/twgg/ TowerGirls CYOA General

We're currently working on Expansion 2

Bury the Hatchet Edition

Here's the current worklog:
| Expac 2 |
-Loose details

Discussion of the Towergirls CYOA, RPG, Setting, or Video Games welcome here!

Everyone welcome.

Q - What is Towergirls?
A Veeky Forums creation. Read more here.

Q - How do I play?
A - It's a CYOA, there are no established mechanics for the rescue. All the pages to the game are in the imgur album linked in resources.

Q - Why aren't/are we we working on; Fan Gen III/Knights/combat mechanics/etc.
A - We recognize that spreading out our efforts is part of what originally killed the project after Gats left. Accordingly, we're focusing on just one thing at a time and finishing them out.

Q - Hey, can we make a princess about X fetish?
A - It generally comes down to what people like. Propose the idea and see if others want it.

Q - Is there a map/unified setting?
A - Nope. Though proposals have been made, nothing concrete has been created.

Q - Can I post fanart/fanfiction here?
A - Go right on ahead. Just make sure it's within the global rules.

Imgur Album - imgur.com/a/maXHJ
Tower Girls infinity Chan Board - https:// infinity ch.net/twgrl
Booru - tower-girls.booru.org/
Brushes, Fonts, and Templates - pastebin.com/0uCbMGx6 (embed)

Subtitle Pending:
Kingdom Conquest:

Contact Project Lead: [email protected]

Old Thread:

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Which ones are the reverse traps?

Thanks user, I honestly didn't think it was a big deal.

I'll just keep these chat things private, if a majority of the people dont like it, which is clear now (with some reasoning behind it). Like how I've been doing with Eversor, ezpz.

Sorry for the mess, but at least we got the bump count up a bit.

Here u go my dude.

Sure my dude.


Border General and Squire Courtier.

Squire Courtier is a Schrodinger's Cat.

How do you figure?
That's pretty good.

It is ambiguous whether Squire is a girly boy or a boyish girl.

I always figured it was a girl pretending to be a boy because "what is under those clothes" implies she's hiding it, not compensating for the lack thereof.

Every interpretation is valid.

Love it, t-thanks

Hey Guayo, if you're still arting, this was the request I accidentally threw in that one time you were doing starbound stuff.

Fusion of Symbiote and Physicker. I mostly want it too look like Symbiote melded with Physicker's clothes.

Plus Symbiote's breast size....obviously >_>

In regards to the awesome Guayo art, and the user that requested it, did you by chance get to see the wallpaper I commissioned from Eversor?

Also, regarding the picture itself. Adorable. Poor Sphinx falling for the clothes trap. Sleeves of Many Garments are a thing.

>the wallpaper I commissioned from Eversor
I can't say I have, is it on the booru? I might have seen it without realizing.

Sized for my screen, but there are more sized here.

I can give it a shot.





This is just adorable! Thanks man, definitely saving.

Filth Princess floating on a pool toy, her fat tits bobbing in the water in front of her?

To delve into the backstory on it.
GM is running the setting mentioned in her description.
Sphinx and GM organized the game, drug Skeleton (with Human's body), Kobold, Sir Knight, and Orphan into it.
Sir Knight is playing a Fighter (it's his first game, but boy if he isn't having a good time.)
Skeleton is playing a wizard. (And is always pouring over her spells.)
Sphinx of course brought her variant of the A-Game Paladin. (She never stops rolling dice, ever)
Orphan is playing a Healer. (But Book is really the one doing most of the RP for it since Orphan really can't convey things too well.)
Kobold brought in a DFA with high face skills, but after Sir Knight and Sphinx decided to murderhobo a group of kobolds that were just travelling merchants, she got upset and left citing "rollplaying."
The situation on the board is after Sir Knight flirted with a dryad with his 8 Cha, and failing a roll... Upsetting her AND her Treant boyfriend.

Also, as the newbie to the table Sir Knight was supposed to bring the snacks. He brought one pizza and two sodas. Skeleton only has once because she asked him nicely for he extra one.


Jesus Christ, how Arousifying.

Interesting take on it. Thanks for taking it on.

That sounds like a fun group! Poor Kobold Princess though. Makes for a cool, well thought out commission piece. Thanks again for sharing it.

A wild Despot appears




Hey, question for you Guayo, any chance you live in Peru?


Nope, Florida, I was born in Miami and grew up in Nicaragua for sometime and now Im back in good ol Hurricaneland.

Alrighty, you just kind of remind me of an old gaming friend of mine that moved to Peru. Sorry for prodding.

Bro, me too.
Northwest shithole, though. In addition to hurricanes, there's NOTHING here.

No prob my dude.

Anything else before I head off for the night folks?

Who now?

reposting stats from last thread

rant/overlord/despot princess

+ Powerful and "effective" ruler
+ "helps" manage and run your kingdom
- actually just using you for your resources
- makes you her little bitch
+ you kind of like it
Love 0
Lust 4
Wealth 2
Power 5

Punishment play

Lust gift "the ladies cage" (chastity cage thing) while wearing this you can perform any task asked of you to perfection but are unable to refuse any request or remove it on your own.

