People post their special snowflake 'walkers here, and we discuss how shit they are and why.
Sheets, templats, and other faggotry:
People post their special snowflake 'walkers here, and we discuss how shit they are and why.
Sheets, templats, and other faggotry:
thank god someone else made the thread, I really didn't want to try and fuck it up again
Thread question
>which two flakes do you want to see Filth user write about together next?
Domoyl and Ussa, get that green mana flowing.
I figure you lot would have the best idea on how to do this: My DM wants me to make an MtG planeswalker for a planescape game, but I have no idea how to represent that mechanically. We're using Pathfinder as far as rules go.
I was thinking of a creature template which gave Planeshift as a 10 minute ritual 1/day, or emergency FRA shift 1/week or month, planar acclimation, and agelessness. Not sure how to cost this. Not sure if I should add interactions with colours of mana or the pie. I might also make my PC into a 'flake so I can get you homos' opinions.
>Planeshift as a 10 minute ritual 1/day
Planeswalking seems pretty easy, make it 5 minute ritual, 1 per 6 or 12 hours.
Not for nu-walkers.
While making my sorotami flake, just realized something that offered me minor amusement.
They live in and on the clouds on Kamigawa, right? They are literally a vape nation.
Agelessness is no more in the package with new walkers. I assume we are talking about 5e since rituals, so maybe you can handle the Magic Initiate feat for free to non-casting classes that get the template, to represent how every walker is at least a tiny bit of a mage.
He specifically mentions Pathfinder.
is everyone playing a planeswalker or is it just you? if it's everyone it's something your DM should be helping you figure out, so no one ends up making a broken character because of their idea of how planeswalking mechanics work.
hell, even if it's just your character it's best to talk it over with your DM because they might see how it works differently.
Just me, senpai. On mobile so responses will be limited until I get home.
Planeswalking isn't easy for brand new walkers iirc, though immortalitys my mistake
That, or I'd consider making it a prestige class that requires a spark. Every other level, you gain a level in your main class on top of caster levels from the prestige class. A slightly modified version of Planeshift would be used for planeswalking, and its effectiveness/uses would increase with levels and/or hit die.
Classes are (usually) something you train to be, though. Like Elspeth is a Paladin. Planes walker is something you become.
I'd just make it a feat.
Sounds fucking broken.
Your DM has to approve it anyway.
We were posting in a sinking ship last night. By the time that I realized it, I was too tired to try making a new one.
>During each round, flakes will be assigned to random opponents in single-elimination tournament fashion.
>Flakes will be treated as though they are all neowalkers in order to create a balance of power.
>Flakes with meme-levels of power will be treated as though they weren’t.
>Flakes that directly contradict lore, especially by going against or interacting inappropriately with canon characters, will be disqualified.
>Flakes that are joke or troll flakes will be disqualified. The use of silver-bordered cards in a flake’s preferred spell list automatically disqualifies them.
>During the first round, all flakes will be placed into the roster randomly. Flakes that are disqualified will give their random opponents a bye for the round.
>During the first round, flakes will be revealed in smaller groups, noting disqualifications and asking the thread if they wish to disqualify anyone else.
>During each round, small groups of flake match-ups will be revealed
>Arguments will take place in the thread and votes will be taken from the polls over which flake is likely to prevail over the other.
>After each round, the flakes that move on will be re-randomized on the roster to make match-ups unpredictable.
>Match-Up rules will treat both competing flakes in a match as though they are both forced into conflict with the other, and neither is allowed to planeswalk away until a winner is determined. Flakes will be treated as though they start with zero assisting summons and will not have prepared for this encounter.
Also, polls.
A thought, yeah, but planeswalking also improves with time and training. If you use a template, I'd make it get better and maybe give them access to new abilities as their hit die increased.
Would you an Orzhov or Rakdos color Aetherborn flake?
I can See an Orzhov Aetherborn using a janky Mana Rock+Isochron Scepter+Angels blessing combo as a life support machine.
3.5 would have it as a creature race template.
Probably a series of percentage rolls done after a death or mentally exhausting occurrence, if we really want to get into mechanics.
Pathfinder could follow a similar route. Although otherwise I would treat it like giving something a Lich template. Increased base abilities of the character, as in +1 caster level for their known spellcasting class.
Similarly, the ability to planeswalk should have a cooldown of sorts, but also have an emergency kicker. 1/day and 1/week seems like it would work, but with an increase as the character levels. maybe +1 per 3 levels or so.
>that image
Holy fuck that's unsettling. Would you mind spoilering things like that in the future?
>the rest of it
That's kind of what I was thinking, except the increased caster level, what I'm having trouble figuring is the level adjustment cost of the template, as planeshift is a p. high level spell, any other effects aside (though it's not especially impactful.)
Orzhov, since white has more support for artifacts.
Dude, it's just a guy covered in whipped cream with some photoshopping done on his eyes.
I bet this video grosses you out:
>Orzhov, since white has more support for artifacts.
Literally where? White and red are pretty on par with artifact themes: white is about equipments only, while red uses them as "fuel".
