Plot hooks and inspiration for a paramilitary horror campaign

Think Delta Green, B.P.R.D., Human Defense Corps, Hunter: The Vigil (Task Force: VALKYRIE, Cheiron Group, VACSU), GURPS: Black Ops, SCP Foundation, etc.

Other urls found in this thread:


>Assassinate a wealthy businessman from his penthouse suite in a Vegas casino. The complication is that he's there to sacrifice his family in order to summon a demon, so that he can quite literally gamble with the lives of everyone in Vegas, so ultimately to become a god himself.

>There are some loose ends that need tying up in a Rust Belt town. Too many people know about too many things. And in light of the recent tragedy where the high school burnt down with 100 students in it, the town has shut its doors to the outside world. There are, of course, other ways in.

>Deep in a lab somewhere in the Northeast of America, a team of doctors are making what they say is an anticancer medication. You need to trash the lab, kill all personnel, and steam the prototype.

I"m not very good at this.

These aren't too shabby. Thanks user!

A decent formula is the following
A relatively normal paramilitary goal or situation- something needs stealing, someone needs to die, something needs to get from a to b
This is where you can put in your eldrich, your horror, your daemoniac excitement. Of course, your players are not supposed to know about this.. The complication is a twist. It should make sense, and not just be an excuse for dangling dancing skeletons, though dancing skeletons don't require much excusing. Think of it as the event, idea, or character that grabs the players, and makes them want to know why. Not every mission requires a shoggoth.
Try to crystallize the "oh shit" moment that the players will have when they realise that their merry squad of boys in black have walked into something a little too deep. This requires subtlety and patience. If you're planning to run a multi-session game, drip in a little bit in each. Think concentration, not volume. Oh, and hide your monster. You can spook your players more effectively if they don't know what they're up against. If you've read tg spookypasta about other people's horror games, crib from those. Set a mood in which the players can be vulnerable. But don't throw them right into vulnerability. Let them feel powerful awhile, and then tear away the velvet and watch their faces as they realise they're miles out to sea.

Teams been assigned to a backwoods forest to stake out a cult calling themselves "Followers of Gaia" throughout the midwest command pushed it off as new age wackos dancing in the woods when the 1st reports came in. But recently dead bodies have been popping up around areas with larger cult activity the odd part about these dead bodies during the examination of their skulls they were carved though by what it looks like worms. Local authorities just marked it off as maggots but one of our agents in the area recently sent us a sample of an oddly large and aggressive worm species with a taste for human flesh commands on high alert now due to this and a fearing that this cult is on the brink of a highly deadly new form of eco terrorism.

This is great advice, thanks

Really digging this pic. Any kind anons feel free to post some inspirational pics as well.







Your group has been assigned to break into a rich old fart's mansion on the edge of town. Their mission is to either find and retake an item he hasn't paid off, or take the man himself into custody. Shit goes south when they find his skinned body in a chair next to a creepy vigil, holding a minor macguffin or something in his hands. Enter spoopy demons or cultist using the item you need as a makeshift communication device for their all-powerful master, or as a conduit for their spoopy powers.

>The PCs are assisted by a powerful occultist to seal a portal to an extra-dimensional realm

>Users of a hot new street drug are reporting "ascending" to new realms of existence and coming back all kinds of fucked up. Normally, this sounds like typical new age bullshit, however, the description of these higher realms sound suspicously familiar to the PCs' organization. They are sent undercover to get to the source.

>followers of gaia
>head-eating large worms

I see where this is headed.

Hillary's Death Squads tracking down a Nazi.



Important question: Is the party designed to fight supernatural/paranormal a la B.P.R.D./SCP where they are recruited and prepared to face such things or are they just a team/outfit that stumbles upon the paranormal/supernatural

I always thought about a group of teenagers scattered throughout the US that are basically a brotherhood of knights dedicated to removing witches and other undesriables from their towns and highschools

>A recent string of bodies have been found around *insert generic city here* with their heads appearing to have been ripped off and missing. On each body, the word "DoD" appears to have been carved into the victim's back. No ordinary human could possess that kind of strength. The PCs have been dispatched to identify the culprit.

They're specifically trained to face supernatural threats.


>Somalian pirates have diverged from their normal modus operandi of ransoming captured crews, simply releasing them instead. People so released are notably changed psychologically, and refuse to speak of their experiences. In conjunction, humanitarian workers in the region report the sudden rise of a new religion, totally unrelated to any of the religions already established in the region. Putting two and two together is not difficult.

>A new numbers station has begun broadcasting in former Yugoslavia. The catch? It's broadcasting in people's dreams. Specifically, it's broadcasting in the dreams of intelligence personnel- including our agents. Who is broadcasting, who to, and why?

>Copies of former Directors of the CIA have been found across the globe. George H. W. Bush was found on an Italian beach; Allen W. Dulles was found in Omaha; Sidney W. Souers was discovered on the tarmac of a Buenos Aires airport. Who is making these copies, and how, and why?

in that case to make things scary it is important to keep things blurry. Getting concrete information on events/situations should be difficult. The party should hold some doubts about their plans.

Start a typical mission with a slow burn. Perhaps the team is deployed to a booming town in the midwest due to strange occurrences happening to a cattle ranch. Maybe something is killing or infecting the cattle. Maybe as the team investigates, they also stumble across other things, like some kids are going missing. Perhaps HQ provides intel that a person with former affliations to a cult lives within spitting distance of the town and the players could choose to investigate that person. Meanwhile, with every second that passes what ever evil/or thing is working its way on the town should be making moves.

