It is Khorne again edition
>General's Handbook pdf is up
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It is Khorne again edition
>General's Handbook pdf is up
>OP image album
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What is the best thing I can buy to start death alliance?
I like spooky mix of vampire counts.
Which of the start collecting boxes is best to intro me into spoopy undead hyjinx?
What units should I have for my high elf - empire collation?
Depends on if you like Dem Bones or Spoopy Ghosts
I like both but I have a mantic army box of 40 skeleboners 20 graveguards 30 zomboes and 20 ghoulies to work off atm.
Royal warsphinx is one of the best death hero choices anyway. So that is a good start. Would you list what you got so we can help craft a list? Also if you know what your opponent has.
Not super familiar with tomb kings units but a player at my lgs has bloodknights that he he chain buffs into oblivion, I play stormcast
Step 1. Deny the charge. Whatever you do they cannot charge you down unless you have a damn good save
Step 2. Don't swamp them in crap units, they heal when they kill things. Make them fight elites.
Step 3. Blood knights are expensive, using them cuts down on his model count. Killing the knights will hurt his army. Additionally he won't have much protection for his HVT units
Step 4.?????.
Step 5. Win!
I would recommend settra, the screaming skull catapult, some skelly warriors, big baddies like the giant and sphinxes. And a few other buff/debuff heroes you have access to. Also consider using carrion birds to deny his charge, their sacrifice will allow you to capitalize on a stationary enemy.
Are there any special rules for AoS like Kill Team or tips for small point games (≤500pts)?
I want to run one with using Starter Set and Storm of Sigmar (probably the first one would be enough). I mean, I still want to play by using all of them but also want to try making a lists for pitched battles before I spend money on Khorne Bloodbound Start Collecting box to complete 1k pts list.
I tought about these lists for 500pts. Are they balanced enough?
Khorne Bloodbound
>Bloodsecrator ( x1)
>Bloodstoker ( x1)
>Blood Warriors (1 unit x 5 models)
>Bloodreavers (2 units x 10 models)
>Khorgorath ( x1)
Stormcast Eternals
>Lord-Relictor ( x1)
>Liberators (2 units x 5 models)
>Retributors (1 unit x 5 models)
If I'm msu, are freeguild handgunners or xbows better?
overall crossbowmen are the better choice
also, call me retarded if you like, but what is msu?
Multiple Small Unit
Generally, especially for 40k, there are 2 winning strategies.
The deathstar and MSU
Deathstars are a huge expensive super buffed destructive nigh invincible unit, which is the crux of your entire army.
MSU is multiple small units (or some say multiple scoring units) where the idea is just saturate your opponent with many many redundant small units and flood the board with targets.
Both have their pros and cons, and some armies favor one type over another.
work might have to move me to germany soonish
> thank fuck i get to leave before brexit makes the country implode
is AoS and warhammer in general popular over there?
thanks guys
yea still crossbows with a general in that case, but both only really start to shine in units of 30
>muh brexit apocalypse predictions
Pretty much already proven wrong there, dumbass.
I feel like 10 handgunners will be better honestly.
5 3 -1 rend seems bad at first compared to 4 4 rend on 6, but if they don't move it goes to 4, which is most likley going to be what is happening.
4" isn't going to make much of a difference anyways like your dick hauahuahauahauau
But yeah if you go to 20 or 30 xbows because with that many models you'll need all the range for them to hit.
'sup /aosgen.
I went to an Aos tournament today. 1k points, general handbook rules.
I usually chill at my local GW because the players there are incredibly friendly, but wanted to broaden my views and meet some new players.
Its has been an horrible experience,
Horrible, horrible experience. Never saw so many Waac and Those Guys. they literally came out from every that Guy pasta from Aos memes, like, screaming bell+fateweaver bad.
>It just says two dice roll unmodified, not specifically two d6
Any tournament that allows this shit doesn't deserve you anyway, user.
see your point there
but jokes on you
I dont have a dick
sword or axe for a daemon prince?
also is there any reason not to give him wings?
could we have some more detail from this day?
sounds like a story
you have no idea, and thanks for the support.
