His sword looks like Drachnyen
it looks like any big sword designed by Goodwin or Blanche.
Dark Angel fags BTFO! How will they ever recover?
So are we to take this as confirmation that he is, indeed, blonde and not ginger?
>Bombarding imperial forces, including Grey Knights, over some rumor about the fallen
Oh my god Dark Angels are so insecure and stupid, name one good thing they've ever done for the imperium. Pro tip: you can't
>name one good thing they've ever done for the imperium
Bombing Fenris flat
Name one way that is good for the imperium.
Less heretical wolf fuckers.
they just recycled the Angron model
They aren't heretical. Your point is invalid.
I hope his rules don't suck and he can't even live up to the executioner title in the tabletop too...
Yeah sure they aren't, russ. I bet next you'll say you only fuck wolves to play your part.
Seems another manlet primarch to me. Isn't taht the same pose as angron/kharn model?
Doesnt feel right
Could be Ragnar Blackmane if he had black hair
>Angron's pose flipped
A lemman russ painted in pink, purple, white, gold and teal could win the Golden Demon
LION FOR LIFE, dog fuckers!
Hey, faggot, guess what? everybody had traitors in their legions and you don't see us betraying our allies, friends and the mission to stop them, you fucking autismos.
I don't think the Ultramrines, Imperial Fists or Space wolves had traitors. At least not during the tie of the Horus heresy like the White Scars and Dark Angels did.
Well the Ultramarines have had dozens of their successors fall to Chaos, and yet nobody's threatening them with Excommunication. The Dark Angels are gonna be their own undoing.
>Being tricked by a phantasm of a minor warp entity
Are the dangels and their players all utterly fucking retarded?
Key word is successors.
Half the Dark Angels turned chaos during the Heresy, and unlike the Scars they're still mostly unaccounted for.
To be fair, Changeling has tricked Chaos Gods.
That said they're at least doing their best to fix the situation, unlike a certain other chapter that blatantly harbors mutants.
That's why I said during the Horus Heresy. Over the course of 10,000 years, it is inevitable for some to go traitor.
When Wolffag meats Lionfag, there can only be one outcome.
Kind of look like a salamander symbol.
>The Changling
>minor warp entity
Pick one.
Less yiffs.
Russ was a moron and his sons are equally retarded. Not that the Dark Angels are particularly great either, though a Lion is fine.
Vulkan and Ferrus are where it's at.
Haven't you heard? Everything is over wolf now!
>Use's xenos henchmen
>Not bad
The fuck is this?
Sanctioned xenos have been a thing for a long time friendo.
Sanctioned super-corrupt berserker wolf khornlings-to-be, on the other hand...
Destiny, the kinda-sorta Borderlands clone that Bungie made after it lost Halo. It got an expansion this week focussed around the Lords of Iron; I bunch of superhuman protectors of humanity who maintained a fortress atop a snowbound mountain range, had a fetish for wolves, and have Scandinavian influences in their names.
No, we mean hruds
>i'm no xenos loving heretic, this paper says my love for these xenos is pure and sanctioned
>Deserted his Legion during post-heresy period around the time that the Imperium was beginning to reassert it's control
What was Russ running from, Veeky Forums? Why did he feel threatened enough by the return of order that he had to flee into the Eye of Terror?
We know he was predisposed to dereliction of duty*, but could there be another reason why Russ failed at every task the Emperor gave him?
There seems to be a lot of unanswered questions about this guy.
*Russ's most famous battle involves him failing to contribute, getting drunk, sucker-punching his direct superior and then sleeping for 48 hours straight
>Gets triggered over fantasy world and spergs out
>"Dark angels are so insecure"
It was a good effort, battle-brother.
>fags arguing whose fictional space mans is more space man than the other fag's space man
If you're space mans so great, how come none of them are real?
>Playing the secretly traitor and gay chapter
At least we are loyal
>gets 1 hit by the Lion
I hope the tabletop rules reflect this.
>The Changeling
>Minor Warp entity
Nigga he literally impersonated Tzeentch so well that only Tzeentch knew who he was.
He's a bit beyond "minor".
>Minor Entity
He's pretty much the most based motherfucker in the Warp.
