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>How to Jumpchain
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>Jumpchain IRC Chat
>How to Jumpchain
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How do you Hyrule?
It would give you a deeper pool to draw on, and you could spam the crap out of the Mage's freebies fairly easily.
Because this is neither of those games.
Minish Cap currently.
For dinner.
By singing 70's rock music at three in the morning whenever someone tries to assassinate me.
Tell me about the time sempai noticed you.
I imagine I'd feel a bit giddy any time a superhero who's the moral center of their team approves of me. There's nothing like Superman telling you that you did right to make you feel good about yourself, and no amount of Superdickery can change that.
Spiderman gave me a hug?
>Jack O'Neill
I start each jump the same way: barreling out of his closet and asking if he's seen Odin. Regardless of how he answers, I then raid his fridge before doing anything else.
It's a good way to get the good colonels attention.
My jumper is female. Mostly.
I still can't believe Yorokonde is a dude. I'm heartbroken.
I'm not seriously considering making it but would Beautiful Katamari work as a jump?
Anyone actually write up custom Charms after they visited Exalted? What about Martial Arts? Doesn't need to have all the gameplay stuff, like that one Charm ASA did.
Come on. Ask me about my personal TMA. I need a reason to post it so people who actually know Exalted can tell me how and why it's shit.
fuck off normalscum
Do you leave through the closet too? Tell me you leave through the closet.
Sure. You've got a bunch of characters, a couple different factions, and a weird mystical universe. Origins would be something like Drop-in, Cousin, and Civilian, possibly.
I leave through the closet.
It was a bit of a hazing ritual for a while between my companions. The newer companions didn't get the joke, so they'd be confused as hell whenever it happened. After a dozen or so jumps though they usually get into it.
The SIsters really get into it, they put their old school uniforms back on and play up the schoolgirl angle.
It's always good for a laugh.
I got Darth Vader-sempai to notice me when I captured Luke and Leia and brought them to the Dark Lord. He was very pleased to have his two children back.
I don't know, honestly.
I barely know anything about Zelda. I'm pretty sure back in the mists of time when I jumped the first Zelda jump, I just gave up and went spelunking because I didn't know what was going on. I know like, 4 characters tops in the loosest sense possible.
I probably wandered into the wilderness because I forgot where Zelda's kingdom was, spent several weeks backtracking in the wrong direction and ended up having to ask Ganondorf for directions out of his castle.
Well, I am the sempai so-during Dr. McNinja I came from the future to tell myself in the past about the hypothetical dark future where King Radical's colonisation schemes became too...radical, for my tastes so I took over Earth to remake it as the most un-radical place in the multiverse. Apparently during King Radical's last stand I accidentlally dumped all the mountain dew into the time portal. All of it. So I'd come back to the past to retrieve the dew from a specific space-time coordinate for anti-radical research.
Of course, I told myself, because my ability as an Observer collapses the wave form uncertainty that lets the many-worlds interpretation of quantum mechanics to operate by coming back to the past I'd accidentally retconned my future by making my present a concrete fact.
And although I was immune to time paradoxes by then, Future Me was so embarrassed he imploded in a puff of logic, causing me to retroactively become sempai.
How often should you be allowed to use a perk that lets you rewind time by half an hour?
Once per day, per week, per month?
>inb4 rapestate
But if you're serious then weekly sounds good for balance purposes.
I just hope you know what you're getting into letting people have that.
Is it split timelines sort of thing or is it a true rewind?
Considering some of the items that exist out there that can be used for actual time travel? I'd just give it a 6 hour cooldown.
How does it work in the setting? Go with that.
Unless it's some timey-wimey shit and there are no reasonable limits on the in-setting version, in which case, I'd say once per month should be fine. Assuming it's at-will. If there's some significant preparation that makes it impossible to use in combat, once per day or week would work as well.
>thinks we have items that allow effectual backwards time travel out-of-jump
Hey man, power-wanker s gonna power-wanker.
Can you not? Please?
>Considering some of the items that exist out there that can be used for actual time travel?
What jumps have time rewinding items for offer?
Get a job, google.
It's supposed to represent the respawn mechanic, so true rewind.
You can't use it in the middle of combat for reasons, and if you use it like a 1up (as in you die and it auto activates), you lose it for the rest of the jump.
What's your personal TMA?
Wait, mechanic? As in, game thing not thing in canon?
Maybe don't include it?
I'd need more context BLADE, what's/how/etc it does what it does is important. Save State (Early Pokemon) was something I've come across from back in the day and it was broken as fuck from what I've seen in the archives.