I was skeptic on all those That Guy stories, and i was shocked when they came to reality
They came literally from pastas
Obese manchildren with filthy, greasy neckbeard, complete with fucking edgy Anonymous shirts and fedoras
one guy argued he could do a skill ad infininitum because, and I really mean it, "the rules don't state i don't". Im not kidding. he fucking said it, multiple times. And people defended him. in the end i stopped arguing because the retard was becoming offensive and i didn't want to lose my temper over a fedora idiot in a game store.
On another game i activated Inspiring presence. the guys said the next turn "you can't prove it happened". it led to my defeat(skaven, lol). Another guy began to chat about unrelarted things(not even aos) with me while his opponent was moving, and the oppoent snapped with "ITS A TOURNAMENT, YOU ARE NOT ALLOWED TO CHAT".
Evveryone was so focused in winning(with the grand prize of less than 100 bucks...)that they forgot to have fun. A guy bought his army just so he could exploit a bad wording in the rules, and protested when a few guys pointed out it was literally cheating.
bad experience overall. Im okay with a little competition but the guys here were insane.
In the end I bought Krosmaster 2.0 just to give a sense to my whole trip there.
>also is there any reason not to give him wings?
because you don't like their look.
but in the end no, there's no reason not to have wings.
Also, unrelated thing: anyone have some experience on bringing miniatures on an airplane? I'm going on a trip to Notthingam and it seems just right to bring some Aos love there.
i have magnetize bases and I usually carry them in metal tins.
>the rules don't state i don't"
"the rules don't state I can't"
sorry for the typo
it was crazy tho
you used a command ability and he said that you cant prove that you used it?
what did he want you to write it down? get the csi team to analyze the cctv?
What are the differences between the stonehorn and thundertusk?
Which one should I use for what rider?
One of the biggest things with my local club is that we made a rule "no podium prizes" this means at all of our events AOS, 40K and 30K the only prize for winning is a dinky certificate or tiny trophy, all the real "prizes" are for painting and sportsmanship or raffles. This has butt devastated the faggot brigade that trolls around events in our city and we now have such a awesome dude turn out at our events and the aspie that guys are shunned, it is glorious. I can't recommend no podium prizes events enough.
> holy shit stormcast art that actually looks good
>One of the biggest things with my local club is that we made a rule "no podium prizes"
I know, right? At GW we play with no money, just for fun, and everyone's(well, almost everyone, some 40k players are still assholes)is a complete bro. Last time he gave us for winning a certificate with fake blood hand prints on it, and I think he's doing gold, silver and bronze statues using the promo stormcasts for the next one.
I will never move again from that place lol.
there is a LOT of good stormcast art.
In Veeky Forums you only see the shit tier ones, and "aos art is bad"is mostly a meme.It has high and lows, as fantasy and 40k do.
Reminder that there will likely be Steamhead Duardin vs Grot Sky Pirates in the future.
More art for the art gods
lgs? HVT?
their charge is crazy ... they get D3 damage on it ...
definitely using carrion and a royal warsphinx!
fck i hope im not too late ... i am using the royal warsphinx
Royal Warsphinx – 340;
+1 to wound if line of sight (Command), roll D6 if > or = to unit size D3 mortal W on charge, Master of Black Arts (wizard now), Cloak of Mists and Shadow (teleport 12’’ from original location and 3’’ from enemy, once), DO NOT FORGET 8’’ FIERY ROAR
Liche Priest – 120; heal Warpshinx D3 wounds on 6+
Casket of Souls – 160; +1 casting for Liche if 18’’, can unbind
Necrotect – 100; double shoot SSC, DEATHRATTLE 8’’ gets 3’’ extra move and re-roll to wound of 1.
