So what do you actually expect out of the Masterpiece series going forward? A Return to Theros block with Masterpiece Enchantments? Masterpiece Instants and Sorceries on Vryn? Maybe Masterpiece Planeswalkers on a trip through Dominaria or Ravnica?
So what do you actually expect out of the Masterpiece series going forward...
Pros: cards that needed to be reprinted that wouldn't really make sense in standard are getting pumped out
Cons:Wizards created a new rarity beyond mythic
The only thing that will bother me here is that they are printing these cards with wacky borders based on their respective plane.
With each plane only spanning two sets per block now, any deck that uses a multitude of these cards will be a mishmash of colors and designs despite some cards being the same type, and it will only take a couple years before it happens.
It'll crash. There's only so many "hits"
When they start doing basic lands and sub par rares some will be as cheap as $20. As a player/speccer I love it.
New pimp for Edh, extra rush when opening packs, cheaper standard cards all together. I'm a fan.
People will also crack even more packs than usual trying to chase the shiniest cards, so the average price of rares will be lower overall. We've already seen it in action with BfZ and Oath.
>When they start doing basic lands
I don't expect it to ever get quite that bad.
>cards that needed to be reprinted
These are too rare to make a difference. In addition, demand is higher for them because shiny so that offsets the small increase in supply.
I could see a line of Planeswalkers and/or Legendaries along with their iconic spell cards.
It won't but the price for zendikar expeditions do tanked a little when they mentioned that these masterpieces will be regularly featured in future expansions.
Basically, it's still cool and rare but it have lost it's exclusivity.
Since Masterpiece Enchantments seems like an extremely obvious direction to go in, what sort of Enchantments do you think seem likely?
Land Tax?
Prismatic Omen?
Mana Reflection?
The gods?
>the place for reprints is not in things like modern masters or eternal masters, sets marketed and seemingly dedicated for reprinting older cards, but rather conspiracy and the new mythic slot
God fucking dammit Wizards.
I will continue to say this every goddamn threads.
"Premium foil mythics" are NOT reprints. They do nothing for the people who are trying to obtain the card and gives wizards an excuse to fuck the playerbase in the ass.
Damnation is next
>Land Tax Masterpiece
>Moat Masterpiece
>Worship Masterpiece
>Humility Masterpiece
My dick is rock hard
I expect some cards I was thinking of getting dropping in price.
So it's worth the wait for a week
>no Yawgmoth's Bargain
Why even bother?
>Moat Masterpiece
Keep the Reserved List in mind here.
Oh yeah, you're right.
Got a little too excited there
>the best enchantments in the game are white
necropotence pls go
I want to see classic enchantments like
The Abyss
Nether Void
It's mostly for edh players. When they pimp out their decks and trade off the regular versions (hopefully) it'll add an injection, albeit small, back into circulation
I expect long term growth of the game to taper off when people realize that lottery tickets only 'make standard cheaper' if you're buying singles, and that all the cards from the set will tank in value from opened supply.
Masterpiece cards relevant to the set you dumbshit. Kaladesh wasn't "Masterpiece Artifacts", it was "Masterpiece Inventions".
They could just remove the Reserved List.
Collectors would be on suicide watch.
>Blood Moon
>Doubling Season
>Sneak Attack
>Sylvan Library
>Food Chain
>Bridge from Below
>Privileged Position
>Song of the Dryads
If they did it on a Return to Theros, you can easily imagine how they'd set up the frame with the Nyx star effect. It'd probably be pretty great.
>Kaladesh wasn't "Masterpiece Artifacts", it was "Masterpiece Inventions".
Even if they slap a fancy name on it, you can't pretend it hasn't just been "Lands" and "Artifacts" so far.
Just saying, it's not gonna happen.
What's your point? That they can't print any lands or artifacts as ghost rares ever again because of it?
>Song of the Dryads
This card triggered MaRo so it will never be reprinted.
The question you have to ask is "How does WotC profit from removing the Reserved List?" and "How likely is it for WotC to suffer from removing the Reserved List?".
Until profit outweighs risk by half, they're not likely to do it. People buy into the Reprint sets, FtVs, and now the Masterpieces without them needing to use Reserved cards for them.
>Only 2-3 of the cards you named could even remotely fit with the theme of Theros
>What's your point?
What was the point of ?
Chaos Warp triggered MaRo and it's been back a couple times now. Don't overestimate him.
