General MTG Art thread while we're at it. Anyone else notice that Wizards seems to let the random commons and bulk rares get good art while the big mythics and walkers get boring crap?
Best artists currently in MTG
Wayne Reynolds is amazing and I'll fight anyone who disagrees.
I think he's good at monsters, humanoids and the like, but whenever he tries to draw people he gets a bit carried away with the flat surfaces, sharp angles and absurd armor.
Anyone know why Terese Nielsen stopped doing art except for FTV or other special sets but suddenly got commissioned to do three random commons?
Her art style fits for Innistrad . Same how they got the great Kirstin Zirgbl for Kaladesh
Also holy shit I love this card. My eyes light up when I see it.
This new artist seems promising.
Definitely one of the best card arts recently.
I'd hang it on my wall
It really is a shame the card is worthless outside of limited.
those are some sweet mini-lightsabers.
Kaladesh designs just speak to the /m/an in me
I like Magali Villeneuve
My life for Aiur!
And Raymond Swanland. Probably two of my favorite modern MTG artists
Not the biggest fan, but I appreciate what she is trying to do and I think some of her pieces look pretty good, just not in certain settings.
I think he recently left, but Chirs Rahn was a god among men.
volkan baga is such a good artist but I really dislike snapcaster's artwork. i don't know, maybe its just tiago's face
my favorite is rebecca guay
old art is always my favorite. Surgical extraction is also a top 5
I really dont like Snapcaster mages artwork, its a great card but looks awkward and boring. Even without knowing who Tiago is, the face is way too human and dominates the artwork.
Magic cards usually have really nice movement and perspectives, i was disappointed
my man kev walker! i thought he fell off after seeing snapping gnarlid and ravager but that skeleton is pretty nice
i'm a big fan of his style
i feel like the only person who doesn't mind snapcaster's art. i just don't like how huge the arm gun is
>swanland even manages to make a white card nothing but brown spikes
Everything Seb does is amazing
Jesper Ejsing.
Very distinctive style but unfortunatly usually only illustrates fodder cards.
Seb McKinnon and Nils Haam are my two favourite artists.
They did tons of great work for the new Innistrad. Unfortunately their aesthetic fits that sort of ghostly plane better than something like Kaladesh but I hope we see a lot more art from them.
I mean, clearly he peaked in 2011, after that goblin grenade no one can go anywhere but down, it would be like Michelangelo trying to improve after painting the Sistine Chapel.
But occasionally, those fodder cards become standard playable.