OPEN SOURCE PDFS DIRECTLY IN THIS THREAD. link the others from elsewhere.
Excessive infractions could cause TPTB to remove the ability to post any pdfs at all.
Check for copyrights before you post anything directly.

Please be respectful and don't belittle others' requests because you dislike the game. Imagine the horrific RPGs I've run across. 'Dragon Dildo Warriors', 'Cheetos & Dew', and 'We're All Little Girls (Frilly Dresses Are Mandatory At the Table)' spring to mind

If any kind user has the main directory links for user Y Mous, Samurai Flix Lover, Neon Samurai, and Alex 3 on Mediafire, please post them.

.My personal quest is for -
New Delta Green except for
Need to Know
Player's Guide

Requesting release version of Masks: A New Generation. The files in Da Archive are pre-release and I already have those.

Requesting Ultramodern 5e

In 9 days Obama sells out the internet and mass censorship and crackdowns begin. Stay Safe People.

Fuck, I should have saved all the entertainment I like in an external

Nice tinfoil hat there, can you use it to melt steel beams?

Any one have the House on Hook Street for Pathfinder?


Requesting the Ringworld RPG based on Larry Niven's Known Space universe.

An user asked for this, have fun user!




I'm not very hopeful, but does anyone have the various SciFi20 books? The ones based on the Traveller20/d20 system.

Thanks. I was hoping for the full version, but this is already more than I have, so thanks

Repostan my mega of EVERYTHING Deadlands: Hell on Earth (also Lost Colony):

With a pretty please to make the two missing items available, if you got them?
These things were all over the 'net, ten years ago. :( The "nothing gets deleted on the internet" slogan may sadly need some revisioning?

Bonus track - Deadlands:


Anyone have the GURPS material?

It may be too recent, but does anyone have the expansions to the Imperial Assault books? I believe there's three, but most sources just have the foreword rules clarification instead of the whole book of campaign maps and missions. I'm looking for all three,
Twin Shadows,
Return to Hoth, and
The Bespin Gambit.

For a FFG Star Wars game you'd think people would already be all on top of it, but the pastebin link from /swg/ that's here too has nothing.

I make a humble request.

Savage World Sunder Skies material. I have the core setting book, but any other books would help my group.

In return, I can offer this, a collection of FFG Star Wars books.

Thank you, and good day.

I had the GURPS but I went to the doctor and he gave me this tube of paste that I rubbed on the GURPS and it went to

Still looking for:

Fortune's Fool
The Dig
Wrath of the Autarch

Even a review to know if they're worth grabbing is enough for me.

Looking for Hillfolk; Blood on the Snow.
I have nothing to offer in return, save love.

requesting 43 AD drivethrurpg.com/product/100538/43AD--Roleplaying-in-Roman-Britain

looking for; D&D Asian sourcebook 1 player's guide, and asian sourcebook 3 monster manual. thanks

Here you go, buddy

Wait, it says I need a decryption key ...

>'Dragon Dildo Warriors
What's horrific about that?

See my comment on 'FAPP' in Da Archive. Perhaps this might be the game for you. I don't judge or care, but I'm hetero, unlike most of the internet.

I m really bad at this can anyone share any good pdf that helps with DnD 5e for item pools, new monsters and generally anythign i can a roll a d20 for and see if i can/want to use it?

I think it's still in Da Archive

>STEP 3.14 If Anons wanted to contribute to this project but have nothing to share, they could be VERY helpful by making a list of folders in some of the Big Collections listed in Da Archive. This will improve ctrl-f searches.
>Not fancy, just ; 7th Sea, Amber, Battlecars, Cthulhu, Deadlands, etc. It would help me a lot

>Step 33 1/3 Anons could also help by going through the lists and checking .for dead links and notifying the board.

I've looked in the Da Archive, and around the web, but I can't find the 2nd Edition Central Casting book. Anybody want to help a brotha out?

Oh what? Let me see what I can do. Sorry.

I'm new to this shit. I think this link should include the key. My bad.

It's cool, thanks senpai.

Lookin for Gas n' Go PDF, both manager and employee.

Do the old Dragon Magazine issues exist as pdf´s somewhere?