A mad tyrant who regularly fights off heros seeking to dethrone her, facing a life of humiliation and servitude as punishment. Since you rescued her she will probably treat you better. Probably.

Naw, you've sated our hunger. Sleep well, faglord.

Rule 63 Smuhg?

Im from Miami, but I'm now in Tampa. North is a nice quiet chill.

Glad to see more Hurricane Storm Bros.

Searched booru, I dont know what Smugh is, mind posting a ref my dude?

Apparently not, but Ill do this last one and head to bed.

The beast must have a midnight snack before it allows me to go.


Also known as the asshole wizard that gave you the cart.

Here u are.

Pretty cute.
For a dickhead wizard.


Reposting my mix and match.

Requesting Mix and matches by other anons.

This is an adventuring party of 6: Druid/Fighter, Cleric, Wizard, Rogue, Fighter/Techie, Mount.

Chose my fav looking knight.
Staur is waifu.
Robot is assaultron.

>Symbiote princess art in some form

This pleases me.

Speakin' of symbiote princess, I was thinkin about doin her alts. There's enough symbiotes in the comics that I could just make them all variants of those, but I don't think anybody wants that.

So that being said. I already basically have the Venom alt done. And after that, I figure the only other comic symbiotes I need to do are Carnage and Anti-venom. Maybe Scream. We could also do a "tacticool" version of her default like Agent Venom was to Venom. I'd like one her alts to be a pulled back symbiote, revealing her human hosts' head and hands, with bits of symbiote covering up the naughty bits. That leaves 3 alts if we don't do Scream. I heard someone wanted to do a warframe alt? What else would you guys like?

What's the one with the silly anime hair?

Do we have a discord?

You mean Scream?

Very true, if you really want, all the stationgirls refer to something, some are more clear than other. The problem is that sci-fi is a "new" genre, fantasy has a lot of folklore to back up. Btw, if you really want some new stationgirls here a couple of reference I missed: cosmic tentacles horror, undersea race, steampunk, cyberpunk, sentai space super Hero, parallel universe, unfrozen caveman, time traveller, space catgirl. As you can see: tropes.

No, her hair is spiky.


She ded, and a punk

I guess, just saying she'd be a distinctive alt.

do we have an "edge" princess yet?

Yes, she looks like an emo and lives in sharp glass kingdom.

that is perfect

I figured Mania's too close to Venom.

And Mania's definitely not dead. The entire last 3 issues of Spaceknight are focusing on Flash saving her.

literally made for deep french kisses

Whelp, better start reading Spaceknight. Haven't touched it, as I was waiting for Venom's return to earth.

You're still insane user!

Does Shark Princess still have her hair? I thought I saw a picture of her where she didn't.

The hairless version was the original file I found before things kicked back up. My friends and I thought she looked odd without hair so I threw some on there and statted her up. I'm pretty sure I have a file somewhere around here without the hair, if you simply must have it...

(a few minutes later)

Found it! (Pic related)

Hairless looks kinda good.
I always found hair on an anthro kinda awkward.
Not saying hair version looks bad.

Honestly, I prefer the version with hair, but to each their own.

Same, which is why I ultimately went with it.

done a stationgirl booru, because.

Are there any knight designs with unwritten profiles?

Hey /twgg/, first timer here.

I've been trying to find a good combo of Princesses and Companions wth a Wrestling theme.

So far I think that he best combo is Half-Orc Monk Courtier + Wrestling Princess for Optimized Suplex Action. And both of them can entertain each otherduring peace time.

After that, Ogre Princess could be a good fit with that Athletic mindset, big honkers and sweat fetish.

But I can't for the life of me find a suitable fourth and final princess to save to finish the Wrestler theme. Should I go for another athletic princess or find an announcer-like one ? Or maybe a manager ?

Is it possible to suplex a dragon ?

I wish Scorn was back.
Cyborg Symbiote is pretty interesting.

I did Merrow Knight at one point on somebody's suggestion, but it never received proper artwork so I didn't card it.

I mean its
Shark with mammal hair.
Its always a stretch.
And i know she has tits. But hair which is rather uncommon or hair that grow as if there is no bodyhair is kinda awkward for me.

So that would be a written profile without art. I'm looking for the opposite. The art is there, but not the profile.

That's part of it. To be more exact, I'd say that fantasy as a genre draws on the past, while science fiction draws on the future; while fantasy archetypes have had a long history and tradition to be standardized, sci-fi archetypes are deliberately new and different in their execution.

If we're going to do another part of Stationgirls, I think that a good place to start would be the gameplay mechanics. Each version of Towergirls had its own gimmick associated with its girls, like magic spells or allies. It'll be easier to come up with new princesses if we know what template to follow, so it would be helpful to think of gimmicks we could use.

For the Hive Princesses, I'd kind of like for them all to be part of the same species, like the Dragon Princesses were. It'd help preserve the vague sense of continuity and make Stationgirls feel more like its own thing. Maybe they could all have similar-looking "base" forms but become more unique when they mature.

