>the strange foreign knight has fused Western and Eastern styles together to become utterly undefeatable in single combat
The strange foreign knight has fused Western and Eastern styles together to become utterly undefeatable in single combat
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It's a trick.
Eastern and Western styles when it comes to practical combat aren't actually that different because the basic physics of human beings and material strength are universal, so if he's truly unbeatable he's using some kind of magic or (more likely) he's a powerful supernatural being in disguise under all the armor.
>felled by a lucky arrow
gg no re desu senpai
This. Eastern martial arts don't magically change biokinetics.
>gets trips and yet he's never heard of chi energy
What if they did, though?
How little you know gaijin-kun ufufufufu
Aren't martial arts in general all about manipulating biokinetics?
High school was a long time ago but did he only have one arm?
Nice try fluffy, but you're missing an arm.
Chi isn't real.
The catboy cut it off at some point with his penis sword, I think.
Man goku gon whop yo ass
Watch much Inuyasha there OP?
I still don't understand what that fluff was. It bleeds when damaged.
Ha ha Tiber septim is dead
You really think that eastern and western martial arts are so different, don't you? It's an easy trap to fall into, so I don't blame you. If you expand your understanding of martial arts from around the world, both east and west, you'll see it's not so much the case.
Soooo cheating with magic. You're not exactly disagreeing with me here.
Were that the case, we're looking at a pretty crazy setting, where reality adjusts itself to what people in general think to be the case, which would have pretty far-reaching consequences. Probably has a pretty crazy belief-based magic system. That could be an interesting setting.
>the party Rogue just shoots him anyway
It's obviously a large, fluffy, and very lazy fox.
What are you, 14? Take your reddit faggotry elsewhere.
>cheating with magic. You're not exactly disagreeing with me here.
But it ain't.
There are a hundred martial arts masters across China and Japan that can demonstrate it.
Say that to my face not online and see what happens.
Clearly it won't be Chi
None of them have been able to demonstrate the existence of Chi under laboratory conditions.
Being able to do cool supernatural shit just from being good at Kung-fu is a cool concept, but don't pretend its real.
Too many arms, delet this.
Is that Knight Sesshoumaru?
Can you really call yourself an undefeatable martial artist if you don't even know how to parry bullets yet?
In an otherwise mediocre game the armour designs of the Alonne Knights and Sir Alonne were really cool, I loved that weird east meets west aesthetic.
Take your mental illness back to /x/
More knights should wear fur, that's swag as shit.
Alright, let's say the game system in question has chi. How does that differ from magic? Both are fueled by an internal force that requires training to unlock and improve. Chi isn't really any different from magic. Same essential thing, different name and fiddly bits.
Soooo, cheating with magic. Still ain't disagreeing with me. :)
>no one here recognizes that this is Sesshomaru from Inuyasha
Guess we know where he went after the series ended
In actual Chinese stuff, Chi is distinct from Magic. All magic draws from Chi, but not all uses of Chi are magic. Part of the point of the idea is that many uses of Chi are completely natural and taking care of your Chi is a good thing for the health of anyone.
Sounds fucking awesome actually.
Fuck contrarian hipster edgelords 'muh gritty practical fantasy grim and gray LOL'. Mix the kungfu with chivalry and create the greatest warrior.
Apparently it's inspired by the character but isn't literally him. The artist who drew OP's pic has a gallery full of nice character designs
He's the Guild Wars concept artist
This guy convinced me to buy guild wars 2.
He must be terribly saddened by that game's inability to live up to his renderings.
Fuck me this guy is amazing.
The ironic thing is, he has a VERY distinct style and they're basically killing themselves for not following it.
Also he drew the Charr as standing upright.
Fuck Arenanet for the slouch.
I like the slouch. I just wish it didn't make every set of pants look goddamn ridiculous.
He probably drew them that way because they stand upright. GW2 was made by a bunch of interns who never even played GW1.
Explain these from the wiki, then?
>who never even played GW1
And I weep every day for this.
Never again will we have the fun of Ritualists or Dervish post-update.