>scared little faggot thinks i'm gonna give him a safe space just because i hurt his fee fees
you're a triggered little cuck, aren't you?
It depends, do you want him to actually use artifacts or to burn though them and make them explode? Assuming you are going for an artifact theme of course.
>a guy covered in whipped cream
[spoiiler] mhhh, dat's kinky...
This is why my thought is to start with a more limited and modified version of planeshift as a spell like ability. Then have it improve with leveling or advancement. If the only thing they gain is that spell like ability, I'm almost tempted to say they don't have a level adjustment. Any other minor bonuses beyond the ability would probably require a +1.
I'd rather not see an Aetherborn flake at all, since that requires another ridiculous case of a planeswalker deciding to give their spark and their life to a creature other than themselves. We've already got too many of those in this snowstorm as it is.
I know Aetherborn seem cool and all after the latest fiction but can we show a little self-restraint?
With an infinite multiverse and an infinite amount of time, it is bound to happen sooner or later.
It's the eyes/sockets. They freak me the fuck out.
Watching that dude eat ice cream off his head is strange, but not as unsettling.
Please see board rule #1, then kindly show yourself back to
Blue is the primary artifact color, red is the secondary. Red is definitely about using artifacts, recycling them, making art with them, using and consuming them. White is mostly about equipment mostly, but got lucky with a lot of artifice because it was part of Esper. Think of it this way: Red has an artifact walker, as does blue. White has an equipment walker.
But aetherborn are literally clumps of factory residue. They can't get a spark naturally and giving them one is a waste.
Well, we seem to not have an infinite amount of time, most of us treat the Multiverse according to WotC's current time line. And the infinite multiverse argument only applies if you're using non-Kaladeshi Aetherborn, which fucking ruins the point of using Aetherborn at all.
So, considering that someone wants to make an Aetherborn that exists at the point of the Kaladesh/Aetherborn Revolt time frame and they likely want to make a Kaladeshi Aetherborn, that gives them a very limited period of time and space to work with, considering that Aetherborn are a rather recent race in the grand scheme of things and that so far, we don't know of another plane that has them.
Giving a spark to Sarkhan was a waste as well. But here we are.
And Infinite monkeys?
Yes, I know. You are just being too literal: what i meant was a fancier way of saying "do what you want". In the end who cares about it as long as it is fun? We are not exactly trying to write grand novels here.
Now more to the point I could see a particularly deranged, old kaladeshi walker deciding to create the most marvelous inventions ever for the fair by sticking his own spark in the very own product of a lifetime of inventions, the living form of the waste they produced.
They are all kird apes.
Apes of Rath, if you will
>Apes of Rath
I really dislike this attitude, especially attached to a shit talker like yourself.
Yeah well, if we all just do what we want with no regards for stuff and just constantly invent our ways to circumvent the lore, we end up with infinite Vronaks to go with the infinite time and infinite multiverse.
But hey, people can go ahead and make flakes out of their favourite flavour of the week race if they really want to. I'm not stopping them, just providing advice and announcing that I'm personally a little tired of all of the angel, demon, artifact, undead and other impossible planeswalker combinations that are achieved by screwing with the rules.
>we end up with infinite Vronaks
It's too late.
The Vronaking has already begun
I love you, guy. Hah!
Planar Chaos! Bitches!
Personally I do find that more disturbing. Autophagia is horrifying.
Well, I'd probably go with a plus 3, but I would start experimenting in game with rolls and see how OP it might be.
I agree. If there are no other bonuses, try to negotiate something with the GM. I kind of like the idea of it increasing the overall caster's abilities though, hence the idea about +1 caster level. If that was used, I would prefer it to be a sliding scale, going up.
No, Vronak, you don't understand. I didn't do this because I like you
I did it because Vronak sounds like a trenchcoat-and-sunglasses sorta name.
I like to think more like a black armor and cloak kind of name.
"At this moment, I am euphoric. Not because of any phony god's blessing, but because I am enlightened by my own intelligence." -Vronak, probably.
It's funny because this perfectly encapsulates the Ice Age we went though.
Is that how you pronounce it? I always thought it was Vro-Knack. Rhymes with pro tack
However amusing that quote is, Vronak isn't some sperg to spout non-sense.
A good quote I could see Vronak saying? Hmmm...
"You can't be a hero when you're hiding."
I figured some peeps would think it was pronounced like that. But, nope.
But which Vronak would say that? There are two Vronaks now.
That pic really makes you seem full of yourself.
OG Vronak. I like to think that he's more of an anti-hero than a BBEG. Sure, he could be a villain. Or he could be an ally. Just depends on what aligns with his current goals or motivations.
I find the pic amusing. Tis the reason I make them. Amusement and nothing more. Don't put any deeper thought into them. They don't saying anything about me or the character.
Well, what do you think about neo-Vronak? Just by seeing his character sheet, do you think both Vronaks would be buddies?
Grammatically, Vronak is pronounced Vro-nack. Like row and tack.
