Why would you ever play a Lawful Good fighter and not just a paladin outright?
4e please go.
Why would you ever play a Lawful Good fighter and not just a paladin outright?
4e please go.
Why would you ever play a Fighter in the first place? Literally anything else. Except for Monk.
Because I can't be arsed dealing with GMs pretentious moralfaggotry.
paladins have almost always had more stringent requirements than just being LG.
>4e please go.+ 0 post omitted.
fuck you
The campaign setting doesn't have divine magic for some reason. Like Dark Sun's Athas, for example.
Along the lines of what says. Paladins come with a lot more extra baggage than just their Alignment. They have codes, and codes within codes. It's not just the fact they're Lawful Good. It's the fact they *have* to be Lawful Good. It's not just their personality or their sense of morals, it's their profession. That means you have very strict roleplaying guidelines. Which is not a bad thing, but sometimes you want to play a different flavor of Lawful Good than a guy who's alignment is part of his employment contract. Not to mention the various metaphysical elements of the Paladin class, which some people might not want for flavor reasons.
Plus you run the risk of your GM being one of those guys who completely misunderstands the point of Paladins.
Because we're playing 5e.
Because my character is an atheist
Perhaps its a failing of DMs I've played with, but I've never seen one make you stick with any sort of code of ethics aside from "don't be a cunt to anything not Evil aligned". But then again, I've never seen a Paladin that wasn't played as a Lawful Stupid cocksucker that Detected Evil and Smote liked he was getting paid for it.
>Implying Paladin power comes from a god rather than their own divinely empowering conviction
Kind of a damned if you do, damned if you don't. If you enforce a strict but unspoken ethical code onto the Paladin player and get shitty with him every time he doesn't live up to it then it's just gonna cause problems. Especially if you adhere to the meme Lawful Good can only be played as Lawful Stupid and make the Paladin lose his class features for every lapse in judgement or banal act of dishonesty.
The best way around this is to homebrew your own Paladin order and explicitly write down what that order's expectations and tenants are. That way the Paladin player knows exactly what he's getting into.
You guys don't get paid for it?
Justice is its own reward, user.
>4e please go.
>an edition without "hurr paladin fall" shit
>an edition where paladins are a great class
what? Why?
More heroic effort, less lightblade action.
>she does it for free
>for free
He's not a paladin.
i dont need to be a paladin to be lawful good
a LG battlemaster, who uses his wit, cunning, and grit to uphold law, order, and the common good is just as possible as a holy knight
>Why would you ever play a Lawful Good fighter and not just a paladin outright?
you plan to be a big damn hero, and you don't need any stupid magic to do it.
Sometimes you don't care what the gods want, and just want to do the right thing.
no, being LG is pretty much it, in the same way monks have to be any L and Barbarians can't be L
anything else is autistic Veeky Forums wanking.
>Why would you ever play Lawful Good
fixed that for you
because that mentality shouldn't be encouraged
I'm in a somewhat similar position. playing a martial warrior despite the character being strongly driven by faith, specifically in Bahamut.
Her reason? She wants to prove her strength to him on her own terms. She has great respect for Paladins of Bahamut, but she didn't want to use Faith to bolster her own abilities- She wants to show that with the strength of her arm and her shield can she lead and protect, earning favour as his Champion purely through her own will.
It helps that it's 4e and classwise she's a Warlord.
>Paladin is job
>Impossible to be a genuine good person
Kind of shitty paladin are you? Your alignment doesn't dictate your character, the character dictates the alignment. Yes you can do it vice-versa, but that requires actual thought into the character and not just cuz. That being said, don't base the class specifically on a single way of playing it.
>Different flavor of Lawful Good than a guy who's alignment is... [a] contract
Pick a different deity with a different code set. Is really anything but a contract, you usually don't unwillingly devote your life to a deity. That being said, it's not as much as a contract as it is a dream job.
my paladins are a slightly more good version of Geralt of Rivia
If you don't have the money I won't work for you. These are the laws thanks to which free business works, and my character is lawful
...Except Geralt often bends that rule in half, accepting a pittance or returning the money outright.
Because Geralt isn't lawful good you silly
Was it in books? I think only game-Geralt does it
I don't like the idea of a self-righteous lawful stupud paladin. They should be more serious. A fighter, on the other hand, can just fight their way to lawful goodness, beating people up because they aren't living their life correctly one villain at a time. Sure, the fighter is just as moally good as the paladin, but they have more modesty; they aren't holier-than-thou all the time. A paladin has an oath "forcing" him to be good, lest he falls and becomes weak. A fighter needs no oaths, knowing they will continue to fight for what they believe in just fine without one (and what they believe in just so happens to be JUSTICE).