>come at me bro
Pimpin' knights are best knights.
Why is Arbiter a furry now?
No, what they demonstrate is incredible reconditioning of the human body to accept physical stress. There's no "spiritual life energy" involved.
This thread has a disgusting level of weaboos in it.
If the east is so superior, why did the West sodomize it and force it to suck on opiates for several centuries?
I see a limited amount of weabooness, just that Chi guy.
>thinking they are the real Veeky Forums motherfuckers
>tfw only gay men are allowed to be Veeky Forums nowadays
Republicanism was a mistake.
>the strange foreign user has fused opfaggotry and greentext to become utterly undefeatable in shitposting
What does this even mean.
The West is currently totally unable to even put a dent into the east returning the favour.
Checkmate, atheist.
What. China is as always, balanced upon a knife's edge and their unification could easily tumble into chaos and rebellion if pushed too far. America remains the single most powerful nation on Earth with the most powerful economy as well, which isn't going anywhere any time soon. Europe's in a bit of a poor state but they'll probably shake themselves out of it in a couple decades. Japan meanwhile is royally fucked and their population is expected to start dying off unless they either reproduce finally or take in immigrants. South Korea's doing good but even despite having ludicrous military superiority over the Norks will suffer horrendous losses in lives and economic strength if the Norks get to fire off all their artillery at once. SEA is a joke that only exists because of American gunboat diplomacy as otherwise China will try to swallow them up.
East isn't doing shit.
At the same time increasing economic inequality in America is going to become unsustainable and if the middle class keeps taking the hits it has been, who fucking knows. However, increased minimum wage in some states is showing signs of lower turn, so unemployment hopefully will fall, and as wages increase, so will spending. There's still many issues that need to be addressed, such as environmental practices (tapping our resources for all they're worth is going to fuck us going forward), police reform, and reining in the financial sector.
I got it user, you can't wait for Nioh, but let me tell you: buying a ps4 ain't worth it.
>he tries to slash my armor with a cutting weapon
>bang him on the head with a hammer
gg no re
Not to stop your power fantasy, but there is plenty of piercing and blunt weaponry in asian martial culture.
>implying that fuckboy would disgrace himself to hold a club
>fused Western and Eastern styles
Enjoy being Mordhau'd by the pommel of a Japanese katana forged from steel that was folded over a thousand times and can break directly through the armor of a Sherman tank.
The mordhau and half swording are literally the katanas of westaboos. Nothing exceptionally difficult or awesome, just practical in the right situation, but with names and looks that make westaboos feel elite by knowing them.
>The mordhau and half swording are literally the katanas of westaboos
Which explains why someone who mixes Eastern and Western fighting styles would do it. He's already mixing the fighting styles purely for the cool factor anyway.
> implying a weeb would use anything except for a katana
Does he look like he's using any of that?
man that piece of wood and leather really looks like it would hurt
diaf whoever made that
Sincerely, a graphic design geek
>implying it isn't essential for that late 2000s RPG blog aesthetic
>A E S T H E T I C
>implying I'm not so tired i don't even know what I'm typing
fuck this shit you win this round or something
I love you Veeky Forums never change
>aesthetic is a buzzword now
kill yourself
Let's go FACTS over EDGE here for a sec.
- China wasn't mentioned
- it can't be China he's talking about because "we" didn't sell Opium to China for "several centuries". The Portugese involvement clearly doesn't count because they're catholics and according to the Brits themselves, they a) only pushed for 144 years and b) they only sold the opium directly for some 57 years of that period. The actual phase of legalized british opium imports was even shorter than that, it only lasted for 47 years.
Means that for 97 years, the British basically were content to be the Columbians of their day, with about 10 years of them using free trade-arguments and force of arms to force the Chinese into quitting the persecution of opium trade, followed by said 47 years of legalized drug trade.
Overall, British reliance on Opium came about because during that period of 144 years, they had shit for industry and couldn't produce anything worth anyone's time.
Enjoy breaking your katanas on platemail I guess.
He doesn't even have a dirk/stiletto, what a chump.
