FNM edition
Do you have Legacy FNM? What are you playing tonight? If you don't have Legacy FNM, u jelly?
FNM edition
Do you have Legacy FNM? What are you playing tonight? If you don't have Legacy FNM, u jelly?
Other urls found in this thread:
>Active Legacy Forums
>Current Legacy Metagame
>Find/Browse basic lands by their art (Updated through Duel Decks: Jace vs Chandra)
>Top 5 Breakdown (May 26, 2016)
>Miracles: The Match-Up Everyone Should Know
>Utilizing Cabal Therapy (Old but still good)
Common Legacy - Decks You Should Prepare to Face
>Delver variants (Grixis, Izzet, BUG, RUG)
>ANT (Ad Nauseam Tendrils)
>Death and Taxes
>Eldrazi Stompy
>Shardless BUG
Uncommon Legacy - Decks You Should Know About
>LED Dredge
>TES (The Epic Storm)
>4-Color Loam
>Nic Fit
>Sneak n Show
Rare Legacy - Decks You May See On Occasion
>High Tide
>Food Chain
>12 Post
>Pox Control
>Dragon Stompy
>Sneak n Breach
>Stax (White or Black)
>Deadguy Ale
Mythic Legacy - Decks You'll See Once a Year
>Doomsday Fetchland Tendrils (DDFT)
>Nourshing Lich
>Sea Stompy
>Spanish Inquisition
>Shitty Wannabe Defunct Sneak n ShowMonoblue Omnitell
>The Cure (Kavu Predator + False Cure)
How do you feel about this meme brew?
not meant to be competitive just for dicking around, wincon is Nahiri's wrath + repercussion
forgot link: tappedout.net
what the fuck is the point of the creatures in the deck? you can't cast them or do shit with them so literally why?
I have a store ~40 minutes from my house that advertises legacy fnm, but the last few times I've gone it hasn't fired, so eventually I just gave up. I work tonight anyway, but I'm definitely jealous of people that get to play on a regular basis.
Those are the highest cmc cards I know of, the point is to toss them to Nahiri's wrath and do enough damage to kill your opponent in one go,
i had figured that, its just i thought you would do something else with them as well, i mean with the way it is set up, you could easily cull half of those and replace them with things to protect the maymay combo with it still being able to go off.
Well this is what I came up with in like 15 minutes, I figured having to tutor for 2 4-ofs was bad enough already.
I could probably add in some free counters, at the least in the sideboard, should also probably have something for creatureless decks like akroan horse
I would probably run a RG list with mana dorks like Deathrite Shaman and run Boros Reckoner as my kill condition. Your list counts on your opponent actually running creatures.
I don't know why you don't try to make this a R/W skred deck but with the other win con as well. Heck, even sticking in some blue for can trips and show and tell would be cool
Anyone in the UK wanna buy a Miracles mainboard? Fuck Magic man.
So. Is legacy any good or is it overpriced garbage like every other format?
I'm pretty new to the game so I didn't know skred was a deck or that boros reckoner existed actually. I'm going to revamp the deck now with advice and checking out other list but I still want to keep the core idea of using Nahiri's wrath as one of my wincons
Decks cost $2,000+ and the format rarely ever changes and has hard to find playgroups.
The format is fun and intensive. A lot of the decks are pricey but not all. Most people are fine if you play proxies but of course that doesn't fly in sanctioned tournaments. It's pretty hard to find playgroups buy you could always play on xmage or cockatrice
I like the nahiri's wrath idea too, but it wouldn't hurt slamming in some sneak and shows just in case. A forbidden orchard would be good idea to for making sure your opponent has creatures
but why user. tell me where the nefarious lich touched you.
>>Shitty Wannabe Defunct Sneak n ShowMonoblue Omnitell
whoa hey now let's not get all cuh-razy here. one of our locals was an omni-tell player until his backpack got stolen. decks still good and has valid lines with intuition.
I always have my backpack tied to me discreetly at big events like Grand Prixs and FNMs
Can you run Hanna Ships Navigator in Miracles? Shes my card waifu
if you do, go old school and play helm/rip. I know a resolved rip is a nonbo with her ability, but it can get back either half of the combo if they get countered or discarded.
Try Esper Tezzeretor
I mean i guess you could do that. Im just thinking of running two in my Miracles list to help get back Counterbalances that get Abrupt Decayed or Tops that get Krosan Gripped.
Now that I've got DnT finished, I'm working on getting it pimped out. Any ideas for what version of what to get? Was thinking of going full German, but I'm trying to get judge foil SoFi and that's not available in German. Is it unpimp to have a couple foils and a couple English cards.?
I would say sideboard only, no reason to turn on your opponents' lightning bolts, but it could be cool to board them in sneakily as they board out their creature removal
Do any of you guys run tribals?
