Draw Thread: [REDUCKTED]

Last Thread: Please take the time to read the Drawthread guidelines below!

>Provide good, detailed references (pictures are better than verbal descriptions), so the artists know what you're looking for.
>Hold off on additional requests after receiving a delivery from an artist, be mindful of the other requests that might deserve attention.
>Bump your request only after 24 hours has passed, you may bump once every 24 hours after the first.
>If you're unsatisfied with your completed request, please wait a 2-3 threads or so to re-request it.
>Reminder that nobody is entitled to a delivery under any circumstances within these threads.
>Ignore the bait, you're better than this

Artists and Artists-to-Be:
>Feel free to drop your tumblrs/websites/commission/etc information, but:
>If you're dropping your commission info, consider filling a request beforehand instead of just advertising

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Requesting art of my Great Old One worshipping cleric sitting on a dingy torn up couch in her underground hideout reading a clearly evil grimoire of eldritch magic and eating a plate of cookies. A stack of similar dusty tomes are also nearby her.

posting wip by Bogroll

ReRequesting my Elven decker. He's wearing a black leather jacket similar to pic related, but open and with sleeves that unzip from the wrist to mid forearm, so he can roll the sleeves up to have unrestricted access to everything in his cybersynth arms, one of them being the digital keyboard hidden on the top of his left arm.

Man, I've been seeing Bogroll's WIP for months at this point.

I'm still impressed, it looks pretty damn good compared to his early sketches.

Requesting a human cleric,

He is in his mid to late teens, I would like his clothes to be mostly cloth with only a little leather and no chain or plate.

He follows the deity Palor, so the sun symbol and the pendent would be good pieces to add onto him somewhere. He also uses a crooked wooden staff.

migrating my request

Requesting a half elf street magician, for a d&d setting.

She is a pale skinned red head, her clothes are fancy consisting of a jacket pants knee high boots and a leather top hat. Jewelry, trinkets, and any other changes are welcome.

If i could get her juggling fireballs that would be awesome, but i am up for anything.

Wow, can't believe my silly duck edit became the OP image. That's real nice of you.

The OR is a cool guy in that he's been posting an anchor every thread for Bogroll to update on.

Art my Shadow Monk pretty please.

Wears a backless/sleeveless leather garment with a hood. (to display tattoos).
She summons a blade from the snake tattoo that coils her arms, neck, shoulders and around her back - suggesting her entire body.
Her face is lightly tattooed with a serpent head (images top left) but the fangs are part of a Mileena jaguar smile.
She crouches Spider Man Noir style on a vantage point and glances over her shoulder toward the viewer.

Requesting my character from an oWoD Technocrat game. Her paradigm is "be an OPERATOR among OPERATORS" mixed with FPS protagonist. As such, she needs to be very OPERATOR. She's a sorta generic light brown-skinned woman.

Requesting my Fighter, young girl in practical armor because practical armor is my fetish.

Most of the stuff is in the ref, only thing worth noting that I can think of is that I definitely prefer a more realistic artstyle, but ya know. Beggars can't be choosers.

Full disclosure, I have had this request filled before a couple months back.
It didn't come out well, the artist did some other great work in the thread but experimented a bit much with alternate methods and shortcuts on Tina, came out a bit sloppy.
I'm not one to turn down free cake but thought I might as well give a shot at getting a more realistic style done, given how fond I am of this character.
That information in mind, make sure to prioritize other people who've been waiting a while over me.


Re-posting my request!

Migrating Dark Heresy scene of poor techboy scooby-dooing away from a chaos marine.

Migrating from old thread.

Ronald Drump as a Alien Zombie campaigning for supreme commander of the universe.

I'll pay for this with picketing at my local election with it, and snapping a picture of it in true anonymous style (V for vendetta costume).

