The wraith have come to harvest the people in your setting. Can they be beaten back?
The wraith have come to harvest the people in your setting. Can they be beaten back?
Next question?
likely no. Do you know how big a hive ship is?
Too big?
About 10km long.
That's a big ship
Question: can they beat a raging Hulk, Ironman, Green arrow and Emperor Palpatine?
Raging hulk would be enough.
Well, maybe with enough stun shots, or if they get caught into their transporter beams
I think they'd suck Hulk dry little by little. Plus the whole gamma irradiated body thing may affect them somehow.
More like shoot hulk at the ship and watch it down in 5 mins cause their interiors are less stable than dominos
Wouldn't a tsar style nuke take that our handily though? It has a total destruction radius of either 15 or 25km. I forget which.
The fantasy setting I wrote... No. Even elves with their magic cannot block orbital bombardment.
The Sci-fi setting I wrote... Probably. Hive ships are big, but they've got no shielding. The ships are not exactly 40k levels of ridiculousness but the military grade ships throw around plasma cannons, particle lances, antimatter missiles, and enough lasers to put on a disco. Not as big as wraith ships but they put out more fire per size unit.
Well, you only need to disable the Wraith's hyperdrive
If it hits, yes. Nukes have destroyed wraith ships before, but usually it is the ones that are planted inside or beamed aboard before they figured out how to jam that. But its not like they are a stranger to missiles and bombs, they won't just let you waltz up and drop one without drowning your ass in fighters.
With varying degrees of ease... yes. But they beat you by never actually getting around to fighting you.
Their primary MO is to harvest people and then feed off of them later. But they harvest using small flying craft that fly overhead, beaming up anything in their path like trailing a giant magic net.
The thing is, you don't actually appear anywhere until they dump the contents of the beamer of that ship somewhere. Also, the beaming frazzles you a lot so you tend to come out the other side barely able to stand, so not exactly combat ready.
So if you get caught in a beamer, they can either drop you off at a time and place of their choosing: such as in a room with 50 dudes pointed at you ready to pull the trigger the moment they see you, or they can just decide to never let you out at all and toss that beamer into the sun and be done with you.
Green arrow gets eaten, Iron man or Palpatine might be deceptively powerful enough that the Wraith think they can be taken and eaten on the other side. Hulk they probably beam up after a couple failed attempts and then junk him because he is too dangerous.
For thee
4 U
If they show up over Archangel, then they're getting stomped hard by one fucking Technician because they put Loli Empress at risk. Most other places it'd be probably fairly easy for them to harvest some fuckers.
They land in Moth, and nobody would care, except that a new myth about yet another type of demon that steals human souls would crop up.
Actually, scratch it all. Just remembered that the Powers in the Shadow are around, and would NOT let someone else just fucking waltz in like that without a lot of trouble. And considering one group is Not!Borg, and another is a legion of super-soldiers made with bits of Old Gods by the Naytheist Supreme and equipped with magitech able to fucking kill gods, Wraith better be moving on quick.
Considering that the Wraith got reamed over and over by a low budget version of SG1, definitely.
Bunch of mages get together for a big ritual. Hive ship detonates. The end.
The NAN blames the white people for the problem. All continues as it was in the 6th world.
My villain casts 'fist'
they all die.
>My Blue Goblin mind-control slavery magical realm.
They get mind-controlled and then enslaved. Jeez.
I'm going to say that a single solar exalted could solo their entire ship. With casual ease if they're a dawn caste.
Playing Dark Heresy, so yeah.
>Dresden Files, aka the Wraith vs the Word of Jim
Jim would probably pull out some bullshit deus ex machina and things would turn out okay. In my group's (low power) interpretation of the setting, the Earth would be completely fucked.
>Dark Heresy aka the Wraith vs the Imperium
So basically they're Dark Eldar, harvest raids are successful so long as they don't fight the Imperium head on. The Imperial Navy is mighty but it and the Imperium as a whole have a deliberate weakness in the agility and accuracy of their response. At some point presumably an SM/DW response will be sent and, if caught, the Wraith will meet a very messy end.
