How much experience points would one get from killing a baby?
How much experience points would one get from killing a baby?
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Very little, there's not much challenge in it. You'd get more XP for getting the infant away from its caretakers, that might at least have some small difficulty to it.
Not enough to be worth the time to kill it.
But what if I hypothetically threw a rock really really far I managed to kill a baby By striking it in my head?
Depends on species. A humanoid baby, even an Orc, can't really defend itself and is worth no experience. A baby dragon or other monster is reasonably dangerous to a lower level character and is worth a decent sum, but still pretty low all things considered. Some animals are between the two.
Killing a baby by strinking your own head definetely sounds difficult which equals a lot of XP.
>By striking it in my head?
Worry about your entangled M.C.Escher anatomy first, the fact that you just got nailed in the head by a rock second, and you probably won't get to the XP question at all.
You get a free hat, but that's about it.
>striking it in my head
t. Far Realm dude
Enough to progress in the white whore level system
So, should we start converting our rape factories into baby assembly lines for xp manufacturing? Most of the wetware is already there.
>someone took time to stat that
But then again, someone took time to stat neutronium golem.
It's arguably harder to keep a baby alive, so I'm going to say none
The social stigma gained from being a baby killing murder-hobo could probably give you the opportunity to get more experience points by killing shit though
Depends on the system
In B/X (Best version of D&D) you would only explicitly get XP if it was an enemy that can fight you, which a human baby never would be.
So it's like that tree from Evil Dead (the old one anyway. I haven't seen the remake), only not as funny?
Just a leftover from the old anal spelunker -thread years ago.
>Alignment: Always chaotic unnecessary
Best alignment.
Wait, these aren't redneck trees, they're rape trees. It's a trick!
-100 XP, pick on someone your own CR.
You get more xp when you use a baby to attack something else.
Depends on the baby, an aborted and vengeful giant god fetus is worth slightly more than your typical pink lump.
None, unless it's a kind of baby that can put up a decent fight. A dragon hatchling, maybe.
None. You don't get XP unless you were actually challenged, and a baby cannot mount a challenge.
How much xp would a baby get for killing the average adult himan?
Depends. Is it the antichrist? Are you the antichrist?
Fuck off, Kos
Death 13 would probably get you a lot
not even enough to level up once over the course of 27 years
So you're playing as a baby with superhuman throwing ability in this scenario?
>A humanoid baby, even an Orc, can't really defend itself and is worth no experience
>At will breath weapon (dubious white stuff): blinding, 1d2 acid damage
>1/battle: randomised teleport when not currently being looked at, 80 feet
>1/meal: cloud kill
>DR 2/shaking
None. Killing things does not grant XP.
>by striking it in my head
I just imagined a max STR toddler throwing a rock with so much strength that it flew across the world and hit it in the back of the head.
Better question - if a baby is born breach how much XP does it get from killing its mother?
I think killing a baby would be a real experience. You'd go through a lot killing a baby.
I mean you can't just run into a baby in the woods and then roll initiative.
You know it's someone's baby.
You probably gotta find that baby.
Then knowing someone cares for this baby you got to kill it.
I mean if you're not Grogan the Baby Eater then your first baby should net you quite the experience
Achtung baby would net some exp, not as much as death 13 tho.
All of the xp that baby would have earned in it's life! Babies are the best source of xp!
>You gain a full level
>Later during that night, you will be awoken from your dreams by the soul of the greatness that could have been, twisted into a dark,and hateful husk
Size/Type: Large Undead (Evil, Extraplanar, Lawful)
Hit Dice: 66d12 (792 hp)
Initiative: +6 (+2 Dex, +4 Improved Initiative)
Speed: 5 ft., fly 240 ft. (perfect)
Armor Class: 51 (-1 size, +2 Dex, +40 natural)
Base Attack/Grapple: +33/+53
Attack: Touch +49 melee touch (2d6 Con drain/19-20)
Full Attack: 2 touches +49 melee touch (2d6 Con drain/19-20), eye ray +30 ranged touch (negative level damage/19-20)
Space/Reach: 10 ft/10 ft.
Special Attacks: Constitution drain, energy drain (2d4 negative levels, Fort DC 59), spell-like abilities, summon nightcrawler
Special Qualities: Abomination traits, undead traits, rebuke/command undead, regeneration 20, SR 42, DR 15/good and epic and silver, negative energy aura
Saves: Fort +22, Ref +26, Will +43
Abilities: Str 43, Dex 15, Con O, Int 28, Wis 22, Cha 42
Skills: Bluff +85, Concentration +85, Diplomacy +97, Hide -2, Jump +1, Intimidate +91, Knowledge (arcana, history, religion, the planes) +78, Listen +77, Search +78, Sense Motive +75, Spellcraft +84, Spot +77
Feats: Alertness, Cleave, Dodge, Combat Expertise, Great Cleave, Improved Bull Rush, Improved Critical (touch), Improved Critical (eye ray), Improved Initiative, Iron Will, Lightning Reflexes, Mobility, Power Attack, Quicken Spell-Like Ability (finger of death), Run, Spring Attack, Weapon Focus (touch), Weapon Focus (eye ray), Whirlwind Attack
Epic Feats: Devastating Critical (touch), Overwhelming Critical (touch), Undead Mastery, Zone of Animation
Environment: Any
Organization: Solitary
Challenge Rating: 30
Treasure: Standard
Alignment: Always lawful evil
Advancement: 67-80 HD (Large); 81-100 HD (Huge)
I think this baby would give a fair bit of XP.
Rules As Written no, the target has to be considered a legitimate combatant. Otherwise should get XP from target dummies. You didn't level from practicing, you need actual field experience.
Your character has leveled down to below zero. I can now tell you he's disappeared and you are no longer allowed at my table for being an edgy faggot. Good day.
>the hat looks like a dead baby
It was him or us.
Gotta smite all the evil.
Non since it's not an encounter.
You would get XP for completing the side quest of finding his/her parents.
epic reddit meme, my epic tumblr progressive social communist /b/rother
Every time I read this I fucking lose it
If you're also a baby, probably a decent amount.
Maybe if it was a Dire Baby...
None, unless the baby's death has anything to do with completing the party's goals.
DMs shouldn't reward shitty behaviour.
Less than what you can get without killing the baby.