SAD said he was working on this second part, and this is just a refresh for SAD
Setting: Feast Hall of old medieval castle in ruins. The once bright banners are in tattered ruins. Around the long table is a hoard of zombies.
Pov is seated on one end of the high table, which is on a platform that is raised a few steps off the ground. All of the tables are set for a feast, but there is no food yet.
Across the high table from the viewer is a figure wearing a solid black trench coat, and a small brimmed black hat (not quite a fedora?). His face is hidden in shadow until he looks up and Pov see that his face appears to be constantly melting and reforming, not unlike a candle. As a weapon this individual carries a large curved blade attached to the end of a length of chain. When fighting,this individual swings the blade by the chain into almost arcane looking patterns, that only a fool or a master of weapons would dare challenge. As the blade swings across the table, the pov grabs the blade ripping it from the hands of our shadowy friend, turning it against it's owner. Battle rages on for some time with the blade crossing hands several more times until the shadowy figure surrenders. The whole exchange was silent, other then the sound of the sword clashing off of the stone floors and walls.
Any scene from the fight.

Requesting THIS duck, In a Bathtub with an Orkish looking boat. The person inside the bathtub is a commissar (Wearing the hat of course. How else can one identify he's a commissar) He's holding the duck and hte boat smashing the boat with the duck having a generally fun bath-time.


moving my request over to this thread

Requesting a changeling hotel worker. He has that fancy ass pompadour and has the skin mottling similar to a halflinger.

He also has a bulletproof vest and a streetsweeper/Protecta shotgun or something like that.

also of note he's a CofD changeling.

I would like a character drawing based strongly off of a pre-existing character from literature known as Fu Manchu. He was considered a racist depiction of the Chinese and since has been only referenced once in more recent productions, in a mock trailer from Grindhouse where he is portrayed by Nicholas Cage. He has also been portrayed by Christopher Lee and Boris Karloff. I prefer the appearance of the latter, in the film The Mask of Dr. Fu Manchu.
I would also like the character to be a Pact of the Blade warlock a la 5e, with a traditional Chinese blade called the Jian for his bound weapon. Clothing wise can be as simple or complex as desired, but should consist of traditional Chinese robes perhaps with pieces of light armor co mingled. But as long as it has the iconic mustache and appropriate features it would be a great contribution to an otherwise lacking art base. Thanks.

Danka, Eversor.

Requesting art of a generic warrior of a unique race in my setting I'm making.

Warrior is wearing a slavic conical helm with a golden nasal guard, and mail draping down and covering EVERYTHING. The mail veil attached to the helmet is VERY long and stretches down to his breast. No visible flesh at all, even the eyes are just shadowy black pits one can't discern anything inside.

Attached to the sides of his helm are two giant black crests like these, almost like a Khorne Warrior. Just plain black plates bolted to his helm giving him an impressive and intimidating visage.

The giant warrior wears full mail armor like the pic on the left of the three, but the mail covers EVERYTHING and is draped and very loose and hanging. The is NO skin visible of any sort. Like on the right of >3 there is also a very long lamellar vest wrapped around his torso that goes down to his shins.

Height comparison to a human that is 5'9 on the left. The warrior is gigantic, and if you can do anything to capture this gigantic lumbering height, it would be great.

Carries a very large shield like this, with a buckle over the center-grip. Shield covers about 1/3rd of his body.

>6 Wields a battleaxe along with the shield. The battleaxe is NOT outlandishly sized, IE possessing fantasy axe head sizes. It's proportionally proper to his height, however compared to a human it would be very large. Simple wood and steel construction.

Can I get pick related, but looking (relatively) sixty-ish?

She might have been kinda cute once, but no more. Aged and withered, and terribly scarred. Cold, like there isn't an ounce of emotion left in her. Smaller horns, no tail. One or two elements of her once-courtly finery remain, but it's faded and tattered, been replaced in harder times, with more practical goals. Give her a staff. Maybe an eyepatch, if some of the scarring reached an eye.

She's a powerful sorceress who's spend decades and sold 75% of what she's ever cared about away in pursuit of a single overriding goal; it wasn't necessarily a bad goal, but it's not an easy one, and the costs along the way keep racking up.

A necromancy theme might be appropriate too, but subtle, please.

Requesting this cyborg cowboy riding either a cyborg horse or a motorcycle, your choice.

