/CYOA/ General


Last Threadlydidliorio: El Pasta: pastebin.com/vrqYhnpu

>Not posting the new Alice

I can no longer afford it due to inflation.

I think someone was interested in the earlier versions of Pokémon personified, so here's the earliest version I have saved.

On a side note, Italics, if you're there, is English your first language? If not, what is?

Post your builds, bitches!



Aaand the last one.
Damn speedy Anons


Hey universal war guy, why did you cut my waifu from the latest version? I mean I'm not really that attached to Senga, but there's kind of a dearth of tech females and she was the only cyberpunk waifu with a body.


Im still pretty sure there was one with stats.


Trust me, I am. Though I'd like to point out that the 80-build guy and the 60-build guy are probably just both me.

As for your question, I spent a ton of time thinking about how to keep myself from making stereotypical builds. I also did builds on real people and characters from other media, which helped.

The funniest part is that I still have build ideas. I'm just refraining until 1.25.

I don't think I'm going to make a build for traveler's cyoa because it'll just be an amalgam of different builds that already exist.

Version 1.25 supposedly will have all the submitted builds shown, so one could make a build from what's not there, but it's understandable.

Highlander did say that the builds not used for ranks would probably be used for lore and shit.

>Affinity: Aquatic
>Size Class: Giant
>Race: Elemental
When the Mother Sea called to me, I could not resist. I feel her power in me even now.

>Magical Prowess (7 left)
>Vitality Prowess (6 left)
>Perception Prowess (5 left)
>Domain Control (4 left)
>Corruption (3 left)
>Charisma Prowess (2 left)
>Physical Prowess (1 left)
>Agility Prowess (0 left)

Now I am one with the Mother Sea. She speaks to me. Soon she will speak to so many more.

>Sizes: Average, Large
>Races: Elemental, Bestial
>100 Peasants [Average/Bestial] (14)
>50 Servants [Average/Bestial] (13)
>50 Recruiters [Average/Bestial] (12)
>100 Guards [Large/Elemental] (10)
>10 Harem [Average/Elemental] (9)
>10 Summoners [Average/Bestial] (8)
>1 Witch [Average/Bestial] (7)
>1 Oracle [Large/Elemental] (6)

My people are many, and through me they have much power.

>Sustenance (5)
>Appearance [beauty] (4)
>Training (3)
>Devotion (2)
>Native (1)
>Specialty [magic] (0)

They, too, are one with the Mother Sea.


Yes, it is true. She provides for us well. We are content. Those who threaten her, however... will surely perish.

You know as long as you make up your own origin that probably won't happen. Just look to the strange and distant. Or make an idea and ask Highlander about it, she's usually around.

I don't think I have about 15-20 builds, though only submitted about fifteen. I think almost all of them are in there. Not to toot my own horn, but I think I have the most contributions in the final CYOA atm, including the hubworld and origins.

I too am refraining till 1.25 though.

You can make just about anything you want user. There's bleed between characters in the base ones. Try ripping various characters and making amalgams, or taking tropes and mixing them with weird settings. As you make the character, they tend to evolve in ways you wouldn't have predicted. You'll come up with something interesting, I believe in you.

You're missing the page with the Great God. (Which I no longer have on me.)

>English your first language?
Yeah, I just suck at grammar and should triple check everything I write (type).

My second language is Spanish, and I barely know French because school, ya'know. Anymore questions I'll answer any and all.

I thought Italics user was Israeli? or was that quiet? I get you all mixed up sometimes

Quiet is Middle East. Highlander is Canada.

Highlander is purportedly a Muslim though right?

And you?

>I thought Italics user was Israeli.
I apologize I am not Israeli. I'm American (Southern).

Whatever religion Highlander practices she took alot of influences from Zoroastrianism and Celtic paganism.

She is a Lesbian Muslim Canadian.

Yes, a lesbian Muslim. Not exactly Halal.

Texas, but the barren wasteland that is West Texas. Never visit that place.

Aren't you happy the heat is finally winding down somewhat?

I was hoping for more cyoa related questions. I personally enjoy the summer heat, due to my state always having wild weather that makes it rain one week, dry the next, freeze, windy, and etc.

So not really.

I don't think I'll write a book it'll just be an amalgam of the dictionary.

I dont even know what you've made

Will Ciel call me a baka if I call her cute?

I don't I'll contribute a quality post to /cyoag/ it'll just be an amalgam of shitposts.

