You guys DID get on the REQ Rocket right?

You guys DID get on the REQ Rocket right?

Or you can stay on earth and drown with BTC and the other alt shitters

Other urls found in this thread:

> Not Moving a signifikant amount

yup i did. we're gonna make it reqbro

it's up 40%. testnet comes soon and will go up even more

>about to hit 2x ICO
>eth has also gone up
>natural growth instead of the pajeet coins like cuckfido

t. coping noREQer

when is testnet gonna launch?

It's just that people saw test net files on their GitHub, it hasn't been officially announced yet, but you can be sure that when it gets announced or released the price is going to go vertical

Testnet is coming in the next 2 weeks as per their last update. They haven't set a particular date, which is good so it doesn't get pumped and dumped.

And yet it is pumped and dumped

I don’t know when to buy more. I guess i’ll wait for a dip

Sell then.


i bought this at .03 cents as did a lot of people. so i'm closing in 4x (eth ratio)

REQ bout to surpass 0.20 USD tonight.

1 million req sell wall

this is the dip you fucking retard

fucking fud brainlet

>tfw retards dont see the potential of this shitcoin

I think its binance doing it to keep the ETH and BTC prices the same. I think thats what a lot of the 'dodgy' bot action is. It is actually a good thing. It means the coins prices arent reliant on only one source (btc) although inadvertently ETHs price is but meh. You should sell it desu if this hits 17k all the alts are fucked even REQ.

>You should sell

>le binance conspiracy
jesus christ you fags are so stupid, its just a prop so a whale can accumulate holy fuck

this is the next powr this is gonna moon 3x atleast when it hits bittrex and testnet release and thats a conservative estimate

Pajeet coin like confido did a x20 ico

when should it be coming to bittrex?

its going to happen

my guess is within a month

theyre not going to ignore this volume, bittrex is greedy for $

i already bought two days ago at about 0.12, should i buy more right now or wait for a dip during the next couple of days? not sure what to do, it was my plan all along to buy more

if youre holding long term just buy when youre ready. a couple cents doesnt make much difference if youre putting this in your wallet and holding for months or more

The thing is, he probably doesn't own any. Salty talk, that's all.

Do you ever feel bad? I just earned the equivalent of a month's salary sitting here shit posting for an hour.

so right now? i'm indeed planning to hold

>nearing 20 cents
if you haven't bought in now for the long haul I don't know what to say


I mean, user has a point. What's a few cents in the long run?

If REQ ever gets up to $10 or even $100, will the $.02-$.04 really be that big of a deal?

The only reason to be concerned over that sum is if you're buying HUGE amounts and intend to only hold them for a short while.


Wow, a pump and dump scam did x20? You got anymore scams I could invest in?

>REQ getting up to $100
please user I can only get so erect


lol let's get to $1 first. $10 would currently make it 17th largest coin by market cap and $100 would make it like 4th largest

i hoped it might at least dip to 0,15 for a short while. but maybe i should just buy in.

>implying it wont make it that high
if it gets mass adoption this thing is headed to Andromeda

Don't get TOO excited. I just used those numbers as examples as why worrying about cents in the long haul is dumb.

Agreed, and I'm still hoping for a dip. Bought in at $.12 but want to buy some more. I'll buy more regardless, but a dip would be nice.

but man, what if it just keeps going post 0,2.......

i can buy 400 euros worth of it right now, don't know if i should pull the trigger

If you're in it for the long haul, do it.

If you're looking to make a quick buck, then I wouldn't risk it.

what's a quick buck?

i'm really just hoping to make some 10x gains lol, would probably start selling some after reaching that, but wouldn't mind hodling either and will def keep some for long term

anyone hyped for ripio? have a bit of that as well

A few months vs a couple of years.

but i'm just afraid that crypto will crash and bitcoin might stabilize before 2 years are gone :/

What wallet do you put this crap in?>

Not if it is the difference between an extra 1000 REQ it isn't dumb.

Be real with me - is REQ a meme?

LOL yes

40c next week. 1.1@ EOY

every successful thing ever to exist is a meme


i use myethwallet