Does it leave impressions on those left behind, so you can't just save scum them down? Does it effectively create closed loops, thus the only thing you can do is use your head and background shit really subtle-like?
Hrm, so it's part of the lore of the Respawn Mechanic? How's it say it works?
Daily should be fine. Do people other than us remember the change? Because that might be important.
Seriously. Name a method of backwards time travel we have that isn't bound by paradoxes or that lets you actually make changes to the past.
So just have a respawn mechanic that works like any other of the 1ups. Don't make up a new power to represent something else. Honestly, a savestate is a shitty offering and is doubly so if you're trying to use that as a respawn stand in.
Because including non-canonical game mechanics as perks never happens in jumps, right?
If you're smart, having access to time travel can allow you to change the past the first time around, even without paradoxes.
Not saying it ain't, just saying I don't think it's a good idea.
>a perk that lets you rewind time by half an hour
Bad idea.
Just make an expensive respawn perk. It's not that hard.
Back to the Future.
I wish to become the senpaiest of Senpais
It's based on my personal head canon for how respawning works. There's a bit of space/time fuckery (the ganglion got there first, professor B), but mostly Mira is clingy and you aren't allowed to die.
True rewind. There is no memory bleed, only you remember. Not sure what you mean by closed loop.
It's a philosophical type of thing called Magenta Star Crossing The Sky, based on cherry trees and their symbology of life and death, together with some other cultural and physical stuff to pad it out. I might shelve it for Sidereals and re-do it as a SMA if it's too non-physical. Here, I'll just take a few posts to paste it.
Magenta Star Crossing The Sky Style
Major Themes: Cherry Trees, Transience
Minor Themes: Flight, Acceptance
Armament: Unarmed
Scope: Terrestrial
Two Weeks Lifetime Methodology (Disciple Charm 1)
The Student's first step is to begin accepting their own lack of eternity. Much like a tree's cycle of blooming, the Student operates in waves. Effectively, their completion of an action in combat (physical or otherwise) will cause their next attempt at that same action to be supernaturally better. Actions already enhanced by this Charm will not cause it to activate again.
Cherry Whirlwind Path (Disciple Charm 2)
The Student hears the call of the world, and moves with great speeds, hidden by a storm of cherry blossoms that somehow fails to alert observers. Put simply, the Student massively enhances his Athletics, Dodge, and Stealth for a short while, but only for the purposes of out-of-combat movement or disengaging from combat.
Flower Watching Authority (Disciple Charm 3)
With words alone, the Student shares the beauty in the world which he sees with everyone nearby, and asks that they cease hostilities for a moment to convene and peacefully enjoy the universe they live in. Only a fundamental incompatibility due to life long goals or core personality traits can stop this. In practice, the current physical combat is put on hold for social actions, though it will inevitably resume if a peaceful resolution is not reached. A domino effect may occur if not all fighters decide to stand down. The Student must legitimately wish to share his views with his enemies and have no ill intent in doing so for this Charm to be usable.
Oh wait, you said that we have. Nevermind.
I wouldn't mind a Back to the Future jump though.
>Name a method of backwards time travel we have that isn't bound by paradoxes or that lets you actually make changes to the past.
>name a method of backwards time travel we have
>we have
>Back to the Future.
So... trolling or just retarded?
>It's based on my personal head canon for how respawning works
In that case, do not include it in the jump.
Lone Petal Form (Form Charm)
The Student further accepts and internalizes human mortality, and the truth of their impotence in regards to actions taken against them by their betters. Upon activating this Charm, the Student seemingly broadcasts weakness with a vulnerable stance and clear failings. In truth, these weakspots are manufactured, and exploiting them will allow the Student to perform a devastating counter with all of his martial skill. Additionally, any actions he performs while this Charm is active in reaction to the acts of another which do not directly counter them gain a measure of guaranteed supernatural success.
Impermanent Karma Labor (Master Charm 1)
Though the Student does not desire it, he is more than ready to embrace finality. By deliberately causing an enemy's attack to deal greater harm to him, the Student's next attack against that same opponent will carry the harm done to the Student only due to his actions and a significant measure of the base damage that would have been done to him otherwise.
Delusion of Mortality Prana (Master Charm 2)
Death is inevitable. By now, the Student fully accepts this fact. But so is life. By devoting motes of Essence to his spiritual centers daily, the Student may massively speed up their rate of healing in a semi-permanent manner. Wounds that should take years to heal now only take months, while wounds that should haunt one for months will fade in weeks. Those light enough to fade in weeks now only take a few nights' rest to be restored.
I don't actually play Exalted, which is why I haven't bothered with putting costs and durations and all that shit down in stone.