Guess it's no surprise he lost an arm trying to fight like that.
Aside from being an asshat, he's essentially right about America's current place as being the most powerful Superpower... At least for now. Russia and China are getting ready to knock us down, since we are definitely showing weakness.
I'm the second guy you quoted, and I'm not sure what this has to do with my post. Though, based on how I worded the opening, I can see how it looks like I was continuing a train of thought.
People have been misusing it all fucking year. It kind is a buzzword among the less loquacious.
On the other hand that's a proper use of the word, so go take a nap buddy, we'll still be shitposting when you get back.
>At least for now. Russia and China are getting ready to knock us down,
Russia's economy is on the fritz and China is struggling to become a healthy consumer state. They aren't even going to knock Europe down unless the immigration crisis REALLY fucks them over.
Which knowing Europe these days, it will.
Quite literally Putinland. It's a third world tier dictatorship, especially in the sence that when the dictator falls (due to death, illness or even a coup), the entire country falls into chaos. There are more than a few oligarchs in Russia who aren't pleased with Putin's national order, who would be more than happy to throw things around should he stop being Russia's Great Leader for whatever reason.
Depends on how they handle the transition from producing knock-off products en masse to a modern economy that relies on the middle class. Being commies, I doubt this'll go well or bloodlessly. And add to that the fact that China is so polluted, they won't have any domestic drinkable water by 2030.
America's greatest threat isn't China or Russia, it's whether or not it's able to maintain the petrodollar through sheer bullying. Ghadaffi and Saddam were removed because they attempted to undermine the petrodollar.
tl;dr: BRICS is a joke on stilts.
Please go back to /pol/.
Alternatively, shoot yourselves for bringing your shit into Veeky Forums.
>Please go back to /pol/.
After you go back to /reeee/ddit.
Rude. We weren't even being racist or xenophobic.
Wait. Shit we're talking about politics and that's still /pol/ isn't it? Well shit. Fuck it, I guess I'm done then, because no way do I want to go to that cesspool.
'Tis but a flesh wound.
>lose left arm
>start wearing armor on that arm
>don't bother armoring your remaining limbs
Demons are fucking retarded
Never been. Nor have I been to tumblr, facebook, or any social media outide of twitter for my QM's purposes. That why you people are such obnoxious, thoughtless, self-involved assholes. If you acually gave a fuck about Veeky Forums, you'd keep /pol/ in the trash where it belongs instead of all over Veeky Forums.
Quests, /wst/, and ERP were all better than this shitspewing stupidity.
That show was retarded.
It's to make up for the weight difference.
Okay, what animu is this.
Virgin Witch Maria.
Well isn't that fluffy thing part of him?
Like it's fluffy demon armor.
I've heard somewhere that they used codpieces so big they were considered obscene, but the Emperor decided to let them be because he wanted them to have some liberty in their short lives.
Nah, their choice of fabric and feathers were breaking sumptuary law within the HRE, but Max told people to not bother them, because they're dying in droves every campaign anyway.
PLus fighting Alonne was a highlight in a mediocre game.
>Quests, /wst/, and ERP were all better than this shitspewing stupidity.
Politics discussions don't have to go to /pol/ or even resemble what happens there, but they can't stay here.
Maybe you guys could find or create a political discussion club or something. Get yourselves a good healthy outlet for it. There certainly seems to be interest for it these days. Just putting an idea out there.
Yeah, nah.
As says, it wasn't the cod pieces, it was just that they wore incredibly expensive, clothing. See how their clothes use about three times as much fabric as it actually needs? That's the time period's version of bling. That amount of showing off your money was seen as sinful.
well, the opiate thing was just china, and that was just severely underestimating the enemy and a failure to modernise their military fast enough. Doesn't really have anything to do with kung fu.
>thinks he knows magic but can't even get dubs
Prepare to be inundated with faggots that will tell you they know, for absolute certain, that no knight could learn anything from anything eastern ever becaise nips are gay and etc etc etc some shit about brittle metal and not using a shield/sidearm.
>magic is real
>doesn't understand placebo