Come across any fun or obscure tribal decks? Ive encountered a wizard and Kavu tribals
Id suggest anti-pimping. white border your cards (poorly), get your basics out of the draft box at the event site. remind your opponents how much you hate them.
if you want to get a pimp sword in German, wait for them to print it as a masterpiece in aether revolt.
masterpieces are all printed in english my dude
smash and grab burglary from his home and garage, actually. probably junkies looking for money.
use your favorite versions, man. you'll play it better if you enjoy the aesthetics rather than just trying to meme with mismatched 7th edition lands or whatever.
...or you can do it subtly, as pic related.
oh my bad. shows how much I pay attention to new stuff.
Everything is a mess. Just rattle my spoons up, guys.
I'd think it'd be fine to have a couple foils and English cards, isn't it supposed to be to your liking? I'm probably gonna make all my cards Russian or Italian in the far future
go with Russian; Italian looks hideous
>white border
Revised cards look oddly pleasing.
All other white border are garbage though. Especially Chronicles tier sets with white border + expansion symbol
I like em both, Italian is cheaper however
Go with Italian if you want to run Legends cards but still pretend to be pimp
But I actually care about the aesthetics of my deck. It matters to me.
I mostly have trouble deciding which Plains I want to play. I've got 10 Snow-Covered Ice Age, 10 German 3rd B. Thinking about getting either Beta or the Great Wall ones
Italian and Spanish are generally regarded as a lower tier for that reason. French is pretty low tier, then you have people who love Cyrillic or Umlaut's in a tier roughly tied with the people who love Moon Runes. But not that one type of Moon Runes, only the other two.
I like Unlimited a lot actually.
I really hated the Masterpiece SoFI, but the Aether Vial I was less offended by. Im considering changing them out in the far future.
Working on fine tuning this list, currently on a budget with it and don't know what much else I can do to improve it
I don't know goblins very well but isn't that a bit too many lands? Also liking the Zada + collateral damage/temure battle rage going on. I'd personally take out the collateral damage for Goblin grenades as a start
>goblin grenade
I never knew about that card thanks for that. How many lands do you think I should drop?
Thats missing Ringleader, if you're trying to keep it budget I guess. Add 4 Goblin Ringleader, 1 Goblin Sharpshooter, 2 Siege Gang Commanders and 4 Goblin Lackeys and cut Temur Battle Rage and Magmatic Insight.
Any other U/R Delver players here? Feels like stormchaser mage has made our deck pretty stock, which is not necessarily a bad thing. If anyone has a list they like now hook an user up!
I'm actually surprised at the lack of Delver players here. Unless of course they all lurk consistently
Quick report on my LGS's first Legacy FNM. We had 12 people and I couldn't stop punting so I went 1-3. I decided to play DDFT, might bring Lich next time.
R1 vs Goblins (1-2)
I straight dunked on him g1 as expected. Game 2 I had a mana-heavy hand that let me turn 3 Doomsday into Thalia and build a pass-the-turn pile that could win without even removing Thalia. Unfortunately he had a pyroblast for my maniac to blow me out. G3 I punted by wasting removal on early gobs so when the real threats came I died fast.
R2 vs Burn (2-1)
Somehow I beat burn. Game 1 on the play I duress and take a Lava Spike, then Therapy and nab triple Eidolon. He has a guide and a swiftspear, and suspends a rift bolt. I'm dead on board but the coast is clear and I kill him with a maniac pile going to 1 life. G2 he has t2 pyro pillar. I decay it, then he has Eidolon. I find another decay, but before I can cast it he lands a 2nd Eidolon and mops things up. Game 3 he has 2 mana open, a lavamancer up, and 2 cards in hand and I can combo out with enough life to not die to lavamancer, but i'm dead to anything else. I go for it and he's holding 2 lands.
R3 vs Merfolk (0-2)
I punt G1. Play an SDT into a daze I knew about when I need the SDT to resolve. Should have duressed to clear the Daze and gone off the next turn. Without top, I wasn't able to go off and couldn't find more gas. G2 I have the goods to combo out, but he's just tapped out for Standstill. I probe to break the Standstill, he draws 3, I look at his hand, and he's just drawn Force, Daze, Lord. I can't find a discard spell before I die.
G4 vs Shardless Bug (1-2)
I'm paired with a friend and we're both out of prizez at this point so we're goofing around too much. I mull to this 6: Swamp, Rit, DDay, LED, Probe, Therapy. That's a t1 kill or a turn 2 with Therapy backup. I ignore therapy and walk my t1 into a FoW. PUNT! I get there G2 but G3 he has Null rod, 2x goyf, and counters.
Goblin's is actually reasonably resilient to slow combo decks. The reason it gets killed by ANT, Sneak and Show and Reanimator is that they can consistently win before the Goblins player can deploy relevant disruption.
