How the hell do Space Marine chapters forget their parent chapter, let alone their Primarch?

How the hell do Space Marine chapters forget their parent chapter, let alone their Primarch?

Considering the dogmatic practices of most Chapters, how does every single marine forget it, or how is every single record (from both their AND their parent chapter) lost, unless the Chapter is completely annihilated and recreated under the same name (Which also doesn't hold water as a reason)

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Furthermore, how is it not a mark of unprecedented shame among their peers for a Chapter to forget these things?

perhaps a warp related event, perhaps their primarch was never exposed to them since the beginning, perhaps only an inner circle that got wiped out at some point knew the primarch.

and if youre talking about the blood ravens, it is a mark of shame for their chapter.

Sometimes they aren't told, sometimes their entire planet gets blown up, sometimes record keeping in the Imperium is almost stupid bad. Most of the time it's just because it's written that way and stop questioning the nigh-satirical setting.

Besides, Space Marines are Angels of Death, not fucking book keepers. It's not their fault if stuff goes missing every now and then.

They were never told, lost the info in an attack, it wasn't important to the Chapter culture and was forgotten. Sometimes an Inquisitor or a daemon gives someone a lie or an unknown truth to curry favor or spawn doubt. Maybe they had a falling out with their parent chapter and when some other group bailed them out they forsook their Primarch's name bearers for another. It'd almost always be due to a sketchy possibly even heretical scenario. Such chapters are mistrusted for a reason.

Carcharodons for example don't know they are Raven Guard successors cause their matter of creation was somewhat ill gotten and they've spent millennia on the farthest reaches of or even outside of Imperial space and haven't had cause or hint as to what there origins were after 10,000 years of pseudo exile.

Fun fact: Carcharodons are being retconned in an upcoming novel series to be Night Lords blackshields.

Lies. Robbie McNiven has been excellent about answering questions about the novel on B&C and he's been super explicit that the Terran Raven Guard element is still a major part of their origins. There's just more to it than that.

>from both their AND their parent chapter
Only need to lose their own records.

They won't necessarily trust the parent chapter.
Especially if the are several making claims.

A lot of those chapters are descended from traitor legions or have other shady things in their past. In many cases its more likely that the knowledge was deliberately forgotten than lost. Those in the know, such as leaders of other spacer marine chapters, diplomatically avoid the subject.


>That one Ultramarine successor that didn't know they were Blood Angels until someone told them just why they were bloodthirsty battle ragers, and not Khornate cursed.

>How the hell do Space Marine chapters forget their parent chapter, let alone their Primarch?

Space Booze.


when...what? Is there a carcharodons novel series now?

carmine blades.

Justify using vanilla codex and rules :^)

Long and Short of this:

>Chapter is told they're Ultramarines Successors by some Administratum fuckup
>Believes that their blood drinking habits and other curses are some sort of tribal influences
>Astorath manages to chance upon them
>They accept it...sorta. They still like their tribal shit, but their Sanguinary Priests are having a bitch of a time curbing this.

Do you have any idea how long 10,000 years is?

A lot of things can happen in that time, especially for an organization of people that are constantly going into combat, losing people and then replenishing the ranks with new recruits, while shooting back and forth across the galaxy through literally hell with all the time distortions and other fuckery that entails.

It's mostly due to clerical fuckups when assigning gene seed to found a new chapter. Though if you are a new chapter with no noticable genetic flaws (Albinism, missing organs, unquenchable bloodlust or the like)
you may as well assume you are of Ultramarine stock

>Space Marines are Angels of Death, not fucking book keepers
>[Angry Librarian Noises]

Can Calgar effectively call a Legion-strength muster to Ultramar if he wants?

Because they're the ones who are not as dogmatic

He and Dante both

"Knowledge is power,"

>"hide it well."

Fucking based DoW, RiP MOBAfication.

And its the Unforgiven that get shit for "legion building"

>Your not one of THEM anymore Taddeus

But less shameful than being decended from fulgrim

Or the smurfs claim anyone without issues as their own to make themselves look better.

>Why are some records/ information of your origins lost over 10,000 years