Tbh there wasn't a profile either. Just very ugly "concept" art. Bit of a shame, since I rather liked the idea (although you can sell nearly anything to me by adding "deep sea" in front of it, so I might not be the best to judge). It had a gimmick that since deep sea fish tend to have really extreme sexual dimorphism, the actual knight was just a cute little fish wearing a knight helmet, being carried around in a bubble/fishbowl by his female squire (who would be the one doing all the fighting). Second thing was that aside from the knight-fish's helmet (which looked like the standard knight helmet), all the weapons and armour would be organic in origin. Armour made from conches and seashells, helmet from a skull of some sea monster, and a jawbone of a shark as a weapon.

Sounds like a pretty cool idea. Too bad it didn't catch on. It seems pretty creative.

I'd suggest the original Amazon princess

She was one of the few who was capable of goin toe to toe with DP1

Why are you making another booru? It still is based off from tower girls. That is like making a booru for all the side-sheets. You are just breaking things up further.

Isn't Amazon princess a violently jealous yandere chick ? Would Monk Courtier be able to protect the Knight from Amazon's wrath ?

Amazon's problem is the power play involved. She's not super nice with rivals

Well, for now I have still some rewards to draw. But new ideas can be helpful. For now the only division I was thinking of was about sub genres: so steampunk, cyberpunk, proto science fiction, urban fantasy, pulp, fearsome critters and urban legends, movie monsters and giant robots, etc. At the moment it's all mixed. But I like in this way.

Maybe we could have a different hive depending on the planet she want to conquer.

Could you share with us the ideas you already had for Rewards and the limit you want to set for yourself?

I can see at least two ways for how we could handle having additional Hive Princesses as the Bosses in future charts. Another user brought up that the first Hive Princess could have "sisters" in a sense similar to the Dragon Princesses, mentioning a possible Hive Princess who is focused on "perfecting" genetic sequences as opposed to breeding. Each Hive Princess would be vastly different in physical appearance since they'd have each been born to serve a different role for the Tyrant Swarm if we go by this, but they could all still be directly related to one another. The other, which you just mentioned, is to have different Swarms sending out their own potential future Queens. In this case they could either be vastly different species or merely different breeds.

mostly they will be a reskin of the towergirls rewards, with robots intead of undead, plus some other I posted some time ago:
Xxx files: Scandalous photos and informations about the princess. Save all cryptid and Mib princess.
Smart girl. Save gray, mind, brain and robot 2.0
Movie magic, save xeno, hunter, slave and bounty.
Tech expert, save robot, data, brain and cyborg.
Only for human. Save slave, bounty, cyborg and Mib.
Wigs for everyone. Save only bald princess. You get redesigned version, with hair!
Hidden invasion. Save critter, pod, hive, reptilian.
Attack of the space babes. Save gray, mind, martian, flatwood.
Do not touch - save mind, energy, data, brain.
Master of the universe. Save hunter, reptilian, martian and slave.
Fly high. Save only princess able to fly. Reptilian, mothman, hive

I have no goal, I drew what I feel like. So it perfectly possible I got bored or busy in the middle of a gen if I plan something long :D

If you're open to suggestions, I put together another two that include Princesses that aren't mentioned in the others.

Behind the Mask - Save Bounty, Mutant, Agent, Wasteland Princess
Identity Crisis - Save Pod, Agent, Clone, and Goop Princess

hey look!, It's Ace!

But where's Hacker Ace?

Me too user. Me too.
Some more alien tropes we could do are a tall, lanky alien, an android/gynoid, or maybe some sort of girl who's built herself into a building, and is hanging from the ceiling from a bunch of wires (think a human version of GLaDOS), shapeshifter, retro space babe (green skin, 3 boobs, crazy hair), insectoid alien, and if we want, we could even do a living planet princess.

I think with those, and the other suggestions, we easily have enough for more than half to not be specific references.

And I was thinking the same thing with the hive princesses. Maybe slap wings on one (before transformation), give one some more legs, they can all have slightly different crests, and so on.

Sorry I bailed on the thread. Real life stuff. Here's a Magical Princess.

Real life comes first. We'll be here waiting for you.

picarto.tv/Eversor streaming, maybe do a fusion if people are around to suggest some.

Reminds me of the fairy god mother from cinderella, works

You can make one based on the Guyver's armor

There an image of ExtraGen1 with updated images?

in progress pumpkin princess, any ideas for her other kink or her dislike?

haunted patch kingdoms
pumpkin princess

+ Can summon and controll Rope like Vines
+ Skilled tailor specializing in costumes and desguises
+ Playful trickster
- Glow is Kinda Spooky at night
- Insatable sweet tooth

Love 3
Lust 2
Wealth 3
Power 2

Lust gift: Costume closet: with these clothes and cosmetics you can convincingly disguise someone as a member of another race

New fusion btw!

Dislikes bugs.

kill it

With what?


>Aemon Princess
I believe the term is Nephalem.


Nephilim were angel/human hybrids.

So this is just an Aasimir/Tiefling, and completely banned in PFS

>Banned in PFS
Like just about everything.