In the end it could turn out that the cause of what ever malevolence that is stealing people, killing cattle and messing with the populaces minds is originating from a closed down refinement facilty that was shut down for good because of the pressure of the massive cattle ranch operation. Thus the angry owner who of the now abandoned facility somehow channeled his anger in such a way that it shone like a beacon to malevolent forces beyond the veil and something made a pact with him.
I stress, the most important thing with horror campaigns in my mind is to make the atmosphere scary. keeping the players working with little info, always trying to figure things out as they go. I'd also advise going with a system with high lethality. You want the players to be worried when they enter into an abandoned mining site. You want them to be afraid if they have to roll for close combat. you want them to understand just how mortal and small they are. You want them to feel like they belong in the world, like they can connect with the npcs, they die just the same like anyone else so they have to think twice and be doubly sure about whatever conclusions they come to

Whats the fun in playing "Witch hunters"? Your literally just normal possibly insane humans who use large amounts of fire power and blades to kill monsters and half the time I bet said witches/monsters arent real threats

Thanks user. Solid advice.

It's an easy way for the PCs to become involved in the plot and I just think monster hunters are cool.


Great advice, anons.

Consider making your team trained, but not experienced. Having your party be emergency recruits after a major personnel loss lets you start them weaker.

Your force will have a classification system for supernatural threats (if there's more than one kind). Write it in advance. Consider writing a bunch of bullshit like that for players to study at their leisure, then use none of it (to surprise them).

How bulletproof are their average enemies? If they're strictly mortal (cryptids and cultists?) you can put the players out of their depth against a true eldritch horror.

What sort of paranormal entities and objects are used by your organization, on a scale of SCP Mobile Task Forces to the BRPD?

An organized force would never send only rookies on a legitimate mission unless they had no choice.

I'll be monitoring this thread. I'm running a fireteam of these guys as antagonists in a horror campaign.

It's sort of a kitchen sink in that regard. The enemies that the organization faces could range from a pack of vampires to a extradimensional incursions, but the PCs will be starting out small for now. They're not the one of the elite task forces, but they're not complete rookies either. For now, they'll be sent in to deal with relatively small threats.

Examples of things the PCs would be sent out for in the beginning would be killing monsters, retrieving paranormal objects & artifacts, covering up stuff, etc.

Also when it comes to the horror itself make the process of bringing it about mysterious. Don't make summoning some otherworldly entity like following a cooking recipe.

Don't make it so that any shmuck can harness the powers/services of a demon/entity if they just mix sage, virgin blood, paprika, deer heart, mandrake root and bring it to a boil for 1 hour during a full moon. Things should always be slightly beyond comprehension.

The situations the party will encounter should stem more from pure emotional things. Following some recipe found in an old book won't just bring about a plague of madness, but perhaps knowledge of such an event tied with intense hatred, or loathing, or dogged obession with the pursuit of knowledge can be made manifest into a gateway to the other side.

Equally you don't want the team to be running into 1 or 2 cults/organizations that are massive and are always trying to bring about the end. Most events should be small scale, at least in origin. Perhaps a woman may kill 20 people with her bare hands due to paranormal event, but the preceding actions that caused it were due to a small group of people at most, not a cell of some "illuminati" group.

Also make the party be concerned with suppressing info about their work getting out. They need to make sure that these things don't happen again. Perhaps have they organization that the party works force have a philosophy that people are too curious and shortsighted to be trusted with certain knowledge thus the party is there to prevent and stop events and equally prevent the world from knowing.

My last tidbit of info would be make the setting in an early decade. In my honest opinion the 60s-70s provides a perfect time period because there is no cell phones or internet at this time. Radio will be the teams only means of comms while on missions and they will have to rely heavily on investigation. that time period makes it easier to supress info about events in developed nations.

60s-70s might work well. Work in some Cold War intrigue if you'd like, or at least some healthy paranoia.

Supressing information in a post-internet society would probably be much harder and not the sort of thing that would be done by a team on the ground.

>Missile launch detection satellites have begun picking up continuous false positives emanating from around the Kola Superdeep Borehole on the Kola Peninsula, Russia.

>Furthermore, over the horizon nuclear launch radars occasionally detect some sort of large object above it that seems to grow with each detection.

>The USSR claims that while they have discovered no anomalous activity there, they are detecting nearly the same thing occurring over the US's Bertha Rogers hole.

>Air Force radar operators who directly saw the radar returns of the object have are increasingly going AWOL.

> Wichita County, OK, home of the borehole has begun experiencing waves of blackouts, including increasing theft of copper wiring, small engines, and young herd animals.

Watch this movie. Maybe your team can survive.

Exactly, plus there was tons of coups and wars and stuff in developing nations during this time so there are tons of opportunities for the players to go to exotic places. Hell they could even be sent into Nam

Apocalypse Now has never been so apt a title.

>US field commanders are receiving increasing reports of western funeral dirges, Buddhist music and american and Vietnamese voices emanating from the jungles around FOBs, the voices wailing through the night. The english voices are barely made out to be lamenting about home.

>When confronted, PsyOps is puzzled, as no operations have been conducted in the areas.

>The reports are all coming from outposts and patrols around a deforested area, a target of an Agent Orange dispersal operation that also hosts the site of a downed C-123 Provider. All team that attempted to recover the bodies or penetrate deeper into the area quickly lost contact and were never heard from again.

Sounds like a great flick


no one's got anything else?