Last time we had one of these threads it turned out great, so lets do it again

Last time we had one of these threads it turned out great, so lets do it again.

Abaddon the Despoiler stands before you, fueled by chaotic power he is hellbent on crushing you before he burns Cadia and Terra to the ground. But next to you is a gift from the Emperor and the Adeptus Minustorum. What is it, and can it save your life by defeating Abaddon?!

Other urls found in this thread:

It doesn't exist, apparently. I guess I'm fucked?

>With Gauss

Bonus points for originality, now fuck my shit up Abbaddon senpai.

Stealing this into the 40k rpg resource folder for converting loot purposes. Because when i run RT i just don't give a fuck. Power creeps a mechanic right?

>C'Tan Phase Sword

Scream for your cream Abby
>inb4 no way in hell ID actually procs

>Tyranid Bonesword
>S User
>AP 3
Okay, but probably not enough.
>Lifedrain (Instant Death on To Wound of 6)
...good enough for me.
>Additional Traits: Specialist Weapon
Nope, I'm fucked.

Master Crafted and poisoned Relic Blade

Xenophase Blade

S User, AP 3, Melee, Molecular Realignment Field (reroll successful invulnerables)

Additional Traits: Quickened (+1 A), Thrown (One Use Only - Weapon becomes Ranged (8")), Poisoned

Come at me Babbydon

>Additional Traits: Instant Death, Monster Hunter

Would Abbadon be a monstrous creature? if so I might stand about Zero chance

>Combi plasma

Is that good enough?

>bolt pistol

Well I am fucked. I would spend my last seconds laughing at his face because in that image he looks so retarded.

>Ork Power Klaww


>S x2, AP 1, Unwieldy

Okay. I'm still straight out fucked, but if I get a good shot in I might give him a scratch...

>Additional Traits: Timewarp (+1 I), Gauss


>Power Fist
if it's one from the Eternal Crusade I would push his shit in

Tau Pulse Blaster

Up to 5", S 6, AP 3, Assault 2, 5"-10", S 5, AP 5, Assault 2, 10"-15", S 4, AP -, Assault 2

Additional Traits: Sniper

C’Tan Phase Sword

Melee Weapon.

S User,
AP 2, Phasing Hits (To Wounds of 6 ignore Invulnerable Saves, and cause Instant Death).

Hey, I might actually have a chance!

Thank the Emprah!

>Necron Tesseract Labyrinth
>One use only. Instead of close combat attacks use this. Choose model in base contact. Target must take a Wound Test or Remove From Play.

Power Word: Kill, cock-fag.

>Las Pistol
>Additional Traits: Thrown (One Use Only - Weapon becomes Ranged (8"))


Rolling again:

>Combi flamer
I like it already!
>Additional Traits: Precision Shot/Strike, Instant Death HOW do you manage to make a flame weapon precise?!

> HOW do you manage to make a flame weapon precise?!

This is the first step to a melta weapon. Enjoy your flame-lance.

Eldar Diresword

S User, AP 2, Soulrazor (Ld test for each Wound or be removed from play)

Additional Traits: Concussive, Tesla

Man, if only I could actually hit the fucker before he killed me at what, I6? I think he's I6.

Deathwatch Shotgun

Additional Traits: Instant Death, Rending, Armourbane

This is my boomstick.

>Power Maul

>Additional Traits: Specialist Weapon, Clumsy (-1 I), Rending

Still better than the blunted Lascannon I got last time we did this thread.

A conversion beamer. How the fuck am I supposed to lift this thing, it's normally mounted on a track or a servo harnass. Would it even scratch abaddon if I could wield it?

Okay fine, I'm a gene cultist. But how the hell am I meant to throw my arm at someone?

Rolled 1 (1d5)

Programmable Tau Drones

Two drones join one model and form a unit. Roll a d5 once to determine type for both: 1 - Gun Drone, 2 - Marker Drone, 3 - Shield Drone, 4 - Missile Drone, 5 - Sniper Drone

Whelp, let's hope I get some shield drones

>Mask of the Big Guy

Crashing this Black Crusade, with no survivors!

>skyfire shotgun
i am honored by your war gear battle brother

good thing abbaddon cannot fly, otherwise he would be doomed

Best results so far. Don't forget, these are gifts from the Emperor.

