Horus Heresy General /hhg/

Iron Warriors General Edition
Save us, IFfags, you're our only hope Sub-Edition
Doctor Dorn, we need you!
> R E A D . T H I S . B E F O R E . P O S T I N G


Official HH 7th Edition Errata (Updated January 2016)


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HH Book 6 - Retribution PDF:
mediafire.com/download/8aqx9j3a8erqv8d/The_Horus_Heresy_Book_6_-_Retribution.pdf or
sys.Veeky Forums.org/derefer?url=https%3A%2F%2Fkat.cr%2Fthe-horus-heresy-book-6-retribution-pdf-t12199249.html

Other official downloads: forgeworld.co.uk/Downloads#horusheresy
HH Rules:
Crusade Army List:
Mechanicum Taghmata Army List:
30k/40k Rules:
30k/40k Rules and more (torrents):
Crusade Imperialis epub:

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First for Best Planet

We need a new OP image. One with a suitable amount of Iron Skulls, Chevrons, and Bitterness.

Yes! We have someone more destructive than the Ironfire Riders! Show me your lists, priest of Mars!

Why not pertuabo grimly looking down as the beep boops jump up a down and the salt rises with bodies rising on top of them
Or is that too complicated

That's not Barbarus

Someone do a photoshop of the 'why does your dad let you have two'
It's an iron warrior talking to a priest saying 'aw how come your omnisiah lets you mount 2 earthshakers on a chassis my dad only lets me mount one'

No, the books are pretty non-specific. Might be on purpose.

HH Book 6 describes the WS as having a lot of older armor because they don't get resupplied very often... but they should have received new equipment at Ullanor before heading to Chondax. And Horus thought he could get them onto his side, so I'd expect him to make sure the Scars got some Mk IV armor as a little incentive. I'd be tempted to give the warrior lodge members/would-be traitors Mk IV.

Will washing a light silver metallic colour [Spoiler]like sharpie[/spoiler] give me a good colour for IW? And how do I do hazard stripes? Thin sharpies over yellow?

I thought Barbarus was green.

What's wrong with Ironbreaker then a Nuln Oil wash?

>muh Bitterness

I have actually had a lot of luck using the thicker hobby pens and on top of yellow with a wash afterward. I think I use the Gundam pens but there are a bunch online if you google. Sharpie probably has too much shine

Why are Iron Warriors so concerned about letting everyone know how hazardous they are?

Yes but you have to overcoat immediately to avoid rubbing.

>mug siege tyrants
Oh wait GirlyMan was such a fag he had to suck off pertuabo to get the STC for it
Iron warriors 1
Ultramarines -1

If the coming plastic HH box does turn out to have Breachers, imagine if it also has plastic graviton guns. Wouldn't that be nice.

But actually expect it to just be MK III tacticals with the same weapon options as B@C, as that seems more in line with how GW does things.


Spray a matte varnish over it, otherwise it'll rub off. Or gloss, if you're going to apply decals (then a matte coat afterward).

I think Breachers will come in a future Phall game. That's not a rumor, just what I would do if I were GW.

Yeah I noticed the rubbing on test models. Will the spray matte varnish you can buy at hardware stores work?

Any advice for a newfag on how to run a blood angels army?
what sort of force composition do they do best in?
What rites do i take?

Playing in a 30k "Campaign" where we play league games. Enjoying the World Eaters so far, what with the spamming tacticals and rage on everything.

However, is there one unit for the World Eaters I should stay away from?

>Any advice for a newfag on how to run a blood angels army?

>what sort of force composition do they do best in?
They are geared towards close combat so assault squads, terminators, vets, destroyers, outriders.

>What rites do i take?
Which ever you want.

What are the other armies in your league?

>Month and a half to go

Rampagers. Don't touch them.

Maybe, not sure. I always buy varnish meant for minis or models, like Testor´s Dullcoat.

Not sure about models, but their legion weaponry does not lend itself to beating marines

Am I the only one who actually loves the IW Contemptor?

Nah. I also like how deliciously looted it looks.

I assume you've read their rules in Book 6. Day of Revelation is a strong rite of war now that assault marines have been mostly fixed - it wants you to use those and either land speeders or infantry in storm eagles.

One of the guys in the Radio Free Isstvan podcast runs Blood Angels using the Armored Breakthrough rite of war (Predators as troops choices, and they get the Fast rule). That sounds contradictory because BA need to have more infantry than tanks, but assault marines and lots of bike squads can make it work.

Is it worth it to just do up 10 marines as breachers just in case?

Just in case you play Zone Mortalis? Sure.

do jet bikes work well with them?
i really like the models...

Traitors: Iron warriors, Alpha Legion, Word bearers
Loyalist: Salamander, Ultramarines (X2)

The traitors have been winning in a land slide

Alpharius is dead and Omegon will later be killed by Rugged Grillymong.

Yeah, they're always good. Kit them out for long-ranged shooting. Ground bikes are close combat.

>Traitors: Iron warriors, Alpha Legion, Word bearers
That sounds like a horrible trio.

They do, make sure you equip them with assault cannons.

>Traitors: Iron warriors, Alpha Legion, Word bearers
Sounds lovely.

>Even Mars itself has a skull on it

>They do, make sure you equip them with assault cannons.
Assault cannons can be equipped on anything with heavy flamers. Jetbikes don't have heavy flamers (I wouldn't want to ride a jetbike that can travel faster than the flamer can squirt...).

