>All Warhammer 40k minis come to live Toy Story style, because reasons.
>A large amount of minis awaken somewhere where they are surrounded by a large collection of 40k books.
>They realize they're just fictional characters.
What happens?
All Warhammer 40k minis come to live Toy Story style, because reasons
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Existential crisis. You don't even have to put this in the context of 40k characters, this would result the same way for nearly anything.
1st: Panic,
2nd: Existential Crisis
3rd: Eleven of my 45 guardsmen are very annoyed at me because I hadn't gotten skin tones down at the time and then used Citadel Purity Seal on them and it frosted them over, making them look like a horde of crack-covered oompa lompas.
>Everyone has existential crisis
>Sisters of Battle, not giving a flying fuck about these sort of things, procced to burn and ourge heretical minis.
All Eldar collectively commit suicide
Imperials either commit suicide or just ignore it and continue to purge
Orks dont give a shit
If they were really in the mindset of the Emperor's Chosen heretical texts would not deter them from killing the strange enormous abhumans.
They would fail unless they jumped from a high platform, It's not like they actually have ammo for guns and shit.
Small Soldiers 40,000
>Imperials go on a crusade against stuffed animals
>apparently whoever had the 40k collection also has someone who is into dolls
>has a homemade mansion
>Imperial minis make it their base of operations
>Orks dont give a shit
Holy shit, Orks would be having a great time. My lot alone would be waking up surrounded by hundreds of Tau and Imperial gitz to krump. They'd be tough to corral back into their storage boxes though.
>They would fail unless they jumped from a high platform
So a table?
They'd be too light for falling to kill them. You'd have to melt them.
At least they won't have to worry about Slaanesh anymore.
I have no mouth and I must scream level.
They cant move from their bases
Their guns are also glued to their hands.
Even if not, imagine the unmaskings...
They employ DOUBLETHINK and continue tp purge for the emperor.
I am halfway convinced there's a fanfic about that already... Toyhammer or something?
Regardless, I loved it back when it updated. The idea of an army of tiny dudes coming to life is pretty damn sweet in my book, but I'd prefer my fantasy over 40k. At least then there's a CHANCE for everything to not be immediately awful forever...
Nah, if it's truly toy story style, then that doesn't matter, as shown by the army men's ability to function normally for the most part, despite being stufk to their bases.
Honestly, I'd think the models would be in the same boat, but emulating warhammer warfare rather than modern american warfare.
Imagine all the half-built model's reactions and the chilling scream of model parts in their original packaging.
As it turns out there is a couple of them. Just found this one fanfiction.net
What Eldar Tank is that on the bottom right hand side?
That's the only good looking Eldar Tank I have ever seen. I like the bone-y ness!
>mfw i have a box of 100+ unused heads
Oh god.
>Whoa, look boyz, dat 'umie iz 'uge.
>Datz right ya gitz. I'm da biggest, derefore I'm da boss.
My very own waaagh.
I remember that. Damn, it's been years.
Well since OP specifically mentioned Toy Story, that actually does happen in the film. Buzz Lightyear has a mental breakdown when he has to come to terms with the whole " not a real space ranger/ really just a toy" bit. He gets better obviously, but a bunch of toy soldiers like 40k minis would probably go through the same stages albeit more violently.
Pfft, yea right. My whfb skaven would probably have 3 leaders who can read, those leaders would then hide it from the under empire and figure out a way to use it, and c9ntinue to try and dominate the wprld. I see the leaders trying to raid gw factories and amassing a tide of death. Imagine it being like swarms of bees, except with a purpose.
Also it would be like finding out there's really a god and your his plaything: some would just say "fuck" and some would say "told you!".
>Reading human books
>Disregard universe, acquire greater good
>Who cares FIGHT
>tyranid hivemind discovers that none of its units can eat or reproduce
They'd take it worse than anyone.
I picture it like this except more FOR THE EMPEROR. youtube.com
Being attacked by child sized gargants made of books and furniture upon returning home to the horde at the end of the day
I think it's a wave serpent
All the space marine models bitch endlessly to me why they aren't T5 S6 W3. I just shrug.
I have admech and i also own a 3d printer that have made battlemechs so i imagine that in a few hours it would be retasked to make more things for the glory of mars....till my 150ish wordbeaers and their deamon allies found them.
Guardsman: "YOU! Are a CHILD'S! PLAYTHING!"
Space Marine points at sticker on box saying THIS IS NOT A TOY
Guardsman: OH COME ON!
>sick trips
although tyranids would assimilate all the plastic without a second thought
>as genestealers begin to move to other houses for more plastic to assimilate
Nah that's an old-ass Falcon mang
Wave Serpents came out after the boniness died off.
>What happens?
this question has already been considered
Are you sure? Old falcons didn't have those prongs on the wings
i dread to imagine how the THICC models would cope, they'd be in a perpetual state of gargling sloughing paint
thankfully my minis are cleanly base-coated, highlighted and would be okay
though my first, original space marines... i couldnt say...
Wave field generators and unmanned turret. Wave serpent.
That's what I thought
>Mfw 8k points of 30k Dark Angels on my shelf
Memes aside, my boyfriend's 3k of Tau would have a bad time