>It's based on my personal head canon for how respawning works.
The jump isn't supposed to be about your headcanon. Stick to actual canon. If you want to offer a respawn, offer a respawn. Don't put in a rewind or a save state or whatever you want to call it just because it sounds cool to you.
Magenta Star Crosses The Sky (Pinnacle Charm)
When one is guaranteed to be taken by death one day, the only sensible course of action is to live freely as one wishes. To become a Master of the Magenta Star Crossing The Sky Style, one must be able to realize and act on this even with their previous learnings in mind. While this Charm is active, all of the Master's previous Style Charms are boosted. Actions enhanced by "Two Weeks Lifetime Methodology" can now activate the Charm's effects. "Cherry Whirlwind Path" and "Flower Watching Authority" lose their purpose/intent requirements. The duration of "Cherry Whirlwind Path" becomes tied to "Lone Petal Form". "Lone Petal Form" will always grant its supernatural success regardless of what type of actions the Master takes. "Impermanent Karma Labor" will deal the damage taken by the Master in full, rather than a specific amount. "Delusion of Mortality Prana" has its ability to support the Master's body massively enhanced, such that otherwise fatal blows simply become grievous damage, while all else becomes akin to a metaphorical flesh wound. This Charm, in itself, only lasts for a few minutes.
And done.
>Master Charm
I don't remember those in any canon martial art.
Okay, can I ask what the big deal is about a fucking 30 minute rewind effect?
We're allowed to shatter planets and mindrape people into submission, but not relive the last half hour of our lives?
If you want to post your shit, just post your shit. Don't respond to yourself just to drum up interest in your chain, your combo, or whatever.
Plz no. Not even as a joke. Maybe if there was some basis for how it worked in actual canon, but not like that.
If you want to have a 1-up that throws you back a half hour if you die thats one thing. Turning that into time travel is a bit too much.
Now if this were a prince of persia jump...
Evangeline took advantage of my amnesia to make me into her minion/attack dog/emergency food supply. Ended up as Negi's training partner once he was able to convince her to train him. Does that count?
Never before or since have I ever worn so much lace.
>Flying Delorean item
>Mr. Fusion
>Updating Sports Almanac that predicts the future
>Jaws 1 through 19
>Parkinson's drawback
Could be fun.
Go search rapestate and then get back to us.
It's just a name to break it up desu. Not supposed to make an actual difference or anything.
>It's based on my personal head canon for how respawning works.
Zim has piggy abuse, gargoyles has pheonix gate, touhou time fuckery, d&d magic, magic from lots of settings, pretty sure some shen gong wu do it, stargates allow for backwards or forwards.
I asked him out of pity, you paranoid schizo.
I don't need to. If that's the only reason, it's stupid. We already have timestop powers and easy access to memory/mind manipulation.
For the record? I'm chiefly objecting to it based on the fact that it's his headcanon, not a canon part of the game's lore. By which logic, you should have savestate perks for ANY VIDEOGAME JUMP EVER since you can save your game there too.
As for the 30 minute rewind, it gives you a 2nd try at anything no matter how difficult or dangerous; plenty of stuff like that that aren't combat per se. I don't even necessarily object to time travel as a concept in jumpchain, but as a CP purchase rather than something you figure out yourself it's a bit cheap.
Does that really matter anymore? That guy is long gone and if you really wanted to rape people and have no one remember it that's not hard with the tools that exist.
Don't feed the shitposter.
The second master charm strikes me as an odd one, since Exalted already have supernatural healing by default.
Beyond the past drama this thread has had with edgy faggots and savestates and their ilk, there's the fact that he's putting his head canon in to a jump instead of just doing the jumps own material.
That's bullshit.
That doesn't seem like a big deal, given that you can practically do the same thing with mind control/memory erasing powers.
>Needing rapestate
>Not just boosting your charisma so blindingly high that you can get anyone to consent whenever you want
So what? Cena did it and still does it.
I agree with your headcanon objection. If it's literally just "this is how I'm giving you access to a game mechanic that isn't the same thing at all!" it's stupid.
>As for the 30 minute rewind, it gives you a 2nd try at anything no matter how difficult or dangerous; plenty of stuff like that that aren't combat per se. I don't even necessarily object to time travel as a concept in jumpchain, but as a CP purchase rather than something you figure out yourself it's a bit cheap.
Yeah, and? We have 1ups all over the place and mindrape powers for everything else. This is, if anything, less powerful, since it at least has a cooldown.
