Threw this against the wall a few days back, didn't stick.
So, asking again - anyone here into Mutant Chronicles? Warzone, or Doomtrooper is also fine.
Threw this against the wall a few days back, didn't stick.
So, asking again - anyone here into Mutant Chronicles? Warzone, or Doomtrooper is also fine.
bumbping out of nostalgia, was kicking ass with Mishima during the first edition, like, 16years ago or something.
but I also gotta tell u, chances of these thread kickig in are very low, despite attempts being made the setting is pretty much dead.
well warzone resurrection had a successful kickstarter, and rules 2.0 are now in beta.
there are 1st ed rules, and all the army lists (version 1.6, and 1.3 for Imperial) available for download.
the 2.0 is an open beta, but lists are only for the starter sets, so I'll need to pick up a bauhaus starter, because my unorthodox Imperial army was built without the starter set.
There's also 3rd ed rpg in the works, and a new edition of siege of the citadel (I still have a mint, unpainted Blood Berets board game)
bumping with a venussian marshal
yeah, I know, that's why I said "despite the attempts". See, no one really plays Warzone anymore, that's why I said it is dead. It died with the second edition all those years ago and all the various attempt to bring it back to lie ware met with a nostalgic smile but nothing more. And resurrection is in the making since how many years now? And it is still far from being ready to be sold proper.
it's being sold, and tournaments are held, at least here in Poland.
Well I am a Polishfag too, and I know about the vatious tourys and events, but still I gotta say, can u honestly claim that warzone is popular? As in, not an old exotic system that barely anyone plays anymore? And here on teegee many ppl never even heard about it.
well it's definetely a game for dinosaurs like us, true.
Definetely not mainstream like 40k, or even battletech, which is also kind of stuck in limbo here in PL, though it gets regular threads on Veeky Forums
Bumping with wolfbane awesomeness, because I can.
MC3e doesn't seem to be doing too badly.
>And it is still far from being ready to be sold proper.
Prodos got issues. Their AvP kickstarter was not a pretty sight, even though it appears to have at long last kinda gotten sorted out by now? Still, stuff like that is usually a sign of a company that's one bad day away from complete implosion.
The saga:
guess I better stock up on minis while they're being made.
Still, I know prince august has some of the original 1e and 2e warzone minis (even a few original blisters).
and at least it's way better than the god awful mutant chronicles plastic whatever-the-fuck that was a few years back.
what is Frank Drebin doing back there?
searching for assassins and heretics with a pair of mechanical mastiffs
heh. Lemme guess - strength 9 cybernetic arm deathbringer?
I love the original rules, but it was too darn easy to get the cheese level through the roof, like a nimrod cyber arm mercenary shooting 12 samurai in one activation, or a free marine hero infiltrating and pinning half your opponent's force with a sniper rifle on turn one.
Not to mention that Bauhaus and Cybertronic sniper rifles had a range of 100, and 120 inches respectively.
The old version and its derivatives had kinda regular tourneys and events too (at least until the release of WZR, dunno if they switched), that doesn't mean it was popular in circles wider than a small cadre of faithful hardcore oldfags.
well, the small circles are never as much of a problem, as the company going under and minis no longer being available.
>There's also 3rd ed rpg in the works
What do you mean in the works? Its out.
I'd have tried it too if our group didn't get kinda turned off by how the publisher botched the kickstarter deliveries and all the rumors that the initial quality just dropped through the floor. No idea how its actually doing though.
Yup, when 2nd ed came out we decuded to burn it and forget it and returned to 1st but homeruled the shit out of it, less the cheese was insufferable. Many models, like that Wolf u mention, or a Daemonhunter, ware outright banned ubless your opponent allowed them. The useless unita got some new rules and the obvious choice ones got nerfed.
my bad then - i didn't look into it too closely - i just knew it was supposed to come out.
also the reason i liked small point games - there was no room for the super cheesy 370 point character in a 500 point game.
Other than owning Mutant Chronicles: The Siege of the Citadel, and playing DoomTrooper once, I never really got into the game.
IIRC Simon Bisley did some cool covers for a Golgotha comic book back in the day. Never did find a PDF of the last issue...
>guess I better stock up on minis while they're being made.
I bought 3 bags of the Warzone Imperial & Bauhaus 80 figures from Prince August when they were having a Christmas sale. They were so cheap, I think it came to $0.15 a figure!
I figured I could have the kids practice on them, and use some for conversions, or introduce others into the hobby showing them painting techniques.
I don't know how it's doing, I only know that it is a prime example of how not to make a MC3e.
I was stoked about the revival, Now I can't even bother.
>Never did find a PDF of the last issue...
you mean #4? I have 4 parts as .jpg
I'm reading through the 3e rulebook now, so far i'm liking the extra fluff.
this is the last part I have, says 4 of 4.
dumping the comic, let me know if you want the other 3
Thanks user! Yeah, post the other 3! Glad to see someone else appreciated this comic.
Also, Siege of the Citadel is getting a reboot:
Thanks again, user! are you going to post the other two later?
yup, gpnna dump them tomorrow (it's 1 am here)
Thanks m8! I'll check it tomorrow!