Anchoring this WIP

Requesting a sentai hero for my game. His name is Turbine and he is white and gold. He has golden gloves, golden boots, gold trim on his helmet and a golden medal on his belt. he also has a black cape. He controls the power of the wind, it lets him glide, use it to slash his opponent's and cut off air supply


Wrong thread Buckaroo

Woops fuck.


I have a request for a guy with a bionic left arm. Reference only shows the below elbow, but it's his whole arm. If you would please cuff both of his sleeves just enough to show the normal arm and metal one. He has hair that's short on top and shaved on the sides.

This post follows the migration pattern of an unladen swallow.

I'd like to request a holy Paladin of Zarus, weilding a maul. He's got a sort of ethereal beauty to him, and is slightly too good looking to be real. Of course, his cape is flowing around him like smoke, and he's got a slight hint of actually being undead, as implied in the reference image. Armour and Sigil of Zarus can also be seen in the image, and if possible having the sigil emblazoned onto the armour would be great. Oh, and if he's a blonde-haired, blue-eyed aryan ubermensch of a man? Bonus points.

Pose-wise, anything generally inspiring would be great, but I'm not overly fussed if the general idea is all there. Play to your talents here, you're the artist.

Migrating from previous thread

Requesting a generic looking mecha infantry dude, base it on a slimmer version of the RGM-79F, maybe styled similarly to those Kamen Rider Gundams on the right.
Optionally, with one arm being an arm cannon, Samus' arm cannon as an example, and having a shield on its back like Protoman.

I've never requested in these drawthreads, is my request too complicated? Just wanted to make sure that I'm not wasting posts

Requesting an image of the BBEG for a Sci-Fantasy setting, a duo of magical terrorists, a male mage and a female shaman vampire.

The male wears something very similar to cleric robes, with a mask like in the reference picture. He would be holding out his gloved hand towards the viewer. He's not a powerful mage but his strong point is his ability of persuasion and to radicalize others for his cause. Color scheme is dark purple and gray.

The female is from a vampire race, having very pale skin. She wears a ceremonial mask and clothes like in the ref pic. She would be standing behind the male. She wields a halberd. She has Umbrakinesis (like Zed from League of Legends). Color scheme is blue and black.

Thanks in advance!

Repostan again.
I'd like to request my chunky biker gal for a 'fall of civilisation' Mad Max-ish (the original) type of game.
Older-middle aged and obviously well built, but thickened up from years of greasy servo 'food'. She was probably a looker in her youth, but her chosen lifestyle and the recent turmoil has given her more than a handful of grey hairs, scars and wrinkles, along with a freshly broken nose. Short, mousy hair, and a few studs and loops in her ears.
She wears a thick leather biker jacket wherever she goes, and carries a jimmy bar looped in her belt.
I'll leave pose and the actual details of what she looks like up to the artist, feel free to add in anything flavourful if you think it'd fit the character. As always, thanks a bunch if anyone wants to pick this up.

>Can I get pick related, but looking (relatively) sixty-ish?
More early 60s than mid to late 60s, but I hope it works for you.

Not OR, but i'm dying. You're doing god's work.

Requesting Necoho the Doubter (pic related and perhaps a bit more George-esque if you prefer) sitting at a table having tea with an emaciated, bald man in a shabby, torn robe.

This is the result of a Black Crusade game where the Sorcerer rolled 'Warp Feast' and now spends eternity discussing philosophy with the Doubtful One.

Requesting an image of her wearing a long button up and nothing else, holding a cup of coffee and looking verrrry tired of everyones shit.

Snarky replies best replies

I would love to see a version of this guy in a loose fitting bartender outfit mixing some drinks.

I could use an urban monk/martial artist character.

She's based on pic related, with the same enthusiasm, wearing a good ol' red, white and blue bikini top like in pic related and the same baseball cap, but over the top she's wearing a brown bomber jacket with a white collar and blue jeans with high top red, white and blue sneakers. Blonde, blue eyed.

She's an All American brawler in the body of a bikini babe. An enthusiastic California tomboy ready to hit the surf.

Jotaro Kujo in 40k Imperium Commissar uniform

>mfw I have no face
On one hand, I love it, on the other hand, I think it would just confuse my players.