How about, "What value do the collectors themselves actually hold in the community?" Oh yeah, zero.
>Chaos Warp triggered MaRo
What a faggot, that card is one of the funnest red cards ever printed.
Collectors are customers in one way or another.
Pretty much the only one I see any trouble at all with is Bitterblossom, since they don't have faeries.
If you can't think of any way to fit the others in, you might have an issue with your imagination.
Don't underestimate him either.
Master piece spells in Aether Revolt?
Probably just more artifacts though , only half the swords are in Kaladesh right?
They're certainly not customers to Wizards as often as everyone else is.
He's upset it's functionally Enchantment removal in Red, the same way he's upset Song was Creature removal in Green. He even got upset about Imprisoned in the Moon, despite the "It's okay when Blue does it" meme.
Collectors buy from singles from stores and other players. Stores buy product straight from WotC. Without collectors to sell to, stores buy less product.
They're part of the market's current. The stronger that current, the better WotC is doing for sales at a baseline.
That's more about preventing new cards like Song, Warp, and Bees from being printed than it's about reprints.
Getting upset is all he does anyway.
Only if your only exposure to MaRo is hearing about him on Veeky Forums.
>Only if your only exposure to MaRo is hearing from him on /blogatog/
>He even got upset about Imprisoned in the Moon
He called the card a color pie bend not a break, because blue normally transform creature into other creature.
Compare this to chaos warp, which is for him a break, it does an effect red already do (Warp World) and is considered in color pie the only difference is that it's on a single target.
So yes, it's more ok when Blue does it.
why hornet queen? It's a big bee and a bunch of little stinging bees. Seems right up green's alley.
IIRC green shouldn't get flying.
Because it has flying and was playable.
Theros is aura themed, not global enchantment.
Yeah but aura is shit
Green has had fliers since Alpha.
Yes, pic related is such a shit card.
There's no reason for it to be anything but more artifacts
I'm okay with these masterpieces but they are going to run out fast
Alpha was a mistake -Mark Rosewater
I believe the point is that in a block that doesn't have a cardtype-based theme like Zendikar or Kaladesh, we're likely going to see a lot more variety in the masterpieces.
>implying it isn't
Does that even see play?
The problem with Chaos Warp is that there's a good chance of it just being outright 'get rid of that'
Warp World is going to end up with SOME number of things on the board due to how many things are going back in.
Chaos Warp is going to put nothing on the board if the top card is a sorcery or instant.
I think Amonkhet will be Nicol Bolas' greatest hits, cruel ultimatum, other expensive, evil grixis spells.
God forbid red to actually have a decent card that isn't burn spell #6301 for once.
We'll see what Amonkhet's gimmick is.
I hope to god that it's good. I love ancient Egypt shit.
It gives people something to chase and literally does not impact any format in aa way that it not being printed would have.
If you want the price lower, you have supplemental sets and the masters series of sets that comes out every summer. I don't want to have to labor through another standard environment filled with the kind of cards you want reprinted.
If I wanted damnation or lily of the veil or enemy fetches shoved up my ass at every fnm, I'd play modern.
Theros 1 was Aura themed, you mean.
Innistrad 1 was a graveyard theme by way of Flashback. Innistrad 2 was a graveyard theme by way of Delirium.
They're not so rigid as to be locked into place like that. Besides, Theros had more than its fair share of global enchantments, considering they fluffed all the non-Bestow Enchantment Creatures as globals, up to and including the gods themselves.
How many sets before Masterpiece Lightning Bolt?
>masterpiece elvish mystic
I'd like a full art set of Tron Lands. That would be neat.
Only if we go back to Dominaria. They won't put in something that wouldn't be on the plane in question, and the Urza lands were only on Dominaria (and even then, you'd end up with them being 'barely functional callback art' versions)
>Doubling Season with Karametra looming over a bountiful field of crops
>Sneak Attack with a Nyxborn creature bursting from the starfield beneath Mogis
>Bridge from Below with Athreos watching the Returned marching out of the underworld
>Food Chain with Nylea observing a hunt
>Omniscience with energy spilling out from Kruphix
I like it.
Good luck with that they won't return on dominaria before they find a way to make it an "homogeneous" plane.
is that MaRo?
>he doesn't even remember Terisiare and Otaria's names
it's got to be MaRo
They can just keep going with the "time is so fucked that it hurts" plan. They fixed the active rifts with The Mending, but there should easily still be aftereffects.
