Other urls found in this thread:
what's that
just a few hours ago you didnt want me
ive never had you; i just like the noise
back then they didnt want me
now im hot
they all on me
Are we going to 17k tonight?
I still have my doubts but it's better for me if it goes to a gorillion
korea is evening out but gdax still on the move
So he basically sold the top. See you at 2k
Did anyone get caps from last night? Would make for a great collage.
fuck last night nigger, today has been turbo fud shill
who here /comfy/
what numbers am i gunna see when I wake up tomorrow?
Been on the road all day so I didnt see much. Last night was loltastic all the noicoiners and boomers coming out of the woodwork.
where did you go user
hoping near 18k
These threads remind me of 2005 when all my friends were bragging about how much their houses were worth, fast forward to the reckoning when most of them were bag holding overpriced homes with interest only (some with huge balloon payments) mortgages.
After that shit happened (((they))) had to invent a new more clever way to extract wealth from the younger generation after seeing their parents getting fucked so hard by the jew.
Enter bitcoin...
You'll apologize when kitteh futures market opens next month
probably back at 17.5-18
I can't believe how easy it is to make r3ddit sell to FUD
Right up to it.
To be fair, this was the worst FUD ever.
no coiners are fucking hilarious
BTC is the only /comfy/ hold for me. I gave up on shitcoins after making some decent profit on Antshares.
For what? Because you're too much of a pajeet to see this is a bull trap caused by a few large shorts picking the wrong top?
Maybe if you did more research outside of Veeky Forums and zoomed out further than the 1 minute candles you wouldn't be poor.
I am keeping LTC in my back pocket during BTC volatility, we have seen a fairly clear pattern over time now
The worst fud was the bcash flippening.
Was coming home from LA
That's second. This was (((mainstream))) FUD with fucking (((CNBC))) dedicated TV airtime to hit us.
...except the part were literally everyone but a small minority thought real estate was safe as house (sic) and the same (((experts))) shilling for mortgage Judaism are tell people that Bitcoin isn't real money, needs to be regulated, and LE TULIPS
I bought pizza with the bitcoins 3 days ago.
Now i'm waiting for the BTC crashing for buy more BTC
Real Futures manipulation dump inc0ming..
>Down to 10k!!
>all the newfags in this thread
Sell soon lads or it'll be too late. I'm re-entering at 10k.
Do you know how many 'double top' posts have been made about BTC in the last year?
Of course, but this is the first one I've posted since I bought in a year ago.
This time is different for a number of reasons, you should be able to figure them out yourself. I don't care what you do to be honest m8, but don't say I didn't warn you.