Hey Universal War user, would The Other get pissed if you picked him as a Patron and then partook in Invasion of Xanthous City, or is The Other's goals so inscrutable that The Other doesn't care? I was thinking of making a build with The Other as a patron, but would like The Grimoire as it's a magic based character.

Yes, she will call you baka if you call her cute.

I can give you a list.

>Computer fucks up updating
>After hours, finally get it back online by reinstalling windows
>All the images I had to make my CYOA are fucking gone
>All my browser history is gone
>Can't trace them back down
>pic related

Would GG be upset if I beat up Genesis?

The time to begin again has arrived.
Seize the day. Night. Something.

ALWAYS turn off automatic updating.

>reinstalling windows
>expecting that everything will be as you left it

What CYOA?

I'd take a list

>Would the Great God be upset if I beat up Genesis?
No she wouldn't in the slightest. You can beat him, break his arm/legs, seal him away, or whatever.

She'll only be provoked if you straight up murder him.

>He doesn't backup his files and data.

That's great to hear, because he really needs to get 'solved'.

Having the freedom to deal with Thrones who are causing people suffering means I can fix way more problems.


Is having specific drawbacks attached to each boon too inflexible for your tastes, anons?

Girls Military: War of the Pantsus (Expansion WiP)
Pokemon Personified
Picking-A-Goddess (Expansion WiP)
Armored Core: Lost War (Remake WiP)
Style of Life: Academia (New WiP)
Style of Life
Dusk City
New World
0rder (New WiP)

It'd make me not want to take boons.

Or you know you can kill every asshole god with the pokemon skill no guard and a good OHKO move.

>you can kill
Italics just said specifically that I'm allowed to do everything BUT kill him. So no, that's not a good idea.

Woohoo, I suppose. I guess it can't be that bad.

I thought I did, but apparently I'm a bumblefuck that can't do anything right.

I'd surmise that to be the case, Illya-chan.

Cryogenic Cyborg. I had a WIP up the other day. Finished the balancing, but I didn't want to post it until I had the images.

I had everything else in the backup and was able to return to that backup after reinstalling windows. Thought my automatic backup would catch it, but that stupid thing ran right before I started saving images.

Are you planning anything for Sun/Moon?

>Are you planning anything for Sun/Moon?
After it comes out. There does exist other continents in the world Pokemon Personified is set in.

Constellia is just the main one where everything was focused at while the others were touched time to time by the First Kind, Terre, Ozeane, Genesis, and few others. Some new characters, factions, stories, mass expansion on character creation using the new features that will appear in Sun/Moon, to mix it up in general. New items and etc.

I'm pretty sure Highlander already got that, considering how I posted it a month ago.

Man type:null and the ultra beasts are gonna be a trip.

Hi italics, got some questions about girls military.
First, even with all the stats I don't quite understand the combat, I'm assuming it's like civ 5, where every unit occupies a tile and you have to move your unit onto an enemy tile to engage?
Also, when a unit has prerequisite units, do we have to have eg. 2 heavy infantry per mechanized infantry? And do we still keep the heavy infantry afterwards?

>Questions about Girls Military.

>First, even with all the stats I don't quite understand the combat? I'm assuming it's like civ 5, where every unit occupies a tile and you have to move your unit onto an enemy tile to engage?
You can do that. Or you can attack from a distance.

Unit A is 8 tiles away from Enemy A.
Unit A can only move 2 tiles. It cannot reach Enemy A in anyway to attack.
Enemy A however is able to move 8 tiles. Enough to reach Unit A.
Enemy A can attack Unit A from where its at, but can't move from that spot.

>Also, when a unit has prerequisite units, do we have to have.
When it comes to prerequisites you just need those units and skills.

Requirements to buy Mechanic is: 1x Recruit and Mechanic Skill.
So long as you have 1x Recruit and the Mechanic Skill. You met the requirements to buy a Mechanic, and now you can buy as many Mechanics as you want. (You will keep that 1x Recruit)

There is no exchanging.

Yes they will be.


Already got both, don't worry.

Great God is at the bottom of this image:

Rolled 6, 3, 10, 4, 3, 1, 6, 9, 1, 3, 6, 10, 4, 7, 2, 4, 7 = 86 (17d10)

Alice CYOA:

Question for Do Spirit companions come as freebies or..?

Good, I have everything that you've released barring a few old versions. Now I just wait.

I like this one.

Highlander, can I get the template for the companion card? I accidentally saved over mine.

Sure thing.

