How granular are classes/professions and the differences between them?
Roll 'em.
How granular are classes/professions and the differences between them?
Roll 'em.
Rolled 4, 2 = 6 (2d10)
Challenge me
Rolled 3, 1 = 4 (2d6)
Rolled 42 (1d100)
Two bards. Who wins?
Rolled 36 (1d100)
This table seems really off with where everything is.
You can see the progression as one axis fades into another. It's where the three paradigms overlap.
Rolled 7, 5 = 12 (2d10)
Might as well see what I end up as.
Geomancer huh. Never been one to run Geomancers, but I guess I know what I could try next time my group decided to do a Final Fantasy game.
That's the class where whatever is under your feet dictates the spells you can cast, right?
Apparently? I tend to not use them in any of the games they are available in, because it's just as effective, if not more so, to have literally any other caster job in the game (except maybe Red Mage/Wizard, and even then it's a tight race).
Rolled 72 (1d100)
In FFT they have an attack for every terrain type which is free to cast, has no charge time, and has a chance to cause status. They're a mixed class in that their skills are magical but they equip primarily physical weapons like axes and swords. They're also in III, V, and Tactics Advance 2 with a similar but more magically-inclined role.
In FFXI they're a support class that uses bells, AOE buffs and debuffs, and mid-level elemental magic. Their debuffs can't be resisted, they have access to unique buffs/debuffs, and their AOE skills don't draw hate.
Wait, is a Tinker basically just an Artificier or is there some nuanced meaning to it?
Sounds about right. A Tinker is likely an artificer with a specialty in gadgets.
Rolled 89 (1d100)
generally a profession is only a 'class' once it becomes suitable for adventuring, and a class is only a profession once it becomes suitable for earning a living in some way that doesn't involve fighting monsters
Man... I hate shields.
It's another FF class
What the hell is a Horizon Walker (54)?
Rolled 61 (1d100)
Necromancer! WOO! Get ready to die, shitlords and pissbabbies of Veeky Forums, it's UNDEAD ABOGALYPSE TEIM!!!
So they're basically an extreme pathfinder.
Those are just fortunetellers lmao
Rolled 88 (1d100)
Shadowmancer reporting Spooky squad, assemble
I'll tell you your fortune: "Good luck comes in threes; you may be eaten by a zombie; don't forget, the love that is shared is the love that grows!"