>ITT things that trigger Veeky Forums
Why would you ever play anything besides 3.5 or 5th edition? You can just customize and design around 3.5 for your cyberpunk setting!
>ITT things that trigger Veeky Forums
Why would you ever play anything besides 3.5 or 5th edition? You can just customize and design around 3.5 for your cyberpunk setting!
Other urls found in this thread:
>quantum ogres aren't railroading
>just level up when the plot says so
>I'm a great GM, I just make things up on the fly
>the rules are just guidelines, it's really about story
>rule zero and/or Oberoni fallacy
>implying RPGs other than D&D exist
I'm pretty triggered about people stirring shit for no reason
>Why would you ever play anything besides 3.5 or 5th edition? You can just customize and design around 3.5 for your cyberpunk setting!
>people stirring shit for no reason
Every time I see the words "magical realm" on this board, foam starts coming out of my mouth. People who shitpost about this shit again and again deserve to be fucking shot.
>I steal all of the loot, dimension door away, then throw a rock down the hall to trigger all of the traps!
It's what my character would do!
Are you browsing with a bucket at your lap?
Someone just said to me that they were going to use the newly released 5th edition 3rd party rules for their cyberpunk campaign.
Why bother with shitty RP when you can have much more immersive roleplay experiences in games like the witcher and fallout 4?
>Itt things that trigger trolls on Veeky Forums
Monster girls are furries and anyone who denies that are closet furfaggots.
>Why would you play a D20 game when you could play D100.
>Its so much more realistic
>If I can jump across a 5ft gap regularly in real life why does my character have to roll to see if he can do it?
I make things up if the player does things that I didn't expect. I think it's more fun, and immersive to the player than saying "Alright, we'll end here while I think of what will happen because you just flew completely off the rails."
Matt Ward
>Warhammer 40k is a right wing nerds wet dream
I dont know why but when both sides say this I get really fucking mad
>Im running an immersive, hardcore, hyper-realistic, freeform, post-apocalyptic, gritty, dark fantasy campaign based on 4e. With a heavy focus on roleplay and survival mechanics. Im also planning on putting Mechs and spaceships in because it fits the world I made. I'll also be allowing any homebrew races and classes as long as it fits the general theme, but you cant play elves because they're all evil in this campaign, and only drow are good elves. You also have to play Lawful Good or your character wont fit the backstory I wrote for you. XD this is going to be so fun. We're also using D100's instead of D20's because its much more immersive and realistic.
The people who take the hellish xenophobic authoritarian nightmare of the Imperium as a heroic example of human conduct rather than a dystopia are pretty fucking sad- but that's what happens when the HFY autism gets into the brain.
You only should roll for shit you *could* fail, though. That's in the fucking book. Unless people are shooting at you while you jump, you should just do it.
But user, I'm a furry
I want to play D&D 5e with armies. As in, you have the stats for your character, it's just like a giant army and everything is scaled to that. Like the goblins are smaller forces and the +1 sword is actually like a thousand swords, and the chest of treasure is a city that you're sacking, and the open locks check is used to represent seiging.
>gritty, realistic game of thrones inspired campaign
never happened to me but the thought really bugs me. The Witcher also applies.
Bitch I might be
Why? It's just foaming spit. It'll vanish on it's own in a few minutes.
I know I'm triggered by bad threads. Like this one.
I'd play this, but surely there's another system better suited to this? There's got to be some kinks in adapting a game meant for single characters to the grand scale. Let me know if you iron it out though, I'll play your coop Risk
>Be playing chess online
>Get into clearly better position, will grind to a win within 10-20 moves and not even need to concentrate at it
>Suddenly, opponent offers draw after every. single. move.
>Then curses you out when you won't give him a rematch.
I have no idea how people like this exist. Maybe they spawn on rotten logs.
>surely there's another system better suited to this?
>implying I have the presence of mind to attempt to use a game system other than Dungeons and Dragons.
Matt Ward posting a quest about humanity fighting xeno anti-questers.
Say it with me, kids: "40k ruins everything".
OP what you want is Dungeon World
It's pretty much objectively one of the best currently out there. It has fast easy to use mechsnics and is perfect for beginners, it's a lot cheaper than most of these other rules bloated systems that cost fifty dollars. There is no reason for extra rules when it is he role playing that matters. Dungeon World is fast and innovative and still feels exactly like the spirit of ADND before DnD 3.5 destroyed the hobby and ruined a generation of role players.
You want fast, intuitive combat? Dungeon World does that.
You want real, deep roleplaying mechanics? Dungeon World does that.
You want great mechanics that reward diversity of play? Dungeon World does that as well.
My last session of Dungeon World my human fighter wrapped a vampire in a bear hug and wrestled him out a window. This is real roleplaying we are talking about here, not babby 3.5 shit. Do yourself a favor and pick up a copy of Dungeon World today, it is an evolution and perfection of the half-formed ideas in Apocalypse World (the game it is derived from)
Well done, user.
We also would've accepted "GURPS", "FATE", and "Savage Worlds".
Don't forget about Fatal
The mass combat system in the UA works fine. Had you brought up Pathfinder mass combat you would catch more.
That fucking example... every time it being the pasta back to the 5eg where people immediately pointed out he used an easily achievable example as his proof DW rule of cool was superior.
>Had you brought up Pathfinder mass combat you would catch more.
You're right. Back in my 3.5 days, I used to get triggered to fuck when someone suggested using that game's mass combat rules.
I think those are just things that trigger you
TBQH, I don't think there are any cyberpunk games with actually good rules.
The best you get is like, Interface Zero and The Sprawl, and those are also hacks of other games... so maybe a 5e hack could work.
>"Caster Supremacy"
How can a guy who swings a sword well compare to a guy who reshapes reality?
I never thought I'd use this image again. Quite old, but every bit as applicable as it used to be.
Because "Mah Game Balance"
Nah man, now that 4th edition is no more the latest edition, it has shifted from "the devil itself" to " the edition that did everything right but no one understood it".
Tg is full of pretentious fucktards that have never played a game and try to stir shit on an anonymous image board.
Fucken sad.
>>just level up when the plot says so
I don't personally mind this one. Keeping track of who blew up what can be a pain in the ass. As long as the party is making decent progress they're functionally the same anyway.
>the edition that did everything right
>the edition that did it better than 3.5
Well yeah, but that's such a low bar that even Paizo managed to trip over it.
>Paizo managed to trip over it.
I heard it actually got worse, but I don't play 3.PF anymore.
PF was okay when it started, but it's fallen victim to the same thing that 3.5 and 4e had at the end of its life cycle - massive, massive amounts of bloat.
>dark souls inspired
> massive, massive amounts of bloat.
This doesn't make sense, because like 3.5 Pathfinder gets better when you ban core classes and only use classes from the splats.