>Abaddon the Despoiler is standing before you
>The Great Destroyer
>The Planet Killer
>You are the only thing standing between him and the destruction of the sacred land you call home.
>The Emperor of Mankind is by your side.
>He is watching you. This is your moment. Your time to shine. Your chance to show your God-Emperor the measure of your being.
>You shall not be found wanting.
>You catch a glimpse of him from the corner of your eye.
>He's handing you something.
>"Use this, my child."
>It's a laspistol.
>The battery is dead.
>"Throw it."

>Ork Choppa

>S User, AP -

>Additional Traits: Unrefined (-1 S)

Not even the Orks wanted this choppa...

Eldar Shuriken catapult
12", S 4, AP 5, Assault 2, Bladestorm (i.e. AP 2 on 6s)

Additional Traits: Melta

Yeah alright. Still prefer the Heavy Flamer with the Haywire trait though.

Stand back, I got this.

>Dark Eldar Shadow field

"We die in glory".


Additional Traits: Poisoned

Ork Choppa
S User, AP -

Additional Traits: Rending, Thrown (One Use Only - Weapon becomes Ranged (8"))

Eldar D-Scythe

Template, S D, AP 2, Heavy 1, Distort Scythe

Additional Traits: Melta


Tau Heavy Rail Rifle
Terminators Only. 60", S 8, AP 1, Heavy 1
Additional Traits: Poisoned

Hey this thing might actually scratch him. You know, if he agreed to help me lift it and point it at himself, because I'm sure as fuck not going to be able to do that on my own.

even abbaddon fears the D!

Emperor guide my aim.

>Eldar Diresword
whelp, I'd rather die for the emperor than become a xeno shit

Lightning Claw

Additional Traits: Monster Hunter, Tesla

>Necron Tesseract Labyrinth
>One use only. Instead of close combat attacks use this. Choose model in base contact. Target must take a Wound Test or Remove From Play.


Relic blade with blind amd soul razor
Ill fuken shank your eye sight away m8

Necron Warscythe
S+2, AP2, Armourbane, Two-handed.
Additional traits: Refined (+1 strength), master-crafted.

Preeeetty coooool.

A Concussive and Rending Meltagun.

A good start, I'd say.

>Thrown (One Use Only) - Weapon becomes Ranged 8"

"I'll chuck this giant fucking chainsword at you if you come any closer."

>Cyclone Missile Launcher with Extended Barrel, Gets Hot and Instant Death.

The most dangerous game.

>necron voidblade
I don't know shit about 40k but I know enough to know that the Necrons are things you do NOT fuck with.

Come at me Abaddon

Hey Abaddon, come over here. I want to show you something.

>A relic sword with force

Huh. Now only to learn psychich powers and become adequate at fencing and I'll tear him a new one. /sarcasm

>Lightning Claw
>Additional Traits: Concussive
I really don't want to close to melee distance with A bad on, he'd tear me to threads.

Abaddon, rather. Fucking autocorrect.

>Eldar Webway Portal
>Gain Deep Strike. Will not scatter when arriving. Can bring up to two other models with him and arrive as a "unit"

Things that are cool but ultimately do fuck all include

Cyclone Missile Launcher

Additional Traits: Armourbane, Master-crafted, Precision Shot / Strike

Stay away! Imma Cyclone you to death from range!

I'd say autocorrect is correct here.

Because Abaddon is quite A Bad One chaos leader :^)


Necron Phase Shifter

4+ invulnerable, and can pass through models and terrain without penalty.

Maybe I can just run away before he kills me?

>Necron Voidblade
>S User, AP 4, Entropic Strike, Rending
>Additional Traits: Instant Death

I like to think that a lowly Guardsman wakes from an explosion, to find Abaddon above her, bloody and black. Death incarnate.

But whats this? A pulsing green-black blade? Dragging herself to her feet, quaking with fear, blood pulsing from her soon-to-be-fatal injuries, the Guardsman prepares to give her life for the Emperor, one last time... and readies the blade.

And Abaddon? Abaddon grins.

>Abaddon and a Terminator staring at each other, neither daring to act less they be blown up.

Eldar Witchblade with Armorbane, Fleshbane, and Shred.

Damn it.

Necron Gauss Blaster

24", S 5, AP 4, Rapid Fire, Gauss

Additional Traits: Armourbane

how do you fire this thing

>rapid fire anti-vehicle/building weapon that can oneshot land raiders

Necron Warscythe
S +2, AP 2, Armourbane, Two-handed (unless on Terminator)

>I've never played TT. D-do I win?