If so I require issue 68. It was supposed to deal with ice age adventureing from what I heard. Thanks in advance.


also looking for this

Could someone please post Grimoire, Tales of Wizardry and Intrigue


Battle Scars for Shadow of the Demon Lord please?

Really hoping someone will upload Fragged Empire Protagonist Archive now that it's out in PDF form.

I don't suppose any would have a PDF copy of 'Central Casting: Heroes of Legend (2nd Edition)' would they?

Plenty of different uploads of the 1st Edition going around, but I can't seem to find any of the 2nd Edition at all.

I'm not 100% certain that Central Casting 2e was ever made into a pdf at all.

Not beyond the realm of possibility though is it?

I know a lot of the PDF's I see are official, that's a granted, but a lot of the more obscure PDF's I have found were made just by people who owned a copy of a book and scanned up all the pages. (Even got the brave soul once in a while who actually took the pages out the spine of their books just to make sure the scans were as perfect as could be.)


I can't find it.

Sometimes, I think I will never complete the collection.

Thirded for the release version of Masks

Can't seem to find it in the archives, but does anyone have Bedlam City for Savage Worlds?

Anyone have any of these classics listed here - tomeoftreasures.com/tot_nontsr/armory/armory.htm

30 Sided Gaming Tables Book
30 Sided Character and Other Tales
30 Sided Adventure and Other Tales

If I wanted to contribute something new, but it's too big for straight to Veeky Forums, what would I use?

Zippyshare, uploadmb.

Pure Steam Campaign Book uploadmb.com/dw.php?id=1474704043


Holy dicks, what a realm of magic this rite of passage is.

Hells. You aren't kidding.

I'd not bat an eye if a GM brought this up in the sense of, "Find another way to accomplish this - if you can." But if the GM set the PCs to decide which among them was going to take the Trek, I'd nope out.

Thank you very much dude, was about to brush this off as a poorer looking version of the 1st Edition book, but had a closer look and seen that this is in-fact a copy of the 2nd Edition.

Typed up is not the greatest looking format, but I only asked for a copy, so I should be happy that someone got back to me in the end, Thank you very much!

Best I could offer. It was in a zip file of other stuff I downloaded a long time ago for my DM/GM folder. I'm just too much of a pact rat to delete it once I used bandwidth to get it.

The entry for "Here's two fewer than a dozen, light bringing, waxy things - which seem to constantly be disappearing. Get 'em while they're lit" from Da Annex has amazingly disappeared.

Anyone got another PDF link for 9+1 Flaming Wax Cylinders?

Anyone have the last two Doctor Who RPG books? The victorian era one and the monster manual?

Damn, I was going to try and contribute but whenever I try to upload a file to mega I get chrome's aw snap error at 43-44%

Mediafire and zippyshare are 2 other good hosts!

It may have been lost in the recent purge, there may also be a copy in a Chaosium folder. Da Archive isn't and can never be simple to navigate.

I ducked it and found this
There were so many tits surrounding the info I was unwilling to risk trying to find out which of the download buttons went to the pdf (if any).
4shared was awesome 8 years ago.

I really like the Ringworld game and it is totally out of print so pdfs aren't hurting Chaosium -AFAIK.
I have a fan supplement I can post.

No titties here!


Any sign of Bubblegumshoe yet? I sorta committed myself to running a Scooby Doo themed game for Halloween and that looks like it could be handy.

Hey guys; bit of a weird request.

So there's a guy in my group who has OCR'd plaintext copies of certain RPG books; would upload an example one but cannot find it for toffee.

If anyone has a similar styled copy of the Cypher System core book, and/or Numenera, I'd be eternally grateful.

me again; here's an example of what he uses.

Thank you, user.
Mind you, a hosting board that was straightforward and also had tits would be great!

Something like www.Sweetboobiesfileshare.org

Looking for Heavy Gear Blitz! Lion's Wrath

Anyone have Rocket Age: Lure Of Venus?

Why does he do this?

Mainly due to the fact he's nearly blind; he uses PDFs like this to read more comfortably.

