Hey TG,
How does everyone feel about Games Workshop Products (Tool Line, paints, brushes, minis etc). I want to get into the hobby and Im wondering if they're worth the money.
Games Workshop Products
I bought them when I first started, and I thought they were worth it. The tools were high quality and have lasted me a long time, the paints are high quaity and look fantatic, and the minis are the best!
They are fine, and overpriced. Pretty much anyone else will give you better bang for your buck.
Paints are good quality bar the shitty pots
Price is bad
Is there anyone in particular you would recommend?
tamiya can get you some good modelling parts
I go with army painter, myself.
Whats makes the pots shitty? Are they small or funny shaped or something?
they work fine and will last, but overpriced
I usually stick to gw paints as it's easily to follow guides and stuff, plus they are good imo
All you need to know with brushes is non-synthetic keeps their heads better for longer, so get some non-synthetic detail brushes, gw or not.
love em. Infinity may have more realistic scale and size, but gw's are customizable, come with lots of bitz, are are more fun to convert and make your own. Overall if your getting into GamesWorkshop stuff you have to like the models, because the rules and sometimes the fluff can be a little suspect.
paints are good but expensive. their technical are extremely useful tho and the washes are among the best in the market. As for regular paints you can get cheaper and better somewhere else(like, vallejo)
tools are good but their cost is insane. skip these. glue is shit.
brushes(last batch)are pretty good but tend to be a bit too pricey. if you are a beginner start with something cheap aka not gw.
Thanks, I'll look into them. I don't mind spending money for quality, but I dont want to get suckered by mediocre products with a famcy brand.
As far as the minis go, it depends on the age, and sometimes a coin-flip even then. A lot of the older models look it, and certainly aren't worth their price anymore, but some of the newer stuff, and practically anything Forgeworld touches, looks really great. Although they still are on the pricey side.
Rejoice! Brexit dropped the Pound like a nobody's business, so your dosh will go further than it used to if you don't use britbong money.
They're a real pain to work with, especially compared to paints that come in dropper bottles. The paints are good, albeit expensive. Their shade range of paints are great, imo.
Ill say one thing I really love about about GW stuff
The washes I absolutely love them.
Other shit is nice albeit a little overpriced but atleast you arent getting scammed for shit products
Thanks for the feedback guys! I think I'll think start out getting the paints and minis from GW, and getting the brushes and tools elsewhere? Does anyone have any other advice for someone starting out in the hobby?
Don't listen to , it's a pretty blatant troll.
Anything that isn't paint or figures shouldn't be purchased from GW/Citidel products. You can get proper xacto knives and hand-tools from practically any hardware store or supermarket(Walmart, Target, etc), and paintbrushes often from those stores as well. (Failing those, craft stores)
For glue, just go with Superglue brand superglue gel. It's cheap, works better, and is easier to work with. Adheres plastic, metal, resin, and finecast while not drastically bonding to your skin. (GW's thin and ZapAGap are designed to bond to oily surfaces)
Those products GW sells are marked up rebranded or cheap chinese shit products. Not worth their price by any means.
Also use regular elmers white glue and dollar store sand for basing
New GW kits especially in the space marine department have alot of shit
Say you buy a Stern Guard kit and tactical marines.
The stern guard kit comes with extra bits to convert regular tactical marines to stern guard vets
with brushes I'd say its worth going to an art supply store and getting some good quality ones.
The GW ones are good, but you can get the same quality chealer elsewhere.
Windsor&Newton and Rapheal in particular are brands you'll want too look for.
Though specifically for dry brushing just use cheap brushes you replace occasionally and only use for dry brushing.
They are designed to get paint all up in the seal so they let air in and dry out.
get a decent brush, seriously. And LOOK AFTER IT.
GW are fine, Army painter are fine, Windsor&Newton series 7 are great but expensive. (i only own one, a '0')
dont get shitty budget brushes, you'll be handicapping yourself for no reason.
Gw paint containers are awful.
I mostly use Prince August paints nowadays.
Don't purchase anything beyond the paint.
They're really not, just take a little care like any other pot and they're fine.
I've still got usable paints from all the generations of GW pots.
Best things are their Technical and Shade paints. Everything else is the same quality as the competition but a bit more expensive. Miniatures are good for customizability.