Tell me Veeky Forums, are there any bounty hunters in your setting
Tell me Veeky Forums, are there any bounty hunters in your setting
Yes. They're usually like Samus, but less so.
>are there any bounty hunters in your setting
A bounty hunter is pretty standard fair for most settings.
Might as well ask if I have pirates in my setting.
I'm glad this meme never died. I will cherish it forever.
Yes, and in most of the nation-states they're actually pretty respected.
Fuck yeah, all over the place.
Are they anywhere near as attractive?
What's stopping YOU from being a bounty hunter, Veeky Forums? Just go to your local police station, look at either wanted posters or missing persons posters, and get yourself investigating. Dare to be badass. Make something of yourself.
Isn't there something about reckless, amateur vigilantism that might land me in jail?
Do they even pay bounties for this stuff?
Dawgg the bounty hunter senpai.
Yes they do but be sure your license covers the jurisdiction or your ass is going to the wrong end of the court room.
Because it seems too good to be true, there is absolutely no way my autistic escapist fantasies are actually true. I could imagine that 95% of the time just walking around looking for scraps of new information that even the police hasn't found yet.
There were some recent-ish news about Dog the bounty hunter, apparently he and his son followed a target into Mexico but fucked up and got caught and arrested. Their bounty hunting license only works in the USA so they had to spent some time in jail over there.
Like Samus, but less so.
Yep, Posted bounty by the SOL empire are a good way for down on their luck Mercs to make some quick cash.
Bounty hunters in my setting usually come in three broad flavors
>Outlaw Hunters
Career lawkeepers and would be heroes that for one reason or another make it their business to bring the law to the farthest reaches of civilization due to the expanding and contracting nature of its borders
Considered scum in about half of the civilized world, and the other half considers them indispensable parts of the economy.
The occasional God-Catcher might be great for business if they are successful
Usually out of work thugs or soldiers that are looking for something to fill their money pouch and this happens to be the closest job
Low magic setting.
"Gods" aren't much different from human beings except that they cannot die. Occasionally someone puts out a bounty on them. They bring in an exorbitantly high price due to there being a very limited amount of them.
We have a Guild of bounty hunters that operates all over the world and has permission to investigate in some countries, but they often do not bother to bring back the guy alive.
I'm a horrible DM and usually use Bounty Hunters as a plot device to let players know when they're being too murderhobo-y. Current campaign doesn't have any, but in past ones they're usually either sadists with enough moral sense to not become serial killers or dudes who don't think they're cut out to do any other work but don't join any proper military force.
My character is a bandit/assassin who's been both hunted by bounty hunters and acted as one.
What meme are you talking about? Goggle just gives me freedictionary.
Yep, they are essentially dark links or dark souls 2 invaders that I set on any player that decides "lol chaotic evil"
Samus usually acts more like a mercenary anyway. There's mercenary companies out there.
no because in my setting people don't do crime except the bad guys and there are heroes for that
nah i eventually replaced them with four mechs
A few, they're usually suicidal though, as it involves venturing out beyond city walls.
City guards are more than capable of finding people within city walls, most of the time, in most cities.
>City guards are more than capable of finding people within city walls, most of the time, in most cities.
Blasphemy! All guards are incompetent nincompoops that stand around all day with their heads up their asses until adventurers solve all their problems for them
So sayeth nearly every fantasy setting ever