>Eclipse Phase adaptation vis-a-vis Post-Prador War Polity aka the Wraith vs the Culture Jr. minus the obsessively benevolent foreign policy
RIP wraith.
In the current setting I'm in, no.
Some demigods would fight against them but the Wraith are going to pull out the big guns sooner or later.
Mind you, there are vast, hidden underground empires that the Wraith could never find so once they've harvested the surface, they'll leave and refugees can start to move topside again.
In the previous setting, the gods themselves would get involved the moment they became aware aliens had shown up with hostile intentions.
Good luck harvesting a world when the Dragon Goddess of Death is literally screaming your atoms apart.
In a vacuum.
They are really protective about their little world and their interpersonal drama. So much so that it's doubtful any mortal would ever even know what had transpired.
However, the Wraith could take heart knowing that those who govern death treat all equally. Their souls would be allowed to join the great cycles and they will one day be born anew.
>All Clone campaign
The campaign was almost entirely based on an ancient war-relic spaceship run by an extensively cloned, nearly cargo-cult crew that celebrate and worship the time of the original crew.
The ship would take damage and some crew stolen but it would, in return, tear through any opposition with little effort.
Then the Crew and the AI systems would realise that they can't return home whilst any Wraith that escaped are out there because they would just lead them there.
So their long voyage home is delayed as they go hunting the survivors.
Centuries later, the Wraith has legends of an implacable juggernaut slowly stalking them across the stars.
>Political Subterfuge campaign
Took place on an Alderson Disk hundreds of AUs in radius.
It has numerous defensive systems and installations over all inhabited areas and several major private organisations maintain fleets of warships to keep this mega-structure's Space Switzerland status enforced.
Wraith could only even get close to the place if they came in peace. They would still be under heavy guard the entire time.
>Raygun Gothic High Adventure
Wraith would fit right in as reoccurring villains.
Whole colonies abandoned at the mere mention of their name. Frontier Adventurers investigating harvested cities, massed naval and military battles against their fleets.
Hell, we had the Stargate network in it already.
Our DM said that all our campaigns are based in the same universe.
>All creatures in my setting have an innate, undetectable and irremovable aura that makes them immune to anything coming from any other setting and make them insta-kill anything from any other setting
Setting wank is so stupid
Lets be honest, these types of thread are generally wank as most people will find some way of writing wank to defeat whatever.
Anyway, the Third Imperium would vaporise the Wraith if they could be bothered - meson guns ignore shields and armour! ;-)
Very likely, yes. The Portuguese Caliphate and Israeli Dominion would put up a good fight.
>The wraith have come to harvest the people in your setting. Can they be beaten back?
Well, I've got some good news, and some bad news...
>How would the Wraith do in the last setting you played.
They'd do well, right up until they run into the PCs. Then it all goes to shit for them.
Yes, and no. At first, they beam up Corruption and Mortals, but that doesn't work so well once they realize Corruption aren't capable of being drained. Shit gets worse in-setting, and eventually the Elves fly up to their spaceships on their meteoroids made of Mythril and try to stop them, but the Elves are waaay too few in number, so have to try and just rescue those who get taken. Eventually, shit gets so bad that the Wraith are basically shooting skeets, when Vrosvac the Sleeper awakens, finds his Dreamworld is being devoured, and proceeds to go on a rage-fueled cunt-puncing rampage that results in atleast seven populated solar systems imploding into black holes, and said black holes sent flying at any nearby Elder Beast that Vrosvac assumes might have anything to do with the current state of affairs. Once it's certain the Wraith won't come knocking again (atleast anytime soon), it goes back to dreaming of its world, and the Elves land their mythril meteors back on his world. Course the world won't be the same as last time, but it'll be close enough, and hopefully that Corruption problem won't show up for some time.
At first they oppressed us- they enslaved us.
But... we have been oppressed and enslaved before. In the deepest deserts we preserved our true faith until the voice from the other world came to free us. Then... the Wraith wished they'd never heard the name "Arrakis".
>tfw no Sardukar to balbust their way through Wraith
Duncan Idaho did nothing wrong