Progress so far. Drawfag please continue your awesome.


So you basically want Tina Armstrong from DoA?

Shit, I think she's got an outfit like you're describing in DoA5

Tina is (or at least was) a vain hyper-sexed actress/model with a strong Texan flavor.

This is more a female Terry Bogard.

I wanna request a dude and a girl either hugging or dancing together; either way, both should seem pretty happy with that.
The dude should look as pic related, except darker clothes (up to maybe black) and has dimly glowing eyes. He looks as if in his mid-30's.
The girl should have a Galadriel-style dress as pic related, maybe recoloured. Yellow and black tones somewhere in there would be awesome, as she is generally fairly wasp-themed. She is a Golarion elf, so she should have fully-coloured eyes (as pic related) and long ears. Hair preferably long (about as pic related). Eyes green, hair light brown, skin pale.
If it matters, the dude is the girl's senpai.
Thanks in advance, m80's, I believe in you.


Migrating from last thread.

Requesting a Gauntlet warrior:
He uses the trench coat outfit, all in black, the hairstyle on the middle (no facial hair), his gauntlets are the ash's gauntlets but in black, and a half mask like in the bottom right, with the eye part like the shield on the right of the mask. You can change the design of the mask if you want. Thank you and don't overwork yourselves.

I'm going to hit you with an early 00s wiggerism and say 'that shit's dope'.

Commissar Kujo, veteran of the Diamond Crusade, commander of the Star Platinum penal battalion.

That is perfection, not OR but I want to request all other JoJos in WH40k outfits now

>02:15:36 request made
>02:41:56 delivery
That was fast.

Ah, right
The dude should be super pale. Not black skin, definitely.
Fuck, I fucked this up.

I wanna request a dude and a girl either hugging or dancing together; either way, both should seem pretty happy with that.
The dude should look as pic related, except darker clothes (up to maybe black), has really pale skin and dimly glowing eyes (still blue tho). He looks as if in his mid-30's.
The girl should have a Galadriel-style dress as pic related, maybe recoloured. Yellow and black tones somewhere in there would be awesome, as she is generally fairly wasp-themed. She is a Golarion elf, so she should have fully-coloured eyes (as pic related) and long ears. Hair preferably long (about as pic related). Eyes green, hair light brown, skin pale.
If it matters, the dude is the girl's senpai.
Thanks in advance, m80's, I believe in you.

...And black hair on the dude. Fuck my ineptness, I'm not deleting again.

Battle Tendencies Joseph would make Creed look like a tactical moron, but I don't know if he should be an Imperial Guard general or an Inquisitor.

Reposting it due to new thread.

Requesting second of a four NPC group for my setting.

She is a battle mage who wear leather over a thin chainmail. She is an attacker who use fire magic and fencing abilities. A sword in one hand, a spell in the other one. She is swift, cunning and she doesn’t lacks of physical strenght (but she’s not particularly muscular). A ruby is embedded in the hilt of her sword, permitting her to channel her magic.

She has blue eyes, auburn hair. She keeps a determined face but her eyes betray a certain weariness. From the war, she has only one mark : a little scar on the chin.
Her armor is boiled leather (colors : red burgundy and black) with some parts denser and heavier than other which she uses to defend herself if she has no escape.

I'd put him as an Imperial Guard General. What about the others, though? I'm entertained by the thought of seeing Jolyne as a SPESS MUHRIN solely because of her brutality and determination in certain fights.
Also Jonathan as the almighty God Emperor, of course.

Jolyne is clearly some kind of SoB caught up in trying to expose a corrupted priest. I know its obvious, but it works a bit too well considering Pucci's whole deal.

Fuck that's much better, didn't even think of Pucci
JJBA WH40k spinoff when
All 8 Parts
Please Araki

she also dies, something SoBs are good at

Either a dullahan sSoB or a rubric SoB wich lost her helmet.

WH40K request:

Requesting this Biker themed hero defending and protecting two xeno kids from a space marine. The Biker Themed Hero is a psyker, or has space magic abilities and has maybe a purplish aura around him and maybe he'd have electricity or some magic crackling in his hands to show he's a space wizard. And he's also a human so therefore; "Race Traitor" and Heretic.