I feel like most of the people here play for fun, and Delver is kind of this years Stoneblade; A lot of people play it because SCG grinders play it, but its actually really poorly positioned in the metagame.
My lgs runs draft and modern FNM. It's fine, I can still play dredge. There's sanctioned monthly legacy at 2 different stores that both take me 2 hours to get to because I dont drive
The thing is, Doomsday isn't really that slow. Frankly the matchup seems pretty unfavorable for the goblins player as long as I keep my head on straight.
Sneak and Show and Reanimator are doable with Goblins, Stingscourger is essential here. Since they can't remove your Lackey and aren't always T1 going, you can have enough pressure to get'em. I smashed through a T2 Griselbrand via Show and Tell (I was on the play, granted). Also, I managed to draw with Storm (!) once.
Good advise. I honestly wouldn't consider Goblins without Ringleader and Lackey, those two cards make the deck grindy and fast, respectively. Or you play Goblin Stompy, but that's not really cheap since you have to get City of Traitors. I also love 3 Thalia maindeck.
It isn't so much that the deck is extremely slow, its just about a turn slower. Against Storm, Goblins is hoping to get a second land into play and cast a Thalia/Canonist. Getting a Turn 2 OTP or Turn 1 OTD is harder with DDFT. The combo being weak to Blasts is also very relevant.
Those are more doable. I would still consider them pretty bad matchups.
I guess that's true, Delver has always had that "spike" feel to me, one of the reasons I gravitated away from it. It looks reasonably fun to me though and I'll probably take grixis or U/R Delver for a swing when I get Xmage downloaded
You're right, and it's also why I don't play Goblins if I want to win but rather Storm or Grixis Delver. Omnitell was a better matchup as it was a turn slower.
I played it for a while in 2015 and I have a lot of strong feelings about the deck. I've tried Abrupt Decay versions, Stifle Versions and none of them can consistently do well against Miracles. They also all struggle to beat a Chalice on 1. So Eldrazi is anywhere from even to negative. Having not great matchups against the two most popular decks isn't great.
The only decks you really murder are combo decks, and right now the meta is very low on combo.
Its a fun deck to play, but I think its very over represented and you scoop to more things than I'm comfortable with my deck scooping to.
I want to see the deck get some more cards to use (and legacy in general for the matter) at the 2 mana slot. I don't think there is enough that are usually right now and if they do that then chalice starts becoming less oppressive. I don't think the eldrazi deck is broken or amazing for the matter, but the fact that it's not super expensive, and easy to pilot makes playing a lot of decks moot because chalice. I certainly 100% don't want chalice banned but I 150% want to see more ways around it via usable 2 mana cards
It's not too difficult to build piles that beat red blasts. Pass the turn piles that beat it are harder to come by though. with the amount of mana that I had it may have been possible in my situation. i'd have to think about it. Red blasts didn't even cross my mind as possible disruption, which was an oversight on my part.
My opinion is that Delver isn't cutting 2 drops for lack of good 2 drops. The Delver decks just get built around running 14 lands, and to be able to play this turbo-tempo turbo-xerox game. Adding 2 drops tends to not gel with the decks prime directive. In general, there are a lot of really powerful 2 drops that get dropped because there exists a more powerful one drop.
You can, but it usually takes extra mana to throw one of those together. I would certainly rather be facing down Doomsday than Ad Nauseum. The tools Goblins has are far better suited to fight it.
I meant the two mana thing as more of a general thing. If chalice becomes worse than Delver starts becoming good in the meta again. I just think chalice is too strong right now and unless we get some good, new printings, we're just going to see more of it. I understand that Delver probably wouldn't be playing a lot of 2 drops, even if there were some more good ones. But perhaps a new one for miracles or Stoneblade or Jund or nic fit, you get the idea.
Finally got my deck sent to me after i moved countries and I've potentially found a playgroup. How is everyone's weekend going?
And sideboard from a few months ago... Man this needs to be changed.
What kind of two drops are you looking for? Removal spells? Creatures?
I disagree that chalice is "too good". It's good because it attacks the formats inbred nature. Blue decks run really low to the ground to fight other Blue decks. Chalice attacks that strategy, and is one of the few reasons to not just run a Brainstorm deck. It forces you to respect it in your deck construction, much like Blood Moon.
If you really hate chalice, run EE in the main. Its a really good card.
Nice Judge foil Port. Whens that list from?
>all those mixed editions
this really upsets me
No idea when the list is from. Just kinda worked a list more fit for my former meta.
Your sadness makes me very happy.
I'm just looking for sweet 2 drops of any kind, chalice IS good for the format but it shuts down too many decks on t1 that I think they should give us more options. Not necessarily in blue even, that'd probably be the color we don't want it in actually. It's not like I hate chalice, I think it's good for the format. I'm probably paranoid but I think it's going to get too popular.