Sniper rifle
Additional Traits: Soulrazor (Ld test for each Wound or be removed from play), Gauss

Can someone knowledgeable with 40k explain this? Did I do good? Because it sounds good. Long range and a chance to instagib on hit, right?

>Power Maul

At least I get an extra attack that's completely useless.

Each time you fail to save a wound you have to pass a leadership test, otherwise you're a goner.

Ah. I guess Abbadon would have a pretty good Leadership score. Hopefully it being a sniper rifle means I could get enough shots in for him to flub a save before he closed the distance.

Gauss is like exploding criticals, right?

Eldar Executioner
S +2, AP 2, Two-handed (unless on Terminator)

Additional Traits: Instant Death

I'm dead. Or saved. I dunno. Fucking Elfdar weapons.

So you are saying there is a chance?

If irl it's a kitty tower, if in 40k it's the EMPERA's power fist of fisting fury.

>Necron Tesla Carbine
>R24 AP- Assault 1, Tesla
>With Gauss, Instant Death and Force

Thank you based Emperor.

Combi flamer... with -6" range...

Eldar D-Scythe
Template, S D, AP 2, Heavy 1, Distort Scythe
Additional Traits: Extended Barrel (+6" Range)

Thanks based Eldar.

I don't know much about loot in 40k, but this seems nice I guess.

>Necron Particle Caster
>12", S6, AP 5, Pistol
>Additional Traits: Quickened (+1 A), Fleshbane, Ignores Cover

>Abaddon the Despoiler stands before you, fueled by chaotic power he is hellbent on crushing you before he burns Cadia and Terra to the ground. But next to you is a gift from the Emperor and the Adeptus Minustorum. What is it, and can it save your life by defeating Abaddon?!
It's is nothing. Abaddon fails anyway.

You got a pistol that hits like a 20mm cannon, sadly you needed something along the lines of 155mm HEAT.

Power Axe

Additional Traits: Monster Hunter

I have my Moisin Nagant and my Glock 22. Bring it Failbaddon

Eldar Witchblade

Lexicanum Only. S User, AP -, Armourbane, Fleshbane

Additional Traits: Refined (+1 S), Tesla

I hope I am also a psyker...
At least I might be able to do something?

>Eldar Executioner
>S +2, AP 2, Two-handed (unless on Terminator)
>Additional Traits: Shred
Looks like I'm wielding a space elf with a hood, a chopping block and an ase, if he has high enough initiative, I might win.

He doesn't have a helmet. Shoot him in the face?

Yep. I even unironically got my friend who is an ordained minister to bless my guns and my ammo.

>Eldar D scythe, precision shot, tank hunter

Power Lance

Additional Traits: Tesla, Quickened (+1 A)

Eldar Diresword with fleshbane, time warp (+1I) and soulrazor. I stand a very slim chance.

Necron Phase Shifter
4+ invulnerable, and can pass through models and terrain without penalty.

Eh, convoluted plans aside, I'm probably dead.

Not even the Waaagh! can't make it good and choppy.

A standoff with ecstacies of gold playing in the background.

Tyranid Bonesword
>S User, AP 3, Lifedrain (Instant Death on To Wound of 6)
>Additional Traits: Blind

Did I do the good?

Quickened Grav Cannon.
Will I be okay?

fight, my brother, you have a chance

>Tyranid Adrenal Gland

>Fleet and Furious Charge. If removed from model it is destroyed and kills the host on a 5+ (6+ if Apothecary in squad)

Weird, but if Emps says I need to become a tyranid-human hybrid in order to fuck up chaos then I'm not going to second-guess him.

>Ork Power Klaw



>Additional Traits: Monster Hunter, Clumsy (-1 I)

Emperor save me...

>Ork Choppa

>S User, AP -

>Additional Traits: Poisoned, Tesla, Soulrazor (Ld test for each Wound or be removed from play)

I ladt about five seconds.

>Necron Flayer Claw
>S User, AP 5, Shred
>Additional Traits: Rending

Is that good? It doesnt seem like a good idea to get into hand to hand combat with Abaddon...

>regural mook with a too heavy poorly made close combat weapon
>against the Warmaster of Chaos
>five seconds

Someone is full of himself