The Hero would strike a similar pose which is something to telling the space marine to back away from the xeno kids, and the space marine featured should probably be a Black Templar.

If the artist who delivered this the other day is still around, please drop some contact information or a link to somewhere I can see more of your work, this is an absolutely wonderful bit of work, thanks again!

rere requesting because im quacking mad

1A: Generally what I want his armour to look like, details can be changed if you think it'll look better/less of a pain in the ass, so long as it doesn't look total "dude pauldrons" high fantasy

1B: General pose I want him to be doing, embroidery/symbols on the tabard as well. For the sword just give him a generic bastard sword/greatsword, plain without much detailing.

2A: What he looks like -- he's got pretty horrific facial scarring, and he's lost one of his eyes, probably tried to headbutt a tarrasque or something

2B: the cloth/eyepatch like the one in the picture is what he covers the fucked up portion of his face with you can make it smaller/expose the scarring more if you feel it'll look better

1c: just have some fairy/elf trying to get his attention by pulling or his ear or something, generally with a disapproving look on it's face. You can do whatever for the fae, just make it's gender look "ambiguous"

thank if you pick it up

For Honour armor is disgusting and you should not use it. It's non-fuctional and worse than 13th century armor.

There's nothing wrong with it, its perfectly functional. Just like 13th century armour is perfectly functional and, dare I say it, aesthetically pleasing. Armour autists really are a bane of the Veeky Forums community.

"Your imaginary character in a pen and paper game shouldn't wear X"

That is utterly ridiculous sounding user. It all gets the same stats, unless otherwise stated by the GM

Barely. The only real armor on the for honor vanguard is a hauberk with no sleeves over a gambeson. The only seriously armored part of his body is the head and forearms, but the second most critical spot, the body, is sorely in need of better armor if he has access to fucking plate of that complexity. For one that coat of plate, if you could even call it that, is non-functional with ginormous gaps in it defeating its purpose. It won't stop most sword cuts, and it certainly won't stop arrows, axes, and lances.

It's like if a retarded monkey was given internet access, and it copied the first results on google. The center-of-mass is more poorly armored than a Cataphract from the 11th century.

lol who cares

Like I said, armour autist.

Anybody that knows anything about armor. For Honour is worse than stuff like warhammer or warcraft, because at least overdone armor clearly didn't give a damn to begin with. Giving half of a damn is a worse crime as it means there was effort, but it was pathetic.

>Anybody that knows anything about armor
Nah. Just autists.

>implying people who know anything about armor aren't autists

Really awesome. But the monocle/cybernetic eye looks a bit weird

Reposting my Black Crusade Fleshshaper request from previous thread.

Those hands are made of fucking nightmares.

Requesting a zombiefied Space Marine, he'd be in the same pose and is also dragging around either a power sword or thunder hammer the same way like in the pic.

The zombie space marine does not have his helmet on and some parts of his face or half of his face is missing. His armor should be dented, beaten and or scratched up looking with blood splatters. And maybe the zombiefied space marine is either a bloody magpie or a ultramarine (smurf).

Yep they are. The whole concept behind Gerhart's physical appearance is "Uncanny Valley Nightmare fuel"

Can you guys draw my character getting his ass kicked?

I have a request for a knight, a major antagonist for the PCs.. I've attached a reference.

He isn't seen out of his armor in public, and you can't really see any of the man himself when he's wearing it. The suit's baroque, morbid, and heavily embellished. Importantly, its proportions should seem slightly off - a strangely-shaped or sized helm, limbs subtly too long; nothing super-blatant, but something that suggests the occupant does not have a normal human shape. The armor is a lacquered black with silver accents on detail elements.

Starting from the sabatons - these are angular and pointed. Cruel-looking silver spurs adorn the heels. Stylized goblins (upper right of the reference image) are worked in silver upon the greaves, done in such a manner that it looks like the suit's wearer is treading upon them and they're reaching up in agony.