Sorry what's "EE"?
Engineered Explosives.
I think there probably are a bunch of sweet 2 drops that just don't get played. Shit like Impulse, Bob, and all the 2 mana removal spells are all good cards. For a 2 drop to be good enough for Legacy, it has to be really pushed. Young Pyromancer is the last 2 drop I remember becoming a staple.
I think the good 2 drops we have now just aren't good enough, Impulse is only good in some combo decks I find and a lot of the two mana removal is bad because of good 1 mana removal being more prevalent. I don't know, maybe it's not possible and in worse than wizards at designing cards so I'm not gonna suggest anything. Bob is bad because he easily dies before he does anything and sometimes he does too much and he loses you the game.
I would be interested to see new stuff, but my feeling is a 2mana cantrip that's legacy playable is dangerous. A removal spell less so, and creatures seem really safe.
I really like Bob in decks with tons of creatures, or off the board in decks without. For me, generally if he lands and I untap with him, I win. I'm usually playing him on turn 1 in vintage in a deck with no Forces though, and that's different
Yeah vintage is a different monster. I think your right on the 2 mana can trip being dangerous and seeing some new, usuable, creatures or removal would be really cool
Posting my list, you'll certainly get triggered.
Apparently I still don't have a recent picture of it; it's changed a lot
>UP sleeves
>Upside down
I mean wtf man?
Oh yes. Last night at fnm I had 3 separate people say things like, "no offense but you have the ugliest fucking deck i've ever seen."
>those altars
Those are really nice, and subtle.
What ponder arts?
You don't know lorwyn's fish tits?
Not legacy, but on the topic of lands im not sure what I want for my cube. Either all matching or all different.
If all matching ill go with foil unhinged, but otherwise I have an excuse to buy one of each 8th ed test print basics.
So far from what I've asked its about 55/45 split in favour of all different
Got an updated list? I've been curious about DDFT but can't find much about it online.
How hard is the deck to play? I played SI for a long time and then brewed a 5colour SI storm deck that was pretty retarded but still ok and those were pretty hard to play well
What's the best Nicfit decklist right now?
gonna finally get Vesuvas so I can complete MUD.
Also noticed Lilianas are slightly down in price, which is nice.
I think he was asking if they were all the same
Yeah, I meant were they all fish tits or did he go full tilt with different arts. For some reason I thought there were three arts, got the duel decks preordain mixed in there.
You play goblins but have never heard oif goblin grenade? How is that even possible? How long have you been playing, 7 months?
I have a mix of fish tits and ball play art.
Here's the list I'm on right now. tappedout.net
The deck is complex but not much more complex than any other storm deck. if you've played other storm decks you'd pick it up pretty quick. I find I lose many more games to not playing the right cantrips t1-2 than to building piles wrong (I probably also need to slow down when I play). I could talk about the deck forever. If you want to find good discussion on the deck you can check out the DDFT section of the storm boards, but you need to be an approved member before you can access them, and some of the players there have some unusual maindeck choices like EE. My list is pretty standard.
I remember looking at old MUD lists that used trinisphere. is there a reason you don't run it?
I also notice that your version is supremely non interactive. How do you find your match-up vs the gristlebrand decks?
what kind of shitbrew can I make with monastery swiftspear? pic unrelated
>jeskai ascendancy, young pyromancer, monastary mentor, monastary swift spear, lingering souls, swords to plowshares, lightning bolt, force of will, brainstorm gitaxian probe
The MUD list posted before wasn't mine. I play a stax version that most definitely uses trinisphere. Will post pics later I suppose
there are three ponder arts. fish tits, 3 moon, and textless
I played very casual for the past 3 years, didn't get into the competitive scene until 5 months ago. Most of my cards were hand me downs from my stepdad including the ports, which is why I said it was budget.
Is legacy really dying i'm thinking of coverting my modern burn to legacy burn
But dude, it's goblin grenade. One of the best reasons to play goblins (besides goblin guides). You should look up some goblin lists and see what you can grab. Start saving up for goblin guides. Just pull out ten bucks every paycheck and by Xmas you can buy yourself a playset of them
I run 3sphere over the Dynamos. That pic is just old.
Legacy is dying the same way modern is, though for different reasons
>no trinispheres or thorns
Have fun losing to combo.
So should i just keep my deck or should i switch i feel like i'd do better in legacy
Personally, I don't think Grenade is a must-have in Goblins, especially in Legacy.
the only other legacy deck I play against is DnT, also
Also it would be around the same cost to just upgrade it to naya burn
Its not a problem of money. I have a decent job working as a teacher but I feel ridiculous spending money on cards that are easily replaced with not quite as good but still reliable cards.