If my jumper wanted, he could effectively cause a Big O-style amnesia event across the entire planet by mixing a few magic systems together. Compared to that, a 30 minute rewind seems ridiculously trivial.
We don't need any more like him. People will use the stupid shit he's done to do stupid shit in their jumps.
>touhou time fuckery
Actually, the only aspect of time Sakuya has no control over is truly rewinding it. She can change something's position, but not its state. She can put you where you were 20 minutes ago, but if you got hurt, those injuries stay.
Nobody liked it when cena did it so the same standards apply.
The difference being that Blade actually listens to people telling him his ideas are flawed instead of just pretending too.
And Cena is considered such a sterling exemplar of how to make jumps. Why, I don't think there's been any controversy about what he decided to include in his jumps at all.
Oh wait.
Intensify! [400] [Magic] – Mana flows through emotions and life, but the core of magic is using that energy for other purposes. Like blowing up that poor monster’s stupid face. You can now create ‘magical circles’ from thin air using focus and a large amount of your mana, which will greatly increase the magical energy output of whatever you’re using it on, though only until you run out of mana yourself. It does not create any new energy on its own...however, combining this with ‘Elemental, My Dear’ will let you cast much more powerful spells. That room-sized wildfire is now a firestorm that can tear apart a small building, that lightning from nowhere becomes the mighty Indignation spell, and more. This is draining and takes time to focus, but this magic knows very few peers in this world – consider yourself among the best.
Hi Phantasia is in progress. Might be done this weekend.
>Drawback: Secondary Canon
>time travel Sakuya doujins are now canon
>instant free time travel forever
Do summon spirits count as companions?
Ugh. That's how this is going to go from now on isn't it? Cena puts retarded OC and meme powers in his jumps, so now everyone can do it.
This is why we shouldn't tolerate shitposters posing as jump makers.
According to past discussions in thread she can do much more including compress and substitute current now for alternate timelines.
...So they do. Oops.
Would cutting the amount of time needed for the user to heal by a third be fine?
Apparently, we're not allowed to discriminate on jumpmakers. If we were, why would bancho have ever been allowed to make one?
Doesn't alter the ability you purchase though, so you're not getting it.
Oh, she can do all of that. She can do just about everything, except truly time travel backwards.
If he is such a shit why are his jumps still on the drive?
They do not, but they come along anyways. The benefit to this is that you're not bound by companion limits when actually summoning them. Downside, no imports.
I'm considering an option to buy some of the non-Origin and non-Maxwell Spirits to be treated as companions, but then you aren't using them for summon magic. I'll work that out later.
Sort of. Touhou powerlevels in canon fluctuate all the time. Arcane could fix that hole if it existed though.
An alternative is to just use anima magic.
The time subpath can take things back as far as a year per casting, It's just that any attempt to actually change history doesn't work due to a faction in verse cockblocking you. Out of verse it doesn't matter.
No, I'm pretty sure that's someone baiting by bringing Cena up in hopes of starting a shitstorm, and they don't actually believe that or want this perk. It's pretty obvious.
Case in point this post was clearly his goal, more shitstirring.
Thats because there is no lore for respawns - its not an acknowledged part of the game.
Which I guess is valid of any game.
As much as I dislike being told no, thats actually a rather nice thing to see someone say about me.
Would it be better if it was JUST a 30 minute rewind, or a respawn, rather than both?
Phoenix Gate in Gargoyles doesn't allow making changes at all. D&D chronomancy, at least in the official splats I'm aware of, tends to have all sorts of rules that bite you in the ass if you try to go offscript.
Stargate... that works, so long as you don't mind meeting yourself since it runs on many-worlds-theory/quantum-forking... heh, that could lead to shenanigans.
The perk doesn't forbid rewinding time, and the jump explicitly says that you can learn to do what your power's canon user can do.
I don't know, ask Brutus.
There is no Time subpath.
Still pissed he fucked up the WWE jump.
Tera's also the only jump maker whos shit gets remade and edited without his say so. Seriously, did you see what PS238 and Ghostbusters looked like before other people started plowing through them?
I think because other than the meme option, the rest of the WWE jump was serviceable. Personally I'm surprised nobody cared overmuch about the enforced win condition.
Or let people do rush jobs. The Forgotten Realms jump keeps being brought up as a precedent even though I've never heard anyone say anything good about it other than it's so poorly made it lets you and all-ALL-your companions live a D&D munchkin's wet dream
Don't make shit up, if there isn't a 30 minute rewind in the source, there isn't a 30 minute rewind in the jump.
Just dont have it
You're being awfully pushy about having it
Eh, I'd just do something else, since it seems like a boring upgrade.