>lion loses to a non-marine
>hahaha I posted it again, Mom!
When will the autists realize DA are loyal?
>Russ loses to someone who loses to a non-marine
Not sure you thought that one through
>The ten thousand years comma glass jaw primarch
>Talking shit about other primarchs
>About primarchs that actually fought in the scouring to rebuild the imperium
>Leman departed when the imperium was rebuilt and left it in galactic conquest
>Lion was knocked down into ten thousand years comma by a possessed pseudo astartes barely after Horus dead
>Much loyalty is it's own reward
>All his sons are backstabbing traitor assholes
The list just goes on user
>Russ runs into the eye of terror to do nothing for 10,000 years
Also Luther was a champion of chaos, he fought the Lion into a coma for the same reason Horus fought the emperor into a coma.
>at least I'm not the biggest loser
wew lad, lion sure is a big boy
Are you implying that that doesn't look super fun?
What are you, gay?
Does the lack of wolves to fuck offend you?
Posting best chapter by the way. Best legion, too.
>Some undecided guys soloed a primarch
>Comparing chaos god powered Horus to some guy in Caliban
for you
The Emperor is above the primarchs in power in the same fashion that primarchs are above normal astartes, in the same way that astartes are above normal humans. The factor that let Horus (a primarch) fight the Emperor (practically a god) to their mutual destruction was chaotic power, which is what let Luther (an astartes) fight the Lion (a primarch) to their mutual defeat.
To themselves perhaps
>defend niggers and gays
Liberal detected.
Laughing Lion.webm
>Comparing being powered by the great four to be tainted by some daemon
>Sangüinius fought the favourite daemon prince of Khorne and went to fight god powered Horus
>Lion was glass jawed in Caliban by some dude that wasn't even an astartes
Shit primarch is shit, almost as bigger failure as Lorgar
>hahhaha Mom I made the joke again!
Wew lad, that's a very original and high-quality piece of humour you've got going. Did you think of it all by yourself?
>half the legion goes rogue
>the rest reorganize entirely to cover it up
>adopt codex astartes just to look like nothing is going on
>totes legit loyal
Seeing that you can't refute it and have to resort to ad hominems doesn't speak well for your case.
>Butthurt DA player can't deny their lack of honour and guilt
>Immediately goes to name calling and meme posting
Fitting for the likes of you
>defends furries and yiffgenders
SJW detected.
Go be a wolf on every level but physical elsewhere.
>I didn't read the lore and have no clue what I'm talking about!
>they'll love this post
Are you dumb or just a space wolves player?
I'm not sure if you ever read an of the Heresy-era DA lore, but Luther wasn't tainted by some random demon. He was a champion of chaos undivided and the second-greatest warrior of his homeworld, surpassed only by the Lion.
>doesn't care for your fags and negroes
>"Must be a yiffer."
Great logic there, cuckbrain.
>Why is my legion is ignored
>Why can't I be this popular
Delicious tears
I mean there's literally nothing in the lore that suggests the modern DA are in any way traitors. They pursue an agenda that's different from many chapters in that they also hunt the fallen and aren't codex-compliant, but ultimately their loyalty lies with the Emperor.
But you're just going to say "hurr durr they're traitors I read it on 1d4chan it must be true" because you clearly aren't that bright.
And the bombing of Fenris is misguided by not treasonous- their intentions are pure.
this was real retarded writting.
>Ferrus are where it's at
I like Ferrus, he always seems to have a good head on his shoulders
>He was a champion of chaos undivided
Retconned, undivided chaos champion is no longer a thing besides the one and only favourite chosen an belashit, also in the Past audiobook of Kharn vs Azrael a lord of changes revealed that it was him the one to turned Luther to chaos
>and the second-greatest warrior of his homeworld, surpassed only by the Lion.
Sigismund was the best of many legions and he couldn't stand more than some seconds against Dorn, your argument is invalid.
>negroes have jet black skin and burning red eyes
Nigga you from Texas or something?
For the last time. THIS ISN'T FENRIS. The Dark Angels did not bomb Fenris. What's with the bad reading comprehension. The Curse of the Wulfen series makes it clear that they were bombing two planets in the Fenris system that were invaded by daemons.