Is that a Custodes?

>Traitors: Iron warriors, Alpha Legion, Word bearers
Ah well user could be worse. [Spoiler]I've never understood non-loyalist IW players[/spoiler]

There's nothing to understand about them, their bitterness overshadows any sense they may have had

Favourite primarch guys?

Angron, though Dorn and Vulkan are fast becoming my new faves.

I'm strongly, strongly considering doing some Imperial Fists or Salamanders as a small kill-team-sized force.

how about you learn the basics of painting before you start a HH army, holy fuck.

HH is a game for Forgeworldfags, guys who are long past the basics, but are into airbrush, weathering powders etc.

Sanguinius... because of reasons...

how about you quit being an elitist cunt?

Why not? It's their religious symbol.


I refuse to read BL fluff and I like the idea of viking Mowgli in space.

Only the head really sucks. Rest is awesome.

You shouldn't refuse it, just find out which books are good and which aren't. Chris Wraight is one of BL's better authors and he'll be covering the Space Wolves soon.

The Khan. He and his legion are fast, contemplative, and disorganized, just like me.

It's a great model, just looks shitty and cluttered while unpainted, and FW being too lazy to paint up a showcase model is kinda dumb. Not to mention clearly losing people otherwise sold on Iron Warriors stuff.

Dorn and Perty, mostly because of their rivalry. Also, they are both at the opposite ends of what fate can deal you - one is a dull dutyfag who got to do his thing, the other is a new DaVinci who gets denied a chance to express his genius. In an ideal world you would swap them, but alas, Dorn can build better fortresses so...

>Airbrushing is bad
>Weathering powders are bad
When will these memes die.

I have read Fulgrim and Unremembered Empire. The primarchs are just too autistic and have way too many daddy issues for my taste.

the chainsword on the fist looks retarded

otherwise I like it quite a lot

I liked Fulgrim, but it was about a fundamentally insecure primarch. I didn't like The Unremembered Empire. You probably wouldn't like First Heretic or Betrayer, either (which are good, but heavy on daddy issues).

Try Scars & The Path of Heaven - the daddy issues are minimal, and it's the same author who'll be doing SW. They even get a chapter in Scars, when the SW are fighting the AL at Alaxxes. Know no Fear might work for you too; it's mostly just a shoot 'em up.

Perturabo, with Frank Castle in second place.

...I said I use them. I was chastising someone who wanted to write fucking sharpie on his minis instead of learning how to paint lines.

I don't know how youd get that I think they are bad out of that

Until what
>battle of phall?

I'm pretty sure I've figured out how to do the Istvaan V bases thanks to the /wip/ thread and me overthinking it. Now to figure out how I should weather them, and what colors would work best for that.

Agrax Earthshade for sure, and I was thinking maybe an extremely light drybrush of something else though.

Anyone have any recommendations for Iron Warrior and Raven Guard painting guides though?

>defined chevrons
>robotnik moustache
That's all that lets it down

I will miss you /hhg/

Where are you going?

NO! Dont leave us user, Inferno is coming out soon! We got plastic custodes!


Please don't leave.


PROGRESS, user! Tell me of your progress on your new generator's capacities!

What? Is Veeky Forums about to die or something?

I liked parts of Fulgrim, but I didn't like how infantile Fulgrim himself was portrayed.

Nooooo don't. Not yet

> did nothing wrong, The beauty that could have been [\spoiler]

But really pertuabo because self insert autist

Sorry for what?

Well, Pert, it's nearly done.

could you kindly explain further, im intrigued but cant really see what you are trying to tell us.


Are we going to die?

YOU CANT, Veeky Forums must exist, we have enough sugar daddies here to keep the site alive
That's the normal chain fist you retard
EC is for fags

Everything dies eventually. So yes.

You really don't want your base to look too much like your mini's armor. If your RG are a cool black, the base should be warm and relatively light. Consider that "black" can range from the dark gray of your cars' tires to various shades of brown on a black sand beach during sunset.

IW are usually a warm, brownish shade of metallic gray, so they want a cool shade of black for the basing.

Eh, I and my friend that it'd be cool to do Istvaan V themed bases for our armies, haven't bought any heresy-era stuff yet.

It still applies. RG should be a cool black and IW a warm silver/gray, so you'll want to paint your bases differently from each other.

Can the faithless Word Bearers die first?

Makes sense, I suppose. I dunno how it'll look yet though, seeing as I don't have anything yet. Been thinking of making a B&C account just to ask Dantioch for his recipe for his IW.

They did die first, Lorgar purged them.

Well, since he didn't purge himself and his sons that followed him into treason then there's still faithless dogs to kill.

Guilliman even though I collect Word Bearers.

>I-it's not like I want your geneseed or anything, baka roman!

>it's only gay if I receive

Y'know, that really was true in Roman times.

I'd have to say Corax because I like him in Deliverance Lost and how he just tells Dorn to fuck off and defend his own castle because muh legion doesn't fight like that

>Intercrural best sex
Men ;^)

>Have faith

I imagine the arms, legs, and especially torso are thicker than the red outline. Still, apparently all Space Marines have Zika.

Why is he next to a 4 feet tall manlet?

Huh, funny it didn't mention that in my rulebook. Here I thought it was for people who enjoy the lore, setting, rules, and models

>That's the normal chain fist you retard
And the normal chainfist looks like shit.