2 x 3 Skeleton Chariots – 280; these guys can shoot … 2 shots a piece
30 Skeleton Warriors w/ Blade – 240; with hand weapon, state in beginning of game
Screaming Skull Catapult – 120; -2 Bravery even if enemy doesn’t take damage
Royal Warsphinx
Casket of Souls
3 Ushabti – 120
notes are just for me in the game so i dont forget shit... still have 520pts left
my opponent will be using most likely vargheists, flayers, crypt ghouls & horrors, blodo knights of course, vampires (on an abyssal terror too) etc
eh fair enough
i do hope the celestial vindicators replace the golden twats as the poster boys, kinda like the dangles are doing in 40k
they seem to have the best stories, best characters and best art
napoleon on the righ tbe like 'mec, ce que le baiser est cette merde?"
> go forth smelly hobo, durthu's not that tough
If the grot sky pirates carry over the Orky, cobbled together vehicle aesthetics I will buy the entire range to go with my Ironjawz.
I'm so happy that I can collect an army of great Orky minis and play them in a game without being ass-blasted off the table.
"What the fuck is that shit" = "C'est quoi ce bordel"
It's not a literal translation, but it's what us french use instead of "wtf is that shit"
please don't ever write "mec, ce que le baiser est cette merde?" ever. Yes it's that ugly.
Where abouts was the tourny? They sound like die hard wfb and 40k grognards that all turned to aos. Its a shame this game is all they have that they focus so much on winning like it somehow validates them.
No idea about miniatures on a plane, i would think it would be ok but who knows these days. As long as you dont bring a hobby knife, but then maybe they think you can mix the glue from your miniatures into an explosive paste to rain down toy soldiers over the skies of engerland.
I was hoping there was going to be a space marine in the background, pretty dissapointed user.
Sorry lol
Used to be quite good at french as well, shamefull display
Bases for my Skaven. My choices are
>Full scrap yard, Clan Skyre that steals everything they can salvage to repurpose
>Wooden plank boards, counts as Clan Skurvy
What do you guys think?
The thing that gripes me about that art is the Relictors head is way to small, it looks like he's got an actual skeleton head
Would any of those fit with the mats/table you play usually?
Oh shit son, what are you doing?
Chariots needs to be one unit of 6 to get the most out of their refusal to die.
Less of your bros will die if you use Deathless minions for a 5+ ward save, though I love the trollishness you can do with a teleporting warsphinx.
More big blocks of skeletons and some ranged game will help you. Try to get the drop on those blood knights at range to negate their cc prowess. Another block of skellymans with spears to get more attacks out of them and a batch of archers (preferably 20 for double shots) will do good imo.
And a minus bravery debuff won't work so well against undead, consider exchanging it for some more skellymen blocks or archer cav.
Scrap yard all day everyday.
Are there any Grand Alliance PDFs/scans yet?
Both inferior lesser clans who fled-scurried from the Horned one's warp-light.
The best battleground's are those built upon the foetid half-decomposing corpses of the Great Corruptors enemies
Get a real Clan, flea-biter. Join-seek Pestilens today!
thanks for the input ... a -2 bravery would drop the bloodknights to 8... hopefully kill a model .. 7. A failure on battleshock is more likely now.
So you're saying i should be running more infantry units, along with a bunch of archers?
Get necropolis knights
nigga i cant...got the game this weekend coming up
any other tips, m'lady?
Grand Alliances pdf will never be a thing.
Those are just the same pdf you can find on the website, just printed (which, honestly, is extremely cheap).
>Not using Technology to kill-zap your enemies
Plebeian clan right there
>Advocating tech-heresy
Let's see your machines fix-mend a broken jaw, Skryre-worm.
More KNIGHTS! Deus Vult!
Also banner is useful, keep it close. You also want the sphinx with the arm blades, he wrecks.
i dotn have them :(
is there another way i can DEUS VULT to beat disgusting VC?
nice trips ... which banner are you referring to? the herald?
Khalida is a good hero to hold with Archers. Also your tomb guard are better than his graveguard
>regenerate one additional model
really? why is that?
do you think i should run khalida then? heroes so far were: royal warpshinx, necrotect, liche, casket
ok ... just which playing style should i go and with which units? i NEED to beat this guylol
The base stats are just better imo. Not as deadly as stormvermin with an extra attack, an additional point of rend and 6s dealing double dmg, rerolling ones to hit and being immune to battleshock, but with the right buffs, anything is good.