Probably. I could see them being interested in the aspect of alternate multiverses' Vronaks. Then probably go out and look for powerful summons and black board wipes on random planes. Or even find some random evil doers and have them join in on some misadventures.
...I think I'm starting to regret making VtS.
Pronunciations aren't grammar. They are a regional / cultural thing. It's "Vrow-nawk" like the "o" in Crow and the "a" in Car.
Nope. I have a masters in English and my teaching certification. Vronak is pronounced Vro-nack. If you want to say it's pronounced the other way in Vronak's home culture, fine. But in the real world it's Vro-nack.
Vronock sounds retarded anyways
By the way, Vronak is an actual name.
No you don't. I know for a fact you don't because pronunciation ISN'T apart of grammar. It's apart of dialect. Don't be a fucking fedora wearing sperglord.
Vronak is an actual name. And it's pronounced "Vrônák". Which is Vrow-Nawk".
Yeah, because "car" is pronounced "care". Right?
Vro-knack sounds like an 80's weasely character name. That sounds dumb.
Vronak is a dumb weasely character.
That's exactly what my Vronak is
You're adorable.
That's understable. Doing an aetherborn character "just because it is new" may be pretty silly, yes, but in the off-hand that it turns out to be good, I don't feel like saying outright no.
If you dislike tolerance, it is not my problem. If you dislike me, not my problem either: I don't feel guilty of anything really.
>fucking fedora wearing sperglord
Can we avoid this kind of stupid insults Vronack, they can only make you be ever less liked.
Hey, I'm telling him not to be one. Acting like he is something he's not to try and make his inaccurate claim sound more plausible. But, alas. I understand your plea, Mordred. Modok. Mudrock. Murdock! Damn, why was that so difficult, Murdy? Now, let's eat a fresh bag of kettle corn and watch The Last Unicorn together.
But it won't be, it'll just be some dumb variation on someone giving them the spark or somehow draining just suddenly starts working that way.
Well then it will be laughed off by the vast majority, man! I'd take the risk, and I understand you wouldn't. We both said our piece, now it is up to the original user.
So wait, each Vronak is a different vronak? I had assumed one was a rehash. I was starting to make a comic of it, so which vronak would be a better vronak for it? Who has a larger audience?
Most anons around at the time of his creation don't like original Vronak. New Vronak is a parody of the original.
Why the fuck would car be pronounced "care?" It follows the rules to be pronounced "car." If anything could make it better, it could be spelled "carr" but "car" works too.
Yes, I do. Had you spelled it "Vrônák" then it would be pronounced Vro-nawk. But you didn't. You spelled it "Vronak." And according to standardized modern western English pronunciation of those letters (which you speak if you are Canadian, American, or from the UK)
>fucking hit send too soon
those letters when strung together are pronounced "Vro-nack." While there is a minor tonal shift in dialects, it is not so radical as to change the pronounciation of Vronak into "Vro-nawk."
That's an example of a word adapted from another language that didn't change. It shouldn't be pronounced the way it is, but it is because English is a bastard language. But if you're going to invent words, have the decency to include pronunciation guides on your vowels if pronunciation is a big deal.
For fuck sake, people, pronunciation? Really?
It is you people who decided to speak a language in which a single letter can be read 10 different ways with no indications on how to do it. Your fault, brits.
It's true. Blame the British. They stole a bunch of shit from neighboring languages then spread their bastard language to their colonies, thus further bastardizing and differentiating it. Truth be told, there are more versions of English currently used than can be easily counted.
Fucking hell, Serena.
Why can't you not be an angel hitler.
Because people keep calling her thicc when she is really far past that point.
I mean.... you get all of that mana in one form you get all the right curves in all the right places.
Quick! It doesn't matter if it's by smite, reality shift, lightning bolt, hornet sting or nearly any black spell; I need a flake who can cast a kill spell. Only restrictions is it can only be as complex as "I shoot a beam of magic, it dies."
You obviously do not understand dialect. Pronunciation do not matter about spelling. They matter on dialect, regional/cultural tongues. Why is "Han" pronounced both "Hawn" and "Hahhn"? It all comes down to dialect. But, in the instance of Vronak, it's a proper name and had only one pronuncation. Thus, "Vronak" isn't "Vrow-nack" rather "Vrow-nawk".
All about that burn.
Hey now, you can't blame me for that. Just cause I'm Hitler doesn't mean I have any influence over the English language.
> Canadian
> American
> British
> thinking all of these share the same pronunciation rules
Nope. You're dead wrong. As Vronak isn't an English name what so ever. It's Slovak.
If Terut is spending a lot of time on Theros, I might actually wrote about Izari vs Terut. Not sure how to write Terut's personality, though.
Hey folks. I'm running a little tired today, so in order to make sure that the polls flip over before I pass out, I'm moving up the close on this match-up by one hour.
Get your votes in by 11 PM CST.
But what if we don't want to vote but just complain about it?
Then do that, it's a free internet we live in.
Then get it out of your systems now, because you've got one less hour of it being relevant to the current poll.
I feel that this entire exercise is biased against people who do not wish to participate and that you not catering to my whims, even though I would call you all sluts even if you did.