Stat it, Veeky Forums
Stat it, Veeky Forums
>Pro: +10000
>Anti: 0
Okay buddy
Age of Sigmar
Fuck off with that bullshit
is skub objectively worse than age of sigmar? or are they equally shit
>joke whose 15min is long expired/10
>autist self-identifier/10
Skub is for scrubs.
It has no positive or negative stats.
Veeky Forums has just been projecting their own positive and negative qualities onto skub
that's pretty deep for a conscientious skubjector.
Pick a side, you hippie.
Bleeding heart cuck.
>conscientious skubjector.
Okay yeah that was pretty good.
I see someone is afraid to whip their dick out.
>Item, skin cream
>100 uses
>restores 50% HP and Spell Points to the user if they support it
>paralyzes and poisons user if they don't
>regardless of support, it may only be used thrice a day, with no shorter than 6 hours between uses, else the user is cursed with halved stats for the next 24 hours
>this curse is permanent if applied again during its time of effect
>user is polymorphed permanently into a fresh copy of this item if applied yet again, no saves
>skubfags itt
Absolutely disgusting, you lot are worse than furries.
>being anti-skub
Skub helped save my life and now I'm able to walk again.
One day skubfags will get their own containment board and we won't have to deal with them anymore.
Post a thread to Hiro every day about it. It worked for quests!
Does 1d12+2 poison damage per turn.
Fuck outta here man, Skub is the biggest piece of shit on the planet, I'd rather use platonic solid dice and use the Celsius system then use that fucking shit
>Wanting Hiroshimoot to give skub its own board
Look what that did with /pol/ and /d/. You'll simply encourage them. The skub generals will just have to do, and we'll continue to mock any skubfags that leave them.
The distilled essence of "You fuckers will argue about anything."
What in the name of Slaanesh.
>3d6, roll under, point buy, generic, universal roleplaying system.
That's what skub makes to you. Don't touch the skub, kids.
>questniggers are *STILL* salty
I'm not okay with any of this
That's hardly a point and a broad generalization. You don't know what I'll argue about and with conviction I wont just argue about anything. skubhead.
>skublover trying to hide behind questfaggots
Our new God Emperor lowtax will be the end of you, skubfag
>uses American meme systems
>wants others to take his opinion seriously
>Pro: 0
>Anti: +10001
Cream of Reverse Alignment.
Skub. Not even once.
It makes for good wanking lube, so long as you keep it away from your urethra or open wounds.
it and Tabasco have that in common
>Rare Enchanted Item
>Will have the effect that the user believes it will have, but dampened a bit
>Adventurous people who think it might be good find that they get bonuses
>Cautious people who think it might be bad will get debuffs
>Both types of people go out and tell other people about the wondrous/horrible effects of Skub
You know I'm right.