This is your task, Veeky Forums:
You wont get them here, ppl are just fomo buy and hold or buthurt by holding better shitcoins and losing so they engadge in pure fuding.
Fundamentals are same, normies are fomoing in due media coverege and institutions buying in to short later on.
Thats all to it with this legacy coin.
Mike jewigratz, Mcafee and rest of HUGE bagholders in game sayong shit like 'you cant apply math this time/new paradigm/1 milion dolar per bitcoin -is all fucking information you seek...
Its the adoption of a new technology into normie culture.
Its happened for every tech in history. picrelated
>Not naming the jews
God you're fucking retarded. Bet you fell for the Link meme.
Forget about those post about "adoption of technology" and etc...
Public acknowledgment and more easy access to btc.
Then you can add whatever you want like tether and shit...
You need very little articles about few people that invested few thousands and cashed out millions after 1 or 2 years. People get jealous and want the same. It drives them insane, they want to become rich too.
You can add trading bots too. They keep price in tact when nobody is trading.
You can't have market cap of 300B and have daily volumes of 4M dollars.
More public acknowledged btc and poured their cash into exchanges. That's what holders waited for to finally be able to cash out millions instead of thousands.
Tether may is a tool for easier input of cash into crypto.
But I'm still skeptical about shady background there. Are they hiding real investors? what are they hiding? why they refuse to clear things up?
This shadiness is what I'm skeptical about. Tether is may be a tool to louder corrupt money into crypto with banks help.
I understand the network effect and all that jazz, but the problem with this is that it's pure psychology.
When price spikes purely due to psychology, then that pretty much guarantees that it's also going to obliterate due to pure psychology.
Volatility, especially recent volatility, is also a really bad sign. That's the market saying, "yeah, we basically don't know what the fuck we're doing or why."
Trump is an interesting idea for a catalyst. It did indeed start to pick up right around his election. And also, like somebody said, finally getting back to pre-Gox levels was obviously good for creating bullish feels.
But still, this is all psychology stuff! You can't base the price of something on pure psychology...
Where was the spike in actual adoption and use, either consumer or business?
Seriously, while traders can fuck around with this shit, and they will, and many will profit, long term HODLers really need to start asking themselves some tough questions.
That technology is blockchain, not bitcoin
"I'm currently reading Digital Gold by Nathaniel. As I progress, its clearer that bitcoin might or might not be a great economic tool but its an awesome case study in game theory. I think the real innovation of Satoshi (whether he intended it or not) is to keep the players (how ever big or small they are) chained up to the eco system. At every level of new expansion, new players (usually bigger than current ones) join in the game and gets entrapped in the net. Then the game uses these players's strength to pull it self forward. There are real risks to bitcoin at points of these expansions. My guess is that if too strong players join at a time when the net is not yet ready for them, there is a risk that they break free of the net and destroy bitcoin. Here too game theory comes to its rescue. Assuming the net is not strong enough at any given time, there is little chance that the whole thing attracts stronger players. This is why I believe bitcoin has better chances of success than other crypto currencies. Its a constantly evolving monster that will gobble up everything eventually (Isn't it beautiful :))"