Give me a couple of minutes and I can get you a list.
ok, thanks bud.
>2000pts AOS Gen. Handbook
>Tomb Kings only
>Do not have Necro Knights or Necrosphinx
What is your total collection
Specifically archers
I am goign to be guessing here but ... 20 to 30? I am able to run my skeleton warriors as archers too, we're not too stringent in my group
Can you run your royal sphinx as a necrosphinx?
naa they wont be that lenient lol
ALRIGHT, still need your collection
its 2000pts so im scared of seeing crazy shti like zombie dragons and terrorghiest
You will. Thankfully your shit is undead so it has bravery 10 all around. What models do you have, so I can write this thing out.
you asked only for archers... but sure, i dont have much ....
1 Khalida
30-40 warriors/archers
30-40 tomb guards
3 ushabti
1 tomb scorpion
1 warsphinx
20-30 tomb guards
1 tomb king on foot
1 tomb king in chariot
1 necrotect
1 liche priest
1 liche priest mounted
1 casket of souls
3 carrion
4 tomb swarms (useless)
7-8 skeleton horsemen/archer
5 or 6 Chariots
what else ... pretty much that's it?
Shame for me that I only have 3 ushabti lol ... they went from awful to best unit lol
thanks for the help man, i appreciate it.
i put tomb guards twic elol ... just say about 30-40 tomb guards
can you run the tomb king in chariot as settra?
cuz you really need settra.
fuck ... i would like to but i dont think they'd be ok with that ...
i hea rsettra is amazing now, huh?
see my painful reply....
Has anyone tried to paint their tree-revenants in black and white and clip out the leaves for a trve kvlt black metal aesthetic?
cause I feel that's where their true potential lies.
ya i know .. he's essentially a god now lol
lol i know haha ya he's good bro XD
Sigmarines look amazing when they're by themselves, but look like shit when there's several of them side by side.
The fuck does ebin folkbenis neckbeard garbage have to do with trve kvlt BM?
still making a list with the shti i have?
List first, strats later.
General: High Queen Khalida-120pts
-Trait: Ruler of the Night
Lord: Royal Warsphinx-340
-Artifact: Tomb Blade
Lord: Liche Priest
20 Skeleton Archers -200
20 Skeleton Archers -200
6 Chariots -280
20 Tombguard 320
20 Tombguard 320
1 Screamingskull Catapult 120
Lord? Bitch we 8th edition still?
Lol thanks for the list... ill await your perfect strategy
so i guess no necrotect for double tapping with SSC? And no ushabtis huh?
I'll give you a second option in a sec
i like that list desu. ok but please tell em what its supposed to do lol
yo Veeky Forums restarting up on AoS for a league at my FLGS we're starting from 750 pts
hows my list looking
Thorek Ironbrow (140)
Kraggi (20)
Dwarf Warriors x 10 (100)
- Shield & Double Handed Dwarf Axe
Longbeards x 10 (140)
- Shield & Great Axe
Thunderers x 10 (120)
- None
War Machines
Cannon (180)
Dispossessed Artillery Battery (40)
Total: 740/750
Heres how you form, since you never told me if you guys were doing deathmatch or a battleplan.
You want khalida's buff on archers, catapuls, and use your tombguard to tarpit his shit. Sweep in with your chariots and use your warsphinx's Tomb Blade to heal itself and/or the chariots/tombguard. Keep your shooting buffed, and you should have him withered down in a few turns.
If theres an objective, the chariots are your fetchers/contesters
Also, he doesnt have shooting. Use that to your advantage
He doesnt.
thanks breh, i am going to assume to keep khalida out of combat? And the trait you gave her is the 5+ save?
yeah the 5++
Now i should essentially wait back and fuck him up as much as I can? how should I run chariots... 3X2?
You said you had a second option? this one is quite interdasting though
chariots are 3x2, but if you are running for the objective, move up your block, but set up your tomb guard into the sides of your archers, like an L shape.