The armor's codpiece is grossly exaggerated, resembling the thorax of a wasp, complete with a stinger.

A heraldric rose (upper right) is worked in silver upon the breastplate. Radiating from it are thorned vines (flat against the armor, not protruding outward like spikes). These vines extend all the way down to the suit's vambraces, growing thinner as they grow distant from the rose. The fingertips of the gauntlets are fitted with talons. At the shoulders, the suit's besagews are worked with screaming faces.

The rear of the armor's breastplate is fitted with a weird hump of unknown purpose (think something what Halo's Grunts have).

I'm of two minds on the helmet - either something that recalls Lautrec's minus the crown, or something that resembles a human face; perhaps with the brow circled in serpents like a crown? Either way, the shape should be subtly...off if possible, like his head isn't normally-shaped.

I realize this request is pretty complex, but if anyone takes it on you have my thanks - and thanks anyway for reading it.

I tried

I was going to start the OP the exact same way.

Here is your fight scene sir.
Not my tightest work, but it was fun sketching it.

Gloranthia Runequest Request is up next.
I had hoped I'd have a WIP for you by now by the night got away from me a little.

I don't give myself more than 4-5 hours a week to work on drawings, on top of that I try to cram as much improvement and experimentation as I can into a piece. Therefore unfortunately for the OR's its normally weeks or even months before I finish a request.

The ducks excellent! I shall name him Comissar Obscurisus Smugduck and he shall feature in my next WIP.

i'm playing an intense landsknecht in a very combat and gear autistic system, so i went all out with the clothes, fanciness is obligatory.

/r/ing a knecht with the same facial structure as the image on the left, with the clothing style of the knecht on the right. i'll leave actual colours and patterns up to the user who draws this, if you know how to draw you probably have a way better aesthetic sense than i do.

wields an extremely pimped out montante that used to belong to a priest, and usually has a war dog with fur that matches his scruffy beard at his side, but that's not important to include. last session we boarded an enemy vessel, and landy the fabulous landsknecht was set on fire; this didn't stop him from cleaving through a pike, 2 heretics and smothering the flames with a 3rd though. singed beard and clothes is optional.

>song of swords
>realistic combat

Are there any artists here with open commissions right now? I'd like to get a romantic lewd done of an in-game couple in my campaign.

If you're available and interested, please post your contact information and a sample of your artwork.

OR here, thank you. It looks amazing.

I appreciate the effort.

Requesting a female wartime looter who gets sick of seeing death and tries to become a knight to help people end their story rightly.

She uses a spear, longsword, and small shield (maybe throw in a backup dagger) and is wearing a scavenged, mismatched set of armor.

>skallagrim maymays

>HEMA maymays in general
a sad existance

Requesting Kevin the Beastman being a cunt, like so youtube.com/watch?v=yuwprXAaSv0

Tough request here!

i'm looking for some exotic fashion style to give my players a better feel of what people look like in the world they play in.

So, it takes place in a city that is set in a Desert with red sand. it can be imagined as a mix between India and victorian london. Yeah, its a weird mix-up, but thats how i want it.

and people dress like a mixup as well. pic related. Try to combine and design the fashion of people who live there. a mashup between oriental and victorian. "Victoriental".

You don't need to draw the person in detail if you don't want to. dressup a stick figure if you need to.

Requesting a male catfolk like the one in pic related hitting on a young male barista/waiter.

Said male catfolk does not have to be a warrior guy though.

This is a hopefully a simple request.
A in B's pose/style with C on his back.
Speech bubbles are ok but not necessary.

If nobody responds user, you can always try this list:


No, I just haven't drawn the head yet, the picture has been delayed by me deciding to redo a bunch of the details.

Requesting Eliphas the Inheritor in his Retribution termie armour, but with his Dark Crusade colours (the crimson and silver) and wearing his DC helmet. Thanks in advance.

I just want a cute female elf bare chested with a motherly smile hugging a young human teenager male that cries.

I just caught something.
Reduced, it seems like all the details blur together in a mess, but when I look at it full view, the foreground is clear as day to me, but I drew it and know what to look for.
Can you all make it out okay?