Not that he has scanned and OCR'd them; but he has posession of OCR'd copies. Sorry, that was a bit ambiguous.

You are the type of hero this board needs then, haha!

Any other books you have stashed away in that DM treasure trove you spoke of? any little gems that anyone here could make use of?


Original requester here, thanks for the help. Though I can't seem to download the first one from 4Shared. That site is a clusterfuck.

>That site is a clusterfuck.
Pretty easy to tame once you got the gist of things.

Pathfinder - Argoss Press - Liber Ingenium (5.8 MB)
userscloud.com/ xz3ciat55hxw

Pathfinder - Fat Goblin Games - Astonishing Races - Leprechaun Revised (1.5 MB)
userscloud.com/ zggvbrqxpcls

Pathfinder - Graemation Ltd. - Orc War, The Mother Dog Saga - Savage Weaponry (6.2 MB)
userscloud.com/ tb29rbp3bshi

Pathfinder - Legendary Games - Legendary Vigilantes (13.3 MB)
userscloud.com/ hev6gd6q0am4

Pathfinder - Louis Porter Jr. Design - NeoExodus Adventures - Origin of Man (16.7 MB)
userscloud.com/ yqe5xjpq6xpp

Pathfinder - Louis Porter Jr. Design - NeoExodus Legacies - C2 Origin of Man Record Sheet (200 KB)
userscloud.com/ f5ikkd3bv2w4

Pathfinder - Louis Porter Jr. Design - NeoExodus Adventures - The Silvered Skull (16.9 MB)
userscloud.com/ augu2jb4xamc

PF- Louis Porter Jr. Design - NeoExodus Legacies - Cold Visitor (30.3 MB)
userscloud.com/ as7e8el0hb50

PF- Louis Porter Jr. Design - NeoExodus Legacies - Encounter At Ramat Bridge (9.4 MB)
userscloud.com/ sbv52azyvig0

PF- Louis Porter Jr. Design - NeoExodus Legacies - A1 Encounter at Ramat Bridge - Record Sheet (610 KB)
userscloud.com/ lvnhqikulmsy

PF- Louis Porter Jr. Design - NeoExodus Legacies - Ruins of Trovaska (13.6 MB)
userscloud.com/ l9epqhsp32zo

PF- Louis Porter Jr. Design - Undefeatable 26 - Slayer (3.1 MB)
userscloud.com/ mozkh5ot8797

PF- Purple Duck Games - Forgotten Encounters - Urban (1.5 MB)
userscloud.com/ wzltpthiojeu

PF- Purple Duck Games - Legendary Races - The Cyclops (3.7 MB)
userscloud.com/ 4g4sge58632p

PF- Rite Publishing - The Ruins Perilous - The Ruined Gate v1 (11.6 MB)
userscloud.com/ iubu4vz51mfp

PF- Rogue Genius Games - The Genius Guide to More Cleric Talents (15.4 MB)
userscloud.com/ v0ax1kxmy71w

Does anyone know if there's a way to remove watermarks or text objects en masse from a PDF? I've got one from DriveThruRPG, but it's 300 pages and I don't want to delete the order number from each one by hand.

Black Scrolls Games - The Hut of the Half-Blood Hag - Battlemap (211.2 MB)
userscloud.com/ is3attx876cr

Black Scrolls Games - The Keeper of Realms - Maps (105.5 MB)
userscloud.com/ j79bri9w3hrf

Does anybody have the ORIGINAL WH 40k rogue trader? Like pic related? All i'm seeing is modern RT.

I'm looking for Uncharted Worlds. Anyone have it?

Anybody have the new end of the world book? Revolt of the Machines?

Which ones are out so far?

I think all four of them now. Gods, Zombies, Aliens, and Machines.

really? because I've only ever seen the Zombies and and Gods stocked at my LGS.

Requesting Aliens and Machines then, Zombies and God were pretty good.

I definitely saw Aliens in one of the pdf collections posted by OP. Don't remember which though, you'll have to search through them all yourself.

Thanks for the hot tip at least!
Off to search now.

Damn, could only find the Zombies, and Gods.

Here you go


Apparently the translations really stink which is a shame.


Oh shit! Thanks! :D