Hey Veeky Forums, is there a good system for pic related? My brother is starting to get into tabletop RPG's and if there's a good system for this game that might not be a bad start since it's his favorite vidya.
Hey Veeky Forums, is there a good system for pic related...
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You're looking for a space fantasy setting with lots of options for gear, I guess? Different playable race options, general sandbox style. Sci-fi appearance but no real science backing it up.
Yeah, lot of gear, couple classes, nothing to grounded in reality.
Hey now, I think Destiny has great techno-babble. They also freely admit that everything related to Light and Darkness is just magic.
Besides GURPS?
It's like GURPS, but... not GURPS.
If you just want a fun romp of action, Savage Worlds.
If you want fun tactical combat minigame, Strike!.
just run D&D and say "space plate armour" instead of "plate armour"
> It's his favorite vidya.
Get better friend op.
And make it 4e.
5e is too down to earth for the fighty classes.
OpenD6 Space might work.
Also going to suggest Savage Worlds.
It's wide reaching enough where you'd be able to account for most things in the Destiny universe, while providing decent mechanics without too much book keeping.
You know what, normally I can't stand Savage Worlds, but it might actually work well for OP for this particular setting.
Star Wars Saga
Worked fine four our Mass Effect campaign and Destiny campaign
>5e is too down to earth for the fighty classes.
This, this, this so much this.
Sure, it's easier, sure it's simplier, sure it's more balanced that 3.PF, but no, is not the same genre as 3.PF, you're comparing street level vigilante tier (5e) with Justice League powerhouses (3.PF)
Savage Rifts. It's got all this crazy stuff in it already, plus a crazy setting to go with it.
i would love a Destiny RPG
take a look at Battlelords of the 23rd Century
http www.ssdc.com
>1d100 system
i agree, much prefer 3d6
You'd recommend GURPS for a class-and-level based game?
Seriously, 4e or Strike! (though, probably only after the supplement for loot comes out).
Or let someone else do it for you: rpgnow.com
Ups and Downs to Savage Worlds?
>not liking the most straight forward dice roll you can get
How is it more straightforward than any other dice? Not pools, just dice.
5d20 is better.
Yeah, check out GURPS Dungeon Fantasy 3: The Next Level
Yeah, if you read the grimoire stuff you at least the impression that they know what they're talking about.
Even the space magic is supposed to be a type of science.
There is nothing wrong with Destiny unless your an expert at poopsocks and piss jugs and expected it to last you forever and a day with no breaks.
If you expected it to be like Halo, that is at least a little more forgivable.
Hard to say.
It's very easy to learn and play and classless point buy. But with some prep work I think you could build classes.
Exploding dice may not be up your alley. That's for you to decide if up or downside (but imo it hardly matters since you can easily take that rule out or modify it slightly)
It really comes to preference if you talk about SWs downsides I think.
You may or may not like that attributes and stats are represented by a dice size (so you may have, say, a d10 in Agility).
You may or may not like bennies (some form of narrative currency).
You may or may not like some aspects of the combat system. Most notably the "staggered" stuff, since it can result in stunlocks.
But I think a good upside is that the system is fairly easy to tinker with.