Can regular animals be evil-aligned?
Can regular animals be evil-aligned?
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Have you heard about what dolphins do? Or what seals sometimes do to penguins?
I'd say yes. And I can imagine in a campaign where an evil animal trainer rewards behavior like attacking without provocation, destroying the property of others, and scaring children.
If they're sufficiently intelligent, maybe. But mostly no, it says that in the rules.
No animal is sufficiently intelligent in the rules
chimps do some fucked up shit for no apparent reason
Boars are Always Chaotic Evil. Always.
>for no apparent reason
His owner gave him xanax
>Have you heard about what dolphins do?
Are you talking about the rape? Because a lot of animals do that.
>Or what seals sometimes do to penguins?
So playing with your food is considered enough to align you as evil?
You're strict.
>Can regular animals be evil-aligned?
If you had ever actually encountered a goose, you would know that they are malevolence incarnate.
Close enough to evil for me.
Seals rape penguins too.
>The comic's publication triggered media and other commentary
The weird phrasing had me wonder if the tumblr definition of Trigger had entered common usage.
This is true.
Tumblr did not invent that use of the word. Rather it has been used like that, albeit sparingly, for at least two decades and very likely much more.
Goats are chaotic neutral
>implying rape is a bad thing and not a normal behavior
Even humans have been doing it since forever.
Harming others for fun or satisfaction is considered evil, even if acting selfishly is considered instinctive.
Spiders are lawful evil.
Is it wasps or hornets that are chaotic evil? I forget which one. I know bees are mostly neutral, though.
Prompted isn't as well-known of an action word
I'd say the few self-aware animals can be considered to have understanding of their actions to the level an action can be good or evil
so basically dolphins, chimps, elephants and certain types of crows
Hornets are just big wasps, so both.
They're not so bad.
No, boars are evil, destructive beings who kill and ruin all around them. Pigs would be fine if they weren't permanently 3 months away from becoming boars.
They are more of "Chaotic Enraged" in my opinion.
Pissed off most of the time at anything, rather than evil per se.
Permanent were-beast? I'll believe it.
>implying that boar anger isn't the very definition of law.
Why do you think we call cops pigs?
Perfect filename
>scaring children
What an elementary understanding of evil, children need to be frightened early and often.
Spiders aren't remotely evil, particularly our local brown-recluse-black-widow-and-mosquito-eating wolf spiders.
>Jerome died from cancer in 2004, and the Herolds' only child died in a car accident; as a result, Sandra Herold regarded Travis almost as a son and pampered him.[10][11] Sandra slept and bathed with Travis, saying, "I'm, like, hollow now. He slept with me every night. Until you've eaten with a chimp and bathed with a chimp, you don't know a chimp."[14][15]
This is probably why, she fucked up the social dynamic she had with Travis. Who knows what lewd shit she did with him?
Wolf Spiders are CG Barbarians
Horse Hair Worm
I know one of you guys has the gif or webm with the mantis. Post it.
Also, Hornets. Those guys are dicks
cats are LE
This comment had me wonder what the fuck is wrong with modern English language education.
>spiders are okay becuz they eat the scary bad bugs!
you don't get it, fuckers. spiders ARE the scary bad bugs that I want to go away. It's like hiring Nazis to drive out the local KKK chapter, I don't want any of them around my house.
True Neutral.
>Have you heard about what dolphins do?
Those are horrifying outliers of the species that Veeky Forums has latched onto because they think it's amusing.
If spiders aren't evil and actually useful, why do I still find mosquitoes and other insects? Checkate arachnophiles.
I'm just going to get some of these laser turrets made for the third world that shoot down mosquitoes. Hopefully they can be set to attack spiders too.
Fucking hornets and yellow jackets. Not only are they pure evil, they're fucking angry.
Spot the dolphin sympathizer.
I missread Boars as Boards.
>certain types of crows
I'd say all Corvids are smart enough to be included.
Because there are just that many more insects than spiders. If anything you need more local bats and birds
The birds are leaving these days.
As far as I know, the bat population is healthy, too.
Canadian Geese are as evil as it gets, so I'd argue in favour of yes.