Went with the only true option, muh vikings

>Affinity: Glacial/Storm (Hardcore Viking terrain)
>Size: Large (A true leader should be at least twice as tall as all his men)
>Race: Humanoid (Human)

>Morphing (Colossal Inferno Dragon)
>Vitality Prowess
>Strength Prowess
>Enchanted Armor (Called Sathanas, armor that freezes attackers solid)
>Enchanted Weapon (Called Hlidskjalf, Bident that can channel thunderbolts)
>Personal Guards (4 Valkyries)
>Guardian (Giant Beast, Two-headed polar bear and talks and stuff, >Champion+Warlord+Chosen, can fight, plan, train soldiers, and use some magic+healing)

>Race 1: Regular ol' humans (Medium Humanoids)
>Race 2: Skeleton Husks (Completely subservient skeletal soldiers who kill stuff with Scythes, Large Undead)
>100 Husk Guards (Protects Home during raids)
>100 Human Peasants (Emergency Militia/Future soldiers)
>150 Human Soldiers (Main fighting force)
>50 Human Mages (Thunder and Ice magic)
>50 Engineers (Improve gear)
>10 Husk Warriors (Tank hits in risky battles)
>10 Husk Riders (Ride skeleton horses)
>10 Human Priests (Buffs army with songs of Valhalla)
>10 Human Craftsmen (Army needs weapons & armor)
>1 Human Oracle (Utility Magic)
>1 Human Archmage (Army Nuker)
>1 Human Hunter (Ranged Attack)
>Minion Perks: Specialty (Strength), Training, Devotion, Upgrade

Realm Perks:
>Legendary (Reputation demands respect, makes up for 0 charisma build)
>Grand Lair (Visual Representation of Power)
>Protected (Likely to get hit while everyone is out raiding)

>Rival (With zealous crusader nation, like the christians who came to Norway to convert the pagans)

Will post fluff in next post

Thank you sweetheart, you're the best.


Basically I imagine this domain as an uninhabitable viking land. Most of the inhabitants are human because nordic folklore often has themes of humanity triumphing over adversities. I imagine this domain going on regular massive scale raids against other settlements, while leaving a minority of the fighting force at home to defend. This army would be completely honorable, as using subterfuge is basically admitting you're weaker than your opponent in their eyes. Their diplomacy would basically be 'join us or die', but respectful of their enemies and anyone who respects their strength. And yes, I know real vikings weren't anything like that, but real vikings didn't have thunder magic or two-headed polar bear generals either.

I am very much tempted to "save" the Dragons and then (using their resource) save either the Dwarves or the Slimes.

Hey, someone saved this. Always liked it.

Demons. They are a common boogeyman for mankind to unite against. Set aside differences, because the Demons could declare war.

Of course I'll tell them to just camp out in much of Africa. Plenty of resources for them to actually use unlike the current inhabitants. Don't want them declaring war though - they will be asked to coexist peacefully with people. Their existence is scary enough for my purposes without destructive warfare.

Their magic and the succubi are great, too.

Dwarf, though Elf and Slime also deserve rescue.

>implying the Elves aren't going to destroy modern civilization or be destroyed by it

Either way, an entire species is doomed, and if things go really badly both of them are. I'm not going to be responsible for that.

They make you immortal though.

Yeah, it's good. Got all of the important things that I tried to nab in my old conduit Bevin builds. Even more than that, really, though not by much. And there's less power, but far less to worry about too.

Yes, me. What about the billions of people trying to live their lives as best they know how, with no power to stop the wasteful practices of those around them?

We both know the lobbying won't work. It'll come to blows. Can you imagine? Corporate PMC's sending squadrons upon squadrons to try and fight immortal magi, civilians caught in the crossfire of it all?

Everything will burn.

>Affinities: Storm/Glacial*/Mystic*
>Size Class: Average
>Race: Humanoid

>Vitality Prowess
>Strength Prowess
>Magical Prowess
>Enchanted Armor (Glacial)
>Enchanted Weapon (Storm)
>Domain Control
>Empowerment x2*
>Final Form: Giant Elemental (same affinities)

>Sizes: Average, Large
>Races: Humanoid, Elemental
>50 Mages (14)
>50 Servants (13)
>100 Peasants (12)
>50 Engineers (11)
>10 Sorcerers (10)
>10 Psionics (9)
>10 Priests (8)
>10 Craftsmen (7)
>10 Overseers (6)
>1 Archmage (5)
>1 Chosen (4)
>1 Oracle (3)

>Native (2)
>Upgrade (1)
>Training (0)


Ages ago I ascended to the peak of the world. I endured the tempest's caprice, earned the mountain's respect, and glimpsed truth within the eye of the infinite storm. My kin spend lifetimes attuning themselves to the land, perfecting their minds and bodies, that they too may one day gaze upon this very same truth.

