Post celebrities who have fallen to one of the chaos gods of 40k, and your reasoning behind your suspicions. Who knows, we might uncover a heretical plot!
Celebs that have fallen to chaos
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Does Chris-chan count?
Starting off with this guy. Quick to anger but has a sense of honour, probably good in a fight, doesn't know the meaning of cowardice. Not interested in fighting the helpless, but provoke him and the consequences will be dire.
I'm pretty sure Charlies Sheen has Nurgle, Khorne and Slaanesh competing over him.
Forgot to mention, he's obviously Khornate
Pic related is Slaaneshi; this guy has admitted he's attracted to underage boys, was a coke addict for decades and yet still manages to charm an entire nation into loving him. Lead us into temptation, oh Stephen Fryfu my waifu for laifu.
This fella is Nurgle all the way, just for the sheer amount of STD's he's spread over the years. Also seems to take joy in his own corruption of the flesh, and is a friendly chap by all accounts.
Well I mean he's not exactly a celebrity, but he's well-known in this place so sure. Nurgle or Slaanesh I'm guessing?
I'd say Slaanesh just for the amount of drugs and hedonism involved. Why Khorne tho?
Fuck sake forgot pic.
Making a case for Tzeentch here; he changed the way a nation though about politics- it used to be about who had the best argument, now he's made it about who can fling the most shit and strut like a peacock. Admittedly not a great choice, especially since I don't know too much of American politics, but it's the best I coulkd come up with. Tzeentch is a hard one.
>Why Khorne tho?
He does tiger blood.
He's like the definition of excess
Hillary by Nurgle and Khorne
Slaanesh and Tzeench have tricked her.
Anger sure, but where's the blood?
>barely cooked meat
>not blood
>He doesn't like rare steak
And it's not blood, it's plasma
>not getting the joke
>And it's not blood, it's plasma
Enough with this meme. Ive made burgers myself and theres been red blood. The end.
>That was a joke? Make sure you zoom the words next time.
Most accurate
>I don't know too much of American politics
I can tell.
Ramsey is angry but being a gourmand is much more Slanesh than Khrone.
no he's korn bcuz drumpf is gonna star world war three lol
The ill and infirm should embrace their suffering, be grateful for what had befallen them, for all the hardship brings them close to Father Nur... Our Lord Jesus Christ.
>Implying Gordy doesn't behead his apprentice chefs after making the fish fuckin rawwwww
But Tomaru has changed the world with his manhood. He is more Tzeentch & more Slaanesh than he is.
Formerly Slaanesh, now fallen to Nurgle.
Wait, wait, wait.
I've read "ramsey is angry but being a gourmand is much more Slanesh than Khorne" before.
I am scared.
Goddamn he does not have the complexion to work a pink shirt.
And the santa tie jfc.
Watcha gettin at, son? Ain't nothin' ya can't tell me!
Bitch Please. STDs are just Nurgles way of screwing over Slaanesh' faithful. The fact that he kept on going despite them is proof he's a Slaaneshi fucker.
That's not JFC, you dolt.
Look, I get you have the best intentions, but this sort of thread will cause a massive shitstorm as other boards converge here to talk about their irrelevant bullshit through the lens of 40k.
As in jesus fucking christ, retard.
Veeky Forums is too slow to invite other board traffic over this.
Okay, who will post some whor-I mean actresses for Slaanesh?
>Veeky Forums is too slow to invite other board traffic over this.
Until some chucklefuck cross posts it with /pol/ or /tv/ and this thread appears every day explicitly to contain their irrelevant circlejerks. Though I would be okay with slightly lewd shapley old-timey brunette actresses, but I acknowledge that was irrelevant.
Not sure whether Richard Stallman has fallen to Nurgle, Tzeentch or Slaanesh. I'd say he serves chaos undivided except that he is a lefty who is completely against police and guns. Of course, that could just be a Tzeentchian plot.
While that freakout was legendary, that was like the one time that ever happened. And he apologized almost immediately.
Bale is allegedly a real treat to work with most of the time.
He had been arrested for assaulting (only verbally I think) his mother and sister. So he's a real charmer, I'm sure
I do get something of a "just as planned" vibe from Trump.
Scott Adams runs a regular blog where he details the Trump campaign in terms of the persuasive techniques and psychological trickery employed. It's pretty interesting. Here's a good one:
It's kind of a shame this art gets posted so much when it gets Khorne and Nurgle's appearances wrong. Would get Slaanesh wrong too if not for the excuse that he can technically take any form, even if the lore states that is default appearance is that of a clean limbed handsome young man.