How do you do Giants, Titans, and the other large peoples?
How do you do Giants, Titans, and the other large peoples?
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Also post giants
Huge, alien primordial beings from before time.
If they deign to speak to mortals at all they do so in riddles; this is not intentional, but Giants are naturally possessed of obtuse and abstract trains of thought which mortals struggle to follow, due to their immeasurable ponderous life cycles.
Even the greatest of normal men cannot hope to fight a giant as an equal; they are like gods; some are even worshipped as such; but Giants make for neglectful divinities, as despite their considerable age, wisdom and magical puissance, they are largely withdrawn from the world of men.
Attack on Titan really got the Colossal Titan right. The larger the being, especially if they're bipedal, the thicker and more muscular their legs have to be to support their massive frame, meanwhile their arms and head are comparatively small and disproportionate, and their torso squat.
In the ass like anybody else
With a great amount of effort and struggle
That's a Steven Universe fan OC isn't it?
No its a boss from the game Jotun
I do Giants the way Dark Souls does it in that they are servants of the gods, mostly serving as warriors and guardians.
Whether they're just tall or if the gods had something to do with it is unknown, but any cross-breeding between humans and any divine being that they can mate with does result in some pretty tall people.
Very carefully.
Cumbersome, deformed and not very pleasant to look at.
Post was too long here are some giants.
>How do you do Giants, Titans, and the other large peoples?
It's fine. How are you doing?
Originally, they were not too smart brutes simply taking advantage of their immense strength.
But as various civilisations and technology progress, they end up left behind, vulnerable to some magic, strategies or siege weapons.
While savage giants still exist, the smarter ones ultimately allied to dwarves, once their ancestral enemies. Turn out that with another education and less arrogance, they make great workers and soldiers.
I'd say my giants are pretty standard basic D&D giants, infused with a bit of myth and fairy tale.
>Stone Jotuns
The oldest giants and the first sentient beings created by the gods to rule the world, they were cast down for being cold-hearted and tyrannical. Few still exist: these are melancholy sages, sad and wise in their hard-learned lessons, hiding from the world (and possibly the object of heroes' quests for knowledge). They look like gigantic rock statues, as big as mountains.
>Ettins, Trolls, and Risi
The degenerate descendants of jotuns, the troll-kin stand half as tall as men, with skin like rock. Ettins are the great trolls, dim-witted, feral brutes; trolls retain the power of speech, but they're corrupted by Chaos so that the sun petrifies them and they have only evil in their hearts; and risi are full of wicked intelligence and mischievous magic, so much so that their legend has spread around the world and inspired myths of "oni" in the far east.
>Hill Gigas
The common "storybook" giant or ogre, the gigas stands twice the height of a man. Ill-tempered and brutish, they live on the outskirts of civilization, keeping mostly to themselves, friend to neither men and fair-folk or to the foul and Chaotic beast-folk.
>Cloud Titans
Another manner of fairy-tale giant, the cloud titans live in the sky, in palaces in the clouds, occasionally toying with mortals on earth. Nobody really knows where they came from, and their motives are mysterious. No legends speak of their making or any connection to the gods of the north-men, but in the far south, many empires have worshiped them as deities that they call "Titans" or "Olympians".
>Frost Giants, Fire Giants
These beings aren't even native to earth's own plane, but to other-worldly realms of fire and frost. In the south and the east, men don't call them giants at all, but "ifrit". In the northern kingdoms, both frost giants and fire giants are always considered enemies to be fought and killed on sight.
>half as tall as men
This was a typo; I meant half-and-again as tall as men ("×1.5").
Humongous skyscraper clockwork beings that people live inside on structures built on its frame. They travel the surface of the world autonomously in the same circular paths but can be steered. The world is barren after an ancient cataclysm that the giants likely stemmed from. The earth is toxic, save for small pockets and oases scattered about. These are where the communities of the giant dwelling people and the grounded people barter, celebrate another year alive, or war with each other. Brainstormed but never implemented, im afraid. Think 17th pirate era but with giants instead of ships
I think mine are a bit meh, but I like them.
There are two types:
The second test of the two childrem gods (stregth and knowledge) after the beastmen and dryads (they are one specie). Instead of taking branches, head of animals, mud and mixing it together into an intelligent being, they tried to make it from zero. From it came a gargantuan house sized humanoid with a quite primitive form, thick muscles given by strength and a smart but also bad toughtout brain given by Knowledge. They evolved both in arts, sciences and war, but slowly started to turn conservative and unchangeable. The not so young gods grew bored of them, and let them work by thenselves alone, wich ended pretty much killing the race when the new ones came.
The third time they tried making something inteligent, they were more like an updated cyclops, big, smart and strong, but with more refined bodies, akin to their successors, humans and dorfs, being normally not super tall, just ending on something as three meters max. They come just before humans and dwarfs, a half step the gods did, but ended surviving with the help of the smaller races. Their culture evolved with humans mostly, not used to living in the shorthouses dwarfs live in nor their underground cities.
Right now Cyclops are an almost exticnt race, leaving huge buildings and statues that the smaller races recycle for thenselves (a thing that the last cyclops despise, but cant do much about), and titans live in harmony with humans, mostly being seem as just a tall, sisterly race.
Apparently the game is really great. Is it?
I have a feeling that everyone, myself included, does the boring thing and make giants into the big precursor/ancient race that was created by and warred with the Gods, or something similar. Since it seems every setting needs THE GODWARZ
Blame Norse mythology. Though I don't have them as a precursor race or having fought the gods: they just used to be far more established than they are now. Being a giant is a tragedy.
In my fantasy, I made my giants a bit boring and traditional by making them the first spawn of the Gods. But they had a unique counter off; the Gnomes.
You see, originally when the Gods made the world they created the Giants and the Gnomes to create it. The Giants created everything big; the landscapes, the mountains, the oceans and rivers. The giants forged the biggest trees and the great thunderstorms and mighty earthquakes. The Gnomes had the opposite job, make everything small. The gnomes made the secret babbling brooks and the hiding holes for foxes and the sound of a tiny twig snapping under an unknown animals.
When their work was done the Gods told them to fuck off so they could enjoy their world but the giants and gnomes said know, so the Gods decided to destroy them. The Gnomes didn't fight, instead hiding in their secret places they knew so well (and why they have innate powers of illusion) and the Giants fought back. The Giants lost though, and retreated into the sea.
Now every Giant is a Formorii; a huge ugly fish man. Far cries to what they once were.
Norse mythology.
And Greek mythology (titans, gigantes, hekatonkheires, etc...).
And Hebrew mythology (nephilim)
Norse is easily the LEAST culturally significant of these.
Giant women
They're mechanical.
For the 3DS and shit? From what I've heard, yes. Looks fun too
It must be a terrible thing to be you.
Also usually female
Rest depends on what they're in the game for
With a stepladder.
What's that from?