Alchemy is like runecrafting right? In that you don't have to have any levels in ethereal manipulation?

>What about the billions of people
Fuck 'em.

Aye, any idiot can go out of his way to find reagents, proper materials and equipment. No magical skill whatsoever.

>fighting the urge to indulge my magical realm with a build

Send help.

But who will make your pizza and tv-shows then user?

I can make pizza and I don't watch TV.

Wow, that's just like me. Except I also like people. I guess I win.


I choose the Dragons, then save the Slimes, Elves and Dwarves.

Dwarf, definitely.

I'd feel bad about the elves though. Less about the slimes, since most of them are basically animals. I'd "save" the dragons, but I don't know if I'd also get the dwarf rewards. The undead seem interesting, but like the slimes most seem non-sentient. Demons aren't in the picture at all.

The dwarf power would be absolutely awesome. Besides generic earthbending stuff, I'd attempt to get unlimited blade works working with guns.

I'd marry the bookworm, but it'd be weird for a while. I'd not become crown prince of the dwarves, I feel I'd be a poor representative of their race. I'd take the income though.

You won't be immortal though.

sorry but you can only save 1 more race not 3. thats why I choose elfs to become inmortal



I believe the implication may be that the raven of happiness is soon to answer the prayers of the linked user.

You won't either, you only get to pretend to be in a CYOA :^)

>The World (38)
Coordination (37)

Neural Jack ll (35)
Scanner ll (33)
Immunity ll (31)
Survivalist ll (29)
Occultist ll (27)
Training ll (23)

alchemist lll (22)
endurance lll (19)
familiar lll (16) (humanoid android/drone)
instant transmission ll (14)
mentality lll (11)
regeneration lll (8)
toughness lll (5)
stealth lll (2)
speed ll (0)


>Prime Angel

Unique Armor - energy shield
Special Weapon - energy sniper rifle

>Equipment (190)
kings road writ (free)
spiritual fetish - I can worship a demiurge, so I worship myself. (free)
One-handed energy swords (free)
energy assault rifles (free)
EMP grenades (free)
poison gas grenades (free)
heavy armor (9)
power armor (23)
AI (War model) (36)
AI (exploration) (47)
AI (Learning) (55)
AI (Civilian) (60)
Androids (104)
Synths (90)
Fighter ships (98)
Replicator (103)
Mobile Planetoid Station (166 with discount from fetish)
extra companion (186)
tutorship (AI) (190)

starship (hypergiant) (free)
2 tutorship (AI) (free)

Three wise men (3)
Beemja (4)
Exuberant Spark (5)
Laura Bacchante (6)

Vega Twin Space Station - Cosmic Flyer Ship
Scourge of the Nanite Plague - Liquid Crystal Armor
Tomb of Angels - 7th Path Training
SCP Prime - All my friends are monsters

guess I should post this first.

Phase 1: Use my AI and minions to scour the universe for competing Incarnates. When they identify anyone without backing or significant power, I stealth up and teleport in for the kill. Between taking out the low-hanging fruit and training, try to establish myself as the dominant incarnate of my demiurge early on.

Phase 2: Start a VR MMO company with Laura. Convince political powers to settle disputes with in-game war rather than real war, so that no real resources are lost and no one dies. Enforce the outcome with my own military power. Let people buy in-game currency with real resources or military tech. The game is better than real life, it has the same social depth as real life, and it has real consequence in terms of war and such. You can use your in-game skills for your job or studies or whatever, eg using boosted Intelligence to become better at programming.

Eventually aim to have everyone give up their advanced military power to the common cause of enforcing and expanding the game, similar to treaties against chemical weapons. When I’m strong enough, destroy the military capacity of anyone who won’t join the treaties. Use this combined military strength to spread the game and the treaties throughout the universe, and then to other universes. In this way prevent universal war and bring conformity with the OLD LAWS.

Thus will I save humanity. They’ll be happy and comfortable living their lives in VR, administered by my AI, protected from dissent by my synthetic army.

But do you die for real if you die in the game?

nah, you can respawn. That's part of why conflict is better resolved there. But if you die in a particular conflict, you're forbidden from interfering in it. after you respawn.