I made it about 45 seconds in and this guy seems like a huge fag. Summarize it, if you would.
But worlds are far more realistic and richer when they are worlds rather than country sized themeparks. How the hell do you get any kind of real ethnic diversity on Innistrad when Innistrad is smaller than Ireland? Where are those black people coming from?
Damn MaRo
Set looks good, expeditions being permanent is a cashgrab and they're going to push further in that direction to chase short-term growth because publicly traded company
He has some points. Basically in that it's heading into Fallen Empires territory and businesses are not going to like it.
You have to remember, 90% of every fandom is retarded. The reason most franchises like to narrow down the scope of their different worlds is because it makes it easy to keep track of them and most fans like it when things are easy like that.
There is also the point of a plane being too diverse making setting up other worlds less impactful. With how diverse Dominaria is, you can end up running into problems like "Why wasn't Innistrad just part of Dominaria? What actually makes it a different plane?".
>force of will tcg territory
>Basically in that it's heading into Fallen Empires territory
That they're going to print more than they'll realistically end up selling because they're expecting Masterpiece Chasers to meet numbers that won't end up being met because the shininess of Masterpieces will wear off?
The plane is much larger than we think, we've just seen the "important" things so far.
95% of the Magic fandom doesn't care about the lore anyway.
Why would you care about it? Most of it is awful.
As for the 'masterpieces' I'm kinda meh about them. They're cool if you pull one but they won't lower prices and thus are of no use to me.
How is True Name a color violator? It is a merfolk and protection. That's really blue, fluff and mechanics wise.
Protection is white
God what a fag. MTG will always have terrible lore with him in charge.
I'm expecting to see some valuable cards from early, Africa-based sets like Arabian Nights, Mirage and Visions in Amonkhet. Of course, it'd have to be something not on the reserve list of course.
>Sharazad reprint incoming ma bois.
>it'd have to be something not on the reserve list of course.
>Sharazad reprint incoming ma bois.
The statements don't seem to matchup.
Green has had big fliers even more recently in the form of Dragons of Tarkir. The problem is IF green gets fliers without a justification like "Everyone's getting dragons" then they can't be small anymore.
Plus Hornet Queens little fuckers had death touch, basically making them little flying kill spells. Green isn't supposed to get "better than kill spells" removal.
He has said that even adding just B to it's mana cost would have fixed it completely to him.
Alpha was also when blue could ping. They've mostly fixed up the color pie. Red should have more, but I guess they're trying.
Theros had normal enchantments too. Hopefully they'll bring back constellation for Theros 2, or make some kind of enchantmentcraft or something.
Do you get bonus life points if you have autism? Some kid I played at prerelease seemed to think so. Fucking aspie told me that I'm wasting his time if I tap cards, with 40 minutes left in the round might I add, so I roll with it for a little while so he doesn't have another fit in front of the judge. He then flips out when I ask him to put his life down cause, it was "his main phase now" and I didn't tap my attacker to show that damage was being dealt when he had no blockers on the field. I felt like I was playing chess with my 6 year old nephew. The game isn't inaccessible, the people are.
masterpiece basic lands
I know it won't happen, but outrageous propositions often do the trick in getting people to reply and get the conversation and theorycrafting going.
You could say I be baitin', except I just want to steer the thread towards Amonkhet Masterpiece speculation.
>Still less of a shitpost than retarded rants about Maro.
Blue had pingers as late as 7th ed. The idea that only red should be able to deal damage is dumb, they should just be the only ones to do it efficiently.
>outrageous propositions
No, I mean because Shahrazad is on the Reserved List. It's not outrageous, it's contradictory.
>The idea that only blue should be able to counter spells is dumb, they should just be the only ones to do it efficiently.
>The idea that only black should be able to kill creatures with spells is dumb, they should just be the only ones to do it efficiently.
>The idea that only green should be able to ramp is dumb, they should just be the only ones to do it efficiently.
This is what you're saying, and you're dumb. Every color has a role and a style to play. You start mixing them together and go "but muh effeciency" and you muddle the colors themselves.
>Blue had pingers as late as 7th ed
Reprinting the same pinger isn't quite the same sentiment. That aside, Black is the color next best at dealing damage. Just saying Red shouldn't be the only one to do it doesn't mean the onus falls on Blue to pick up the slack.
Black isn't the only color that kills creatures, White also conditionally destroys them. That is to say, that Black kills them more efficiently.
I know fampai