My VR net game is collapsing. It's a standard medieval fantasy, but one of the players is a man playing a female sorceress who dresses like a whore.
Meanwhile on cyberpunk Veeky Forums
I stopped playing with humans. I only play with A.I.'s.
How can somebody not have any friends to play with? What are the point of these 'A.I.' only games? They're the saddest fucking thing I've ever seen.
That's just rude! Some of my best friends are AIs! I'm getting married to one in a month's time!
I have transcended digital encoding and realized the universe cannot be represented by any language isomorphic to binary or qbits. Praise the creator.
>Using singularity as a plot element.
Railroad GMs are the worse. Who wants to play a game only to be told that you can't make any decisions for your character because 'muh singularity, it doesn't matter who makes a decision as we're all the same person.' Fucking twats.
I hate GMs in general. I fucking wish NASA or some shit would invest money in a storytelling AI.
Story telling AI keeps inserting advertisements in the narrative. Fucking Google needs to stop shoving their adware into everything.
I got some eye implants a couple weeks ago and now I keep getting pop-ups in my peripheral vision. Anyone have a fix for this?
Anyone here into AR-painting miniatures?
Back to /hol/ (humans only life) with you.
>Anyone have a fix for this?
Stop buying Mongolian eyeware, man. I know it's cheap but you're frying your brain, dude.
okay admittedly i've made some poor decisions but my eyes are starting to get weirdly hot and I don't know what to do
>AR-painting babby.
Just order a damn custom paint job at that rate dude. Back in my day we actually had to use Photoshop or Gimp before we turned on the 3D-printer. Paint jobs were a lot more detailed back then, not all of this AR 'paint-by-numbers' shit we have now.
Preferred personality morph?
what's a photo shop?
gimp? seriously?
Why is it that every fucking runner with the new Wetterware Signal- And Exosensory Earware augment is a massive slut and/or is seriously fucked up in the head?
Talk about red flag. If your reason for running is that you want to get back at your daddy, you really need to take a look at your priorities in life.
...dude. Go and see a legitimate cyber-surgeon right now. If you don't get your eyes looked at, you're going to boil your own head. All of it.
Once you've done that go and find a tutorial for stripping out malware from chrome. I recommend Dr DriFi.
Don't know, I only know, non of them would fuck with me...
Look, choomba, it's not all bad.
They're looking to spend daddy's nuyen on chrome, BTLs and living the high life, and for them, any runner is a senior to be admired.
You might just have gotten your first datajack and show off the Kiroshis you've gotten yesterday, but they'll still jump on you for a quick slot if you tell them what that suit said after you wrecked his office.
And with biosculpting, a slot's a slot.
Getting implants removed is a scam. I know a guy who can get it DRPd for a tenth the price.
nice OP image, faggot. next time post something even smaller.
Directed Radio Pulse. They figure out where your implants are and brick em' using high-intensity radio waves. Course, you'll have to get it removed if you want to replace your eyeware.
Look, are we talking about games, or real life? Get back on-topic, assholes.
Have you tried talking to him about it? It could be that he does know how his way of dressing affects the party?
Has anybody noticed the trend that everyone keeps trying to make golems? THEY'RE NOT ROBOTS, THEY'RE NOT MEANT TO BE UBIQUITOUS!
>I keep getting pop-ups in my peripheral vision. Anyone have a fix for this?
1. Stop letting download shit onto your fucking eyes.
2. Run a real antivirus until you get sick of it
3. Get an adblocker that hasn't sold out yet.
4. If it's still happening, either do a factory reset or contact the support people for the OS. Make sure you get your settings saved first.
Have any of you run a game with a reconstruction? How did it go?
Sorry, I have a strict "no dead people" rule in my games.
Find a hacked build?
Rude. What did we ever do to you?
Cool to see another bot on this site. Reconstruction or Designed?
>mfw I'm a bog standard human.
>mfw I'll never partake in a vr net game
No augs, no tech. Heck I'm even using on old school mouse and keyboard. It feels bad.
>no augs
Why not? You can run a VR game on augs that cost 150,000 Nuyen and be fine.
15,000, sorry. Damn exchange rates get me every time.
My family is too conservative and stuff. If they saw me with an Aug they'll kick me out. It's cheaper living with my parents than staying in a corp house.
That's too bad. I heard some places won't even hire you unless you can hook a computer to your brainstem.
Yeah. I'm pretty lucky to be a wage slave at least. They're somethings people want augless humans for. Anyway back on topic, atleast i can still play classic wargames, they only need a holo display and im lucky my local game store has enough of them.
I need help trench coat shopping
That's the problem with splitting real world knowledge from our character's roles. People can forget, which leads to silly stuff.
Speaking of, that's a schway drone you got there. Mind sharing where it came from?
post qt AIfus
female sorceress who dresses like a whore. Sometimes I run it from my deck to pose as a live player. Most people buy it for human.
Interesting. What AI are you anchoring to it?