The Planet Fenris for some reason didn't get invaded by daemons yet so the Crusaders didn't head there. That's aside the fact that the Wolves would descend upon them if they came too close to it.
>I mean there's literally nothing in the lore that suggests the modern DA are in any way traitors.
All those dead inquisitors and the lost black Templars crusade say you're wrong.
fucking retard for spending a fortune for his wanking material.
He can still hot glue it for his yiff fantasies I guess,
>literally impersonated Tzeentch so well that only Tzeentch knew who he was.
Where'd that happen?
I thought Tzeentch was the ONLY being the Changling ISN'T allowed to impersonate
>it's a the primarchs gets increasingly autistic with every Black Library novel episode
I don't understand how anyone can stick with this retarded book series.
Enjoy your ban
>Where'd that happen?
No where.
The fluff line just said that the Changeling can take the form all Chaos Gods except Tzeentch because he doesn't allow it.
By the way, here is the Changeling and Tzeentch having a chat (From the Ahriman series).
They don't call them "black" as a joke.
Cool. That's what I thought. And thanks for the blurb.
>I like Ferrus, he always seems to have a good head on his shoulders
Oh you, I like you.
I dunno man, the difference between this and is pretty huge.
Salamanders are terrifying shadowdudes.
I've actually never understood why GW went in that direction with them. Is it meant to be an irony that the nicest chapter are the scariest looking?
Please show me the novel or codex that explicitly states "Luther was not a champion of chaos undivided".
Also, his role as a great warrior was to point out that he isn't a nobody- he was a skilled fighter before his infusion with chaotic power, which gave him primarch-level strength and speed. I suspect that the fight between Luther and the Lion was in many ways intended to parallel the fight between Horus and the Emperor, although obviously on a less "divine being" scale.
And yet a bunch of psykers cant detect him.
In fantasy he works but in 40k it is a retarded idea and concept.
Current GW lore writters need to step up their game or just get back the old Guard.
Rick priestley was right all along, these faggots are just making it smaller and shitter.
dark angels lore its pretty lame.
Literally "chaos hurr durr"
I liked more the idea of Leon el jhonson being a closet traitor in the sense that he wanted to be with the winners. Luther and company knowing this and disagreeing with him and thus being branded as traitors.
As the current fluff goes, there are no Undivided Princes aside from Be'lakor.
Nothing said about champions.
However, it should be noted that in AoS they removed Undivided Champions from the fluff by stating that the Chaos Gods only have one Undivided Champion and it is Archaon.
Of course fiction has to enhance the truth a little. Else it wouldn't be fiction.
Inquisitors, as the lore has shown many times, frequently do some incredibly fucking dumb and wasteful things. Now so do many people in 40k lore, the DA included, but all the Inquisition would do would be to start another massive rebellion by attempting to wipe out all the Unforgiven chapters, using other space marines, in a gigantic clusterfuck the likes of which wouldn't have been seen since the Heresy. So its pretty important for the Imperium as a whole that the Inquisition doesn't get wind of the Fallen.
>And yet a bunch of psykers cant detect him.
He can hide his presence from daemons and gods so what can hapless mortal psykers can do? The fluff says that the three Chaos Gods long have sought to capture or destroy the Changeling to no avail.
I think your poor lore knowledge is disgusting. Get got.
>Nothing said about champions.
Now where is that quote from ADB explaining that Undivided is no longer a thing...
>Attacking a sovereign chapter system
>Without a consensus from the other chapters from the crusade
>To cover up lyou were guarding a chaos relic
>Inquisition doesn't get wind of the Fallen.
The Grey Knights know about them.
40k lore is dumb, literally "chaos hurr durr".
I get your point but that argument can be made about essentially everything in the setting. Also I don't know if you've read anything about DA lore but, as with all chapters/legions, it does go pretty deep.
In the older lore the implication existed that the Lion was on the fence about the heresy, which was a sort of interesting twist, but any ambiguity has since been resolved (for better or for worse) when he was categorically presented as loyal to the bitter end.
The Black Templars weren't fired upon by the Dark Angels, just abandoned to the void and presumably killed by Genestealers. Name the Inquisitors killed by the Dark Angels.